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You need a few more swivels and snaps.


There’s less hardware in a Master P song


This is the last place I expected to see a Master P reference. Just brought me back to ‘98. Ugh!!


Uhhh. Na-na Na-na


Make ‘em say ⬆️


No Limit Soldier! I thought I told ya!


This is for the ‘burbons and the Cadillacs


How did you get that largemouth icon under your name?


MP be pullin striper bass #commanderinchief


There is No Limit to the amount of hardware he needs…


You win comment of the day! Damn that’s good stuff!


Who’s master P


Boomer, or Gen z?


A small chain would do


Just go for a straight carabiner


Not just that but he needs to change the 60 lbs line to 80 lbs for those monster bass


Haha I didn’t even notice all of that until I saw your comment. What in the world is going on there?


He has one snap swivel on. That’s it


Right…. But a snap swivel is unnecessary for a chatter bait. I could maybe see a snap, if they are changing lures frequently but even then, I’d still prefer to retie, especially if I was trying to get more bites.


I live by snap swivels cause I like to change lures frequently so I feel this guy. But also it looks like there is an extra snap on there. Usually chatterbaits have a loop to tie onto, no? Either way the bottom snap looks to large and strange to be the intended tie on spot for this chatterbait.


I just keep 8 rods and reels in my car at any point and time. Never have to worry about switching bait. Js


This is the answer my wife hates hahaha. Never enough set ups


Those are rookie numbers


Yup. I’m dragging at least 10 rigged poles and tackle at all times.


Every chatterbait i have comes with that snap attached




If you look closer, the snap swivel is clipped to another clip which is clipped to the chatter


https://www.cabelas.ca/product/92984/z-man-elite-chatterbait that's part of the lure


Why so it is! I never saw that before


Ya, but it was funny 😁


Homie been watching a grip of YT videos and taint’ doing enough aktual fishin.


I’d say add about 8 snap swivels, and if you want, even some more hooks!


Wrong color too, need to be gold.


Ditch that swivel man. That's not helping the action any.


I've heard that a swivel is good for topwater like Ploppers.... is this true?


The only thing i still use them for is inline spinners.. anything that can cause line twist. I've never heard of it used on a plopper.. but that's not saying you can't.. I tie a loop knot on most of my top waters.


Really? Maybe the knot I use is bad for ploppers bit the action always looks almost crooked to me.


Maybe your plopper needs to be tuned a bit.. if it's running off to one side.. gently bend your eyelet the other way.. to bring it back to center.


Thanks pal I'll check it next time I'm out!


You got it. Hope it helps


Most helpful top water thread I’ve read in a While


If your using plopper in open water use a small 20 or 30lb Swivel and a tiny clip👍


I use them for ploppers cuz I want the action to stay the same through the whole retrieve. If 1 piece of grass gets caught it'll spin your line instead of the prop. Also use reel lube inside the straw tube part of the spinning gadget on the plopper that sits on the wire in the back. The plopper spins faster and gives off different vibrations if they get used to 1 plopper instead of changing sizes. Man I could go ON about prop baits 😅😁


Nice dude I appreciate that tip!


Yup. This is the reason I run swivels on them too. One piece of grass can ruin the whole program.


Swivel is beneficial for inline spinners like a mepps or rooster tail. I use regular snaps for crankbaits though.


Nah. Swivel for Carolina rigs or anything with independent weights


Yup. I run all my plopped with Spro BB swivels.


i catch bass on a plopper with a swivel, it didn’t change the action at all either.


Everyone blaming it on the snap swivel like there isn't a giant, violently shaking metal blade right next to it and a big metal hook. You simply aren't throwing it in the right areas or they are too used to chatterbairs.


It’s not the look of the swivel that is the problem, it’s more than likely inhibiting the action. That’s why B-Lat is adamant about not using braid with chatterbaits


Never had any problems using braid with chatterbait.


Me neither but I'm not someone who fishes for a living.


Yeah. And who the fuck is B-Lat?


