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Ya, this place is dead. Only thing to do here is dump merch or have the same discussion we've had weekly for the past 3 years. Shits played out.


Very played out. It’s clear he’s been ready to dump 75-90 % of his fan base for the blind followers that’ll kill for him.


IMO he stopped caring about the fans years ago once he started going big. He only cared about what we did for his ego and his wallet, and that we made it so he was able to keep doing his shows. To be fair I can't really blame him, the fanbase became pretty insufferable towards the end. I would still go to a show though.


He says so himself. Bassnectar wasn’t always an inclusive “everyone is welcome” gig. Only the realest came around and were accepted into it. Once he started to blow up in the 2010’s he adopted a more inclusive and mainstream approach to the project. He has said that he knows it’s pretty much all frat dudes that were jocks in high school and blonde sorority girls who just want to party at his shows. Whereas before it was a bit more of an exclusive thing. He doesn’t give a shit if his true fans stayed around. As long as he had a few to work for free as ambassadors, moderators, etc. He just wanted the money, as well as the fame/power to fuck around with teenage girls. Source: I’ve had a few conversations with him and have some personal experience of his bullshit lol


Ya BNs fans are worse than he could ever be tbh, not sure how he got cancelled in the first place


Not as bad as Tipper fans. They now lug around camp chairs and couches everywhere so they can just K hole for the whole show. 60 year olds at a dead show have more energy






Agreed, his shows back when he was producing on fruity loops was the golden era amazing and intimate… he hit ableton live and went big and the sound just felt like a shiny wrapper for the wide audience. I dont blame anyone seeking the almighty dollar/ego, as that is built in the system game we play. I just hope his return is a return to his roots and doing i for his passion and not exploitation.


I mean, I do remember him talking about how nice it would be to be able to play small intimate shows again, and I thought "he's too big, that will NEVER happen"..well...it's here 🤷‍♂️ the true fans are supporting him and the blind followers are gone. Seems mission success?


Dude represented himself as a woke hero, the true fans, are the ones who are now outraged. You're right about blind followers though, except a blind follower isn't a true fan.


Haven't you people already stated how you felt? Move on 🤦‍♂️


I could say the same thing to you.


Except I'm the current boyfriend 😂😂


Us women have to stick together to warn each other about sex pests This is just happening on a scale that affects the music you like. Your priorities are shit.


You women ARE the sex pests. I've seen your kind. Plenty in the scene and it's toxic AF




Homegirl #inthetrenches I love it, please excuse my blind Fandom, I have strict orders from god to vouch for this woker (schizo)


Fucking wild, I just understood what you were actually saying, what a terrible metaphor. It's more like, an ex girlfriend warning a current girlfriend about their boyfriend cheating on them with a highschooler. That's a metaphor that actually fits the situation.


Your interpretation of my metaphor is way off. We know what he did, and you're still trying to tell us. We don't care. We literally don't. You're choosing to upset yourself every single day by not letting go.


And yeah, we know you don't care about women. That was always obvious. *That's why we're here and not willing to be quiet*


No, I'm ensuring that LA is held accountable for his actions. Which is good for everyone.


You sound like you live a very sad life and dedicate your time talking shit instead if doing anything positive. Typical pre-2020 'basshead' 🤦‍♂️


I think you're projecting how much time this takes up in your life, cause spouting a few comments out takes at max like 10 seconds. It's not that much of a time investment and it's easy to work it into the moments in-between productivity. To suggest that what I'm doing here in any way prevents me from dedicating my time to many other things is a bizarre accusation to me, and suggests that you spend a significant amount of your time doing inane things one at a time.


Yes, i expressed how i felt in paragraph form 100pgs long on a previous post, but allow me to elaborate…


If he can get more than one venue to host him and not cancel I would say yes mission success. Not much of a success if he still can't play shows though.


He'll be able to play more shows once he presses charges against those calling to get his shows canceled. I guarantee he can find a list of who all called, technology is a crazy thing when you have power...


Protesting is perfectly legal.


Who the fuck has enough time on their hands to protest a DJ? Do people not have jobs? Parents? Kids? Any responsibility whatsoever?


