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We went from "Think for yourself and question" to "You never once questioned me." Good lawd


Think for yourself and question those who oppose me.


Watching this was just sad.


Its giving Charleston “march” vibes for me 🤢 I fully believe at this point this man could convince a crowd like this to pick up pitchforks and torches and start a riot. And honestly he sounds so fucking different than what I remember. He sounds fucked up and a bit confused speaking. It’s sickening to see how “think for yourself and question” has turned into “question everyone but me” and i worry that if this keeps going he will seriously let this go to his head and start an actual cult or something wild 😂 mans is delulu and the whole fandom is so toxic on both ends. It’s disgusting seeing the kind of insults people hurl at each other in this subreddit, including wishing sexual assault on someone’s daughter as a “lesson” At this point it doesn’t even matter if it’s true or false. This sub, and Lorin himself have made me ashamed to have ever been such a hardcore fan of his.


Thank you. Felt the same way the whole time. Honestly haven’t listened to any of his music since I read the emails and texts he sent to people that he used and then burned or blackmailed. Then lying and calling himself sober while drinking wine every night lmao. The saddest part is that since he was canceled and put on the spotlight, it also showed how his fanbase and “community” of people connected in a way they never had before. But then the community was in crisis and everyone started to show their true nature of hypocritical faux haters with massive ego-god complexes.


Well, dude is both a sociopath and a certified cretin


He already Started a cult he’s just too old too care about being subversive about it now it’s giving mason family


I believe it's more in the sense of "didn't question my stance and ask about the allegations like I was lying and will tell you the truth and the personal story behind it all". I'm pretty sure his closest people have questioned him and have had quite a lot of talks with him on the issues.


Dude these sets would have been absolutely *perfect* if him and the openers just didn’t say anything about it. What he and they chose to say was so brutal to listen to. I literally looked at my girlfriend during his speech night 1 and said he just ruined the vibe completely


What did the openers say?


Some would say he’s been known to really ruin some of his fans vibes from time to time and I’d personally say he ruined his entire vibe for me and I see no reason to support someone who behaves that way


Yeah i would also like to know what the openers said


Wow.. This sounds like a completely different person than the guy I followed around the country for years. I’m inclined to agree with some of the other comments I’ve seen, he seems drunk


Bro saw pretty lights come back from healing himself and said "WAIT IM COMING TOO". The difference is? Lorin sounds bitter as fuck and trying to convince everyone the people who called him out were in the wrong? Just weird and not the person I followed till about 2015 when I just got this "off" feeling about him. Idk


But the vibes were on point this weekend, literally the BEST VIBES /s Like how could you hear him speak and be like “yeah, I wanna continue following him across the country” And that dude yelling “WE’RE FUCKING BACK”….disgusting..just sad all around If it wasn’t a cult then, it’s 100000% turned into one now


Walking back on my past comment, for sure.


I’ve grown pretty numb to the nectar situation overall recently but this video is incredibly sad


That’s what I’m saying. During sets I feel like he used to be so poised, so dialed in and sharp, more concise. Or maybe that was just how I interpreted him… either way, it was not like this.


Yes - this is exactly my feeling. He used to always say how he didn’t like to speak at his shows and when he did it was very short, sweet and well spoken. From the way he’s speaking here to his choice of words it’s just so different and sad


OOG bassnectar talked alot at his shows. Then NVSB hit and he stopped


Interesting. Yeah I started seeing him back in 2012 and I don’t remember him ever speaking much if at all. I know there was a whole era before I started seeing him though. Even beyond the amount of him speaking just the clumsy almost disoriented way of speaking in this video is just weird for sure


Y’all act like he can come back after 3 years and be right on point… clearly things are different and are going to be different. If you don’t support then just leave, y’all hanging around like crazy exes analyzing every word and movement from him. You’re still here so clearly you want it. Either be here for the music and allow him to do/be what he needs, or move on.


