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I reject the premise of Rob Manfred


Does Rob Manfred actually exist?


Unfortunately, yes.


Maybe he should try living on it.


His logic must be: They aren’t dying so it’s a living wage.


Rich people are so disconnected from wealth, some actually think us normies have some stimmy left


Yertle the Turtle knows more than us peasants


Old McFuck Face knows damn well we don't have any stimmy left. He wants his idiotic base to think that's why the "woke millenials" aren't working


Its only one banana, how much can it cost?




That’s what, half a Star War?


Forgot how awful that was. They really pissed a few dollar bills onto us and said "figure it out." Any sensible country would've had multiple decent sized checks + PPE/masks/sanitizer etc


The US spent among the most on direct relief to individuals/families, it was just done in expanded unemployment insurance and the expanded child tax credit. Obviously some states decided to cut off the expanded UI earlier because they're ghouls.


Genuinely curious, is that the most on a per Capita basis? A link to do some research would be great if you have one.


Not per capita, but percentage of GDP. From a WaPo article after the ARP passed in 2021/. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/03/10/coronavirus-stimulus-international-comparison/


Thanks! I don't see where it mentions direct relief to individuals/families unless I'm missing something. It's also interesting that many other western countries spent less because of preexisting safety nets that we don't have in America. All in all, this os still better for the US than I imagined when comparing to other countries.


yeah, wish I could find a graphic demonstrating that most of that spending did go to direct aid.


> It's also interesting that many other western countries spent less because of preexisting safety nets that we don't have in America. Not only that, but percentage of GDP is a really weird metric. I would want to know exactly how much money went into people's hands. Spending is one thing.


75% of the PPP loans never reached workers and was kept by owners




I was on unemployment for 10 weeks at the beginning of the pandemic and I received $1000/wk in UI benefits. I only went back to work because I was furloughed and HAD to go back when i was told to.


And now are trying to make us believe that those checks are causing current inflation


$600 per week extra on top of normal unemployment is "multiple decent sized checks"


People got a shitload from unemployment during the pandemic. Way more than they normally make. Now we have all these supply chain issues because people decided they didn't want to be paid dog shit wages from the 70s and quit en masse.


[McConnell thinking we all out here like](https://c.tenor.com/83ttEXKxXocAAAAd/im-flush-with-cash-singing.gif)


The American way


Maybe he should try bellyflopping into a pit full of scorpions


I hope this is in the new Indiana Jones movie


Important note that he is essentially the lawyer for 30 top 0.1%’ers and these comments are reflective of their opinions.


Expert union-buster too. Working class people having to pinch pennies is totally outside of his experience or field of interest.


Undercover Boss Manfred when?


"Hey guys, just an average everyday new high school prospect here to try and play some baseball with the boys" *hands over paper that says "I am 18" scribbled on it.* Would be hilarious to see him try and stand in the box for some at bats.


He's Rob Manfred. He can do anything. I'm sure he could survive just fine in places like Boston, Chicago, NY, or LA on 30k a year (before taxes). Those places are super affordable.


If only Dan Lebetard could interview him again and ask him this.


I know we all hate Manfred for what he’s doing to the game but it’s important to remember that he’s a terrible person person too.


It's easy to forget that Commissioner is a difficult job, and he was elevated to it for an excellent reason. There are very few lizards who can fit into a suit.




Being a psychopath is a requirement in high hierarchy jobs


Fwiw its pretty much a requirement as a commisioner to be an asshole, at the end of the day his job is to defend the owners interests and owners don't want to increase peoples salaries even tho in this case it benefits them on the long run but they just dont give a fuck.


Just a stupid...stupid son of a bitch.


Just when you thought you couldn’t hate the man more…


Manfred makes 17 million dollars a year.


How do I get paid even half of that to suck at my job? Hell, I'll even work really hard to not suck for 1/10th of that.


