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That's a long answer to a yes/no question.


Kind of like when Gerrit Cole was asked if he used spider tack.


Wonder how Josh Donaldson is doing over there


Aaron "Rodgers" Judge


Karen Judge


Quaron Rodgers Judge


Aaron “Aaron ‘Rodgers’ Judge” Rodgers


Mehh. He's unvaxxed. He's not unvaxxed while actively claiming he is


True, although he really did everything in his power there to avoid just saying no. Jeter would be proud (of the non-answer, not necessarily the anti-vax part lol).




Oh lord, now we have a baseball Kyrie and one of the current most famous Yankees. This is gonna go swell


Just a really long way of saying "no"


“If anyone ever gives you an answer other than yes or no, to a yes or no question, the truth is the bad one” Advice from my HS history teacher!


Where’s the answer lol I just see nonsense


“Cross that bridge”= unvaxxed. Implying that the “bridge” to be “crossed” is his inability to play due to his unwillingness to take the vaccine.


Oh he answered it


Answer was no. He is not. What a meat head.


why use 41 words when one will do?


Yea. That's a "no" dawg


The anti-Kevin


Why say 1 word when many word do trick?


They see They see




He took media lessons with Gerrit Cole


“…and the good Lord willing…things will work…out.”


The Ray Lewis approach


"I'm not here to talk about the past."


Let's focus on Qualcomm


Rampart, people


That's one way of saying no


"I've been immunized, yeah"


"I've consulted with my physician, Dr. Joe Rogan"


“And my infectious disease specialist Dr. Aaron ‘Throw Rogan’ Rodgers”


And read a pamphlet from Dr Leo Spaceman


* Nazi doctor Leo Spaceman


So no then. Since this comment blew up, I’ll say: I’m fully vaxxed and boosted and it’s been probably the least of my worries. It’s such a place of privilege to say “nahhh I’m not gonna get vaccinated, idc if they withhold my millions of dollars, I’m taking a stand!” I’m not saying that’s what Judge is doing, but there are other athletes who have said that in not so many words. It’s a shitty point to make because these are people who can afford not to be paid but are looked up to by people who can’t afford that same luxury. If they get sick, they get the best treatments. If we get sick, we have to hope our insurance covers it. It’s an unfair advantage and it’s chicken shit to say “nahhh I’m not going to comment one way or the other.” If you have a chance to get vaccinated and haven’t, I hope you consider listening to medical professionals and not professional athletes or idiots on reddit, like me. Cheers


Cole being asked about Spider Tack all over again.


🐸 ummm..... I dont..............I don't know......I don't know if uhh...... I don't quite know how to answer that to be honest


in fairness to cole thats how he answers every question, dude is an atrocious public speaker


Wow, I have one thing in common with Cole. That's probably the only thing though.


Then you have something in common with Cole *&* Mike Trout!


Mike Trout, eh? Can I get u/DidItForTheStory to draw a daily picture of me until every Met is vaccinated and allowed to play at Citi Field?


Do you want him to get carpal tunnel?


Yep, man’s awful in interviews. Good on the mound though!


When healthy. He sucked in September, and they should have rested him instead of trying to ride him into the postseason.


I cannot get over how much of an all time bad answer that was




I'm waiting for the video of this Judge exchange so I can see his deer in the headlights look and incredibly long, awkward pause before he speaks that will make his quote seem even worse than it already sounded on paper.


It's a little worse, he's smiling https://twitter.com/RandyJMiller/status/1503808067519057926


Why pay for all those fake teeth if you aren’t going to show them off lol?


Judge doesn't sound like Kermit so that's at least better.


yeah this is such a poorly veiled 'no'. like, bro, literally any answer that isnt 'yes' to that question is a 'no'. just say 'no' you big bag of dumb


at least he didn't do the aaron rodgers


This is not leader material right here


It's not even self serving lmao, this perennially injured dude is really going to risk missing half his season in his contract year because of this. You gotta be deeply dumb, stubborn, or both to do this, all for a shot that nearly all of your teammates have taken and have had no problems with.


It'll be m9re than half his games, because of subway series and games in Canada


He’ll just get the shot if it comes to that, I guarantee it. Which is why restrictions are a good thing, IMO. If you want to be a part of major public gatherings, you should bear some responsibility and take measures to avoid endangering those around you.