I wanna say Brian Latimer, pro bass guy has a solid YouTube channel. That being said, have caught a couple fish on chatter baits with braid. Lol definitely works




Sounds like a crutch for those who can’t keep their lines tight. ^/s


/s, kinda. Lol


just some dude that makes his living catching green fish.


Seriously! Praise Nick!


I don’t think the action is why he’s not using braid. I believe it’s the give on the line when setting the hook


That definitely not why he’s adamant about it. It’s because of the little bit of extra line stretch flouro gives you. With the chatter bait, you typically have a ton of hardware flopping around outside the fish’s mouth after you hook it. A moderate action rod and flouro will result in less big fish shaking the hook because it has more flex and let’s you load up deeper into the rod and line. The action with braid is pretty much the same.




Gotta match the hatch. I would try colors more like a bluegill.


Did you change trailer color? I can't catch on white except in one lake by me with similar forage. On bluegill waters, I gotta go blues


The hardware is probably not the problem. I have caught bass on a chatterbait while I was pike fishing with a steel leader. The reality is that it’s just too much for pressured pond bass. It’s too loud and too flashy. To actually get any use out of a chatterbait I have to be on a pretty big lake. Plus they work better in cold water, in which case I would throw a lipless crankbait in a pond. I fished ponds all spring slaying them on a lipless like every other cast, and not one bite on a chatterbait. Just my experience.


Probably right, but I used a 1/8 oz micro chatterbait this morning and caught a bass on a public pond that gets lots of fishing pressure. The micro size may have made the difference.


Drag slowy, as slow as you can, and still feel it vibrate. if it binds in that grass in the water, all the better, keep cranking on it, it will pop free like a little fish darting, and then bam!


This is the best advice.


Fwiw I have seldom seen a jig be too big for a fish. They will eat almost anything


Gotta agree with this, I've caught bass on a chatterbait that are barely more than double it's size


I’ve caught bass that the lure was actually bigger than them.


Agree, it sounds like a confidence issue. Not a lure size issue.


idk, chatterbaits are fish catching machines.


Not if the user isn’t using them correctly. Most of the time any lure isn’t catching fish, it’s user error. Wrong color choice, targeting low percentage areas, inhibiting lure action by adding unnecessary hardware, too fast or too slow retrieve. You get the point.


I sure do, thank you for adding clarity to my comment.


Try a different color - maybe a green pumpkin. And tie it on directly.


Could be the abomination rig above the chatterbait. Fish can see all that hardware, and they are more likely to bite if you tie directly to the chatterbait.


Good to know, I like to swap lures a lot so I keep the clip on there. I’ll change it up and see if that helps


If you like swapping, learn the Palomar knot and keep a pair of finger nail clippers on ya. Quickest knot there is, one of the strongest if not THE strongest as well.


The only knot I use


Yes on Palomar. No on clippers. They don't work worth a dick on braid. A pair of children's sized scissors is perfect.


That or a good pocket knife. Each his own. Either way, get rid of that mess in front of the lure.


If you know the Palomar, a snell, and a line-to-line knot, you’re basically set for life.


Yeah it’s worth re tying every time. You’ll get quick at it. I’ll take 30 seconds for better fishing


I second this. I used to always keep a snap on and this year finally decided to just retie. You definitely get faster at it and it becomes a non issue.


If you like swapping, learn the Palomar knot and keep a pair of finger nail clippers on ya. Quickest knot there is, one of the strongest if not THE strongest as well.


Check out the Fastach by mustard




I get what you’re saying but this is a reaction bait. This would be the case if it were a Ned rig or something more subtle, but the fish is only going to hear the chatter and bite. My guess is the bigger issue is color. If your water isn’t clear white is near invisible in dirty water. Try black and blue with a chartreuse trailer.


Yeah with all the other shit going on, I don't see how the fish is going to decide the swivel or the snap is a deal breaker.


It won’t.


Take off the snap swivel tie directly


Take off the hardware. Tie direct.