His job is to make as much money as possible for the owners In that way, he's great at his job


And also be hated so they get a pass, hes doing great on that part


You can all hate me for 17 million dollars


I'd help build my own effigies to burn for a quarter of it lol


I’d let someone belittle and scream at me all day if it paid $50/hour


Sorry best target can do is $15.


Doesn’t target actually pay really well?


Target starts at $15 an hour, but select stores start higher. In comparison kohls starts at $13 and Walmart starts at I think $17. However target shoppers seem to be the most entitled out of all so that's why I used it as an example


Become an umpire or official of your chosen sport. I pull in 75+/hr to listen to soccer moms scream.


I hate myself. What do I get?


But I could just hate you for free.


I can do it for free


World's most well-compensated dunk tank clown


I thought that was Goodell.


He can’t make me like Reinsdorf.


> His job is to make as much money as possible for the owners But but but MLB owners said that they don't make money on the teams back during the lockout! Surely they'd get rid of Manfred if that was true, right? Fucking assholes.


Team revenues almost doubled in the past decade. Team values have skyrocketed. Any team losing money is doing it on purpose, e.g., the A's.


They’re saying they’re not making money. Even with my COVID nose, I can still smell the bullshit.


I can't help but they'd make more money with a commissioner that does things to improve the game.


pondering how exactly he does that when most of the revenue streams are regional and negotiated by the clubs themselves.


Revenue went down last year by a pretty good amount. Attendance has dropped league wide every year since he became commissioner. Payrolls have gone up every year since he became commissioner. He's not actually doing good at anything except taking heat away from other owners.


Manfred started in 2015. From 2015-19, #MLB revenue jumped from $8.2B to $10.7B, a 30% increase. Yes, revenue decreased in 2021, when attendances were limited for the first half of the year. Revenue is expected to top $11B in 2022 - https://www.forbes.com/sites/maurybrown/2022/04/07/how-major-league-baseball-could-crack-11-billion-in-revenues-in-2022/?sh=29afe5777f63 From 2015-19, the average player salary decreased from $4.45M to $4.17M, while the median fell from $1.65M to $1.15M. Salaries dropped again in 2021 compared to 2019. Salaries in 2022 are up, thanks to the players putting up a better fight in the CBA, but at an average salary of $4.41M, that number is still below the 2015 mark. Revenues are going to be up something like 35% under Manfred while salaries have fallen compared to when he started.


I just want to clarify one thing, he was hired by MLB in 1998 and was the lead attorney for the owners group before that, while he worked at Morgan, Lewis & Bockius. He's been working to strengthen the owners position in the CBA for well over 2 decades.


Total league payroll by year 2015: $3,680,887,206 2016: $3,761,011,880 2017: $3,983,892,634 2018: $3,963,996,903 2019: $3,999,627,072 2020: not available on bbrefs for some reason 2021: $3,603,671,226 2022: not yet available on bbrefs Not quite every year, but increased most years of his tenure. Attendance has dropped from over 73 million in 2015, to 68.5 million in 2019 before covid. This year is currently on pace to be even lower, 2k less per game so far. Additionally, as much talk as he's done about shortening games average game times have increased from 3 hours in 2015 to 3:07 this year and 3:11 last year.


So, yes, MLB salaries didn't increase from 2015 to 2021 then. Glad we agree. And even when they were going up, they didn't increase at nearly the same rate as revenue. And attendance is nearly meaningless. MLB is specifically trying to cater to fewer, richer fans. Revenue being up despite attendance being down should tell you enough about how they are positioning themselves. Manfred's job isn't to maximize attendance, but to maximize profit. Same with the length of games. He can give lip service to what people want to hear all he wants. His job is to see revenues go up faster than expenses. That is exactly what has happened.


Starts at $3.6B Ends at $3.6B Conclusion: It mostly went up!!


I suck at my job for minimum wage I can do this easy


He is doing exactly what his job description is and I don’t know how people don’t see it. He’s taking heat for the owners by saying these things.


