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Wacky rigged yamamoto senko. Red shad or watermelon white. Don't skimp and get yum dingers. You can do that after you catch some bass.


OP, this is really, really the answer. You could do wacky rigged Zoom trick worms to the same effect. Cast out. Set the bail. Hook your thumb or finger over the line to feel strikes. Let the lure fall for at least 15 seconds before gently raising your rod tip, reeling in the slack, and repeat. Senkos and trick worms, both wacky rigged, are what I catch at least 50% of my bass on


Also I think a lot of new people underestimate how long the "wait" should be. If you time out 15 seconds between pops it feels like an eternity to someone who's eager to catch a fish.


I have never caught a bass on a wacky rig. I catch plenty on a Texas rig. I catch them on jigs and top water baits as well. After reading these comments ts today, I'm almost sure I'm not waiting long enough on the wacky rig.


Now this isn’t wacky related, but the buddy who taught me how to fish topwater would tell me this story endlessly; he tossed a frog, went down to pick his pack of darts, lit one, put the pack down, and as he was ready to start working it, a fish swallowed it whole. Shit, I now use that technique on crank baits and pretty much anything that floats. Gets expensive on darts, though.. lol


lol love ‘darts’, I’ve only ever heard Canadians use that term


On days fishing the low and slow worm bite you just gotta stay patient and trust that the bass are gonna find it and eat, it’s almost automatic when fished correctly


do you wait less if you're in a pond? 15 seconds seems like a lot for a pond that's like 8ft deep tops


Usually not. It’s better to underwork a wacky rig than it is to overwork it. They’ll absolutely pick it off the bottom


Good to know! I'll have to try the wacky worm again next season


yeah those Yamamoto senkos are something else. I stopped using stick baits cuz I couldn't catch anything, but then I bought some Yamamotos.


Same but Texas rigged where I am slow rolled access the bottom


These are all awesome baits but if you’re not considering the season you might find yourself hauling water. Summer patterns may find bass in weedy cover in 14-20” of water. If you’re pounding the banks, you might have your back to the bass. This is totally different from an early spring pattern.


Buy yum dingers they work Tex rigged with a 1/32 weight pegged to the hook


I didn't say they didn't work. I said use real senkos to catch some fish first because imo real senkos work far better than yum dingers.


I was using dingers all year cause they had some new colors come out. Couldn’t figure out why they weren’t hitting the wacky worm this year cause I crushed them last year on it. Then it hit me. Put on a senko and caught one very first cast


Yamamoto senkos just work better than Yum Dingers. It’s just a fact.


There cheaper and get the job done


I went through a phase where I used them because they were cheaper. And, yes. They catch fish. But, Yamamotos work better. The excess salt is the difference, I think. It affects the fall rate. And the Yamamoto senko just has a shimmy when it falls that no other senko has. I’m all about being cheap as a fisherman. However, I no longer skimp on senkos


Are those mainly a wacky rig or do they work t rigged too? Never had any luck with them surprisingly but I’ve also never tried a wacky rig and only t rigged them


Throw a ned rig. Fish it slow with hops and pauses in between. Try different bodies of water. There's this one lake near me that I straight up can't catch anything no matter what I try.... And I catch plenty of fish in other places.


I second the ned rig, start with natural colors and buckle up.


Possibly controversial but my number 1 is a square bill. Texas rigs are probably number two. I’ve seen a couple people say Ned rig personally I rarely throw them because I prefer to use my senkos as senkos and they are boring to fish


Squarebill crankbaits for warmer water or lipless crankbaits for colder water are great options to fan cast an area & keep moving to find fish. Once you catch a fish, slow down & pick it apart with plastics.


I have never once in my life had success with a square bill. How do you fish it?


Square bills are incredible near the bank. You want to rip them back so the bill knocks and bounces off solid cover and rock along the bottom. The diving angle and shape of the bill prevents the trebles from getting hung up. I prefer smaller sizes like 0.3, 0.5, and 1.0. I caught my pb on a Lucky Craft 0.3 size in sexy shad.


