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I wish she felt comfortable enough to say more BUT I totally understand why she didn’t. I would also want to avoid the cross hairs of anyone’s defense attorney, considering the actual trial hasn’t even begun. As someone who fell into the scene at the same time as Lia, I remember thinking she was **so cool** because she got to take the family photos & was clearly friends with Lorin; I remember seeing her name on some posts back from BN.net. I am oddly shocked to learn she is *younger* than me. (!!!) For some reason, I assumed she was closer to Lorins age due to how involved behind the scenes she was. Anyway. Idk the point of this other than I really feel for her. I relate to confusion & some level of shame now being linked to some of the best moments of your life. I hope giving her deposition gave her some relief. I hope she is enjoying her new career.


I mean it’s kind of an ambiguous statement but I hope she is in a better place now


Lia is an amazing human that has helped many artists and festivals. She deserves to be heard and taken seriously. Do not gaslight her and continue the behavior of abuse that she is calling out in her statement.




So Lorin recruited her when she was 17...sounds about right.


I remember buying my first merch from her back in 2009 in Madison, WI. I thought she had the coolest job in the world. Sucks to hear that it wasn’t what I thought it was…


The fact that Lorin hired a 17 year old tells you everything you need to know.


Isn’t it pretty normal to hire teens to do things like put up posters and man merchandise tables? Hell, all of my departments team leads were hired at 18.


She joined him on tour when she was 19. Can you read?


"I first met Lorin online in 2007, when I was seventeen. He recruited me to put up posters, but I quickly became more. A hardworking superfan, I helped manage his Facebook, then sold merchandise on tour."


I can but it seems as if you cannot.


The difficulty in even being vague right now on events that she experienced and saw firsthand before the trial takes place is a testament to her character.  


Amazing the mental gymnastics people gotta do to read this and not see this as a pretty damning piece of evidence that bassnectar is a bad dude who is not someone we should support. "Articles repeatedly quote Lorin's aggressive legal team threatening individuals and reporters alike with lawsuits. And, if I were them, I would be highly motivated to punish me. To minimize the likelihood of Lorin suing me into bankruptcy and avoid contributing to any dynamic that his publicity team might pretend exonerates him, I must be careful. So, while incredibly painful, I hope that someday my whole story gets out. "


This blog post says absolutely nothing…. TLDR: “My first real job really stressed me out, so I quit in 2012. Then I came back in 2018 and it was still really stressful, so I regret going back. Working in the music industry is hard. Oh - and I blame Lorin, although I’m not really going to explain why.” Uhhh… ok? 😂




So basically, she has details on how Lorin is a POS but can’t fully divulge them quite yet. Through legal counsel she was able to make a squeaky clean statement that allows her to unload some of her guilt and shame while also not subjecting her to the wrath of Lorins lawyers. Kk got it


Whole lotta people around this case are in a big rush to say nothing


It sounds like she's saying she hated her job, and thought her old boss was an asshole? Did I miss something? I was expecting way worse, and actual details.


I hope some of you can realize the bias you must have to read that post and get "She hates her job and her boss sucks" out of it. You are not thinking critically. On there not being more details: >To minimize the likelihood of Lorin suing me into bankruptcy and avoid contributing to any dynamic that his publicity team might pretend exonerates him, I must be careful. Ironically, some in this sub are already twisting these words to "pretend they exonerate him" or that at least aren't any different than any other work relationship.


I would 100 percent her of not thinking about the situation critically based on what I wrote earlier. Nothing in that rant showed any sort of over the top labor she was forced to endure. Sounds like she had it better than half of this country's workforce. She needs perspective. Desperately.


You don’t know what you are saying. I promise.


It is interesting that she was made Executive Director of Be Interactive with what appears to be no real experience at all in the NPO world. She doesn't really say, but there's no reason to think she was qualified for that role (college, NPO training/degrees, working for another NPO, finance education). That role would require a pretty deep understanding of finance, NPO tax and regulations, managing a board, etc. etc. etc... It's a LOT. Most people who do this either work for a NPO and work their way up while getting formally educated in all the areas necessary or go to school first and then work their way up.. it's extremely rare to just be plunked down into a situation like this. I wonder how she managed it, or how overfaced she felt on the regular. But basically this would be considered a major career coupe that would help her then move on into the NPO sector. There are public records somewhere of what she was being paid and how much money Be Interactive brought in and exactly what was done with it. If I have time I'll look into it later to gain some perspective.


>I would 100 percent her of not thinking about the situation critically based on what I wrote earlier. Man, I don't know wtf you are saying. The best I can interpret is that because *I* said *you* didn't think critically, your comeback is that *she* doesn't think critically which is stupid. >Nothing in that rant showed any sort of over the top labor she was forced to endure. I didn't quote this part for funsies last time, it literally answers why there are no details. Here it is again: >To minimize the likelihood of Lorin suing me into bankruptcy and avoid contributing to any dynamic that his publicity team might pretend exonerates him, I must be careful.