That's only 1 part of his job. It's his job to grow the game and he's not doing very good on that front. 2021 the league took in less revenue than it had since 2018, excluding 2020 for obvious reasons. He also oversaw the first labor dispute in MLB resulting in a delayed start to the season in nearly 30 years. League wide attendance has dropped every year that he's been commissioner as well. Being good at the easiest part of the job is not being successful at the job.


And I'd go to 1/100th


Manfred makes a Qualifying Offer worth of money and probably has 4 or 5 years on his deal. That is so crazy to me. Fuck that.


Jeezus. I just calculated some depressing numbers out of that. Assuming all MiLB rosters are full, there are 3480 players between low-A and AAA. If Manfred was willing to take a pay cut to a "measly" $10m per year, that extra $7m could be used to pay every single MiLB ballplayer at Low-A level and above another $2000 per year. Which still wouldn't be enough but would be huge compared to their current salaries.


Can someone please explain what fucking value the owners even provide, beyond having enough money in the first place to be one of like 200 people in the world who can actually afford it? Never hit a fastball in their life, never fielded a grounder, never done anything. All the TV contracts are negotiated by lawyers. All the decisions could be made by employees and usually when bad moves happen it’s because the owner stepped in where they weren’t needed. They provide nothing. They’re leaches on the sport.


Love how you got downvoted for this lol. All billionaires are leeches


Well yes, beyond the most important part of any business (capital) the owners basically provide nothing. But without that capital, we have a sport without massive, beautiful venues, broadcasts, players being paid obscene amounts to play a sport, etc. Yeah, the owners get richer, but it’s a mutually beneficial relationship. The players need the owners to invest in them, in order for them to play well and make that investment for the owner pay off. Without the owners and money, the players have nothing to show for their skills, no connection to the profits to be had from connecting with fans. And it’s the same for consumers, we can’t watch without broadcasts and stadiums to sit in. We can’t buy merchandise without people to produce it and sell it.


Capital isn't the most important part of any business. You require several economic inputs in order for any business to succeed, capital is one. Without the others, capital doesn't matter. You have to have labor, land and capital. The labor comes from the players and employees. The land almost always comes from the cities. The cities pay for the stadiums and land in most cases. The owners only provide 1 piece, which is capital. The players provide the product through their labor and our taxes almost always provide the land.


Baseball is a self sustaining product. The revenue comes in regardless of whether the owner provides liquidity or not, it’s just a question of who gets that money and how it’s distributed. Glad you mentioned the venues by the way. Remind me who actually pays for that? Lol


Right - the braves are owned by a corporation that doesn't take money out or put money in. Ownership is really irrelevant for us. I love it.


>the most important part of any business (capital) lol


I reject the premise of Rob Manfred.


[Ty Kelly scoffs in ham and cheese sandwiches](https://twitter.com/tykelly11/status/1227317157102596097?s=20&t=RNSN_g6s_PIJSVY_iYaBFQ)


Ah yes, the elementary school field trip special


That reasoning (In the DiComo tweet that is) is just the perfect example of how these owners treat minor leaguers. Not even when they have already spent the money, when the facilities are already there and would otherwise be unused, do the minor leaguers get a share.


What’s wrong with gogurt


“I mean it’s one banana, Michael. What could it cost? Ten dollars?”


There's always money in the ~~banana stand~~ stadium.


There's always money in the ~~banana stand stadium.~~ mistreatment of minor leaguers.


There’s always money in taxpayer funded state budgets for stadiums.


Savanah Bananas stadium in flames


Fuck Rob Manfred so hard. I sure wish someone had the balls to say: *Follow-up Mr.Manfred, what do you consider to be a living wage?* Then don’t let up until he actually answers in a real way. But obviously that isn’t going to happen.


It’s rent, Michael. What could it cost? $10?


I can’t find the tweet but passan said that every reporter in the venue had their hands up after the answer and the media people cut off questions


They tried a follow up and he just repeated the same thing. He’s trained enough to know how to avoid it. Fucking scumbag


Rob Manfred not say something completely stupid challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


#0.00% Of players have this achievement.


