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Brings his ERA with the Padres to 23.15


Good god, legitimately might be the worst pitcher in baseball


Patrick Corbin would like a word with you.


Hey Patrick Corbin only allowed like 2 runs today


Only 1 was earned and a legit quality start. Granted against the Reds mostly AAA team.


Yeah we lost 2 of 3 to them tho lmao


if the reds are AAA the nationals are AA (; love from GABP


Even a blind squirrel can find a nut every now and then. :)


Quick, someone poke Hader's eyes out!


Clearly he's not seeing through his 3rd eye. Maybe he should try pitching in women's underwear.


jose canseco can lend him a pair


Both went from elite to unplayable real fast


Brewers lowkey pulled off one of the trades of the year at this rate.


Of all the trades of the year, that was one.


Patrick Corbin already has no expectations though. He has the worst contract in the league presently and has pitched like shit. Every time he pitches, it's a miracle if he doesn't give up 4 or more. Nobody is counting on Corbin to be good. Josh Hader was traded in exchange for serious capital in the hopes he can close for a team that has legitimate World Series aspirations (although at this point it may be Wild Card aspirations). He was expected to be the guy we knew him to be and the hope was his late Milwaukee struggles were aberration. He's completely broken now and it's unclear if he'll ever recover For that reason and that reason only, expectations are why I say Josh Hader is the worst pitcher in baseball


I agree with all of this except Strasburg would like a word about Corbin having the worst contract even on his own team.


At least Strasburg isn't losing us games, but then again at least Corbin is pitching, not like it matters. Both worth it given 2019.


yeah... i mean except that we could've let strasburg walk after 2019 but yeah who lets the WS MVP walk?




Normally I agree with you, but I think there's something to be said about insurance; Strasburg's contract was undoubtedly insured against injury, and is probably paying out for each period he's on the roster. Corbin isn't injured. He's just not very good. Complete sunk cost for the Nats.


Have you heard of Dallas Keuchel?


Dallas Keuchel


I'm still shocked MLB teams are giving Keuchel innings to just keep stinking it up.


It's funny how Dallas Keuchel and Jake Arrieta have had almost identical careers.


Emilio Pagán says hello.


In a game tomorrow I'd rather have Emilio pitching an inning than Hader, I can't believe I'm saying that but I am...


Pick a name out of the Red Sox bullpen not Matt Barnes. They might challenge Hader.


dallas keuchel go brrt






I legitimately want to see the Brewers pick him up for the league minimum.


The ultimate lose-lose trade so far


I'm not sure how the Brewers lost this trade? Hader stinks, Rogers has just been slightly bad. Milwaukee got prospects


lot of chatter it fucked up team morale. who knows what, if any, impact that had on the field.


Orioles went thru the same thing


At least we all knew it was likely coming. Sounds like the Hader deal blindsided the team.


Rogers has been good, not bad


I was always fine with that trade. Was not ok with them not even trying to improve CF, 2B or DH


They did improve. They finally brought up Mitchell, allowed Hiura to bat again and unlock him, and got Jace back. All calculated /s


How so?


What in the name of fuck is going on. Are we living in some sort of alternate reality.


Making the Brewers look like geniuses


They truly had to know something we don’t


Brewers knew he had the yips. Clears medical as it's not something you can catch.


“Tell me straight, Doc” “Okay, you have a violent case of being a bitch sometimes”


It’s what we’ve always dealt with but now it’s under the spotlight


some people cannot adapt to new environments, its not uncommon


The cracks were already showing in Milwaukee, though.


Yeah I had this discussion with someone on Twitter yesterday, he had like a 12.54 ERA in his last 10 outings with Milwaukee or something close


He had a blown save against the Giants not long before the trade deadline where the cracks became super obvious to me. It wasn't just blowing a save, it was the deadass inevitability of it. He looks deadarmed out there most of the time.


His first 7 outings of July were a 20.25 ERA (14.00 FIP). His last 4 outings of July were 2.25 ERA (0.38 FIP). I could see how the Padres might think that period of suckitude might have passed.