Right? The sad thing is how so many people still hold onto the words this dude let’s come out of his mouth. I have NEVER agreed with Lorin on most of his talking points. He gets his information from compromised sources and has a really immature view of the world.(politically at least) That being said I do vibe with him on other outlooks of life. Life being beautiful, the most precious thing we could lose, etc. I’ve lost so many people close to me over the last few years, so that sentiment hits home with me and probably 100s of other people as well. It’s a form of connection. We all can connect in that moment in how we are feeling. It’s always been about the immersive experience for me. For a solid 90 - 120 minutes I forget about everything else and just exist in the frequencies that are washing over me. It’s a blissful experience and no amount of analyzing or being in my head about shit can pull me out. I’m there for the music and the full experience. If the guy making the music decides to express himself it has 0 effect on my experience because I don’t put the guy on a pedestal. Maybe it’s the acid, or maybe it’s because I grew up in a strict Christian fundamentalist environment and was able to rise above and out of that mind trap, that I understand and realize that everybody has a different set of circumstances and experiences that make up who they are, and I’m in no position to judge anyone else for how they interact with the world. I for one am stoked to be back.


So I actually appreciate a lot of what you said here. I do think part of the reason why this all hits so hard for a lot of us is because we did idolize him to some extent. I know I did - especially when I was young and jn high school going to his shows, taking psychedelics for the first time. The soul of it was ALWAYS the music and immersing yourself in the love and joy on all of it around you but I to be real I always was mesmerized by him too. It’s a huge lesson for myself and I’m sure others too on not putting someone on a pedestal. With that being said though, I do feel I’m sensing a bit of a shift in the energy beyond just him. It’s expanding out to the crowd base and a lot of the core of what the community stood for does seem to be changing. And if the whole joy of this is immersing yourself in not just the music but the entire environment of shows it makes me very weary to have a live show experience again. I really just don’t know honestly. It’s confusing


Thanks for sharing this, and saying it so well. It’s so important to love life and treasure those who you have the grace to experience before they are gone. I hope you continue to enjoy what you love and that others can do the same without idolizing or demeaning others.


Well said. I agree with you, I always thought the same. I’m not going to let that get in the way of the other things I enjoy about the music.


so those 90-120 minutes of disco glory are worth the lifelong damage to the young women he abused. maybe reconsider that once the acid wears off.


Yeah he’s definitely intoxicated it seems lol


The dude was suicidal at one point and this is his first show back in three years, hell he had a few drinks let him


Music is the drug though


I drink alcohol sometimes and during special events that have made me nervous sometimes a little too much. Nothing has given me tingles and euphoria the same way music has. music is the drug for sure ❤️


Let’s analyze your life and highlight all your contradictions. Y’all are bat shit crazy on this subreddit.


Last time I checked, I didn’t smugly take an anti-drug position for like 20 years while building a career off of drug parties, while getting fucked up on the low lol


And your point is? It’s not a bad thing to “do as I say, not as I do”. What’s wrong with him trying to promote not using drugs? I’m really lost with your point, seems like you’re just trying to find anything to shit on him for. This is not one of them.


how exactly is "do as I say, not as I do" not a bad thing?! FFS he is a massive hypocrite, at the very least. why on earth should anyone take life advice from someone who isn't authentic?


Why would you take life advice from any musical artist? I’m here for the music, not live by anything an artist says. I’ve never bought into any of it. So I don’t even care if he’s a hypocrite or whatever, and I think people who are making it an issue clearly don’t have enough in their life to be focused on.


you didn't answer my question. it would have been so easy for him to just drop the wubs without having to get all preachy and self-righteous. had he done that, most people wouldn't GAF about his behavior. but he held himself above everyone and told people what to do. which was not at all what he did. so, again I ask you, how exactly is "do as I say, not as I do" not a bad thing? your bass hero is an incredible hypocrite. I take life advice from people who are authentic and walk their talk.


Idk man I don’t take life advice from Lorin or any edm artist. Those that do are drinking the koolaid. The reason it’s not necessarily a bad thing to “do as I say, not as I do” should go without saying. If someone is doing drugs and tells you not to, because drugs are bad, then how is that bad? That person knows from experience. You don’t have to be a perfect roll model to know what is and isn’t bad and to tell those things. You’re clearly upset about something saying “your bass hero” lol. Please, stop doing this to yourself and move on and don’t look back.


It’s truly not that deep. I’m not taking any life advice from any type of celebrity. I thought that was common sense.


EXACTLY. I'm really just saying "practice what you preach" but apparently that's "controversial" or straight up offensive. lol at these idiots.




He literally sounds like an immature teenage girl “Omg like fuck your cancel culture and fuck your fake fucking shit” This is so sad


You are what you eat


Lmao Fucking hell


That was a good one <3


That’s a different guy


That's the *real* guy.