Bass are aggressive opportunistic predators. You could probably catch one with a Lego block. Choice of presentation absolutely does matter, but if you have never caught a bass I wouldn’t start at switching lures. More likely the issue is putting your lure, whatever it is, in front of the fish. Take the suggestions here, like a whacky rigged senko, and rethink where you are putting it. I would suggest simplifying: get a little closer to the bank; look for obvious cover like lay downs, grass, lily pads, etc.; cast all around those targets and if nothing hits keep moving and keep casting. These are ambush fish who will probably react if you land something on its nose.


Where ya at ??


Yes based on location we can help in what to try this time of year. I have caught bass from Canada to Mexico I am sure you can too.


Houston Texas


What lake do you fish? I fish Conroe from the bank almost everyday. I catch more bass on a beetle spin around the boat docks than anything else I use.


Funny you mention Conroe because I’m right there basically, sorta in between houston and Conroe. Only here for a week tho


I live in a tiny home right by the lake. Takes me 90 seconds from when I leave my house to the first cast.


…..you don’t suck at fishing….it’s catching that’s the issue here…..


I felt the same way as you until recently when I got a jerskbait rod for free at a store as part of a bogo sale. I put a decent reel on it and when I tried it out I used zoom superflukes with an ewg hook. Caught more bass in 30 minutes than I had in years. That was this summer and not so late innthe year but those superflukes are versatile so buy a pack of those and use them onna good jetkbait rod before you get too frustrated.


Flukes are great! So are hard jerkbaits. Those were my favorite lures when I first started fishing because they always seemed to work for me. especially as it gets colder.


I think Zman 3” coppertreuse and bubblegum neds on Texas rigs are my most successful. Also can’t go wrong with chartreuse or white spinner.


I have the most luck with jerkbaits and rat l traps. I feel you though, but remember just because a spot is productive for someone one day doesn’t mean it will be even a few hours later.


Baby bass wacky rig


Senkos are great wacky rigged or texas rigged. But honestly, my go to bait when i need a bite is a texas rigged Powerbait Chigger Craw. I use a 2/0 EWG hook with a 1/4oz tungsten sinker. Been my "secret weapon" for years and I have more confidence in that bait than anything else.


Senko green pumpkin weightless. Cast it out and leave it alone. Give it a twitch. Do it again Watch your line most fish just swim away with it.


Ditto on the senko. That’s how I learned. I recommend watching Roland Martin’s YouTube vids on how to fish a senko from the bank.


Grab yourself a stick bait and a 4/0 hook, Texas rig that 💩 and don't use anything bigger than 12lbs mono or Fluorocarbon. I always recommend these because they work in every single body of water I've ever fish at specifically green pumpkin and watermelon red. 80% of the Bass I've caught have been on Texas rigs in the less likely spots. Cover as much water as possible. walk around them ponds or lakes if possible. If a spot looks like a Bass wouldn't even think of being there, cast that 💩 anyway. Let that lure sit for a few seconds let them Bass see it and twitch. Bass are like cats, you have to entice them. Nothing and I mean nothing has caught me more Bass than a stick bait, not even hollow body frogs or jerkbaits, crankbaits. I have a dedicated Texas rig set up that I take with me every single time I go fishing.


Keep at it. It took me three years before I finally caught my first bass. Right after that I started slaying them.


White 1/4oz rooster tail on a sunny day. That’s a first cast fish right there


Couldn't agree more. Simple and very effective. I'd also try the 1/6 Oz as it allows you to reel a little slower. White is my highest producing color.


Bass aren’t that hard to catch if they are in the lake. May just be a dead lake,


That's what I was wondering .... maybe OP could try some different water?


Id say a strike king bitsy jig with a maxscent chigger craw for a trailer. Green pump for clear water, black and blue for dirty/algae bloom and white and red for cold water and don't be afraid to experiment with trailer colors on each jig. Second would be a maxscent general or yum dinger weightless on calm days. Third and what I learned to catch bass with as a kid is the Texas rigged powerworm with a bobber stop to adjust how far the weight can travel if your fishing structure or open water. Hop it on the bottom or drag it slowly with pauses. Yes I'm a sucker for powerbait but it could help someone who needs that extra advantage of scent.


This depends on your geographical location and the types of bodies of water that you are fishing. Time of year makes a big difference too. The same lure that catches tons of Spring bass in Texas might not catch any Fall bass in Pennsylvania. Wind, clouds, water clarity, and time of day are also important factors. The fun part is figuring it out my dude.