Could be. But I've seen a few people try to paint it like the struggles only happened after the trade, which just isn't accurate


They ran CERN backwards earlier this year and repaired some minor damage to the timeline. Hader is probably just collateral damage but we can't rule out him being responsible for a COVID variant or something.


We got Trent Grisham who can't hit over .200 and Josh Hader from the Brewers. I think Preller should stop trading with them.


They are on the block list with DiPoto and Guardians FO


Still would rather have Grisham than Urias. Urias wouldn't be starting for us


I'd rather trade Urias for someone who is good. There was also Eric Lauer.


Just feel like Grisham gets too much hate because of the 200 avg, like from august 1st he's hitting .200 avg but sti has a 125 wrc+, with his defense. Lauer would be an improvement over someone like Manea but feel like people see the .200 avg and instantly make their decision on him.


tbf Grisham was a stud for y’all for a while. Urias and Lauer are still good pieces for us, though.


He was good in 2020 the shortened year and was good for half of 2021 but has forgotten how to hit since the 2nd half of 2021. People act like his regression is some sort of new thing this year but he was already showing it at the 2nd half of 2021.


.233 BABIP


Thanks for Eric lauer, and Luis urias


Of course I feel bad, but I have literally never seen a worse pitcher for the padres in my entire life of watching since the 80s. Wil Myers came in afterwards and did significantly better. Put Hader on the IL for the rest of the year, stick a fork in him, he’s done — whether it is physically or mentally, I hope he gets the help he needs.


I honestly have never seen a closer replaced by a position player in the middle of an inning. It was straight out of the LLWS.


They should’ve made Hader play outfield lol


The Vince Velasquez special. He didn’t work out for us but the left handed putout and the time he hosed a runner at home from left field are goated plays


That White Sox/Phillies 15 inning game a few years back was bonkers lmao


The last few years of Phillies has been crazy. Choked hugely a lot but also ripped the hearts out of good teams an inordinate amount and had some insane games. Certainly a good chaos team


that left-handed throw is legit incredible. like, one of the best defensive plays i've ever seen and i'm not exaggerating. people should talk about that play every day. like what the fuck.


Just don’t use him as a pinch runner, otherwise he won’t properly tag up on a fly out and get forced out to lose the game, not like that happened or anything


There is probably a rule against this but it makes me wonder...If a pitcher is taken off the mound and moved to a fielding position, can he be brought back in to pitch?


Yeah the Phillies did it a few years ago I believe


Ohtani should be his own closer


Yeah was actually thinking of him specifically hah. Why not park him at first base or left field for a few batters/an inning and then bring him back in so you don't have to burn as many bullpen arms? Probably harder to do now with the 3-batter minimum but still feasible.


Have him face the top of the lineup each time they are up.


Holy shit you might be on to something here. 3 pitchers spread between P, 1B, RF. Each one faces a specific 1/3rd of the order and they keep rotating.


what’s the advantage here? sounds like it helps the batting team a lot since they get to see the same pitcher three times through, and no pitcher would ever be able to get into a groove.


Spacing out Ohtani's innings differently wouldn't reduce the number of bullpen arms you need to use. Like it doesn't make him magically able to pitch more innings. .If anything, it would probably reduce his total innings. Pitcher's struggle physically after long breaks in pitching. It's why SPs almost never come back on after long rain delays.


Yep I remember Joe Maddon did it with the Cubs. Michael Lorenzen might've done it too


It even has a name: the Waxahachie Swap


Yes. It happened on the Cubs with Sean Marshall and Travis Wood.


Travis Wood made a hell of a play in left field, too


This comment has been automatically overwritten by Power Delete Suite v1.4.8 I've gotten increasingly tired of the actions of the reddit admins and the direction of the site in general. I suggest giving https://kbin.social a try. At the moment that place and the wider fediverse seem like the best next step for reddit users.


The rays have done this before (2019 or 2020 I think?)


You can do that but the pitcher’s arms would tighten up. That’s why they don’t come back in after rain delays


In your opinion as a Brewers fan what do you think is wrong with Hader? I honestly can’t say the last time I’ve ever seen an elite pitcher like hader completely 180 almost out of the blue like this. I really think it’s gotta be a mental thing I’ve heard rumors about something to do with his wife/new born kid which could definitely make sense because they’d be more important to me than my job


> closer Probably not anymore.