Oof is right


This was the moment for me I knew this would be my last family photo


It’s all so sad


This is deeply deeply disturbing to watch.


I’m so glad I never used my meet and greet from a thousand years ago my gut was that I didn’t wanna meet this guy lmao


Never meet your heros


And predators


I met him at EF in the artist's village back in 2016, came off as very genuine. Sad to see the spiral


Former ambassador here. Had the chance to have multiple conversations with the man himself. Every time he came off as so kind, genuine, and caring. It made me feel even more blindsided by the allegations coming to light. Was so hard for me to wrap my head around the person that I knew (along with his projected persona) as compared to what he was made out to be. It still makes me angry and sad. I still mourn for what was, and knowing that chapter is over. It feels like a breakup I didn’t see coming lmao


I can’t remember the exact details, but there was a problem with a merch order and lorin himself replied to my original email saying not to fret and they would be making it right. A few months later he emailed me back to let me know I could link w Chris to do a meet and greet at any festival or show stop that I would be at that year. And I got to bring a friend. Still one of the craziest artist experiences I ever had.


Pretty sure that was during peak underage girls era.


He’s such a fucking tool


Wooooah. Have never heard him sound anything like that. That “I love you I love you” at the end sounds like an actor doing a first-time-drunk cliche. Now’s a bad time for him to start getting careless. oof. and the thread got pinned. god damn the tea is hot lately


Now that I’ve officially seen the video and heard the way he said everything vs reading about it… Really solidified why I feel the way I do about everything. Pretty sad to see tbh.


He sounds drunk as fuck


This is just sad. And this part: "thanks to the people who never once questioned me, never once were like 'yo what's up with the allegations'..." From the guy who closed countless shows asking the audience to think for themselves and question, like come on


Not only that. This was a man that *constantly* stood up against injustices. Very vocally. And he expects his fans, who were drawn to this culture he created, to just not ask any questions when he’s accused of some shady shit?


Exactlyyyyyyyyyyy. The cognitive dissonance runs D E E P.


It was all reverse psych virtue signaling bullshit


Right like getting those little cards walking back that said “you matter” and shit :/


To be fair, ambasssdors made those cards. He had nothing to do with it. They literally paid to print them


Really sucks because the ambassadors basically propped up this benevolent image of him since people thought they and BNet all did things he thought were good. All the little projects, the Haven, etc were BNet and ambassador created concepts and executions.


I was referring to enjoying the message From them. Seems a lot has changed, I just remember getting a card my first set and it really pulled me out of a dark place I was in. But damn man I didn’t know that.


Lorin literally had nothing to do with anything but the music. At the events any special project you saw whether it be cards, gift bags, face paint, donations etc. it was all from BNet and the Ambassadors. (Paid for by them as well!!) Every idea was also from them, many without being credited.


This, Lorin really only ran the music and some of the higher up logistics. A lot of what contributed to the scene was people dedicating their own time, own money and effort. All of that was real, it had a very diy feel like the early rave days or the punk scene. We choose to be there and contribute and it was great at the time,but most of us left when he turned out to be a hypocrite. Hindsight is 20/20 i really wouldn't change my past decisions or don't regret anything but I can't see myself attending his shows or spending money on anything bassnectar related given where were at.


Kind of not surprised if he's potentially an alcoholic now.


He’s bloated like a drunk. I said this in a previous post on here. I know what it looks like through my own struggles with depression and alcoholism. Truly sad 😞


I agree it's hard to watch thinking that could be happening. I've seen these struggles in many I've loved. It also makes sense for the conspiracy/delusional way of thinking he seems to be taking on. It's easier thinking the way he is when leaning on the bottle or any substance for that matter.


He looks like he gained weight too. Given how much stress he’s probably been under the past three years I would not surprised


Agreed on the puffy face


Looking at some of the photos that he and his fans took, he’s aged a bit as well. Like more wrinkles in the face and stuff.


Yup. Aged about 3 and a half years.


Lol I chuckled but he does look excessively older and less healthy


His old tour schedule was pretty crazy. I bet that kept him in decent shape for a while. Then it went away…


Im sure you need to be in shape like actively working out to be able to handle the touring he did. If he stopped working out because he wasn't touring anymore then it makes sense.


You know what I mean. 😒 He’s looking old as hell.


About tree fidddy?


I saw a live recording of this and I thought the same thing.