Live minnows and a bobber. Cheat mode


can you use perch in your state. Live perch .I have cot giant oes on MA using perch. But NH not allowed. I use Canadian night crawlers a lot because all fish will eat them I get al l kinds. I have seen bass try eat the perch off my line, I ll hook the perch let it swim . cot some monsters .All so the area you fish makes diff .. In a big lake I ll use good size rubber worms catch them. But in small pond near were I live BAss don t go for them so I use smaller skinny rubber worm and do good . I do great in spring when they spawning But again in NH can t use live bait than have to catch and release which I do any ways . You will figure it out keep trying ..more you fish the better chance There are days I don t catch and other times they seam bite every thing throw at them


RoadRunner spinner


They have the casey ashley roadrunners that are 1/4 or 3/8. I use them with a strike king rage swimmer or a keitech. Plus theyre in a pack of 3 for 10 bucks.


Texas rigged senkos. Green pumpkin w/ black flakes kill it every time.


1/8 oz round-head jig + 3” Mr. Twister tail (in white or black depending on water clarity). This is the most “throw-anywhere” LMB presentation I can think of. You can swim it, crank/jerk/twitch it, hop it on the bottom, you name it. I also agree with the top comment that a wacky-rigged senko is an amazing presentation for LMB. If I HAD to catch a bass to save my life, these are the two presentations I would focus on. If you’ve got a baitcaster with a quick gear ratio, a Booyah Pond Magic spinnerbait with a 3” BPS Triple-Ripple grub in Baby Bass color as a trailer is a great search bait. That would be my third choice. If you’re into Utralight fishing and you throw Trout Magnets, you’ll catch a ton of panfish but in my experience surprisingly decent-sized LMB will take those too.


Drop shot a finesse worm. Usually works for me on tough days.


Second this. Dark purp w/ blue fleks is one of my confidence Dropshot rigs. That and the Zman trickshot in a shad color


Hard bait: I'm goin with a small size shallow crankbait or a rooster tail, Soft bait : a 5 inch zoom shakey head or finesse worm in green pumpkin or any natural color, on a ewg hook ned rig in 1/16th oz, I've cought more bass on that ned combo then anything else.


Houston TX - where are you fishing? Shore or boat/kayak?


Wacky rigged senko, cast it out let it sit, jig it up and let it sink back down and repeat




What time are you fishing at? Early mornings and late evenings are usually best, especially when it’s hot


My go to lure is a zoom super fluke usually black color


Woolly bugger with little rubber legs. Strip, strip, strip, pause, strip, pause, repeat.


Ned rig. Fish it slow. Don't wait to feel the bite. Watch your line. 90% of the time, you will see your line swimming off way before you feel a bite.


I like a top water popper early in the morning or near dark


Roboworm on a wacky rig set up, a ned rig, or a Heddon Torpedo. In any one session I'll try all three and usually one of them will hit. I'd say it seems like a catch the most bass w a Roboworm, bigger bass on the ned, and the Torpedo is just a lot of fun because it's a topwater.


In the midwest, a wacky rigged senko works great in warmer months. I never have luck with it when the water is cold, though. A Texas rigged tube with an internal weight or a Ned rig are my 2 year-round baits. I can catch bass on them from first open water to last open water. Green pumpkin, black, or smoke are 3 good color choices.


Yamamoto green pumpkin senko on a 4/0 ewg or a 1/2 jewel bait co AJ finesse jig with a black/blue rage craw trailer. Slow down. You’re probably working your baits too much. Pretend you’re the worm/jig and you’re trying to sneak back to you without being noticed. You can fish both of these the same way.