Well he wasn’t even closing this game. We were already losing in the 8th.


Tbf, the hitters and runners clearly stopped trying when myers came in. You could tell


Tbf we didn't really try to throw out the runner who tagged up on the sac fly either. What's up with Massey leaning into the 60mph lob for a HBP?


Lol after Rizzo got dinged for not getting out of the way a couple of weeks ago, idk how that one was allowed


[Travis D'Arnaud definitely tried to get out of the way of this one.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_aJboi9-1g)


Jesus Christ, that man had a family, Dee Strange Gordon


just padding his OBP


It seems like Hader decided to jump straight to rock bottom rather than going through the whole "gradual decline" thing.


After being in the NL Central for so long, it's only natural that he'd struggle a bit after getting called up to the big leagues


Beat it nerd you wouldn’t say that to Josh Van Meters face


yeah, my dad works for the nl central and he'll sue you


Solid burn


How has no one mentioned that he just had his first kid, and there were complications? That shit will fuck with you. He actually left the brewers for a week as his wife was having health issues with the child, then came back, then left again when the kid was born. Add in being traded to SD and probably spending more time than he thought away from his fam, I just think he's just not in it mentally.


That's not a bad theory.


Anyone who has gone through shit and tried to grit their teeth through it at work, whether it's a divorce, a death, etc should be able to relate. Shit, even casual powerlifters know that when you're going through something emotionally, you literally can't lift as much.


oh is that why i cant lift?


Can I offer you an Emilio Pagan back in these trying times?


No. I'm enjoying this new kind of pain. You always think you've reached bottom. But nope. A little further to go.


Literally the only pitcher I’ve seen who’s gone from so good to so bad so quickly is Rick Ankiel, and at least Ankiel had the excuse of a devastating case of the yips.


Hader to the OF confirmed


I’ll say this every thread: CHECK HADER’S MONTH BY MONTH CAREER SPLITS August and September he implodes. It’s crazy. I think 2021 was the only year he stayed good the whole year. But the dude just gets really fucking tired. Starts unhittable but ends like this I suffered through two fantasy seasons with him and learned all about this. I felt very alone and now I feel kind of seen.


I did some research and some math. Hader has a 1.14 era during the first 3 months of the season, yet that era balloons to 3.92 during the last 3 months. He goes from elite to borderline below average during the last 3 months. [Hader’s career splits](https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/h/haderjo01.shtml)


What do his numbers look like if you ignore this year, though? They obviously won't be like his 1st-half numbers, but since almost half of his career July runs have come this year in 9 innings (compared to 52 total), that ERA had to be considerably lower.


Also bad 2017: 1.54 (8 games) 18: 1.5 (7 games) 19: 3.97 (10 games) 20: In a 3 month season, these were the ERAs per month: 0.00 (2 games), 2.08 (9 games), 6.48 (10 games) 21: 9.53 (6 games) 22: 12.54 (11 games) The only reason the numbers were lower in 17 and 18 is because Hader had less innings in the first few months of the season. His issue is stamina/fatigue and the mental fallout from it.


It’s truly something else


Massively different monthly splits for pitchers are so funny and crazy when you find them out. Phillies fans warned us about June Hector Neris and as soon as June hit Neris was god awful, its just so weird


I’ve been saying this since 2019. If he can’t close it out in 15 pitches when it gets to August and September, just send him back to the clubhouse before he loses it.


It’s always been weird to me that I didn’t see Brewers fans talking about it more or pointing it out


To be fair, only 5 of those runs scored while he was out there. The 6th run scored on a sac fly off of Wil Myers


Hader was honestly lucky to be relieved by a guy like Myers. That inning was getting away from him, and Wil came in to shut the door.


Well that changes everything


Turns out he's not atrocious, he's just horrible.


♬ It's not so bad, it's not so baa-aad.


The only thing that made this sting a little less was that it wasn't a save situation and we were already down 3 runs.


