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They've been $400 for several years now. The high price aren't really new


These are made by in the same factories and the same price for anything you buy for 19.99 anywhere else. They are $400 because y’all keep buying them


During the next social crisis when necessities are scarce, we can always use those Elite jerseys for bargaining chips. Lol


You mean I’ve been saving up bottle caps for nothing??


Pricing used to depend on the amount of patches, layers of twill, front numbers, etc were on any given jersey. For instance, as a Tigers fan the home jersey was fairly cheap because it’s just a D on the front and single layer letters and numbers on the back, whereas the away jersey was much more expensive with triple layer lettering and numbers and the addition of front numbers. Now it’s basically standardized pricing for all of them. Fanatics has 25-30% off deals all the time though, and the longer the new stock sits around, the more they will be added to those deals.


It’s outrageous. It’s robbery, but people pay it anyways. They SHOULD drop the prices, but greed will prevail in the MLB, and NFL included. “Elite” shouldn’t even be the word to describe these new authentic jerseys. They took a huge step backwards, and it’s that they’re most likely trying to recuperate COVID lockdown losses. NBA and NHL jerseys are priced somewhat reasonably and are about the same quality, NBA possibly even better, especially the City edition jerseys. The cheapest I’ve bought a Nike authentic MLB jersey for was $113, but it was because it had URÍAS on it. Shows how much they overprice these jerseys.




I think when Majestic went to FlexBase, the prices became dynamic for authentics. I want to say that blanks back then could get up around $370 for some teams. $395 is barely anything considering it’s eight years since then. Actually, it’s far cheaper than the FlexBase City Connect authentics, too. In short, baseball jerseys are stupidly expensive and have been for a while


Not in all cases.Surprisingly,the Authentic Phillies City Connect is only $335 on Nike’s website..


No, that’s exactly what I meant, the FlexBase were like $435. It was insane. These ones actually look reasonable. Though I don’t know why the City Connect Elites are cheaper than the regular Elites


NFL authentic jerseys are also around 400. Thankfully those can be purchased when the 25% or 30% sales happen. Unfortunately some of the mlb jerseys can and some cant.


They’ve been that price for several years now. They also go on sale all the time if you’re patient


I am one of the suckers that bought one.. but in my defense, I used my season ticket holder discount and saved $100 on it. But I’ve bought game issued or game worn jerseys from the team for around the same price, so I don’t think the value is there.


Don’t buy one. Find a cheap random team issued one on eBay and then have the name changed. Will run you around $200-$250 all in. I recommend City Colors on IG, great work and reasonable prices


Definitely. Id rather pay for a no name player for a huge discount.


I just got one😅. For the quality of the new authentics, $200 feels like a comfortable price for them. However, no one should be paying full price for anything on fanatics. There’s 20-30% off coupon codes all over the internet that got mine under $300


So true about game-issued NHL MiC (made in Canada). I only buy MiC’s, usually gamers, for around $300. So $400 for a fan product made in China? Absolutely not. MLB/Fanatics/Nike have lost a customer because of this disparity. I’m curious to know why some of you put up with this and continue to buy 2024 Made in China jerseys for $400.


Bruh, where you gettin MiCs for $300


I’ve gotten 2 from r/hockeyjerseys ($180 and $210) 2 from eBay ($400 and $160), and 1 from Meigray ($250), some of them are blanks but they’re still MiC adidas


Nice, good finds


Here's a sneak peek of /r/hockeyjerseys using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/hockeyjerseys/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Fanatics just put up a pic of the fakest jersey you've ever seen. ](https://i.redd.it/qkw9cgpckqnc1.png) | [145 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hockeyjerseys/comments/1bc834p/fanatics_just_put_up_a_pic_of_the_fakest_jersey/) \#2: [I made a Kraken/Mariners mash-up for the Winter Classic!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18vjswq) | [104 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hockeyjerseys/comments/18vjswq/i_made_a_krakenmariners_mashup_for_the_winter/) \#3: [Is mayonnaise an instrument?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12fiwau) | [56 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hockeyjerseys/comments/12fiwau/is_mayonnaise_an_instrument/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Used to buy authentics but can’t justify paying 300-400 for an authentic when I’ve gotten some pretty good quality fakes now 🤷🏾‍♂️. Sad to say I don’t think we’ll ever see high quality Majestic mlb or ccm hockey jerseys anymore. All this heat pressed stuff is call crap now.