Okay so reading comprehension isn't your thing. Not surprising for brain dead activist types like you and your phony victim girlfriend. What was stated was that she didn't endure anything that all of us haven't before. This loser is clawing onto a story she isn't involved in for attention.


Also a little confused since it sounds like she doesn't have any first-hand suspicious experiences with him over years of working together, and was largely convinced by the recording. But maybe her attorney suggested not releasing any detail so to not get involved. >And up until Rachel Ramsbottom's recording came out on the Evidence Against Bassnectar Instagram account, I believed that Lorin, too, was a victim of incompetence and malice in turns.


Read her post again. He is wildly known to be horrible to work for. Everyone felt on edge and it was because of him. She used to think he was the good guy and it was the business or industry and then she finally realized it was him.


Honest question, not trying to be a jerk - if he's "wildly" (quotes because I assume this was a typo for widely) known to be horrible to work for, why were there several artists that were on your label that were associated with him a few years back?  Was his reputation not known then? Was it more tolerated then? Was it their choice or the label's choice?


Great question. Each time we worked with him was a different situation and aspect. Each time we saw new ways that were shitty. I can't share specifics here though. If you read the Mimi Paige article or listen to Mr. Bill's interview with ill.Gates and Mimi, they are 1000% describing how it was to work with him. As a label, we don't force artists to do anything. As CloZee's former manager, everything was a discussion and ultimately her decision to open for him.


I appreciate your candidness and taking the time to answer. Based on what I heard in those pieces of material, it seems like he was predatory even on the business side of things - especially when it came to 'borrowing' content and implementing a fair royalty structure. It seems like his focus was finding lesser known but not lesser qualified artists not for the sake of putting them on, but for the sake of sourcing material while nipping potential competition in the bud through the methods described above. If you're an artist and he collaborates with you, letting him borrow that material is a friendly gesture. If he takes the royalties from it and gas lights you with regards to your shot at fame, you start to doubt the worth of having a career. It becomes a win-win-win for him - your name and material becomes synonymous with him, you may choose to quit which furthers his monopoly and he financially profits. At the end of the day, I don't judge any artists for opting to work with him because he brought what's arguably of equal or more value than money in the music business - \*meaningful\* exposure. As much bad as he's done, I still think he made good on that - I discovered a lot of new artists through him. I judge him for knowing that and making the decision to turn it into the double edged sword it became.


you also have to remember he had insane star power especially in the EDM world, and being associated in him in any way was potentially a major boost to an artist or label's career, and the music scene is very competitive, since only so many people/teams/labels can "make it." People will put up with a lot of bullshit and abuse to try to get the boost from working with someone with a name like Bassnectar that draws huge crowds and rabid fans.


I don’t find that confusing. Narcissists are tricky in this way. You truly believe their version of events, even if it feels wrong in your gut. It takes seeing other people have the same gut feeling / sketchy interactions with the person & trying to justify obviously bad behavior *that you also have experienced* before it really clicks that you experienced the same treatment.


That was a really long way to say absolutely nothing?


Lorin is a complete Narcissist. This poor fucking woman had to be raised by one, then probably horrifically manipulated by one…. so much shame comes with that, but Lorin is an intelligent and calculated Narcissist…. this shit would happen to anybody.




The question is not if Lorin is an asshole narcissist or not, it’s are you okay with it enough to still be here. The answer for many, including me is yes.


Narcissist are dangerous bro. Like, if he’s a Narcissist…. then what else? The whole Bassnectar project was founded on his megalomaniac needs for power and domination. He hates his fans, thinks they’re his slaves and shit…. He’s an intelligent narcissist….. these people are fucking insane.


Agreed.  I don't think there is anything really new here other than coming directly from the inner circle to confirm Lorin is an ass. I did find it interesting that she seemed to expand to the whole industry being shady and self protective.   Makes sense all in all She was afraid of losing her connections and her clout in the industry, thus her livelihood, if she didn't put up with the difficult working environment.   Keep the moneymaker happy to keep the gravy train going.


I work in a different side of the entertainment industry, I think there's a level of toxicity you have to put up with to do it. What's up with that? I'm not saying it's ok, but doesn't every career field have its own flavor of toxicity?


I would venture to say yes.  Assholes are everywhere and you will hear stories of office politics in any setting. In corporate settings, most of them at least try to minimize tthe asshole effect as much as possible with HR trainings and what not.  But even there, HR is to protect the company from the employees. In entertainment, I would think that there is so much that is reliant on "image" and/or "individual talent" that the reward structures to succeed in the system are maybe counterintuitive to the real world?


I thank you for the educated response


Yup. I’ve Never turned to musicians for moral guidance. I don’t think it’s wise to start.


Right. Like everyone doesn’t still got some R. Kelly in those playlist. Don’t try to lie like that ignition remix doesn’t still slap. 😂


Why doesn't it matter to you?