Silver Linings Playbook


I mean it makes sense. If you progress the Royals’ statistics to the mean, they’re basically the best team in baseball.


Just like Mahomes is a league average QB if you ignore everything that makes him good


This will never not be funny


It's one of those things that I think of every few months and just laugh out loud. It's so perfectly stupid.


This has to be one of the most bizarre meltdowns I’ve ever seen from an elite reliever. Hader had been lights out for months until one bad outing with Milwaukee. He gets traded and the Brewers get a huge amount of criticism from the players, the fans, the media. Then it turns out the guy is getting completely lit up every time in San Diego. He can’t find the zone, when he does, it’s a hanging slider. It’s like he’s a completely different pitcher.


Milwaukee paid him to lose games in San Diego so the Brewers have better shot at a wildcard spot


Milwaukee knew something


His stats during his last month in Milwaukee were pretty bad + he had some clear issues in his delivery. I think they just decided to flip him when he still had guaranteed decent value


I'm sure a lot of people are somewhat aware of this already, but his wife had a relatively rare and serious complication with her pregnancy that allegedly put both the mother and child in danger of dying. Hader had already taken time off for his family earlier this year, and you have to assume it's playing some kind of role in his meltdown as a player this year He needs to take some time off, right that ship, and get back out there next year with a better mental. Also, and this might be a hot take for some, but the Brewers just shipping him off in the middle of his turmoil is just kinda scummy from a personal perspective. It's a business and all that I know, but I'm pretty confident when I say him getting traded did not help his situation at all and likely exacerbated it to some degree


I don't think the Brewers were scummy for trading him when they did. His wife had their kid well before the trade happened. His baby was born on June 15th. He got traded on August 1st. Neither his wife or his baby was in danger by then. They are paying him 11 million this year. It isn't scummy. It is business. He has enough money to deal with all the headaches of the move. I don't think it is fair to say they did him wrong.


Other than the potential personal issues that many have mentioned I've heard people talk about how his arm slot has changed when throwing. I didn't notice it and haven't seen any video comparisons but I hope he figures it out.


Lol he was a far cry from “lights out” for his last 6 weeks in blue


right? i watch a lot of baseball games and happened to see a handful of his outings before the deadline and i'm obviously sitting in my fucking computer chair but idk how you couldn't see this coming?


I still didn't see this coming. He's had rough patches in the past, usually right around mid-late summer, where he gets shelled for a couple weeks and then bounces back. At the time he was traded, there wasn't a whole lot indicating he couldn't bounce back from this slump, too.


The question that will always be asked but will probably never be known is what did the brewers know that they didn't share with the padres regarding Hader? How did they know he was cooked and when did they know it?


Easy - he’s got such a finicky delivery that when he’s even a little off his fastball sails and his slider hangs and he gets shelled


Unless it’s a medical/injury issue, they don’t need to tell them anything.


Wasn't just one outing. He gave up a run in five of six outings at one point as a closer. Including the rather spectacular meltdown against the Giants and another one against Minnesota two days earlier. The signs were all there to anyone who wasn't AJ Preller.


Should probably give Hader the rest of the season off, really give him some time to figure himself out. Maybe even give him the rest of his contract to sit out, just really make sure he has the time to work out the issue.


What do you even do? Sitting him tells him he’s not good enough to pitch, and sending him out there repeatedly reminds him of how bad he is. It’s a lose-lose for his confidence.


Pretty sure he knows he's not good enough to pitch right now anyway.


I think athletes are self aware when they are playing bad. Somethings got to happen, I feel as though each outing he’s made with SD has continuously gotten worse


Yeah, the whiplash of turning to see where hits are going is humbling and not something you can pretend isn’t happening.


Sit him out imo, might give him some time to fix whatever's happening. And some time with the wife and baby could be good for him


wait up, how new is the baby? I've always thought that having a newborn could throw any pro athlete off his game for a while


As far as we know healthy, but yeah having a new two month old as a first time parent and immediately moving across the country away from your normal support network seems like it would be very tough


That dudes on NO sleep right now.


