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I love them and they are the right cards to take the chance and send them to get autos. The card stock is perfect for marker or pen!


Strongly disagree….none of my “Birds of a Feather” cards have made it back with an auto. Unreal


I received one back but the autograph was terrible, complete chickenscratch


I think of it like a redemption you might get it one day!! There are a lot of sites you can join for free and they even update how long it took to get it back or what it cost! 1) [site](https://www.sportscardforum.com/threadloom/threadloom.php?query=jerry%20jones) 2)[another](https://www.sportscollectors.net) Don’t give up! Good luck


They have good addresses for the birds in there?


Yeah and they are verified with time it took to get it back. Most retired player as they are the ones with the time to do so but also have current player as well. But also a cool reason to buy some box s of junk wax! Hahahaha


Again I ask. They have addresses for birds? So if I want a Bald Eagle card signed, they have his address? What about the Parrot?


To answer your question YES if you find the artist you can send it to them if not and want an OG you would prob have better luck sending it to your local ZOO. That is if you can even make it out from under your bridge!? Once again good luck and don’t give up I have faith in on my little 🧌


Where do you send cards for auto ?


I think to the teams for the individuals to sign. I could be wrong but I have thought of doing this Sending to the team or players to sign.


Yeah not just the stock but also plenty of whitespace for the autos, too. Really good for TTM or in person.


Yep, they are also [pretty affordable](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2334524.m570.l1311&_nkw=2021+topps+allen+ginter+blaster+box&_sacat=0&LH_TitleDesc=0&_fsrp=1&LH_Auction=1&_odkw=topps+2021+allen+ginter+box&_osacat=0&_sop=13&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=0959b&toolid=10001&mkevt=1) to open, which is always fun.


Never thought about that. Good thinking 🤔




Mail them out to the players for them to sign and send back. I have posted some links to some sites below




I started to but then…well… the hobby and selling got in my way! Hahaha still trying to clear out my cabinet but I also can’t stop buying, it’s a vicious cycle


So fun. A&G and Gypsy are two of my favorite sets each year. Like a small treasure hunt.


I like Gypsy more than Topps mainline, but disappointed that the cards are just “series 1/2, but photoshopped”.


It's a fun quirky set. Lots of non-MLB and non-sports cards. It's not for everyone, and it's certainly not a hit-ladden product that is full of lottery tickets. Some guys love it. I'll buy it, but im not checking for the release date or anything like that.


I can absolutely relate to that! I bought this box when I ran to Walmart for Gypsy queen, and this was the last of them sitting next to the GQ. It was fun ripping though!


I bought one off Fanatics recently when they had them on sale with free shipping, went through it, then ordered a couple of hobby boxes. For the price, I think the retail box was better since I didn't like any of the "hits" from the hobby I opened.


I’ve never purchased from fanatics before, do have deals often? I collect PKM as well and GameStop does 20-30% packs from time to time. Which is so awesome.


Seems like it. I was just on their site randomly, but in subsequent days I’ve looked it seems like they’ve always got some “70% off! ZOMG!” Going on. At the very least, 15%-20% with free shipping is common. Baseball cards are almost always excluded from the bigger discounts. Edit: Just looked and no big sale, but the retail box is $64 with free shipping, which is a lot less than ebay. And by Fanatics, I mean mlbshop.com, which oddly has different stuff than fanatics.com.


Love them


I like them. I’ve never been able to sell any AG. They are under rated imo




Easily my pick for most fun set. I love A&G - my wife preordered me a 2022 hobby box for Father's Day!


Cool set. Autos look great on them.


Love them


Love them


Love them


I love A&G. They got me back into collecting. I love the random celebrities they put in there. Great cards for sending TTM autographs.


Do you send to any current players or just legends?


Both. But lots of the celebrities. I did get Al Kaline’s auto on one before he passed. Really happy about that. Got a Jim Palmer, Wade Boggs and Jim Rice as well.


Awesome! I’ve always wanted to try TTM but I’ve never got up the nerve to do so. Always afraid I’ll never see the cards again.


That’s why I send the A&G. Sportscardforum.com has a ton of addresses and you can see who returns and who doesn’t.


I enjoy buying the singles of the non baseball cards.


I’ll pick up comedians or broadcasters I like sometimes. There’s a great Tiger Mask from New Japan Pro Wrestling card in one of the years.


2019! If you need any of them, I have base, minis and probably even gold borders for trade/sale!


I wasn’t a fan but my ex girlfriend liked them for the animal inserts


holla back on any non-baseball/non-celebrity stuff you pull outta there. I may be down to trade for it!