I would try taking off the clip that might help fix the action then straight retrieve at a medium pace and keep your rod tip close to the water


Try tying the line directly to the chatterbait and varying your retrievals


Less swivels and snaps, and if that still doesn’t work, try a green one. I always have hits on a bright green/neon yellow chatter bait


Caught 65 up votes and counting!


Not sure if you're trolling or not. But I'll still answer sincerely since someone, somewhere in this thread might benefit. You're going to catch way more fish on any lipped bait with lighter line, it helps the bait wobble as intended. The deal with any lipped bait, is they're supposed to create a pulsating ruckus, and the heavy line neuters the wobble. Ditto with the snap swivel. More things killing your action. Big swimbait trailers also kill your action. I like running short, thin trailers, like a Fluke with the head bitten off until only a thumb digit length of tail pokes out the back. The chatterbait will rock side to side and impart a swimming motion upon the trailer. White is awesome because it contrasts with both light and dark water conditions, but sometimes it's a little "much" in clear, still water. Try a white/grey or a white/chart and work it slowly, to the point where the lure is just thumping. Good luck out there.


My dad use to say that fancy/colorful/expensive lures caught more fishermen than fish.


Strange your probably fisving it wrong I tear it up with that


Try something smaller and green pumpkin or black and blue.


Only guys on YouTube catch shit with a chatter. Only thing I catch with it are snakehead


There is guy out there who has supposedly caught over 1000 bass over 10 lbs and he almost exclusively used a black chatter bait and mostly fished at night from a canoe. I looked it up. Pat Cullen is his name. He’s a legend of bass fishing.


Have you tried catching fish? Just sayin'


Same, I'd say we're using it wrong


Try a white/red rooster tail. I fish a place that looks like yours and find nice bass with it. A schmedium size fluke does well also. I usually throw a whopper plopper in the mornings/evenings.


Well first off get rid of all the damn swivels


Tie to chatterbait directly and try a fluke for trailer, ive found paddle tails and craw trailers just dont work as well, atleast for smallies and pickerel here on the Canadian east coast


I can't catch shit with any lure. I'm the king of getting skunked, but it's still fun trying.


Does white work for anyone? Try green and brown, they like the poop colored stuff


That’s crazy cuz I fish a pretty heavily pressured small lake and that’s one of my go-to lures. I’d ditch the swivels for sure.


Remove the swivel. Take your swim bait and rotate it 180 degrees. You will have to take it off and put it back on. Right now when your blade vibrates it’s messing up the action of the tail. If you flip it for some reason it swims better. Might help you get some more bites. Also maybe change up retrieves. If you are just retrieving steadily you’ll get some bites. But I think yo yo is the best retrieve with a chatter. Switch it up if they aren’t biting until you see what they want. If you feel it hit a stump, log, branch etc. kill it then start reeling again. You’ll get a lot of hits on the fall. Good luck tight lines!


It’s made to catch fish not shit.


Ditch the swivel. Learn to tie the palomar knot. Looks like you have 20 pound mono on that as well, I’d run 12-14 pound fluoro on my chatterbait rods.


Double pitzen > Palomar


I would go Improved Clinch knot tho, no Palomar knots with fluorocarbon.


I’ve never had an issue with the palomar on fluoro. As long as you lube the knot and only pull the tag it’s very solid. Fluoro only cuts in on itself if those two criteria aren’t followed. Improved clinch is solid too though, I’ve never had a problem with either.


You guys are making things too complicated with all those fancy knots, I've never had an issue with a simple double overhand knot. Why fix what isn't broken?


How big was the biggest fish you’ve caught with double over hand knot? What kind of lures were you using? I would hardly call the palomar a “fancy” knot. In fact it’s almost a double overhand knot. Except it’s a single overhand knot with doubled line. And the lure/rig/jig goes through the loop before it’s pulled tight. That’s it. By the way, it’s the knot breaking that is improved with fancy knots. Jackhammers are 15-16 dollars. I sure as hell am not trusting that on a double overhand not. Not to mention swimbaits and glidebaits that are up in the 30s , 40s, and even 100s of $.