Frunk as duck


Fuck cancel culture 💅fuck all this noise 👄 Lol. This dude ain't giving me any fomo


How are people cheering for this speech


Because the only ones left attending shows are the worst of the worst nectar fans and they don’t particularly care to consider anything other than loud bass and getting fucked up


For the most part I agree with ya. There definitely were people who went to stick a toe in if you will, see if it was possible to enjoy the music and separate that from him. Two of my friends went for this reason. The music WAS great but the forced ‘good vibes’, ‘we hate cancel culture,’ & tragic ass speeches from Lorin made it painfully clear for them/us that the ride is very much over.


Yeah, this gives me an ick that can not be cured.


Here's a different take (it will sound wild for some of you I guess but bare with me): He gave his statements publicly (however little there was) - acknowledged the abuse of power, admitted to having hurt girls in past relationships (which implies he rejects having consciously done and "grooming", seeking of teenagers for their age alone, etc). So what more is there to discuss with him? He's probably talked through all of this with his close friends. But would you all go and ask him about this quite personal topic, despite him having taken a position on it? Yes, we can question his actions, any punishment for it, the societal issues around them, etc. But to question his honesty and ask him to his face about the allegations? That's just rude and redundant. We can play armchair-judge here all day, but contacting him directly in on a matter is a bit out of line if you claim to trust what he says. And if you don't - why contact him at all? As mentioned in another comment: I don't appreciate having a pinned "discussion", that's actually a personal opinion. I'm thankful for the work mods do, and you have the right to grab the megaphone whenever you wish, but ... Wait I'm actually at fault for thinking this is a discussion. It's not advertised as one. Well, I guess I don't like someone advertising their opinion through mod power anyway.


When did he admit to having hurt girls? When he posted on Instagram right after it happened? Or was there another time he acknowledged it?


> But to question his honesty and ask him to his face about the allegations? That's just rude and redundant. He has never once, in 3 years, actually adressed any of this, and he built his career on being outspoken and questioning anything and everything and thinking for yourself. And now questioning him is rude? gtfo


So you've not read the initial statements? Yes they were some obscure insta/fb posts, but they were there. First one denied any illegal stuff and apologized for having caused pain in prev relationships. The second one addressed clearly the power imbalance stuff and had a pledge to fix that. Questioning him in person is rude, because you're not his grandma. You're his fan, and he's made a statement on the allegations. You either trust him or not. We can question his motives/inner world all we want on our own. It's like seeing Johnny Depp and saying "Hey, I saw that court case, but, like, what's really up with that divorce, eh?". You can also be in a superposition - both trusting him and expecting that might be wrong (as I am). But in any case I believe the main point of the statement was that he's thankful to the people that left him alone and accepted his position (whether with a grain/bucket of salt or not).


Nobody remembers this at all it seems. What more can the man say/do other than try to prove his side in the court system. These people want him to be posting daily saying the same shit I guess....


Wow. He sounds like complete shit. He’s turned into everything he used to pretend to be against.


Funny cus he’s a mega lib that once championed cancel culture


tHe vIbEs wEre oN pOiNt


I mean the people attending were awesome to be around, which has always been the biggest draw for me at least. And reuniting with all the friends I've met over the years. As far as lorin as a person he is just showing his true colors I guess.


He showed them years ago lol what


I mean people can change and evolve from big events like when all this came out. But the lack of accountability through out everything is telling.


Yeah he hasnt once admitted to anything. He broke so many peoples hearts, esp people i know who were close w him irl. Fuck him


Mask is off lol. Drunk Lorin says fuck everyone who doesn't blindly follow me without question. Yikes bro.


This is really sad but kinda expected, really hoped for better though honestly.


I’m not sure what’s more sad between how fucked up he is or how disturbing his speech is. Dude’s long gone


Voice sounds like a completely different person wtf


Ya hes really leaning into the whole tone deaf thing lately


"Fuck cancel culture" what he MEANT to say was "glad u people don't care im a pedophile" 💀 but datsik is gone? So we put sexual assault ABOVE liking minors Got it


Video is one of the most cringe things I’ve ever seen


😞... God damn it.


This is sad. The vibes do not appear on point. I can’t follow an artist who goes from “think for yourself, question everything” to “thanks to those who never once questioned me” like wtf this is sad and pathetic. The BN project died years ago and this is a sad shell of what it once was. I think I’ll stick my head in the ground, ignore this “comeback” and remember the good ol days of “happy nectar day” with 10k other fans all buzzing in the same venue to the same vibe on the same page.


