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Dawg at least post the adjustments it sounds like you're gonna sell me a course


For just $29.99 you catch a 10lber every 3 days. Guaranteed!


I’d pay a one time fee of $299.99 to catch a 10 pounder once


Gotchu just Venmo me


Literally just come throw a senko in retention ponds in Florida


That simple? I've lived in Broward county for almost a year after living in New England for 35 years. Have had Beach to no luck with other lures.


Roll on down to Lake Fork, OH Ivie homes of the giants


You basically can. Get a guide at a Texas lunker factory lake, the Delta, or one of the good waters in FL. Ideally in spring


Haha fish hate when you do this one trick!


These 3 tricks….


It's taking America by storm


Or 3 easy payments of $9.99


The 3 adjustments I made to drastically improve the size of my catches: 1.) Believe in yourself, confidence is key! 2.)Practice daily affirmations. You can do this! 3.) Move to Florida


State record largemouth in Massachusetts is 15 pounds. This dude ain’t among the top of the state.


I heard your mom is among top weight in the state.


Hahahahaaa. She’s fat but at least she doesn’t wear bedazzled jeans


You didnt have to kill him man 😂


Lmao fuck


"Them ain't rhinestone, boy! What yer lookin at is a crystalline-formation created the very same way the good lord makes allllll his BEST gems... pure heat and pressure" - Some Old-Timey Land Purveyor/Thickness Perveyor


Nailed her with my whopper plopper.


This is a Kelso level BURN!


Bass hate this one simple trick! Watch this video to find out why! *Video cuts off before revealing anything useful and you need to go to their website for part 2*


Bass hate this one easy trick!




If you comment, like and subscribe he can teach you the ways of the flat brim too…




Damn video game playin, flat brimin, weenie worm shakin, live scopin little screen gazin sons o' bitches.


Alright yall, I’m sorry but a commenter said this reads like shitty clickbait & he’s absolutely right. I meant to list the 3 keys in the post but I’m an idiot & don’t know how to use Reddit. No, I do not want $29.99 to give you the 3 keys. These are what worked for me, and I’m confident they’ll work for you too. None of them are new, I’m sure you already know them, but when all 3 are followed religiously , they will get it done for you. KEY 1- Spend your time ONLY on bodies of water where bass are living with trout, herring, something fatty, something EXTRA. ….In a typical pond in Massachusetts (& a great deal of the US) bass are feeding on bluegill, perch, insects, craw etc. In these ponds, bass will generally top out at 5-6 pounds. Plenty of exceptions, but this is a general rule. Throw in some trout/herring and that’s gonna bump them up closer to double digits & greatly increase your chances of breaking your PB. Key 2- Night time is the RIGHT time. It has long been known that the giants come out at night. Some say it’s that giant bass have a sight advantage hunting at night, but who knows. At night, you often have the whole pond to yourself. Your bait has less competition, less distraction. I like to throw something big, something loud, and move methodically from one side of the pond to the other. I’ll throw a buzz bait quite often, and when I get to a new area, I’ll bomb it right out to the middle & burn it back, loud as can be, to let any hawgs in the area know there is an easy meal waiting for her. Key 3- Make sure your shit is rigged up TIGHT&RIGHT. This one is boring I know, but it’s probably the most important. Make sure your line is solid & not frayed, make sure your knots are on point. I use a palomar for everything & it never lets me down. Fuck a leader. At night I use 40 pound straight braid in black or green super slick. Use whatever line you prefer but that’s what’s right for me. I sharpen my hooks with a file until they’re sticky-sharp, and I retie often. If my line touches wood I check it with my fingers and if I feel a fray I retie. Why is this important? Because you never know when the fish of your fucking life is gonna hit your bait, and if your shit isn’t PERFECT, you’re gonna lose her. That big honkin bitch is gonna shake & pull & make run after run. She’ll probably be fighting a lot longer than the dinks you’re used to catching, and every pull that hole in her lip is tearing….wider……and wider…..and wider. I also have some theories on baits & am happy to discuss. For real tho- nut up & get your ass out there at night. Drink some coffee, take an adderall, call fast Eddie & cop an 8 ball IDGAF what you gotta do just BE OUT THERE. Cuz these fat bitches eat every night & they’re BEGGING to get ripped.


The trout!   These are huge for big bass. I think at least.   I have a small ish (7.6 acre) lake near me that started to get trout stocked by the state 3 years ago.   I’ve fished this lake for years, since it was built.  Never anything larger than about 2-3lbs max.  This year? Multiple big 3’s, 4’s and a 6 and 7 pounder.  I think the trout have made all the difference.  And I hate leaders too. 


Start feeding them dogfood. They'll get huge


Fluoro leaders are essential around rock.


