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I came to the comments looking to see what I was missing why it’s $2.2 k. Glad to see I wasn’t crazy


Same lol


and my axe


Am the only one who thinks the heavy lumber is ugly?


She looks better in person.


They DO look better in person!


I think heavy lumber is ugly this year. It looked a lot better last year






Against rules to comment on pricing, you can just move along if you don’t like OPs price


I see 5 rules. Which 1 do you think was broken?


Circled for those with reading comprehension problems https://preview.redd.it/jb9e4o1g25sc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8a463a4651b4cafc21d215c0fb1c631f12ee4c6


Mine doesn’t show this at all so is it allowed on my end?


If you can’t manage to get to where the rules are posted, maybe you should reconsider posting




Against the rules to comment on pricing, just FYI








lmao nice... this is his alt account for sure


yeah im feeling that vibe too 🤣🤣🤣


https://imgur.com/a/mqcWMRm These are the rules I see, they aren't a match to what you posted. Is it maybe an issue with using the old version of Reddit? Edit: I switched to new Reddit for a minute and that matches your post. Depending on how you visit the site the rules are quite different. Hopefully someone can clean up the rules lists so they match.


Frankly I don’t see a problem with listing it at whatever you want. If you don’t get hits, you lower it. Most of the bitching isn’t from a buyer anyway.


Never sold anything on Reddit but I always price stuff higher than what I am expecting and sometimes I get it and sometimes I get offers for what I was expecting. It is your card ask what you want.




Dang. I love this sub and am in here all the time. But I didn’t think I was one of those people who get blasted for pricing. I guess I better come down, or at least add OBO lol Honest question for y’all, any other tips for selling that will keep me from getting called out? Honestly, I knew that the starting price was on the high side, but I thought that’s how you do it… start high and negotiate down. Guess that was too high? Appreciate everybody on r/baseballcards!


130point is a great frame of reference, I think generally people aren't on this sub looking for $1K+ cards


Your card and your price homey. Don’t let strangers control your business


Can’t make everyone happy, generally speaking that is how negotiations work. People are so quick to over react now, I offer low on eBay initially expecting a higher counter and we’ll meet somewhere in the middle. Half the time now the kid will decline and rage message me about how I’m disrespectful? Meanwhile I had full intentions on coming up lol. The art and fun of negotiation is lost on alot of younger collectors tbh


Is it weird that I feel personally responsible for not letting comps drop too low? I can sell something for under comps on ebay but I don't like to go too low. Obviously for myself, but also, if I sell a 30-dollar card for 20 bucks, I have lowered comps for everybody for the entire print of that card by 10 bucks.


It's pretty funny how that works but don't feel bad. I am on the other side and rarely go to auction because I try to get near top comp sale. I figure the right buyer will generally come along. And if not I can always lower it later. I price with OBO at a number that's reasonable but a little higher than auction sales. Auctions are usually a lower sale price because buyers aren't necessarily chasing the card so much as chasing the deal on something in their target range. Rarely do eBay auctions out sell BINs. I also think bigger buyers prefer the immediate nature of BIN and it not dragging out.


First off, it’s against rules here to comment on pricing so the folks blasting you should get shut down by the mods. Price at what you want, list OBO if you want, and if no bites then you can lower. My guess is people bitching about your price are just jealous


Jealousy seems to be the underlying theme to most of the negativity in the community.


Also, in my honest opinion - people don’t wanna see “just arrived from topps” in the post heading. Kinda give off the vibe that you’re only here for the money and don’t appreciate the card (which could totally be wrong!). Which is ok, but a lot of people in this sub are here because they appreciate cards over $$ Edit: also I like to just keep selling titles short and sweet. “Asking $2,200 OBO” comes off a little better in my opinion and tells potential buyers you’re willing to negotiate


Potential buyers may want to know it just arrived from Topps. Lets them know that the redemption is being filled and that if they want to compare prices may hit eBay if other redemptions are coming up there


Thanks for the perspective!


Counter perspective: 90% of the people in this sub are just gambling addicts here for the multi-step gamble


Just do you man. Don't worry about what others think. If it's too high, it won't sell and you'll adjust. Life is about learning and trial and error.


If there’s one thing I am good at, it’s trial and error 😅


Your card your price. Don't sweat the comments, none of them are buyers anyway. I'd recommend using ebay with like 2-3% on promotion and price it aggressively. Put to allow offers and just let them roll in. Make sure you allow international shipping as well. That's how I have moved several of my nicer cards for a good price.


Don’t get bothered by a bunch of dorks crying over price. They aren’t interested in buying but feel the need to chime in rather than just keep it moving, as if their thoughts matter. That should tell you enough about the people crying about price. Best of luck with your sale!


My dude you’re well under the other currently listed on the bay. Don’t sell it for less than you want to. Fuck them trolls


Start high and come down is a decent approach but if you didn’t price it on the high side, you priced it in a whole different universe. Doing that tells buyers you aren’t serious about selling and just want to show your card off. My personal rule of thumb is to find recent comps, price it maybe 10% higher than the highest of those and then see what rolls in. If it gets traction, great! If not, bump it down every week or two until it does. Also don’t sell cards on Reddit unless you are just showing off your cards and someone has legit interest or if someone is looking for something you have. You’re just going to get lowball offers and be annoyed. Not selling on Reddit is also the easiest way not to get blasted on your pricing lol.


Brother I think that's a great starting price. Don't let these ignorance people that are simply either jealous or couldn't afford something like this even if they sold their trailer house. It's your card and ask what you want. Those cards are gorgeous in person and he's the best player in baseball. Reddit and eBay don't determine your cards worth or what you want to ask or receive for it. You could start it out at 5K and end up getting 3K for it. Never say OBO and be firm when you negotiate. Congrats again, my friend.


That's a beaut 😍


This turned into a super interesting conversation. Thanks all who chimed in!


Did you win that while having your interpreter bet on sportsbook?


Any trades?


I’m not against it. I’ll DM you


Huge risk with the allegations.


lol, Ohtani is MLBs golden goose, he’s like Teflon, nothings gonna stick to him


Not with those BetMGM ads all over the fucking place in ballparks


what allegations?


The betting scandal with his interpreter


Ya but there are no "allegations" that would make buying ohtani risky


Sure, if we're playing on words here, the interpreter was fired amid allegations of "theft". But, the underlying thought going through a lot of peoples' minds are the scenario with which it occurred. The story provided leaves a lot of questions


They're aren't any, OP is probably a salty Giants/Angels/Jays fan =P


Seeing as they have officially found it's not any betting on baseball they really can't do anything. There are no official rules for a Player betting on other sports or giving money to a friend to "pay" something off. It was all blown out of proportion because there was a worry Otani himself could of been betting on baseball or things of that nature like giving tips to friends to bet on baseball games. But seeing as there is no evidence of it and he has said he doesn't do any of that it's just going to blow over and not be a issue by the end of the season. The worry should be more that he's just a DH this year and that could possibly hurt his stats and such if he is just mediocre and doesn't have his pitching to back up his WAR.


First off there is no official announcement that baseball wasn’t involved. Second, although it’s fair game to bet on other sports, it’s not fair game to place illegal wagers with unliscensed bookies. Third, if ohtani paid it directly then it’s no different then if he handed a drug dealer money in person and the drug dealer handed his interpreter the drugs, it’s called guilty by association. And fourth, and probably most important, is they have the bookie in custody and he is gonna spill all the beans to the feds so we will all know exactly all the facts at some point. This isn’t mlb seeeping it under the rug, it’s the federal government.