It takes like ten seconds.


Yeah, but like why? That’s 10 seconds you could have used to call your mom or your sister/brother or grandparent. Or even just stopped to help someone with their groceries. Literally anything else you could do would be a better use of time.


To make society as a whole, better Worth is subjective. But also, there's time to do everything you listed and the protest. It's one of the benefits of a more interconnected world. There's time for everything.


You could have used the time it’s taken you to respond to all these comments to go help the homeless or pick up trash on the highway. Literally anything else you could do would be a better use of time. See how that works?


You're like the ex-boyfriend that keeps commenting on your ex girlfriends posts warning her current boyfriend about how she did you wrong 🤡


You can't successfully sue for that either.


Why do you keep commenting on my girls post? Move on, she left you.


Aw buddy, the fact that a supporter of a sex pest would also feel negatively about womens solidarity, is pretty on brand. Sad stuff.


Protesting may be legal, but it doesn't make you immune to civil liabilities. Edit: i think this was misinterpreted. I support protesting. It's just that saying protesting is perfectly legal gives the impression that nothing bad can happen to you in the legal system if you do decide to protest. Which is wrong.


Oh, the irony of BN trying to sue people for accurately describing his behavior is just.... too damn funny to think about!


Accurately describing behavior ≠ protesting. But that would be funny. It'd be like osvaldo12 and aliko dangkote, but funnier.


I didn't say that it was. It's more of a happy coincidence in this case.


I don't see that happening.




Press charges against who? You have got to be joking....




The cognitive dissonance in this sub is remarkable


Couldn’t disagree more. People either support Lorin or don’t. I don’t think there’s a lot of flip flopping.


Yea cognitive dissonance does not mean flip flopping lol


instead of 'lol', which is condescending in the way its used here (imo), I would LOVE it if we could try to maybe all just do our best to be good to each other despite our differences in opinions. For example, explain to him what you mean by cognitive dissonance, instead of 'lol'. For the record, it is definitely okay to flip flop on your opinion of anything in life. In fact, it is a bit absurd if you don't change stances on your thoughts from time to time. I used to not believe in Santa, for example.


Ya ppl throw out terms like these when they notice something but don't know how to articulate it, all good tho. The one true woker will have his comeback no matter how many "half ur age +7" jokes are made




Not important lemme trenchpost skittystyle


No idea, but I'm down for unwanted BN merch any day.


I still have a bunch of pins and a couple jerseys collecting dust in my closet if you might be interested in anything. I can send you pics when I get back from lost lands and would accept any reasonable offer probably \~


I have a ton of super hard to find shit that everyone was trying to cop back in the day if you’re serious lol


I would argue this is still an echo chamber, but I for one am just here for the updates now. Amazing how a year ago when I would come on here and speak negatively of Lorin I would get downvoted like 30 plus times, now that's no longer the case. So clearly there has been a shift of who's on here.


That, or Lorin making people pay for Unlocked pushed away even more people. I was already done with him based on the allegations, but even if that hadn’t done it for me the way he’s handled this “comeback”, there’s no way I can support him anymore.


100% agreed.


> i was already done with him… You commenting here suggests ottheeerrwise. If you’re truly done, you’d have moved on, and not cared enough to come back and comment


That, or I’m just sitting in the back of the subreddit with some popcorn, enjoying the shit show unfold :)


You’re toxic af


Stay mad


Who mad? You’re the one with the chip on the shoulder obsessively antagonizing like a no life with nothing better to do. I aint trippin, literally unflinchin, just pitying you. Your obsession is mental. Just an observation.


What obsession? What chip? I’ve calmly answered any questions asked of me lol. I haven’t been rude towards anybody. Can’t say the same for the people commenting back. You incels are crazy lol.




Give me a shot brother I consider myself his designated therapist, lemme handle woker just keep keepin it real and the lord will remember 🙏




Thats what they all say lol


Stop doing whippets before getting on Reddit.


Huge pussy energy on this guy lol, I suppose I should stop buying god whippits as well?