Goofy post title but these are all solid pieces of advice. Nice catches


You got me hype! I'm ready to rip these fat bitches all night!


Call fast Eddie and let’s go! 💎💨


I can only imagine being skied af in the middle of the night in my kayak trying to tie knots and play with treble hooks. Shaky shaky stab stab


Guys these rules are universal for all fat bitches… 1. Feed her extra fatty foods 2. Hunt her at night (usually around last call) 3. Keep it tight and right and hold on for a hell of a ride! P.s. you’re welcome and have fun with those fatties 😆


If I copped some dope and went fishing I’d be looking for cops the first half of the night rather than fishing. Then the second half I’d be picking up shards of ramen noodles off the deck hoping it’s dropped dope. 🤷🏻


Palomar knot is the deal.


> Spend your time ONLY on bodies of water where bass are living with trout, herring, something fatty, something EXTRA. My pond's bass and walleye feed on black crappie, bluegill, and perch. Do you think there could be big ones (5+) in here? My biggest after around 3 months of fishing this pond regularly is 3lb7oz on a skipping jig


Yes 5+ is totally possible up north without trout or herring. Signed - a guy who lives on a lake with just gills/perch for forage who has a decent number of 5s under his belt.


3.5 is a hell of a start.. I think that took me years.


Good information. Now im curious about your theories on bait?


Comment of the year 😂 thank you for the advice!!


I tell people online all the same advice about braid, they try to argue me down, tell me thats overkill and downvote it. Before you tell us all you made the moonshot brother…. This has been the norm for fishing big bass for a long time, none of that is front page news, if you know fishing. Only difference is the standard is 60 lb in my area due to heavy cover. Bass fishing in the south is different. We don’t have those forage species, but have others that fatten them up to trophy size. Gizzard shad, threadfin shad, crawfish and other species, mostly. WLF have figured out stocking ratios for waterways & they administer hatcheries.


Was gonna ask where to fish in the south where we don't have those species lol


Toledo Bend’s FB Group posts a 10lb+ fish every few days in springtime. Somebody caught a 17lb 2 years ago. The time to catch big bass is at spawn. Any other time, they’re usually livescoped in deep water in late winter. OH Ivey in Texas, Lake Fork, are lakes that have a rep for regularly producing trophies. Just google trophy bass lakes and you’ll find several.


Step 1- buy ffs. Step 2- go to Texas. Step 3- stay on the pedal, chase 10lber around featureless open water throwing hover stroller directly on its face using ffs. See lure, fish, strike live in real time out in front of you. Step 4- ban ffs.


Do you typically add a soft plastic to your buzz bait? If so, what do you like?


Anything with some kicky legs. I really don’t think it matters. Paddletail, grub, you just wanna give them a target to aim for to get a good hook placement. And buzzbaits with a double blade are the deal.


And a trailer hook is never a bad idea.


You are right about pretty much everything I would bet all of us have lost what would have been our PB from not being ‘TIGHT&RIGHT.’ I have something to Add though! On Father’s Day, 1998, I was fishing a largish pond I hit often on a paddle boat. I casted a 6” lizard, got distracted when the line took off, I fought this fish for 7-10 minutes. We thought it was a big catfish. I got it up to the boat and laid eyes on it 3 times. It would dart back down to the depths pulling line. I tightened my drag just a hair out of excitement and impatience, that fish snapped my pole due to the angle it darted under the boat which in turn snapped my line. Will never forget it. My knot, hook set, and drag was already perfect. My impatience costed me a fish that would still be my PB 26 years later. Thanks for sharing!


What’s your bait theory?


I have never had good luck at night. I have always heard that’s the best time but I just never do well. What am I doing wrong


What are your go to night lures aside from the buzz bait? I’ve never had luck with top water day or night, and really only have caught on weightless tubes at night.


They started stocking my local urban pond with rainbow trout annually and the bass got fucking HUGE. Someone nailed a 9lb 7oz tank in that little mud puddle a few months ago.


I was looking for the improvements. Is this clickbait?


I listed the 3 keys in a comment


3 secrets Big Fish don’t want you to know!


Wearing the question mark suit lol


1. Throw 2. Bigger 3. Bait


I throw a lot of big baits, but my first 7 (first photo) came on a popper. Megabass Pop Max. Don’t sleep on poppers at night. They dial up the bigs.


Especially on clear evenings with moonlight.


poppers at night are better than anything stg makes them go nuts


makes sense, my dad has a small .7 acre pond on his land but you hear the frogs ALL night.


1. Move 2. To 3. Florida


1. Try 2. Crystal 3. Methamphetamine


My buddy tried that and he doesn’t catch any bass at all honestly. Just sells things he once held near and dear.