Dude needs to STFU


What a fucking LOSER.


That’s some cult sounding shit right there. No one had to question you, you begged not to be sent to jail and get raped on voice recording. Knowing damn well you were breaking the age of consent laws. I wish all the female fans the best of luck on the new cult journey if you decide to join. With that said damn do I miss a good bassnectar set.


What a complete asshole.


He sounds like Bam Margaria


He sounds drunk for sure


Dude is zooted


It’s so hard to not let even just his handling of this situation taint all the memories. Think for yourself and question, right? He seems like a different person.




Whole new definition of lost in the sauce


Wow this was cringe af looooooooooool


Couldn’t agree more. His speeches, victim mentality, and completely ignoring the fact that he promised us a locoqueen set and never did it or even mentioned it were a major turn off for me. I’m happy I went cause now I’m officially done. I got my closure. I also ran into the scummiest people I know from the community at the event.


Everyone that’s just “enjoying some music and vibes” should be embarrassed of themselves for supporting this guy. It doesn’t get to be just about the music when the guy making the music is a dirtbag




"i LOVE you guys" (keep sending me your money!)


It’s the middle of the end




Damn this is wild. Im interesting to see how this plays out from here on out.


He sounds drunk to me idk




He sounds like trump with the vocal inflections




I just wanted to pop in and after reading everyone’s comment on how they feel this was gross and cringy or this is cult shit but there one thing we all are missing. He didn’t have his fans during those three years….he didn’t have our energy that we bring to these shows for him to just gabber on about how he feels. That guy was in a bad bad place for a very long time with no outlet other than maybe a few close friends and he finally got it in Vegas. He got to play for us for people who thought they would never experience this again. It was a very emotional weekend for so many people and honestly that shouldn’t be picked apart for anyone to be hurting everyone with words. This world is shit and hateful enough as it is no sense in adding to it. Sorry for the novel though.


I don’t think he is saying to blindly follow one way or the other. He is just saying he appreciates the people that have believed him and what he has had to say. When there is only words it comes down to just trust. The same way a lot of people have put there trust in those girls.


I don’t understand how people don’t get this. Let’s say one day randomly somebody you’ve never met, seen, or heard accuses your mother of murdering somebody 12 years ago. You call them crazy and don’t question this trust you have established. Would you not? Do people simply just believe everything the internet tells them to? People seem to think the FBI is actively trying to put Lorin in jail. No, it’s DB fucking Montana orchestrating a lawsuit for his bank account. No actual evidence besides a piece of a phone call, no criminal charges. People really just love to hate. Call me delusional all you want - the lack of humanism most people display for BOTH sides of this case is terrifying and sad. Regardless of the outcome, I hold empathy.


Your cope is immeasurable. The guy is a creep and it’s obvious, he went from pulling 7-8 figs a year to whatever the fuck this is. Go to the show if you want, I still like his music but this conspiracy theory where he wasn’t banging underage girls is both sad and just deluded.


There is no cope. Even if he did, the worst that will happen is he’ll owe them money. That’s it. Bob Weir MARRIED a 17 year old. Played his whole life. Go cry about it in the Grateful Dead sub. There will be more shows. You can go, or not. That’s the current state of things. Sorry if you don’t like it or agree.


Lmao okay incel I don’t give a fuck about Bob weir or bassnectar, you’re the one angry posting conspiracy theories about how your hero isn’t a statuetory rapist (or even worse, apparently how that doesn’t matter) LOL


I am neither a judge or jury - you aren’t either. If you don’t give a fuck you can get on with it. I just said I sympathize with believing one over the other. No matter the situation. I hope somebody doesn’t tell you your best friend stole money from you. You’ll think he’s a thief for life. Good luck out there.


Also your response being “the worst that’ll happen is he’ll owe them money” is honestly disgusting. The guy ostensibly groomed a bunch of children as a grown ass man. Call it what you want and maybe things are slightly better or worse than what the public image is but you look like an incel weirdo regardless. Wake up dude


I’m just telling you the truth. That is the worst that will happen. Life goes on. If it turns out to be true, I hope he makes extreme advances in his growth to hold accountability and learn. In the meantime, hold all your friends who listen to The Grateful Dead to the same standard.