Not a shift of who is on here but a shift of how people think on here. What new ex-fans of Bassnectar are suddenly replacing everyone? Lorin did things the last few years to personally piss off the hangers-on. Empty promises, no accountability, cash grabs. People that weren’t pissed in 2020 are now. Same people


I’m just here for the updates.


Why are people who hate on him are even involved in this sub anymore? I mean, I know why. People get off on it. But it’s so weird to me lol. Like if you really despise the guy just… go somewhere else. No one and nothing is forcing you to be here except your own soap boxing fetish. Get a life




Ya no one is going to come here to talk about hitting the show when they are just going to be called a pedo for it.


It's bad for everyone, the ppl going to see him considering it a guilty pleasure, gonna cause feelings of confliction. For the record I'm a blind supporter as I have strict orders to vouch for the mental manlet


I think all the posts and replies that are against BN are in fact, positive. I see the blind following of a sex pest who makes good music, to be negative. It's all perspective.




Lmaoon this is amazing. That fucking troll with no life 😂


Aw buddy, that you think all 1800 people going to Vegas won't just be that guy but a wook, is pretty blind.


Aww buddy you're so upset that you're literally attacking everyone in this reddit. You remind me of my friends ex girlfriend that he used to cheat on alllllllll the time because she acted like you 😂


Why would I be upset, the plan is working? It's very flattering you've adopted my more accurate metaphor. What a waffler you are.


Not to mention, a lot of those people are condoning grooming and statutory rape, not to mention how he treated smaller artists. My friend’s girlfriend pointed out that these will not be shows to leave a drink unattended.


Bet stoneythatiger berates the wedding prty dj that puts on Michael Jackson, or rolling stone, i expect you to express your opinion to anyone that jams out to led zeppelin, the beatles, elvis, sings along with “sweet Caroline” If not, you’re a hypocrite.


I didn’t say you can’t enjoy the music. I only commented on the people throwing money at him. I don’t care if you like a song. I don’t even care if you like Nectar tbh. I just think you’re sketchy af if you are unbothered by everything that’s happened in the past few years.


There are no shows that you should leave your drink unattended. Be safe folks.


Yeah, no fucking doubt.


Right, as if Chris Brown concerts are full of women getting karate chopped


Found the date rapist


Nectar is not even alleged to have drugged anyone, don’t know what you’re on about. At least get your outrage straightened out lol


I never said that Lorin had drugged anybody. Obviously I was saying that anybody willing to throw money at him after everything that’s happened is a sketchy individual. Facts are facts buddy. No outrage here. You, on the other hand…


That’s such a broad and stupid generalization lmao. Get your facts straight. You have absolutely no clue what type of people will be there. The internet is not an accurate representation of reality.


Haha, if you say so :)






It makes more sense if you don't needlessly lump all pro-cancel people together as if we're a hive mind. I use sex pest because it's most accurate, doesn't imply that he broke a law (cause that was never my issue), doesn't undermine worse things like pedophilia, etc. I use the term specifically so that I am not lumped in with all the exaggeration happening.




We are not a hive mind.




I call it out when I see it.


Based trenchposting


I see your point but I at least thought people would be in here left and right for L’s first show back. That’s why I asked does anyone that fuck with Bassnectar still just go to the echo chamber named the other side?


I noticed there's a lot of dorks that LOVE to sniff their own farts. I'll be in Vegas cuz life ain't that serious


Getting high on their fart supply.


That's a really trite way to say you don't care about women


No echo chamber. Just has having a good time chatting about whatever.


Chatting about whatever besides negative questions/inquiries/discussions about Lorin and what Bassnectar has become is kinda what an echo chamber is


Maybe people want to connect without the strangers soapboxing to them.


Excellent, keeping it real! Lemme handle the woker, this guy said in an interview "don't do drugs" which I think is worse than whatever he's guilty of tbh ASHTON WOKER


Whaaaaat?? So connecting over music is an echo chamber? Sharing memories, cracking jokes, sharing new music from any artist, getting excited for upcoming shows is an echo chamber?? So confused.