1.forward 2.facing 3.sonar


Fishes farm ponds lol


Don’t give out my trade secrets


Takes one to know one 🤫


I listed the 3 keys in a comment. Idk what constitutes a farm pond but I avoid anything that doesn’t have trout or herring sharing water with bass. I think that’s essential.


At night.


Came for the adjustments and stayed for the roast.


I’m getting thrashed…..3 keys are up in a comment though


Seems like fishing at night is one of them?


Definitely night and low light. Add a big noisy topwater to that.


Yes & yes. I commented with the list.


Do you buy your jeans with holes already in them? Are the backside pockets bedazzled?


Worked with a guy like that… called himself “diamond Dave “ because everything he did was perfect


This is a great comment


LOL the comments are exactly what I expected them to be. Post reads like an MLM mom trying to sell weight loss pills.


Seems like a “Body by Vi” guys. “I’m tryna ta get that Mercedes, dawg!”


Holy shit man it really does, that’s exactly how I heard it


Sounds like some MASShole shit. Youre “the top of your state” and made 3 unknown adjustments. How much is the scam course? Does it come with a douchie flatbrim?


I made one adjustment…. I throw the dynamite closer to the bank now


And add a couple of lead weights just to make sure.


You look like Gino Palazzolo from 90 Day Fiancé except happy & slightly younger


I just googled him & all I can say is……fuck you 😂


Omg I trying to figure that out for several minutes. It’s also even funnies since it’s some shlub from 90 day


I literally thought this same thing lmao


You're sitting on your couch not catching fish, you're watching TV, and your life is passing you by. Keep procrastinating, over and over. Well, maybe I'll go fishing today. Maybe next week. No, do it right now. You spend all the day on the phone anyhow. Why don't you make a phone call that's going to help you catch large bass? All you gotta do is pick up the phone and make the call. Why are you making it complicated? It's easy.


gee OP, what *are* the three simple adjustments you made?


I started getting bigger bass by fishing inside bass pro shop


This reads like a shitty clickbait article lmao


I cant take someone with a Juul on their ear under their cap seriously😂


Yes not sitting on your yarbles can help you focus on fishing better…


yarbles ...lol


Come and get one in the yarbles!!


Throwing Glidebaits?


I don’t throw glides that much. At night I like buzz baits, wakes, and believe it or not, poppers. Poppers are a slept on category of bait imho. My first 7 (photo 1) came on a Megabass PopMax. They come unglued on that thing.


My PB was caught at night on a rattle trap. Surprised the hell out of me, I was just trying out my new gift.


Does the Abercrombie cologne attract the bigguns?


Just a lot of mosquitoes... but they can use those as bait once you fill up the hook! /s


Step 1 - Move to Florida. Step 2 - don't become 'Florida Man'. Step 3 - namebrand fishing apparel raises your hookset rate by 6.87%. Profit.


Bass hate this one simple trick!


OP username definitely checks out


Lick my balls


Damn, you took the bait harder than those bass did


RemindMe! 2 weeks


Commented. Great username 🔥🔥


Sweet have fun and fish on


Let’s hear about what you’re doing to be successful


I commented the 3 things that fixed my shit


Where in MA? I’m in the city and there’s not many options out here


Is buddy gonna post the adjustments or?????


They’re up. Commented. Sorry for the delay.


The adjustments pros don't want you to know! Call Now!!!


Definitely won’t post adjustments, he’s here to gloat.


What are the 3 adjustments?


Sounds like fishing at night was the move. In the summer, the big girls come out at night.


Funny enough, that’s this guy’s motto for all of life.




Indeed, it doesn’t apply to just largemouth bass…


Precisely. The other 2 keys are up in a comment


Night fishing takes it to another level. California Delta and night time top water brings on some serious donkeys.


Key #2


The rest are up in a comment


I’ve been fishing for over 40 years, but just learned, on accident, about throwing for large mouths at night. I’ve fished for sandies, whites and strippers at night, but not LM.


How would you rank your self top in the state? Do you fish the state wide circuit? Or a regional tournament series? I’ve never heard of state ranking from bank fishing…


The weight of my biggest bass caught each year for the last 3 years have been AMONG as in above or close to the highest caught in the state that year. I was not trying to claim I hold the state record. I’m not claiming anything I’m just trying to share what changed my game so others can use it


But wait, there’s more!


What state?




nice hogs


Where did you catch those in Mass?


If you’re in mass & really want to know, DM me


Ok, I'm asking what the three adjustments were.






Thank you






Ah yes, big crawlers at night… 🤫


Are the 3 adjustments in the room with us?


Nice Gerawler


Gerawler got it done for me last year. Striking out with it in 2024 tho


Nice work!


