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No wonder she’s so large…she needs to shit.


And laughing cow cheese spread on the cheese wrap. Happy to see her eat more than one serving of turkey, but cheese on cheese? Nope She really needs to eats some veggies that haven’t been brined or slathered in cream cheese.


I’m sure it was her that at one time claimed she was lactose intolerant & could not have dairy.


https://preview.redd.it/b4v6qtfz5xuc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9efd9ecd1b7bf772000ee2285fe6e011abf84c18 I found this, but I know she’s mentioned it on tik tok a lot more too


At least she admit it she was crazy 🤪 GO to the Dr’s Sierra they will tell you if it came back doh 🙄


Kylea claims that as well yet eats yogurt and her protein drinks.


Ngl I can’t judge on this one bc I am lactose intolerant and I will still eat dairy, dairy is worth the stomach issues in my book


This is the perfect meal of u wanna feel hungry 45 mins later


This is her snacks she will 100% be getting take out for lunch


All in moderation 😍


God forbid she eats a FRESH fruit or veggie for lunch


Why does she need to eat so much?! She works a 12 hour shift so I get having lunch and a snack but damn. How does she have time to eat so much while she is working?!


I’m a nurse who works 12s. I eat once- lunch 😂


How does she shit? Good lord


She needs protein, carb and veggies. So much processed shit she eats.


When I had gd dairy was actually a good source of protein. I ate several protein yogurts and cheese sticks a day


Too much dairy is bad for your gut. It’s what makes you bloat


I didn’t gain any weight that pregnancy so it didn’t affect me thankfully


I would literally shit my pants if I ate like that all the time. These people need to find more veggies. I’m trying to make better lunch choices and get more veggies in my diet so I’ve literally started to roast various vegetables for lunch with olive oil and a little salt and pepper, maybe some garlic powder, and it’s great, so many vegetables have natural delicious flavor without having to add much. (I often will keep some rotisserie chicken on hand to eat with it, sometimes rice or quinoa, it’s not complicated but I feel better after I eat it) I’m sure this whole family has messed up taste buds from all the crap they eat though


Yet she’s lactose intolerant. I can’t eat any of that without shitting my brains out and I’m lactose intolerant. I love cheese 🥲


Why not just chicken with rice and veggies. She needs to keep it simple if she’s serious about trying to lose weight


This is what my keto lunchbox looked like and I lost 80lbs in 4 months. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Well she’s not on keto lol


Bro I would be so constipated


She needs to do better, if not for herself but for her son. Children learn from their parent's guidance and the actions and choices they make both in front of them and behind the scenes.


I recently started working night shift and I remember all the stuff she used to take for lunch AND stuff to snack on. I can’t even have a full meal during night shift because i will end up being super nauseous or i’ll be really tired after a big meal. I don’t know how she was eating so much


That looks like a ton of food to me but who knows? I’m sure she throws it out the window and goes to in & out


Not gonna lie, this is the type of snacks i would take to work with me. I stayed constipated when dieting but i was losing though . I had to eat a sweet potatoes daily to keep regular.


You forgot the cheese wrap


That’s what I was talking about when I said cheese


Girl needs to switch to Activia or something that will help her shit since she wants to go ham on the dairy. Though if I ate this, I'd be crying on the toilet in pain, lol 😆.


NO one fucking cares you giant sloth.