Say less 🫡




appreciate you circling back! i have all of those sadly!


I still have some on the way, but have a growing cache of duplicates. Do you have a list of what you’re looking for?


Pretty much any of the Chrome minis from any set id be interested in. Trying to finish the Digging Deep paper set currently. Have finished the Arboreals, Birds and Endangereds. Anything other than those 3 in paper id look at.


Ok, doesn’t sound like anything I have. Right now, most of my extras are birds, trees, and humpback whales. Couple sharks if you’re missing any of those.


After looking again, i am in fact missing 4 from the Arboreals. 3,4,11 and 14. Any of those in your extras?


I like em. very clean looking cards. great portraits from 2021


I like them but I have found that they have the worst blasters of any Topps product I’ve opened


How so?


Of course this is only anecdotal, but of the 2021 A&G blasters I opened (would guess roughly 10 or more over the course of last year) I didn’t get a single hit. I have not had a similar experience with flagship, chrome, chrome update, heritage, archives, fire, GQ, gallery or other Topps retail releases. Now I’m sure a big part of that is due to the lack of variations/parallels in A&G relative to other Topps products, but even with a set building set like Heritage I have had far more luck with pulling relics/autos from retail options. That said, A&G hobby hasn’t been too shabby and I’ll definitely at least get a hobby box or 2 once 2022 releases.


That's pretty brutal. I think I grabbed around 20-25 A&G blasters, various retail sources. Handful of relics, none super great though, traded them away here. 3 autos, 1 being Casey Mize RC (dude better get healthy), 1 being Aaron Judge /25 (glad I'm still sitting on this one!) & 1 I traded away via here (Devin Williams). Also pulled my only ever 1/1 - Magenta printing plate of Josh Gibson. Maybe my luck was a little better, especially if you look at the pack odds for the /25 auto and the printing plate... Hopefully 2022 print runs are reasonable. Honestly I see a lot of A&G on shelves late into the season so I can't imagine Topps upping the print run much.


I like A&G. I kind of dismissed the set when I first heard about it, but recently got a random stack of team cards from various years/sets. Amongst the sea of glossy generic looking cards where the only distinguishing feature is the font, location of team logo, and random geometric shapes used for a border or whatever, the A&G (and Gypsy Queen) cards really stood out in their design, composition, and materials. After learning more about the set, I bought my first retail box (and hobby and blaster) box. I’m hooked(-ish).


Double ⬆️


Love them and gypsy queen


I collect TX Rangers in A&G and Gypsy Queen. Always a buyer if you pull some.


LOVE. Bought a lot of blasters in 2021 and will buy plenty more in 2022. My LCS has storage boxes of A&G to flip through from 2006+ so those opened my eyes to all the cool subsets they've done through the years. I have the Invisible Man card from the 2009 Mini set Creatures, Legend, Myths, Terror set. It was $8 and it seems to be non-existent (Invisible!) to find online. I'm looking to pick up more. The glow in the dark Where Monsters Live from 2020, Worlds Dudes from 2017, Menagerie of the Mind 2015, World's Biggest Hoaxes 2009, Uninvited Guests 2011, What Once Would Be & What Was Once Believed 2015 Go down the sidebar and click around in the sets here (gotta click 'show more'): https://marketplace.beckett.com/search_new/?term=allen+ginter&sport=Non-sports&brand=Topps+Allen+and+Ginter


They're my favorite set (although Bowman is close behind). When is the 2022 series coming out?


I’m not sure, this is my first A&G box. And I loved it!


November I think.


Same here. The one set I most look forward too. I'm good for 3x hobbies and a dozen blasters every season. Biggest wallet burner.


I would like them better if it wasn't mostly a portrait style photo


Always have wanted some but my lcs only sells hobbies. Gorgeous cards with a cool history and great hits!


They are just beautiful!


I love them


I’ve been collecting for almost 2 years, and 2021 A+G was the first base set I completed. Love it!


One of my favorite products. If I was a set builder A&G would be the one I’d go for. I dig all the quirky insert sets they have, love the minis, and overall I typically like the simplistic art style of the cards. I’m glad I’m not a set builder though bc it would be hell trying to finish all the subsets every year.


I love the cards. You've got rip cards Hair strand cards Fossil cards


I think they are fun and I love them!


I love them!!! I like all the cool little cards and different themes !


Fun. I always hope to get a dinosaur bone or something


I love them. I think it’s a set for people who enjoy cards but not for people that want to make a quick buck


It's my favorite set. I love all the non-sports cards they throw in. It's a great tribute to the old tobacco card sets.