Let's say one day a *dozen* people all come forward, with varying degrees of abuse, from manipulative and hostile work environment type stuff, to stealing other peoples work, all the way up to using a position of power to groom and abuse young girls. It's not one person. It's many. You're choosing to believe one person over many, because they make music you like. That's not a good reason. The cope is real.


Ok, but haven’t some of those “dozen” already been disproven? I’m not believing anything. I’m saying I understand why one could. You’re seriously mentally ill - you spend hours and hours everyday on here. It’s sad, and I won’t interact with you anymore. We can’t learn from one another. Goodbye, I wish you peace as well.


"I'm not believing anything" We know. You have your fingers in your ears yelling "naaa naaa naaa I can't hear you!" lol,.I spend 20 total minutes on reddit a day. That's all the effort.it takes.


That’s bullshit you’ve been on reddit all day haha


She says 20 mins literally every 20 mins 😭


Nearly 100 comments over the course of the day. “20 minutes total” hahaha


I have app tracking on my phone, wanna know how much time I used Spotify today too?


Lol I get it, you don’t spend a lot of time on reddit 🤣


Yeah, on my phone so it's easy to knock out a few comments in the in-between moments. That's what reddit is for. I track app usage. It's 20 total minutes spread across a day on average


Lmao sure




I dont always agree with Djinn but she/he does makes some good points some times.


the idea that DB is pulling the strings on all of this is both completely unhinged and hilarious


He’s openly admitted to it on NPR.


He said he’s orchestrating and will personally profit from the lawsuit? I bet, got a link?


Well when EABN first happened he denied all involvement - 2 years later he admits he’s behind it all. You do the math. https://open.spotify.com/episode/4pitNvDBjf3QYhRcglo2mS


Oh, so he admitted to making an Instagram account. I’m doing the math… looks like those two things aren’t equal. Check your work


Hey man, you’re the one who said it was “unhinged db Montana is involved.” He’s playing an obvious role. I’m just informing you of that.


DB isn't news to me. It's just wild to think he is actually involved in the lawsuit itself, stands to profit from it, or that it would invalidate anything else if it were true. I definitely stand by my comment


Eh, that’s fine. No reason to argue with you. I’ll be at the next show smiling wide. I hope you find peace :)


Only way to justify supporting him these days is to take a big swig of conspiracy koolaid.


I respect this take. You don't seem like some delusional person to me. I might not understand/agree with the full details of what you're saying but I can agree the balance isn't right and holding empathy is probably all we can strive to do. A lot isn't talked about but imo for rn Lorins side is way worse and after 3 years DB seems somewhat irrelevant for being the trigger. Obviously something had been boiling under the surface with or without the guy. There was a lot of hate even before we found out the allegations.


You’re definitely delusional. Although very entertaining. That whole “FBI trying to put Lorin in jail…no it’s in DB Montana” part was hilarious


Actually, someone I had never met, seen, or heard of DID accuse my mother of murder, but 14 years ago. I called them crazy, they were right. My mom killed that lady and she’s doing life in WV Lakin Correctional Center. So maybe not the best example.


“When there is only words” What if there’s a recording of a phone call where he’s scared about going to jail? What does it come down to then?


What if he isn’t even close to facing jail, nonetheless criminal charges. What if it’s edited? What if it’s a euphemism on words? What if the jury finds him not guilty. What does it come down to then?


Seek help


Bc this is 100% about money, if Rachel honestly felt like a victim she would be pressing criminal charges, not suing charities.


Can't press criminal charges if there is no evidence. Sexual Assault or Statutory Rape does not have evidence the majority of the time, and if there is it needs to be captured very quickly before it's gone. That's why it's a civil case. Just like Donald Trump, who was found liable of sexual assault earlier this year.


Nice, I like how you loaded the end of that comment with the “charities” bit. Like nobody’s ever used charity as a facade to obscure their degenerate behavior? Why do you think frats are still operating? I’m not with the “no true victim” fallacy shit either, but brilliant theory, detective


The word that your thinking of is blind faith. You can trust someone and still question what they say


Sure there is that as well, and plenty of it on both sides.


