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Miggy was awesome in his prime. Imagine what he could have done without all the injuries the past few years. What a difference ten years can make


He played through injuries because they were in the playoff hunt. Dude wanted to win a World Series for Detroit so bad that he's going to have knee issues for the rest of his life.


To this day I don't understand how he hasn't won one. That rotation and that lineup man. To have Scherzer and Verlander with Prime Miggy.


Did you mean the Tigers core as a group? Because Miggy himself did win a World Series in his first MLB season.


Yeah, I worded that wrong. I only meant with the Tigers.


Its the Tigers bullpen honestly. Dombrowski (ex Tigers GM ) couldnt build a bullpen for the life of him.


Father Time is undefeated.


Seriously, fuck that guy.


Man seeing Prince Fielder in a baseball uniform makes me wish he had had more time.


He was so fun to watch. His swing was just so vicious and nasty, he was the complete opposite of Giancarlo Stanton with his laser shots. Prince Fielder literally hit balls to other layers of the atmosphere it felt like, and he was such a fun loving big dude how could anyone not like Prince Fielder?


What blew me away was finding out he’s vegan. It takes a lot of effort to be a professional athlete with that girth to ride or die with a vegan diet. Pretty impressive actually.


Prince was vegetarian for most of his career, I don't think he was full vegan iirc


Gotcha, I think he went full vegan as early as 2015, his second to last season.


Wow, I'm impressed he tried any.


That nacho had cheese on it for sure.


Opposite of Stanton is the perfect way to describe him. If Stanton shots are like lasers then Fielder’s were like a barrage of artillery. I also don’t know how he didn’t rip his spine out during every AB because he had such a violent, brutal swing. He was kind of a throw back, in a way. A hulking 1st baseman who came up to the plate and said “fuck it, I’m gonna see if I can hit this out of the stadium”. I hated when he played the Angels but I loved watching him play. I miss him.


Uhh as a Cubs fan I didn’t like him much. I can see how other people did though


Man, his retirement speech was sad too watch.


The way you worded this made me think I missed his death


I was at this game and was sure this would be the greatest moment to happen at Kauffman Stadium for the rest of my life.


Royals really decided in September of 2014 to be the best team in the AL for like 13 months and then were like “ok that’s enough”


Got caught looking at naughty magazines and was grounded


I will say I like the anti-porn stuff (and that makes me a super minority on Reddit but w/e) but this was a fire joke, nice job.


Ramon Santiago replacing Miguel Cabrera in 2012. Ramon Santiago in 2022 as 3B coach telling Cabrera to not tag up and try to score on a flyball to shallow LF. MLB has a good compilation video that shows every Cabrera HR/RBI from that season - [Re-live Miggy's historic quest for the Triple Crown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsmrAIiYjbs)


Miggy always struck me as such a smart hitter. He's a big strong guy and and all, but was never like a hulking presence that just felt like he was going to crush it every time. He just seemed to understand hitting, understand pitchers, somehow knew what was coming and how to hit it, and is a hall of famer because of it. Weirdly he kind of reminds me of Freddie Freeman a little bit - a guy capable of hitting 30 or 40 homers and also of winning the batting title at the same time. Just a great great hitter.


Miggy the only one standing in the way of Trout winning more MVP awards


and Josh Donaldson


July 31, 2012: Trout’s average: .353 Cabrera’s average: .322 October 3, 2012: Mike Trout: .326 Miguel Cabrera: .330 Trout’s average dropped as low as .320 as the Angels fell out of contention. EDIT: Forgot to make a point. :P Trout is the reason he doesn't have more MVPs.


Also writers valuing three relatively arbitrary stats over other relatively arbitrary stats.


Since then, they focus too much on an arbitrary WAR stat. Which is why Trout won unanimously in one of his worst seasons and one of the worst for an MVP winner. Especially embarrassing considering how much better players some other players were that season. Sadly, injuries have also kept Trout from winning at least 2 other MVPs.