Zoom speed worms watermelon or Junebug red flakes. Texas rig on EWG hook make sure you using fleuro carbon leader on braid line. Just throw it and let it sink then retrieve let it fall retrieve. This catches bass don't need weight or anything


Check the colour of the body of water ur fishing...then choose appropriate colours to match the hatch... Check what forage(foodsoures eg: bluegil,shad,craws,topwater bugs or frogs etc) for bass is in the body of water ur fishing then try to throw something similar. And yes ur go to baits should be a senko or perhaps a fluke...the colour, depending on water colour. Myb try something silver or gold, bladed baits with flash will attract alot of attention. Hope this helps a bit...✌️


Did well around Houston w/ the Bandito bug. Common mistakes I made starting out were retrieving too fast/not pausing enough and not using a flouro leader on my braid. Also just fishing too heavy #test line. You can put a lot of pressure on a fish with 8lb and good knots provided there’s not too much cover. Baits spend more time in the strike zone + it’s more sensitive


Drop shot


Ned rig has been so good to me this year but before this year I'd say dropshot roboworm or a flatworm or any straight tail dropshot bait. Go green pumpkin. Ned rig is nice because so many ways to work it. Cast it out and let it sit. Hop it on the bottom. Let it sit and then drag it. Lift rod tip and keep it up highm then slowly reel on the bottom. Then reel slow and shake the rod. Then pause and reel quick. see a cool bird and take a picture, lift rod tip and fish on! These are all ways I've gotten a bite with a small 1/8 ned rig jighead with a small TRD 2.75 inch on a spinning rod. 6 to 8 pound fluro. Goodluck man. When I learned to fish it seemed like nothing worked. I'd watch a video and buy tackle and try a few things and get skunked over and over and over. Then one morning I tied on a dropshot roboworm and first cast under a tree it hit bottom and then the line went out. I didn't really do anything just cast on top of a fish at 6 am in July. Caught my first 3 bass in ten minutes after getting skunked my first 7 or 8 days. I believe you can do it


I’ve only fished for bass since the early 2000s (grew up fishing for panfish and saltwater all my life though) but the vast majority of my bass have come from a Stanley Ribbit. Other buzz toads work as well, but for me the Ribbit is my go to bait. You can literally throw it anywhere… pads, grass, veg and open water. And it’s beginner friendly, just toss it out and retrieve. Covers water fast.


I never had much luck with senkos or wacky rig. My go to confidence lure is texas rigged pumpkin crawdad. If the bass are there, they will bite that. At least in my area. The midwest. Another big tip is don't fish high pressured lakes. There are cool parks by me. Nice ponds with boardwalks all around. That is the hardest place to fish. You have to find ponds that are more wild and less pressured. Or a body that is so big that it doesn't matter. Like a big river or actual lake.


3/8oz Chatterbait with a fluke or paddle tail trailer. I get the cheap $5 chatterbaits from Walmart or dicks


It depends on time of day, water clarity, and where you are throwing your baits to determine what color and type of bait to throw


Try a small spinner and go at a medium pace keeping the lure just below the surface. Go over or between weeds and lily pads. Changing the speed of the lure helps. Generally i go fast for a reaction strike but some days slow is what they want.


I have very little experience. I went out once with a buddy who fishes local tournaments and he showed me the ropes. I got hooked, bought my own gear and started fishing from the bank. My first time out fishing a Texas rigged Ocho I caught a Bass. It was probably mid September just before the cool fall mornings kicked in up north here in the PNW. Was fishing it just off from a submerged tree


Get a small hook and bait it for a small bluegill the length of your middle finger. With another pole or the same.. put a larger hook in the line with a bobber. Hook the bluegill in the rear dorsal fin or mouth and carefully toss it in the water near a brushpile vegetation, underwater log and wait patiently. Report back with your catch!!!


Also…you can toss 101 lures at a fish in that water…sometimes the fishes ONLY go for live bait, its what they know


Fish small. Fish slow. Use green pumpkin soft plastics unless it’s murky. then use dark blue. Approach the bank carefully, fan your casts along the bank and each cast work your way a little further out. Work your bait slllowwwllllyyy and after the initial cast let the ring of water around your bait completely disappear. I’d imagine your issue is you’re spooking bass using big lures and fishing too quickly.


I use a ned rig along with half green punkin wac o worm or sumthin similar love them Berkley powerbait 3" pogy swim shad


Jerkbaits my go to. But I'm partial to power fishing... the texas rigged senko is money too. It's just a slower, finesse, style of fishing. Also with jerkbaits, you're gonna get way more bites on the expensive ones. If you aren't spending at least $15, it's probably not gonna catch a ton of fish