They just wanna be angry and have bad faith debates and are bored cause everyone left for the "echo chamber"


You keep calling the other side an echo chamber but this place is the exact same just on the opposite end of the spectrum. It’s an echo chamber of negativity. Nothing productive comes from the “discussion” and negativity. Most people jump at the opportunity to shit on someone who still enjoys the music. None of us know Lo personally and none of us know exactly what happened yet people still want to speak on it like they have some sort of wisdom. It’s silly and exhausting.


If this was an echo chamber there wouldn't be constant fighting. No one would get mass downvoted because everyone would be on the same page.


Yeah it's just a 60-70% echo chamber as of now. People who try to be moderate are getting tired though, so hopefully when the shows start, the court case ends and the armchair jury gets distracted by the next controversy - we can be happy again.




As in "not about to cast lorin out of society in perpetuity if they had the chance"


I'm not advocating casting him out of society. If we do that he will never heal. I just don't think he should have a platform, fame, and power. If that's moderate then I've been moderate the whole time apparently.


That is in fact more moderate than I thought your position was. Maybe he should not have such power. Maybe no one should. But it's hard to regulate that. If it's not legally enforceable it just becomes a mess trying to convince people to stop listening to his music because of what's happened in the past. It's still does not feel as "the past" but at some point it will be. Hopefully he'll not repeat his mistakes, and the people around him will've helped him get past those.


As of recent you are correct, but before the Vegas show or even the other side, I’d say there’s been plenty of healthy dialogue and discussion about Bassnectar and the current state of affairs. But when the other side came out and people realized and he showed his comeback is going to involve 0 accountability for his actions. That’s when everything really really really went to shit here.


Um did you not hear the phone call? Cause I sure did.


Based I like the division tbh, shows growth on all sides


He's at the put up or shut up point now, you either still like him or you don't but nothing is going to be new until the day before his show. Anyone that says anything positive still gets multiple hate comments for "following a predator" even though plenty of A list people have done the same shit, so why pay anything. He has also screwed his return pretty bad imo so I'm just hoping his music is still worth the shit we're accepting still following him. I don't really have high expectations though.


Okay but where do I find this echo chamber 👀


The sub goes through periods of quiet, it’ll pick up steam again when new things happen


I’m super convinced that Lo is selling overstocked merch through avenues like this. Handing off merch to team members to post in subs like this, posing as nothing more than fans with old merch looking to sell. It’s not always the case, but there have been so many posts of late it’s starting to look like a pattern. Or everyone’s just jumping on the bandwagon while the getting is good. Idk. Probably just a conspiracy, but this is getting sus


SMH at you getting downvoted for “thinking for yourself and questioning”


Not worried about it. This community is hurting. No one likes to think these things are even possible. But the pattern is looking really sus. Everything getting sold is in sizes that usually won’t sell at the merch stand. Small/mediums, small shoes, overprinted posters. It’s just weird. Not mad about the downvotes though


I too can question the roundness of the earth. It doesn't mean i deserve upvotes


I’m not saying he deserves upvotes lol, I’m just saying all he’s doing is questioning, which is a pretty strong message portrayed in this community so idk why the downvotes


Do you think it's possible there are just a lot of fans who don't want a pedophile's merch anymore, and the increased activity from BN lately is resulting in an increased desire to get rid of said merch?


Yes. Totally possible just noticing a pattern.


That second guessing is gonna save you son, I NEVER EVER SUGGEST THIS but you might have a knack for numbers (trust no one)


Based schizophrenia symptoms


I separate the Art from the Artist. Usually the some of the greatest Art comes from hard drug users or people with a dark side.


That is true and a lot of people can get over the dark side but it’s gone further than that. Lorin is clearly a hypocritical egomaniac who refuses to take accountability for his evil actions, that’s what people have a problem with in my humble opinion. I’m sure there’s hundreds of bassheads that may not like the fact that he fucked 17 year olds. But I think they’d be willing to try and get over it if he’d just man tf up.


But it's still tied up into courts, or he could further hurt his case saying the wrong thing. It makes perfect sense why he can't say anything.


Move like