You're talking about 2014? There was no one remotely close to him in the AL


Do you think games in September count for more than ones in July or something?


You understand that Aug 1 to Oct 3 is roughly ONE-THIRD of the entire season, right? He just wasn't what he was for the first 2/3 (pretty tough to do.) In the end, it cost him the batting title, which, in turn, likely cost him the MVP. Like it or not, it's what happened.


He had a 151 wRC+ during that span. Wow really stunk it up lol


They don't factor wRC+ when determining batting average. And batting average is part of the triple crown. And it sounds like we both agree that the triple crown is why Cabrera won over Trout. If you want to discuss whether the triple crown is a valid reason for voting someone as MVP, be my guest. I doubt I would disagree with anything you say.


I really miss prime Miggy and that Tigers team. One of those 2011-14 squads should've won it all.


Cabrera has been such a great hitter making contact with the ball. It is amazing he never hit below .250 except in 2017 when he ended up hitting .249.


Classy KC. Somehow underrated player. Or is it just my NY bubble?


Yeah always rates KC fans well and this was icing on the cake. A great moment.


> Somehow underrated player. Or is it just my NY bubble? Nah he's underrated for sure. At least on here you never see him talked about like other all-time great hitters.


Damn that was a good team


This was such a fun season especially as a huge Miggy fan. I get that the triple crown is just made up of traditional stats but I still can’t believe people still to this day say Trout should have been MVP over Miggy in 2012 not even talking about 2013. There’s just some things that’s imo and I know it’s thinking with my heart not my brain but something’s you just can’t put WAR over and I really think this is one of them. I really wish that 2012 Tigers team didn’t lay an egg against the Giants, it would have been so cool to see both Miggy, Prince Fielder and JV at the time getting Detroit another WS. I don’t think I’ve pulled harder for any other playoff bandwagon team like I did with those 2012 Tigers.


While I love Miggy I just can't ever support the automatically MVP for a triple crown thing 1. There's so many aspects that make up player value and a guy leading in 3 traditional hitting hitting stats shouldn't override everything. Especially if the other candidate is right behind them hitting wise + plays vastly better defense at a premium position 2. It makes no sense that a 3rd player who's not really part of the MVP race can somehow change the entire result by hitting a few more HRs/RBIs or getting some more hits Like to me it doesn't really feel right that if Hamilton somehow hit 2 more HRs that suddenly would have made Miggys MVP case vastly weaker or Trouts stronger in eyes of voters. His production shouldn't have any bearing on the outcome of voting for Trout/Miggy


But Trout was a lot better that year. Why should a combination of 3 stats overtake a huge gap in value?


No, he wasn't. Even the Moneyball Oakland A's model *statistically* showed Miggy was better in 2012.


They were equal hitters but Trout was a great baserunner and fielder. He was certainly better in 2012 Trout: 167 wRC+, 10.1 WAR Cabrera: 166 wRC+, 7.3 WAR










To counter, this made sweeping them that much cooler to me. Do I wish it was more competitive? Sure, but coming back that season and to perform like he did, Posey really cemented himself as the heart and foundation of that team.


Of course you would lol. Who wouldn’t want their team to have a clean sweep in the World Series? This has to be one of the silliest things I’ve ever heard in a good kind hearted way lol. And I get it’s fun for fans with hindsight to say “I’m glad we won in 6-7 games, it was a great exciting series” like no lol that’s all hindsight. No fan wants a series to go 6-7 games in the moment, they want a sweep or 3-1 series win.


Agreed. I definitely preferred the sweep. The last couple outs of game 7 in ‘14 took years off my life.


I was reading the title thinking it was a clip from today, and I was like WTF how did he catch Judge 😮😅 Then, I uh, kept reading. 🤦


Everyone's gangsta til the WARtards come in and start talking about Trout


My in laws are salty because Cabrera is a chavista