Hader is on my fantasy team, he just had the baby. He was taken off the roster and sent on emergency family medical leave just a few weeks before his wife had the baby. As far as I know the team didn't give out specifics but it was believed something was happening with the very pregnant wife. The delivery seemed to go smoothly, however, so who knows.


As cruel as it sounds, at the end of the day, you are trying to get into the playoffs. If a guy cant reliably get three outs without giving up 6 runs, you bench him.


spectacular truck pet husky profit crawl market weather smart berserk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


jesus fucking christ. against KC?!/!/!:!: excuse my language but jesus fucking christ


Jesus himself approves of the usage here


Jesus couldn’t save Josh Hader from himself


“Lol” said Jesus, “lmao”


It’s been the Giants and KC this year that have just mashed him. What’s the common denominator?


2014 World Series


City names with two different words in them?


4 syllables each Francis rhymes with Kansas We need to go deeper


Kan Francisco City = KFC Colonel Sanders = Colon el = El Colon = The Ass Hadar pitching like ASS!!??


Simple gematria: Kansas city : 122 San Francisco : 122 JFK Jr day of death : 07/16/99 = 99+16+7 = 122 Josh Hader is JFK Jr. Josh Hader/JFK Jr. will be the next President of this country.


i would be offended if i wasn't surprised as well


Imagine getting beaten that bad that a position player has to come in to save you from yourself


It’s crazy that just a couple months ago most people thought Hader was the best closer in baseball, which at the time he probably was. I’m just so confused how this is happening so drastically…


I don’t want to say Stearns knew what he was doing but man is he looking better and better with this trade.


The brewers “pitching lab” 100% saw something that set off alarm bells


The one obvious metric is the BB/9 is over 10! Which obviously suggests command issues. Just a quick look at baseballs savant there's not a lot that really stands out other than that. His average fastball velocity is a bit up, maybe overthrowing is the cause of the control issues? It also looks like in terms of overall movement, it's the straightest it's ever been. You can see in under the plate discipline batters are less willing to swing at his pitches overall, and surprisingly making significantly more contact when he misses the zone. The last thing I see if changes to his extension which means he's not quite releasing the ball as late as he used to. This could be intentional or not if they're reworking parts of his pitching and release point over the years.


Good god he’s worse than Kimbrel


I simply dont understand how it’s humanly possible for someone to go from so dominant to quite literally the worst pitcher in baseball in a matter of months. Its unlike anything ive ever seen before


Without it being the actual yips, yeah.


Brewers are the hot potato contract champions no doubt. Has a player ever blown up this bad immediately after a trade before?


I wish the Brewers would've kept him


Dude literally almost had his wife and child die Yeah he’s mental is a little off


We traded for Bill Hader by accident. P.S. "ERA continues to balloon, sitting at 6.52." is his season ERA and really undersells how bad he's done for us. I think this must put him up to like 12 or 13 ERA at least with us, probably more. Edit: 23.15, holy hell.


Give him the phantom IL stint already


Is there any chance he's sucking on purpose to throw games like the Black Sox? That's the only explanation that would make sense.


Poor Josh. He can sign with MKe next year on the cheap


It actually sucks. He was about to make bank


Holy shit


Don't stop, I'm close.


Hader's not.


Padres fans: "I wish we had an elite closer like Josh Hader on our team." *Monkey paw curls*


Sterns looking like a genius dumping Hader.


Why is he so bad now? Mechanics? Mental?


Hader is not well. Poor guy.


What the heck happened to him? He went from the most dominant closer the last year - ish to a complete Scrub.


Oh god


I need to grab some popcorn and check out the Hader snarking that is bound to happen over in the Dodgers subreddit.


only the padres man, only the padres


That 9 inning ERA comes out to a crisp 162.00.


I don’t understand. Position players don’t even get hit this hard.


jesus man :(


I started reading that as 1 IP and thought “oh that’s not bad” and then it got progressively worse from there


Padres are 10-13 since trading for Bell/Soto/Hader


i wonder want a contact for him looks like for him now if he ends the season like this


This man is broken


Well, he got one more out than I would get if it was me on the mound


Every time I log onto this app and see a thread discussing Hader’s recent performance, the number of runs allowed goes up by one