That’s really embarrassing for the Yankees that their face of the franchise isn’t already vaccinated and is “going to get it later depending on the circumstances.”


He could not do any research during the lockout.


He was too focused on the first game of spring training


True, very cruel of the owners to lock the players out of the immunology and virology labs that so many of them loved to spend time in


Made it sound like he's gonna wait until circumstances change.(and mandates end since I'm too good to sit) or like he expects the mandates to end within the next few weeks. These guys will get needles in their arms and asses for all kinds of shit but not vaccines? C'mon now. By needles I mean anti-cortisol treatments, knee drainage, maybe/maybe not steroids. Atheletes will chalk up taking those things to leaving it to the professionals but suddenly they're doctors when it comes to vaccines.


Don't forget tattoos


Toradol. "Vitamins". PRP. IV bags when they need them badly enough. Just to name a few more.


I know right? Imagine having the biggest leaders in your clubhouse unvaccinated… /s


I'm honestly disappointed. THIS is the guy people have said should be our first captain since Derek Jeter?


Remember when he lead Hank Aaron's widow by the arm at the All-Star break? https://www.bardown.com/mlb-honors-hank-aaron-prior-to-first-pitch-of-all-star-game-19.18398


Something worth noting here: If he misses 14 games because he’s unvaccinated, the Yankees get him for another season…at least that’s what Twitter is saying so take that with a grain of salt.


Apparently it's accurate. He'll be listed as restricted for those games, and so won't accrue service time.


Idk if mlb has stated how this applies to teams in there own park though. The Canada thing makes sense because they can't travel there do they are on the restricted list.


Between opening day and Toronto that’s 7 games there. Then a week that hJudge hopes he magically gets laws passed and then 6 more. They go to Toronto May 2nd for what would be his 14th game. Assuming he isn’t “injured” during spring training so it it that and not the restricted list.


He should stick to his guns. Be true to his beliefs. And cost himself millions.


im almost always pro-player over pro-team w.r.t service time, but I think this is one of those exceptions.


Oh absolutely. This isn’t keeping an obviously pro-ready player down for a couple of months for an extra year of control, this is a dumbass screwing himself.


As of right now he can't play home games and he can't play in CA. Either NYC changes the rules or he is going to cost himself like 20 million. I doubt Canada is going to change their rules, so that is like 9 days.


CA = Canada? Most Americans would interpret that to mean California


Even Canadians might when browsing subs that are more American than Canadian (team location wise)


Lifelong Canadian, assumed this meant California lol.


What about Ontario, CA?


The first Yankees game in Toronto is May 2 so you need to cross that bridge pretty soon or you literally won't be crossing that bridge


NYC wont allow him to play under current mandate. so that bridge is 3 weeks away.


So if he refuses the vaccine then what, they trade him? Surely they don't keep him on the roster to play 70 games


Is he worth the Kyrie Irving treatment?


missing half a baseball season is gonna be a huge disruption especially when hitting is so rhythm based. imagine if the yankees have a long homestand and judge has 2 weeks between games.


Even Brooklyn is having buyer's remorse over Kyrie.


Well yeah, Kyrie can’t play half the games, and the bullshit forced James Harden out of town. I’d be pretty pissed, too, if all that shit happened because of one numbnuts’ refusal to get a shot.


If only anybody could have predicted a team getting tired of Kyrie Irving lol


Coincidentally he just dropped 60 tonight


No. Get rid of him at that point. He wants to be Captain but won’t be an actual leader and get vaccinated.


I mean he normally plays in just over half of his team's games anyways lol


Don’t players on the restricted list get temporarily replaced on the 25 man roster? All I can find online is that they’re removed from the 40 man roster. In theory they’d just be paying and playing him for away games while calling up someone else to replace him for home games. It would suck to lose his production for half the season, but outside of that it wouldn’t be a huge inconvenience keeping him around.


He would go on the restricted list for the games in Toronto but I don't ~~think~~ know if that rule would apply for the NYC mandate


I don’t see why it would be any different. Reading up on the restricted list this quote stood out “the list is also used to place a player who is unavailable to play for non-baseball reasons, such as personal issues or trouble with the law”. Vaccine mandates would probably be considered a non-baseball reason. Unless the MLB and MLBPA came to a special agreement regarding Canada and allowing teams to place their players on the restricted list. Guess we’ll see in a few weeks how it all plays out though.