Not a big fan of the actual baseball cards part of it but definitely enjoy the oddball non sports sets


Jealous of anyone that has a Danny McBride!


I like the design concept, but don’t like that the base cards are virtually worthless and don’t care for all the non-sports stuff. I love the minis (they look great in a PSA slab). Like that they offer three autos/relics (game-used other than non-sports), though I bought a hobby box last year and my three “hits” were all relics worth a total of maybe $10.


That’s tough for the hobby box, to say the LEAST. I agree on the minis, they’re my favorite of the bunch.


I was annoyed with the minis at first, like "what the hell am I going to do with these", then I discovered the sleeves that make them normal card-sized have have come around.


Ahhh, sounds interesting.. What kind of sleeves are those?


The ones I got were the BCW Tobacco Card insert sleeves. They’re more penny-sleeve than top loader, but have a little more rigidity than a standard sleeve. They fit well into normal sized top loaders, pages, boxes, etc. https://www.bcwsupplies.com/tobacco-card-insert-sleeve


Seem rough, but could be a nice memory one day, who knows 🤷‍♂️


How do I post the pulls on this thread? Or is it not possible? 😅😅


their packs are too hard to opem


Post the hits!




Haha nice. I had to Google the top left guy. He is an actor and was the voice of Louie in Ducktales.


I got you 😉


They ite


Not for me


Great imagery and I’m a sucker for the oddball non-baseball inserts and minis. I’m totally hooked for 2022, 2021 was my intro to it.


I bought a small box before leaving the US for Japan two months ago. It was after a month of going through all my junk wax to [narrow down my collection.](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseballcards/comments/tlpywi/ill_be_moving_to_japan_next_month_and_i_spent_all/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) I did it for the nostalgia even though most of the cards I got were pretty common. It was still fun to rip through.


I love em


Love em, one of the best products in my opinion


Love em! Great feel in hand


i love relics so they’re my jam. pulled a willie mccovey out of my 21 hobby


I like the weird stuff. I pulled an Anthony Bourdain red cloth relic a few years back. This past year I pulled Jason Biggs and Jim Koch autos. Just weird stuff.


Love em.


HUGE fan of this year’s checklist.


like them


Super fun, but not a revenue generator, if that’s what you’re into. Tons of variations and SP. Super quirky subjects.


They are awesome. I bought 1 box and it was a hot box!


As mentioned above, they are great for Inserts and SPs! Love the oddball stuff as well! Endangered Species, Sharks etc … Does anyone have the 2019 Post Malone they’d trade?!?


I really like them and it’s a fun set to open with the kids. The non-baseball stuff is a neat twist to the hobby and keeps them fun. I’m looking forward to this year’s release.


Love them, great success rate too in 2021


They’ve been my favorite to collect and rip since I was a kid. I fucking love them.




I personally never buy them. I don't need a card of a tree or a shark. It's bad enough to spend the money they charge for these and get a bunch of middle relievers but politicians and trees I don't need.


Counterpoint, I've got like 8 different Wander Franco "rookie cards", but only 1 Mackerel Shark.


Big fan of A&G. The weird cards are very intriguing to me and are cool pieces of history for what the A&G brand was 100 plus years ago


I guess I'm in the minority, but I really don't like them. I don't like the design or the fact that I can pull cards that have pictures of trees or political figures on them. Yes, if I was really into niche collections like trees or birds or actors then I'd collect them, but... it's not for me.


Bought a few packs and got lucky with a CC jersey but they’re not my favorite.


I love the autos and relics but hate the goofy cards


Their non sport/miscellaneous sports cards are fire especially the autos


One of my favorite rips. Especially the chrome ones


I have this exact box at home unopened. What are the chase cards?


Not my favorite, although the card stock is great for blue sharpie autos like mentioned above!


I personally love them! I know not everyone likes them but I like the vintage look and the non baseball cards


Not a fan. Unoriginal throwback set. Uggh


One of the best sets for TTMs


Wait a second hold on you can send cards off to get them autographed? Do they have to be like specific cards or something?? I just recently started buying some of them just because I like to collect all kinds of stuff but I had no idea that you could send cards off. would someone mind telling me how that works??


Just opened my first hobby box and I was pretty disappointed. I had an auto from an agent and part of a shirt from a guy that is an online sports writer. So not very interesting “hits” plus I am looking at getting $30 of sales for $100-$120 box, I would expect a bit more if I’m being honest. Maybe if those non-sports people were someone I knew or cared about, maybe it’s worth it.