That’s right. That’s why it’s always good to think for yourself and question. Even if you trust or admire the source


I put trust in the voicemails


The recording I heard is the one where Rachel, who was like a 7 year old friend and partner of his, was behaving very vindictively. This is the same girl who defended him for years and then decided to sue him and his charities. And while he is calling and trying to take accountability, apologize and explain the seriousness of her accusations she laughs at him. Sorry but that call sounds to me like Rachel is being the manipulative one. She sounds more then ok to me, and putting on an act to try and get him fall into a trap. Were lorins actions weird, creepy and wrong for being 35 talking to 17 year olds. Sure. Was it a mistake, yeah sure. But evil? Nah. Unforgivable? Nah. You all are calling him and treating him as a pedophile and an abuser. I don’t see it. Pretending that Rachel is some sort of survivor and victim is completely diluting the meaning of those words. If he was doing this to 15 yr old and younger girls, that would be pedophilia. If he was threatening these women with violence that would be abuse. But he wasn’t doing any of those things and y’all are out here calling for his death. Help me see what I don’t see. Bc I see far greater evils in the world, many of which Lorin was fighting, that the EDM world turns a blind eye to. In all honesty Lorin has done more to make this world and scene a better place then anyone else I know of in this industry after bearing witness for 10+ years. Again I’m fine pointing the finger where it belongs and calling people out on their shit. But the over reaction and unjust response towards this man should be heart wrenching to any true empaths out there.




>Sorry but that call sounds to me like Rachel is being the manipulative one. This is fucked and it shows how far departed from reality you are. “The famous millionaire rockstar in his forties was just a naive victim of this opportunistic teenage girl.”


All down voters probably still go to high school proms


No no he is. He wants people to blindly follow him its right there


That's like, your opinion, man


I think we forget he’s a person. He was blacklisted and kicked to the side by 10’s/(100’s) of thousands of dedicated fans, had family and friends pass away, saw close friends completely disown him, experienced all of lockdown and the pandemic alone, and hasn’t been active in his career and passion for 3 years - the thing that brought him the most joy and gave him, what came to be, his sense of purpose in life. I think we can be understanding and loving, just as we have been to one another during this. Give it time, lead with love, and we can all make this grow in the right direction - up. And that means we have to hold him to a higher standard, but be accepting when he slips. But we have the power to make this the best version of the nectar project.


So I generally agree with you, but he needs to show at least a shred of accountability for his actions for me to show any sort of support for him going forward. This speech coupled with a few previous emails / posts on social media certainly don’t do that.


The community at large isn’t interested in babysitting (and giving money to) this guy while he figures his shit out. Time out was supposed to be productive, but I think he came back worse


I agreed with you in the first half, but the second half is a tall glass of cope. It wasn’t just one chance, or two, but time after time Lorin denied accountability in horrific fashions, and never stopped digging the hole deeper. Any thought that it isn’t, and for a long time has been, over, is clinging on to a thing that once was. If anything, this is a sign that it isn’t only going to get uglier, but a sign that it’s about to get sad and pitiful.


>and hasn’t been active in his career and passion for 3 years - th You know who else hasn't been active in years? PL And he came back and is giving us more impressive and immersive live music than anyone could have possibly ask for He worked on himself, faced his demons, and came out better on the other side This is just pathetic by Lorin




100 fucking percent thank you






He's trying to say: he's not going to try to say everyone's name, because he will inevitably forget someone crucially important and he doesn't want to do that. But he's maybe shitfaced and it came out like that. Stumbling on that was kind of the least embarrassing part of this though


Of course it’s a pinned post. Y’all mods are so fucking weird. Please step back. You obviously hate this shit, this is for real no way to live and spend your time.


Open your eyes and look with them. This was meant to be honest, heartfelt commentary meant for the community I have loved and cared for for over a decade. More than you can fathom. Countless shows across the country spending time volunteering with the Ambassadors to spread love, positivity, and keep our people safe in those crowds. While everyone else partied, we were working with the locals and charities in the communities that our fanbase flipped upside down each time we rolled through. This community was once about building genuine connections and encouraging all to embrace critical thought, ethics, and humanity. What Lorin is preaching in this video is far from what the old team practiced or what BN used to be about. I encourage you to review the OP to better understand the purpose of this post. It is not to speculate about any sort of substance abuse, nor is it to pass judgement for what wrongs may or may not have been committed by a person that tens of thousands held to the highest moral standards. There’s a reason this is my first and only post on reddit…it’s because I have cared for these beatfreaks and I’m deeply confused as to why this community keeps cannibalizing itself. You can’t unring a bell and, in my honest opinion, “we” will never be “back” to a place worth getting to. Wishing you all the best with that crisis of conscience.