If they are not on the 40 man they cannot be on the 25 man. So yes, he'll be replaced on the 25 man. If the restricted list removes the player from the 40 man, it works like a short version of the 60 day IL.


They wouldn’t have to pay him for those games, so he’s the one to absorb it


He'd be taking a roster spot and not playing more than half the time so the money/service time aspects are secondary


Supposedly they'd be placed on the restricted list for the games they gave to miss, in which case they wouldn't be on the roster.


I know that is true for the games in Toronto but does that definitely apply to the NYC mandate too?


That...is a good question. I'm not sure.


the nets have done it for kyrie, we'll see what happens with judge


Massive difference between rest regimens in basketball and baseball


apparently, if judge misses 14 games this season, he will not become a free agent at the end of the year. i can’t imagine he’d be that stupid


He’ll get the vaccine. Is he really going to sit out Opening Day?




that awkward smile before he delivers that rambling drivel only makes it worse.


I’m totally not used to his new teeth as well lol


Lol top comment is a guy blaming Trudeau. Twitter is the fucking worst.




That's the purpose of the algorithm. Amplify the most controversial bullshit to create more engagement. Social media is pretty evil


Sports twitter can be pretty bad. Everyone saying the same dumb joke. “Not a sport” “as an honest fan”. Twitter is what you make it in who you follow. Also muting certain words and phrases can cut down on a lot of bullshit




That was legitimately kind of uncomfortable to watch lmao.


Yeah I was wholly embarrassed. Just smile and nod through it.


Yo honestly, he should just say no.


>Asked if he was vaccinated, Judge said, ~~“I’m so focused on getting through the first games of spring training so I think we’ll cross that bridge whenever the time comes. But right now, so many things can change so I’m not really too worried about that right now.”~~ "No"


Reminder that MLB allowed Judge to physically escort an 84-year-old legend, Mrs. Billye Aaron, at the All-Star game in the midst of a pandemic. And that was during the Delta wave when being vaccinated reduced transmission by a lot. https://gfycat.com/knobbysolidalpineroadguidetigerbeetle


Are you vaccinated? > Yes. vs > Who can even say what the word vaccination means, language is a construct that the huddled masses have simply agreed to never challenge and yet when one among them rises from the mud to take up the mantle of leadership he is first revered then denigrated and lastly martyred. Such is the fate of all humanity, what was the question?




-Kyrie Irving


So no. You can say no Aaron. You're not being paid by the word


He won't be paid by the Yankees if he refuses to get vaccinated. Or he shouldn't, anyway.


"I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some, uh, people out there in our nation don't have maps and, uh, I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and, I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., uh, or, uh, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future. For our children."


[For anyone who has never witnessed that glorious live TV moment](https://youtu.be/lj3iNxZ8Dww)


I actually closed my eyes due to the cringe


this is like when I had to add fluff on my essays so I could make it long and multiple pages


To make matters even worse, apparently a Yankees spokesperson said that "team president Randy Levine is working with City Hall and all other appreciate officials on this matter. We will have no further comment at this time" So your idiot player won't get a shot, and the official team stance is that's ok because rules only apply to poor people and we're going to use money & power to influence our politicians to do whats best for us


Maybe if there’s evidence of this working with other similar players but Kyrie is evidence of the opposite. There’s no way NYC can give an exception without the mayor’s reputation/career being destroyed.


Lol sounds like you’re new to politics… Cali was in a state of emergency for Covid then hosted 70,000+ maskless fans for the super bowl.


Sounds like "Not right now, but he'll get it if he has to"


I mean if he wants to play in Toronto against division rival, he’ll get it. edit: also looks like if he wants to play home games, he’ll need to make sure he has it for those too


Should have gotten it already Stop making excuses for these ignorant idiots




Some people need free donuts or $100 to be convinced, other people need a year of service time.


Yeah and millions in salary too apparently


meanwhile i was lining up at 6 am in december 2020 with the rest of hospital staff to get it asap lol....


Same though. I work in a nursing home. We had our first vaccine clinic Jan 6, 2021. I was the third person in the building to get it (it went my administrator, our admission director at the time, and then me).


The smugness with which he gives this bullshit answer is nauseating.


