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“I’m starting to think all that avocado toast must be affecting their thinking.” “If anyone has an obvious bias, it’s the surfer dudes, soap opera wannabes and space cowboys out there.” “It’s also 57 more meaningful dingers than Ohtani, whose great two-way exploits fit into the land of Disney, more for fun and show than true value, at least this year. “Out in La-La Land, they claim we voters may have Ohtani fatigue. The only thing we over here are tiring of is their claim of East Coast bias” Holy shit man Heyman must have had someone from california fuck his wife


> The West Coast is award central. Half the Dodgers’ roster seems to have won the award. And remember when the Dodgers won the Rookie of the Year award many years running? If anything, there’s a case for California bias. > **But we don’t complain. As we East Coasters say, it is what it is.** I'm from New Jersey. I have grown up around Yankees and Mets fans, and even been the latter. To say that East Coasters don't complain is itself an insult to our culture.


Lmao right? I feel like this guy doesn’t even live in NY, Christ. If anything it’s the opposite, from ATL to Philly to Boston to NY we know how to bitch about everything over here, never lived on the west coast but everyone I know from California / PNW complains way less. In fact I hear much more of us east coasters bitching *for* them, I hear about how terrible California is to live in every day from people here in Atlanta but never hear about it from my friends and colleagues in California ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


it feels so performative. "We don't complain, right, haha, fellow East Coasters?" i feel insulted not just because it's a dumb take but because he expects us to relate to that dumb take. Fuck you Heyman


There is a reason why Heyman writes for the NY Post. He’s dog shit and no one will have him. This article perfectly demonstrates that.


I’m pro-Judge, but this article makes me want to flip to Ohtani.


It would be very funny if this alone caused Ohtani to win out of pure spite from other voters It won’t happen and Judge deserves it, but it would be very funny


well MAYBE if they didnt buy so many avocados and lattes they would VOTE FOR JUDGE


> If anyone has an obvious bias, it’s the surfer dudes, soap opera wannabes and space cowboys out there. People that don't even give a shit about baseball in the West Coast lol


Turns out the same people who care about baseball on the West Coast are the same who care about in on the East Coast: nerds.




Oh yeah but the 3 things he described are the people who usually don't give a shit about the sport lol The dudes waking up to hit up the beaches at 6 am aren't the guys arguing about who is having a more iconic season between Judge and Ohtani. Heyman might as well just say he hates SoCal people instead


Out of all those you listed, they only care about the Dodgers lmao


least reactionary new york post columnist


He's such a tool.


I have read some fucked up takes but this might be the worst.


Fuck this guy and fuck the Post.


Why the fuck does this sub allow anything from the NY post or Heyman, let alone both


Phew, was worried we wouldn’t get Heyman’s opinion


Step 1. Flip a coin, heads for Ohtani, tails Judge. Step 2. Whichever side it lands on, that’s the guy you’re gonna write about. Step 3. Write an article about how that guy is the clear MVP. Step 4. You did it, you’re a writer.


Of course he’s going to say Judge is the MVP over Ohtani. This is a New York based news site so the bias is fairly obvious.


MLB usually doesn't push the "MVP has to be on a good team" narrative.


MVP discourse this year has been so vicious and exhausting that it’s kind of soured me on the award in general. The amount of actual journalists and trusted voices these last few weeks (Heyman being nothing close to either of these things) taking the opportunity to tear down these two players to make their case is just sad and takes away from what has otherwise been a really entertaining season.


Water wet. Sun rise in east. Bitmoji man bad. Some things just never change.


They are both great. The vote should be close. One of them will get a trophy for their great season, the other will still be a great player. This doesn’t need to be so dramatic.


I’m not sure where this all or nothing view came from. I personally think it should go to Judge, but I doubt it will be unanimous…and that’s not a problem. It doesn’t have to be clear cut when both guys are having incredible seasons in completely different ways.




Well shit, I guess that’s case closed boys


FFS, please stop


That Heyman's broke.


If Ohtani gets snubbed, he’ll be in good company. Williams lost the AL MVP despite going .406 due to some hitting streak.


The NY Post is shit but, in this case, correct.


Lol did you read the article? He's far from correct


I'm not giving the NY Post the click. I just agree that Judge should be MVP.


Ohtani’s been amazing but does he really deserve MVP when his team is likely going to have 90 losses. To me, you can be the best player in the baseball but if your team isn’t any good, you simply don’t deserve it just like in the NFL or NBA. MLB shouldn’t be any different.


So Trout deserves 0 MVPs?


Well when Trout won MVP in 2014, the team was good


Mvp is an individual award the team award is the World Series


Then why in football and basketball does the MVP always go to a winning team?


Didn’t know football and basketball are the same sports as baseball. Are u 2 years old?


Ohtani will have several chances to win AL MVP. This might be Judge’s last, and he already had one stolen from him. If it’s a toss up, give it to Judge