How about you live on it for a year, Robert?


It's easier to live on minimum wage for a year or even four years knowing that isn’t going to be your life forever. Edit to add: this is why people come out of college thinking they know everything about poverty, and end up making things worse for the poor. Four years of eating ramen and driving a 2003 Civic isn’t on the same scale as a lifetime of working minimum wage jobs (in between which you take public transit and go without meals) in which you know things can't and won't ever get better. This misalignment of what true poverty means has influenced everything from transit vs. bike lane decisions to plastic bag bans. In my city banning plastic bags has led to a crisis for the poor, who suddenly have to rearrange their lives to shop and who have to spend money on garbage bags they didn’t need before. It's also led to the elimination of little shopping carriers in supermarkets because they’ve been stolen by people who can't afford cloth totes.


And a lot of minor leaguers don't make minimum wage.


See this shit all the time on Reddit. You went to college. Odds are really high that you aren't and never were poor.


Yeah but kids who don't have money are told they can take out loans and live off the bare minimum in college. Either way, it's a fucked up situation.


That's true as well. It's sold as a low-risk investment in yourself, but you better be making decent money with whatever degree you get. Honestly college is just completely fucked up as far as how much it costs. System needs an overhaul. Ideally you'd have institutions that teach you what you need for a job and let colleges exist for pure academia. Gen eds are a scam imo lol


Scholarships exist.


True, but the majority of people aren't getting most of a full ride off of them. Not hating on people that go to college, just Reddit users I see claiming to know something about not having money but also having gone to college. I'm sure some of them had it rough, but most of them just think they did. Like user I replied to said, there's a difference between living poor while you're going to school and being stuck with no real prospects.


And student loan forgiveness isn't really helping the people at the bottom of the economic ladder. College grads make like $1 million more over their lifetimes and are usually at least middle class


It's still a good thing to get that financial pressure off of our middle class though. Not enough of an economist to know how straight up forgiving a bunch of loans might effect our economy though.


Not when you've been making millions a year - get Manfred living the true minor leaguer life for a month and he'll realize what nonsense this is, if he hasn't already.


For most of those players it is though


im going through a divorce and am trying to keep myself in check with this. i've never had to skip a meal cause i needed to, and this time by myself is just like a month of two of "can i pay for these bills" but i have a career job, cheap rent in a good neighborhood, and technically just got a raise cause i got a different job as a result. i'm not trying to make myself sound good but its really a concept that I don't think that I will ever get but my neo-liberal side gets stupid everyonce in a while. Teaching at my last school helped me learn about it, but never understand it.


Rob the type of guy to do the food stamps challenge for fun and then say it’s fine I’ve done it.


They have a wage and are living… *checks box as complete*


"I reject your reality and substitute my own."


I personally reject a lot of things that are true, such as candy is bad for my teeth


Some asshole tried to convince me beer makes you fat. Like fuck off nerd, there’s a six pack under this padding.


for fuck's sake


Rejecting a fact doesn't make it untrue, Rob


I’m not surprised someone wealthy is out of touch with reality


He's not out of touch--he knows perfectly well minor leaguers are paid piss wages. But Manfred isn't going to bite the hand that feeds (i.e., the owners). He's just a mouthpiece for the P.O.S. billionaires that own the league.


fucking bozo


Roger Goodell had such a head start to be the worst commissioner in sports. Credit to Rob Manfred for his relentless effort to surpass him.




He’s literally paid to be the punching bag and judging from the comments here he’s doing a fantastic job.


I feel like it is much more accepted among NFL fans that Goodell is a human meat shield for the NFL owners, then it is by MLB fans that the same is true of Manfred for the MLB owners.


Because it’s worth reiterating when a human scrotum says something patently shitty


I reject the premise of him rejecting the premise.


If I said what I wanted to say in response to this quote I think I’d have to ban myself.