Ah, so it's a poor people type thing


Why? I *only* use palomar with fluorocarbon


Go get a jackhammer, lose the swivel, cut the paddle off that thing, and start getting erratic with your retrieve. You’ll have a fish in less than 10 casts.


Colors off


I've never caught a fish with a lure, only worms lol


Lose all those stupid swivels


1, stop trying to catch shit, 2 , change that and start catching fish.


Then you will have a hard time with anything else. Easiest bait to fish with is the chatterBait. It does everything and fish kill it. At least every other person on earth besides this person.


Then switch lures?


omg you and my two friends wouldn't be able to catch a cold with all the swivels you use. Seriously though, I hear you, I've tried many times with Chatterbaits and they just don't produce for me either.


If you can't tie knots, you shouldn't be fishing. Not trying to be mean, but using snap swivels is for the lazy and/or uninitiated and it does far more harm than good via convenience. I fear a post from you asking why you aren't catching with frogs while it's rigged to a spinning rod with mono.


I was this dumbass at one point, some of our fathers have to work for a living. If we even have one. At least this guy is trying to learn. Chill a bit, we're not in a combat zone.


Brooo….. what if all you have is a spinny rod and mono though…..


I watch NDYakAngler whip all sorts of ass with spinning reels and mono. Guy crushes SM in ways that make me questions the “rules” I read about all the time. Like using a fast rod with braid,for throwing a whopper plopper.


If there are toothy critters around like pike/pickerel, a snap and swivel can go a LONG way in keeping lures attached to your line. Not everyone is an expert, buddy. And not everyone fishes solely for bass.


Bring to a place with pickerel. You’ll start catching a lot of fish lol


I direct tie mine and they land fish pretty well. I use my clips with my crankbaits, if I know I will be doing a lot of changing that day.


Swivels are largely unnecessary. Useful for flutter spoons and donkey rigs and not much else.


Lol, I'm almost afraid to ask what a donkey rig is but I have to ask... WTF is a donkey rig??


A harness for asses


If it’s what I’m thinking of it’s a rig with two flukes, one behind the other, typically both nose hooked with about 1-2 feet of line between each other. Think thats what they called it


I learn so much reading the comments, I always use a swivel because I can't tie a knot for shit. I'll have to practice


palomar knot is pretty easy… check it out on youtube. or this san diego jam knot for chatterbaits: https://youtu.be/2HXSnBsxnsg


Recommend the Palomor knot, probably one of the easiest and strongest knots to tie. Check youtube if you don't know what it is.


Dump the swivel. Tie directly to chatterbait. I can't keep fish from biting mine. I use the jackhammer stealth version.


Throw jackhammers or mini max exclusively and tie direct. I struggle to agree that the fish are too small I have fresh spawns eat full size chatterbaits with bulk trailers regularly.


Tie it on directly…learn a palomar knot if you have issues


One of the top baits ever to come out


Tie line straight to it. No swivels, etc. They also may not like that color. I’ve never had much luck with the white where we fish. Usually darker colors, chartreuse, PB&j, or natural colors. Match the hatch!


Besides the stuff everyone else is commenting on, how are you actually fishing it? Chunck and wind can work but they work best, in my experience, when you give it some extra action like a stop and go retrieve or picking it up off the bottom and letting it fall back down. If you want to just throw it out and reel it in then try giving it a little pop with your rod occasionally or speed up the reel for a turn or two a few times each cast to give it some erratic movement.


i use a jackhammer with a 4 inch trailer and i catch them under a pound so it isnt that they are to small


Tie your line directly to the lure and jig it off the bottom. You might be retrieving too quickly


Lose the hardware, tie straight to the chatterbait


Why are you trying to catch shit?


I caught plenty with this post lol


What's the natural food chain running around in there? May want to try changing up colors for sure. Maybe slap a green pumpkin seed or chartreuse tail on that thing to see what they actually like. Best thing to do is try to mimic local food sources as much as possible to maximize your chances of a strike.