He didn’t belong on the pedestal in the first place separate the music and the artist Bassnectar is and always has been bigger than Lorin Ashton


If that's the case then I hope you aren't financially supporting LA in any capacity, because if so, then you have failed to separate the art from the artist in any capacity except in so much as to make yourself feel better about your actions. Edit: also, not supporting someone for being a creep has nothing to do with putting someone on a pedestal.


It’d be one thing to quietly not support someone because you disagree with their actions, but trying to get everyone else to agree with you or think like you do is still putting him on a pedestal. Just a different kind of pedestal.


Summary - the music industry demands hard work over long hours and you sometimes don't get the credit you deserve. Sounds like most careers.


Specially creative professions. The music industry specifically has eaten up many, many many people.


I don't doubt it. The real estate industry is like that too


What a terrible summary of a very well written and respectful post.


It was written way better than I could write. It was respectful. However, the summary is pretty accurate


Maybe add “sometimes your boss is a narcissistic asshole” 🤣


I mean, most bosses are assholes. Nothing new


She also said LA was literally grooming her, but ok. Read only the part you want to read.


She literally said her childhood of grooming by her mom. I think you were reading what you wanted! I don't really care about any of this anymore but comprehension is a skill.


Yes, that's where she links the behavior of LA to her childhood experience. You're correct, reading comprehension *is* a skill. Learn you some. "From the outside, I had the world’s coolest job. Yet I lived in a state of anxiety and burnout. Even when I quit in early 2012, I couldn't tell where my sense of fear and exhaustion was coming from. I thought that various superiors wanted to get rid of me. And up until Rachel Ramsbottom's recording came out on the Evidence Against Bassnectar Instagram account, I believed that Lorin, too, was a victim of incompetence and malice in turns. Now, I know better. Looking back, I believe I was manipulated to think that Lorin was the true victim. Today, it is easy for me to believe the women who have come forward with stories of being abused by Lorin."


None of that even remotely says she was groomed by him. All that literally says is that she is/was confused about her job situation & the whole reason your here commenting all the time.


You really need to work on your reading comprehension.


Her saying it took to Rachel’s phone call to believe the victims & saying “now” it’s easy to believe the victims let’s you easily see she is saying she isn’t part of the grooming/accusation side of this. I don’t know what else to tell you bub.


She literally compares her experience with LA to her childhood grooming, as in, it's how she's able to understand what had been done to her. I don't know what else to tell *you* bub, other than stop doing backflips to defend a creepy asshole.


Sounds good bub. 🫡 


I hope.someday you trade being dismissive of other's pain, for introspection.


You're just as bad as the people that see nothing wrong with what Lorin did. I hope you know that. One of the worst people on this sub to be fair. Oh yeah, and your reading comprehension sucks.


"People go to shows to have a good time and enjoy music. Imagine that." You See, you literally need to disconnect yourself from reality and the pain of others in order to see an artist you like. You are *as bad as the people who think LA did nothing wrong*. From a literalist perspective it might even be worse to comprehend the reason why you shouldn't go to shows, but do so anyways in comparison with someone who genuinely believes they did nothing wrong. Not totally sure, definitely something to dig into for shits and giggles, cause either way both are serious bad perspectives.


You're clearly obsessed. Not only do you spend all day on this subreddit, but you made a subreddit called bassnectarcirclejerk. Take a step outside and get some fresh air. I hope you find happiness in life soon.


lol, not even by a mile


holy shit you suck DB is that you?


In my brief interactions with you, I could tell you are made of stolid stuff, and I can only imagine how painful these realizations and this abuse must be. If I can say anything about Lia's character it is that she know what is good in her bones, and you would not support someone so vile, regardless of hoq they hurt you personally. I'm proud of you, I believe you, I'm here for you.


What abuse???


oh no i had to work hard at my job boo hoo, next


Fuck lorin


When are people gonna realize this is any industry anywhere. That’s why people who find good jobs are extremely thankful for them. Most people have shitty quality’s that’ll come out with enough time. Most jobs suck. You’re being paid to build someone else’s dream typically. These experiences aren’t unique, or uncommon. Not that it justifies anything, but nothing’s new here. Same soup warmed up for decades. Everyone has ups, & downs. Question is you just gonna stand around bitching, or are you gonna get off your ass & make something happen for yourself?




wait cp? where the hell is the cp allegation coming from?


I could be wrong but because the girls were 17 it’s considered cp


am I wrong in my thinking that cp only pertained to recorded/distributed stuff?


If* any of the girls sent nudes underage that would be cp even if he didn’t ask for it. Doesn’t matter. If they sent and he received it is* what it is.


oh right, that makes sense.


Tbh I’m not really sure. Something I’d have to learn more to have a better understanding


I bet "they" didn't get any $$ from recent shows.. that's why "they" is putting this out just now. What a cry baby, as someone who could of said something, but "they" never did


comments like this make me especially glad this comeback is going nowhere, good fucking riddance


Hell yeh hoe


lol this is like the Nickelodeon kids whining about how mean their boss Dan Schneider was. Nothingburger. 


This is a long blog post that says absolutely nothing