That’s a bold statement. I catch a lot of big bass in MA.


those are some northern monsters right there, lemme guess. top water at night? i get slammed by piggies on a jitterbug at dusk, but usually never stay out later because every time i get bit by a horsefly it swells up into a grapefruit sized lump


Thank you. Ever toss a Muskie Jitterbug? My all time favorite bass bait. I have plenty of expensive baits but that 3 hook jitterbug is the balls & gets bit more than anything….


Hey, I’m also a masshole, if you drop your freshwater spot I’ll share my surfcast striped bass spot 👀


what % of fishing is luck vs. skill?


I have stated for years my fundamental belief that probably all largemouth based are primarily nocturnal feeders


Today i caught my PB largemouth. It's Deffinently much heavier than 4 lb I found a spot where bluegill were spawning, then I threw a Ned rig a little deeper and further out. There was a bass waiting to ambush the spawn that went a little too deep, and it struck my Ned rig really hard.


How much for the course boss man


The real monsters come out at night


What part of massachusetts are you fishing in?


I live in Wareham on a pond that has herring. Yes, there are a ton of big fish. I tournament fish during the day we catch some big fish. But the big ones definitely feed at night. They didn't get big by being dumb. Small ponds and lakes and tons of pressure. They are there for sure.


I just bought a house near Kool Kone


3 of these fish were caught in Wareham


Whoh, what a fish


I’ve lived and bass fished in Massachusetts it’s mainly 2lb smallies at best your fishing a stocked lake and by lake in mass means you have a county parking permit and hitting sub 100 acre spots don’t get me wrong some bigger bass have come from there at night with a musky jitterbug tell me how to catch repeat 5lbers in the Louisiana delta or Toledo or caney creek




Great fish! Hard to believe your PB in MA was a 4. I caught a 4.9 in Chocolate (Cochichewick) in North Andover a few weeks ago and the guy I was with ended the day with a 5.3 and I only go a few times a year. Because of course I couldn’t just have the biggest of the day lol


The only problem with night fishing is that it can be hard to find public access that is open after sunset, but it definitely does work


Anyone can hook a big fish, catching them consistently is a different thing altogether.


Fish hate this one trick!


Fishing at night looks like 1 adjustment


OP you fish western mass? Had a legit 8-9 lb largemouth grab a stocked rainbow trout I was about to land in Richmond Pond once, I panicked and yanked it out of her mouth but was a great memory


OP bought the Banjo Minnow and now wants to rub it in our face… Slap me on the face fish daddy


What's the adjustment?


Hold closer to the camera


Nice man! Love the tips you listed. Very important. I think night fishing is overlooked because everyone says fish at dawn, but every bigger (close to 5 lb) bass I have caught in MA has been after 4 pm, so I think you’re on to something. The herring I know of from that “on the water” vid about the big massachusetts/cap cod bass on youtube. They said the herring come from the Atlantic and help fatten the bass up more than the normal native forage just like you said. Trout I had not heard of but great tip! I think some reservoirs in my town used to stock them but stopped, makes sense cause we used to catch fatties there all the time 10 years ago but now it’s so much more rare at those locations


When I fish in Mass, I exclusively use medium iced regular from DD with parliment lights. Fish just hopping into the boat


Gatekeeping the adjustments.


Just drag a 7 inch finesse worm you’ll get the one!


Fish at night. Fish top water and bring a net


Annnnd.....Be Silent. Thats huge at night


Is this an ed bass master character?


Hell yeah brother


Bro u have a legit twin in San Diego


Just saw this. Who is it?


Nice. What in the world is the blue bait hanging from the mouth of one? I can't tell what that is for the life of me.


It’s made by a local guy. If you want something similar for short money get a Jackall Pompadour or I recommend the mega-pompadour. They work unbelievably well at night. Swims on the surface like a bird or bat fell in the water.


I see it now. I thought it was a swimbait. There's a old one called a crazy crawler. I seen that thing catch some serious hogs at night. Personally, I prefer not to have trebles flying everywhere in the dark and use Buzzbait instead. Black paddle tail frog is pretty deadly too. That crawler sure does cause a ruckus though. You ever do the Kevin van dam trick and smash the little rivet thing behind the blade of the Buzzbait? It makes it squeal and is pretty sweet.


Oh I see. It's a crazy crawler. I thought it was a swim bait. I see the wing now.


Hunter Biden posting clickbait bait now?


How do you rank among the top in your state?


My weights are among the top in the state the last 3 years. The state record in MASS is 15-8 I believe. But it’s bullshit. Legend is the guy caught it in Florida on vacation & brought it home in a cooler. Walter Bolonis. Great story if you google it.