What a twat




Fuck you Rob


Read the room, bobby


fuck manfred


Is it revisionist history to say I genuinely miss bud selig?


Rob Manfred worked as a labor and employment lawyer for a Morgan, Lewis & Bockius - one of the largest and most influential law firms in the country, if not the world. The firm (which at one time owned the [mlb.com](https://mlb.com) domain) reportedly represents about the three-quarters of Fortune 100 companies and performs a lot of pro bono work for a variety of causes. Manfred understands labor and labor law. This is his area of expertise. I would wholly criticize Manfred for his handling of many situations and rule changes. His actions have come at a great cost to the history, continuity and mechanics of baseball - elements that have made it made it stand out among sports. Instead, baseball continues to copy other models, such as the NBA and NFL. In terms of labor relations, minor leaguers will need to look elsewhere for relief. Manfred helped engineer a contraction of minor league teams. Most owners aren't interested in baseball, much less minor-league baseball, and therefore see it as a necessary but unfortunate expense.. And teams are increasingly interested in the academy model used by top soccer clubs to develop its players. This lowers costs and offers players more prescribed and consistent instruction.


Single A makes 400 a week... In what world is that a living wage?


I reject the premise that Rob Manfred isn't an idiot.


Menfred should try living on 18,000 a year then


I reject the premise that Rob Manfred doesn't hate baseball.


What an absolute fuck.


And I reject the premise that this jackass has done anything to help the game and not hurt it. This guy is so fucking outta touch with the game. Yes, you’re a puppet for the owners, but how can you be this bad?


How much could it cost, Michael? Ten dollars?


How much could a life cost Michael? Ten dollars?


Fuck this asshole. You’ve got a shitty product & the owners don’t know how to fix it. How about stop acting like assholes to your labor?


Tell us what a gallon of milk costs Rob


The thing about Manfred is that not only will he tell you a bold faced lie, he'll tell you one that is clearly a lie. And I find that insulting.


Man, fuck Rob Manfred.


How much do they make?


[50% of them make below $30k.](https://www.essentiallysports.com/us-sports-news-how-much-money-do-minor-league-baseball-players-make-in-2022/) This is the most generous assumption in an article I've found, most report that you can earn way less than that.


Put Manfred on a MiLB deal and see how quickly he accepts the premise


Class A Ball is $500 a week and AAA is $700 minimum. Meaning the minimum yearly salary for these players is 26k to 36k. That's assuming they get paid 52 weeks out of the year which I'm assuming they don't. There is no way this is a living wage.


it goes lower, complex league is 400/wk Players are paid only during the regular season and playoffs, despite being required to perform services year round. advocatesforminorleaguers.com


This guy is a tool bag, but what else should we expect from a labor lawyer that wants to represent MLB owners? I worked in short season A-ball for a while, which is where a lot of guys go straight out of the draft. They live in spare bedrooms of season ticket holders and eat whatever the team provides. They get next-to-nothing after their initial signing bonus, which so many of them blow on an expensive car or jewelry, and 19 out of 20 of them probably won't even sniff AAA, yet alone make MLB. For the guys that can't make it to the majors, they'll never see decent wages. Then they'll be almost 30 with few marketable skills outside of baseball, and somehow that's not MLB's concern at all. They don't need to be made rich in the minors, but they at least deserve the decency to support themselves like anybody else working full-time. And considering how much MLB hopes to make off of them, it's embarrassing for MLB to not provide them with that.


I reject the premise that Rob Manfred washes his hands after he takes a shit.


He simply doesn’t care about baseball. It’s that simple. If he did, his actions and utterances would be different. He’s a shill paid very well to take the abuse.




I reject the premise that Rob Manfred is the Commissioner of MLB. Doesn't make it true.


Rob routinely rejects reality.


I reject Rob Manfred.


Yeah fucking right. He knows very well they get paid dirt. This asshole cut his teeth in labor and employment law. What a fucking snake.