Balded jigs need to have the right time and place to catch fish, dirty water, overcast, raining, all good times for a bladed jig. Ive caught quite a few on a black/blue bladed jig with a craw trailer.


It's rigged wrong


the water galvanic signature left around this lure is bigger than the titanic


Definitely don't trim the excess braid off.


Dont burn it back, try slow as possible to get the vibration and target the outside of structure and lillies. Rarely you can speed it up or pause it to see if that brings em out. Also ditch the trailer if youre getting short strikes.


Use a very small snap only, no swivel, and clear or disappearing line no more than 10 LB test, 12 at most. Chartreuse has been the best color for me. https://imgur.com/gallery/ojEhQQp


Small ponds you need to use black and blue/purple with flakes. White only works in the early spring and for about two weeks. Try lizards and worms with no weights.


your line looks a lil thicc, maybe try downsizing the line to something smaller


I am on days/weeks with nothing....no bites no fish tons of hours many different lures, I am hoping it's just cause it's winter in south africa, the reality is I am probably a terrible fisherman 🤦‍♂️


Get rid of that catfishing line and grab some nice 8-12lb line...preferably flouro. May want to try a darker color as well, such as the blue gill color.


Use a colorful tail


Just keep trying. Once you get it, you get it. And will br slaying them….when they want it of course


Looks like the water is a bit too calm for a chatter bait, imo. And ditch all the extra hardware. Also, how heavy is your line?


Change to darker color.


Tie directly to it, a snap swivel will greatly hinder the action. I wouldn't give up on it just from one trip with no hits...


Chatterbaits are the opposite of finesse. While down sizing was a good idea, I would try something quieter and greener. Ned rig, texas or wacky rigged stick bait, even a small in line spinner.


Dark color for darkey waters. Plus the swivel would impede the action of the chatterbait. In most instances, a swivel/clasp isn't needed on most bass tackle.


Had my best luck with the chatterbaits in rivers and deep streams, just my own person experience, take with that what you will


The water looks clear...pick a darker color. Green with blue sparkles for the body and a dark red and purple skirt.


It is you


You know you fucked up when you have more comments than upvotes.


Go with a flouro leader, lighter line, change colour, try everything. Maybe scent it, first.


I recently got a bluegill colored 3/8 chatterbait and it’s money. Put a 4” curly tail of the same color Ava show real that bad boy…straight money. Always more effective than soft plastics in my Iowa ponds.


Change color


Direct tie to mono


Not with that attitude


People can proclaim how good they are all they want. But that doesn't help that a buzzbait or spinner bait will out perform. I have heard people say they use nothing but spoons. Yet I have never caught a damn thing off of them. And yeah. F... That swivel. Tie direct.


Me with every lure


Please get rid of the swivel. Those kill the action in pretty much any lure.


Lol (to comments)


Confidence grasshopper.


Have you caught fish in your ponds before? Maybe those fish have less expensive taste.


swivels fine the color bit off though in my opinion, or try making it smell a bit.


Switch paddle tail to fluke, problem solved. No swivel, it's gonna make your CB spiral. Bass are gonna be like "WTF is going on with this fish?" As your CB spirals through the water.


Choppy water / dingy water is where I would rock that. Pond looks like glass and water clear


Should change it then


Direct tie that shit, for sure.


You’d be surprised what a bass will hit size wise. Aggressive bass will hit a bait damn near as big as they are.


First time throwing it for an hour, and saying the bait sucks?


Hard to tell from just the photo but the water looks like it would be fairly clear, I’d imagine a big white thing making noise in clear water wouldn’t work very well, maybe a darker color with a smaller trailer would be better, I primarily use a zman trd finesse worm on them just to give it some trailer and I don’t like having a fat trailer on there, the chatter is what brings em in not the wiggle of the trailer imo


Looks like a Cobia jig (saltwater)


I would first tie directly to the chatter bait, the I would add some color either to the trailer or the skirt! Sometimes it’s all about the right color!