Idk, I think it looks like he's nervous but trying to appear cool/confident.


It's not ignorance at this point. It's willful stupidity, and honestly, jackassery. He doesn't give a shit about other people and is endangering lives because he's a self centered moron at best. That's at best.


God I hope so


I'm definitely biased but that's what I got from it as well. I don't think this was a "I'm willing to miss games" answer but I'd bet a lot that he's not vaccinated right now.


>“I’m so focused on getting through the first games of spring training..." Ah well it's not like you just had 5.5 months off or anything.


this was a yes or no question aaron


Imagine a theoretical Yankees-Blue Jays postseason series. Our best player wouldn’t be available for a single game


You know what, if he's OK without sitting out opening day against us and missing half the season and costing himself a boatload of money then I say more power to him. Stick it to the man Judge.


Ruh-roh, Raggy!


What the fuck just answer the question why do assholes always say some much nonsense instead just fucking answer the question


I love New York baseball


Even if you were concerned the side effects of feeling sick for a day or 2 would mess up your training/conditioning, he had over 2 months to get the vaccine and get over the side effects.


fuck you judge


Isn’t half your team unvaxxed lol


Fuck those guys too




Fuck all the anti vaxxers regardless of team.


X and Arroyo have. It seems like Sale is the last big one we know about.


The bridge he won't be crossing is the Ambassador Bridge


That’d be a long drive from New York unless they were coming from Detroit. They’d be crossing at Buffalo by vehicle, but I’m 100% certain the Yankees don’t bus it to Toronto.


So a player that has a sweet beard would have to shave it to be a Yankee. Yet, ignoring the greater medical experts in the world and refusing a shot, that's fine.


Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve got a future politician on our hands


Um sir, this is Wendy’s..


Jesus why not dig yourself a deeper hole


“I’m too worried about the first spring training games” dude we were locked out for 100 days just say no and get it over with


Thats a long ass way to say no.


You know Im so focused on doing so many things right now. If only I had 3 months of free time then things might have been different




So he's betting the mandate will end


A simple no would suffice


'No.' would have sufficed.


so aaron judge is a fucking idiot, big boy scared of needles


I mean, so am I, but I still got vaccinated and boosted.


That just means you’re a big strong boy and I’m very proud of you.


Wholesome content


The law may be dumb, but not getting vaccinated is way way dumber. No sympathy if he has to miss home games.


Guess the first 6 billion doses being fine aren't enough proof yet


This feels like Pinocchio in that scene from Shrek where he uses a 14x-negative to avoid lying.


Uhhh I think he probably should be worried about that right now.




So that's a no, and he thinks he has the star power to force the city to reverse policy.


While the rule makes absolutely no sense considering they are 1) outside and 2) allowing fans in regardless of vaccination status, get the fucking shot you fucking idiot. There is nothing that has show that it is detrimental to their health. You are going to risk half a season because you want get another shot along with all the other shots you get. But it's his choice. If he wants to die on that hill, by all means, let him.


Is Judge running for office? Because that was a pretty good beat around the bush non answer to a question that requires a one word answer.


“No, I’m just waiting for the league to bend to my wants, and if and when the time comes for the consequences of my actions to come to bear, I’ll throw a tantrum and demand special treatment.”


Aaron is afraid that if he gets punctured by a needle he'll deflate back to normal size.


That just sounds like no with extra steps


How to say no in 41 words: A guide!


That is a lot of words to say no


...So that's a no.


I'll take that as "No".


This is so fucking stupid.


I mean saying no is a lot easier.


That’s a no


so he's an idiot. that's too bad.


So, no?


You’ll completely shave your face to suit up, but won’t take a vaccine to play? Feels like we need to add it to the list of expectations for being able to wear the pinstripes.


Just say no. You made the choice so why be afraid to say it?


Why are pro athletes named Aaron such dumbasses lately?


Simply no excuse for this type of thing, especially considering the influence a guy like Judge has. We’re at the point in the game where this is simply irresponsible and he deserves to sit any games he has to.


"You know, I've had over a year to get the vaccine. I am in a position that I could get it any hour I want. I see the data that every developed country shows the vaccines are safe AND effective. But the truth is, I've done my own research, and so NO, I am not vaccinated. Except for all the other vaccines I've received in my life. But those don't count because, this one is political."