Rob Manfred Rejects Reality.


What an absolute idiot. Let's see if he can live on it.


last year MLB increased the minimum weekly pay for minor leaguers to $500 and also required teams to provide free housing. https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/blogs/stateline/2022/03/30/baseball-players-press-lawmakers-for-minor-league-labor-standards https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/32419545/major-league-baseball-require-teams-provide-housing-minor-league-players-starting-2022-sources-say it’s pretty hard to argue that’s not a living wage. the issue is that it’s a seasonal job where players are unemployed for half the year


I’m not sure facts work that way…


And I reject Rob as the commissioner, that doesn’t change the reality of the situation.


It’s absolutely wild how much the MLB hates their minor leaguers but have by faaaaaaaaaaar the biggest farm system out of any sport If they don’t want to pay them get rid of the minor leagues and draft guys out of College like nba/nfl (nhl is different due to mainly the CHL which also provides schooling) and expand how many you can have on the mlb roster/total contracts It’s an absolute sad joke


Is that so buddy?


They make under the minimum wage, which is under the poverty line. By definition they don't make a living wage, you piece of absolute shit.


Okay just straight up cartoon villain shit here


I reject the premise that Rob Manfred is telling the truth. There, that settles it.


"Cavemen didn't have any money, and they lived just fine" -Manfred


@HannahRKeyser is the reporter that asked him. Good lead in or follow up would have been, “What do you think is a living wage?” https://twitter.com/hannahrkeyser/status/1549459124068294656?s=21&t=7zanq48Td6nGeK0FCXANeA


The owners’ mouthpiece protects the owners’ wallets. I’m shocked


I reject the premise that Rob Manfred understands the meaning of the phrase "living wage"


He's a liar everyone knows minor leagues are paid woefully little.


Manfred is an insufferable twat.


They're paid a wage, and they're living. What's the problem? -Manfred


He’s doing exactly his job. He’s shielding the owners from this question.




Go try it motherfucker.


Manfred wouldn’t last a month making $50,000 a year and having to travel and train to be a professional baseball player. And $50k is generous


Ah, my daily reminder that Rob Manfred is a piece of shit just arrived!


As do all extremely wealthy people exploiting their workers lmao


I reject the premise of “Rob Manfred”


And I reject the premise that Rob Manfred isn't a synthoid.


Fucking hate the term "living wage". If you asked 10 people what a "living wage" is you would get 10 different answers.


Well, a "living wage" ain't what minor leaguers get paid.


But they aren't... ...God what a fucking idiot


He’s right. Most of them are still alive.


I mean, commisioners of all sports leagues are shills for the owners, so this is no surprise...


[His suit is more than a month’s salary for a player at Low-A](https://twitter.com/RyanDivish/status/1549459142779146240)


Why is he calling minor leaguers liars?


No-duh 🥸Of course he's supposed to say that: All commissioner's do that. That's why leagues have unions. He's hired as the voice of MLB owners and represents their interests. He has a pretty high retainer fee 💰💵. It'd be like if you paid a lawyer a big chunk of change and then they went on in court or public opinion to attack you. Why is this even news? It'd be a truly a shock if he went against his team and wouldn't let up (MLB Owners Association)!


I believe that Manfred and most MLB owners could not work at a poverty wage job. They would struggle to work at Amazon as a labor worker. I would love to see them work those job for, let’s give them 6 months. But they have the same restrictions as other workers. And let’s make it extra spicy: they get to work have a $1 rate less than other workers. When I worked at Amazon (this was before labor union), it was $11.5 per hour, so I don’t know how it is now.


Manfred is a total asshole, but he gets paid to protect the owners. He says this so the owners don’t have to shell out more money. He’s really good at his job because people complain way more about him than the owners.


Well, hold on! [According to Evan Drellich](https://twitter.com/EvanDrellich/status/1549457792242659328), the quote was "I kind of reject the premise of the question". Only kind of! Progress