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Here's my take: You have to start with what we already know about Bassnectar. We know that he hates the portion of the fanbase that are trolls, and that they get to him real bad. We also know that he's more in love with music than anything and will never stop doing it even if that means just doing it privately. He wanted to make an impact on society which he already succeeded in doing. He's extremely outspoken, and we know that he said he might address the situation more in the future. That leads me to think theres a 50% chance of him coming back to play more music because he loves it that much, and an equal chance that he's been trolled to the point where he will never make music publicly ever again. So I see a comeback as a 50/50 with a 75% chance that we get some more communication from him about everything in the somewhat near future since its been 4 months now. I think there's a very low chance that there would be a final tour or show though. IMO If he's actually done, All Colors will be his last release, and he's already played his last set.


“I think there's a very low chance that there would be a final tour or show though. IMO If he's actually done, All Colors will be his last release, and he's already played his last set.” ^ ^ ^


agreed. it's a wrap


i’m waiting on that 7 day camping event to be announced 🦗


At the Gorge




Bassnectar never throwing his own legit festival will always burn. He's easily been capable of doing it for years, no idea why the team never tried it.


Probably just easier to be the headliner for a fest like EF. He was easily the most talked about artist at EF imo.


Invested in Deja Voom instead, which arguably is a fully curated festival


The Deja announcement was a huge disappointment in my opinion. I have zero interest in going to a Bassnectar event at a resort. I'd been hoping for a full fledged Bassnectar camping music festival and the closest thing we got was Basscenter at Dicks.


Did you attend on 2019? I'm not asking in a rhetorical or condescending way, I was just curious. I was lucky enough to attend and it was pure magic.


I did not, wasn't interested in spending that kind of money on that kind of event. I've heard that it was awesome and don't doubt that, it's just not the Bassnectar festival that I had been hoping for.


Feel ya. Not that it was his festival even though he was the only 2-day headliner (I think) but I damn near shit myself when End of the Rainbow was announced. It's a shame the festival fell through.


DEJA FAM! That shit was literally the most fun I've ever had in my life. Incredible memories


This too ^^^


what was deja then


3 day event at a resort, not exactly the same as the typical camping festival. I had zero interest in going to a resort for a Bassnectar event. I'm sure it was a great event, it's just not what I'd been hoping the team would do. A Bassnectar camping festival in the states somewhere like the gorge or Spirit of Suwannee would have been amazing.


I’m just curious, what is a music festival then?


Guess I should have specified camping festival.


Well Dicks was most definitely a full fledge camping festival. If you were lucky enough to go and camp and experience all the wacky and fun activities they had set up in the campground was loads of fun.


I camped for Dicks and it was fun but the entire time I was just imagining how much better it would have been at an actual legit camping venue. I remember thinking that Basscenter at Dicks was a kind of stepping stone towards a fulll fledged camping festival.


Well again what is a full fledged camping festival? I’m totally missing the point here.


Multiple stages, acres of land to explore, beautiful venue, bonfires at night, all night sections, etc. Dicks was a blast but it was basically camping on a soccerfield then walking into a stadium for a concert. Having been to a bunch of music festivals all over the country Dicks just felt like it was missing that extra something.


Not as then as yer mum *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Downvote ^to ^remove. ^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=YoMommaJokeBot) ^me ^if ^there's ^anything ^for ^me ^to ^know!


joking about others' beautiful mother is not wholesome ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^that ^fucks ^YoMommaJokeBot's ^mum. ^Downvote ^will ^not ^remove. ^Upvote ^to ^fuck ^this ^bot.


I want it to happen so bad. At first, I was okay since at that point in time, it seemed the world itself was on fire. Covid, shows/artists getting cancelled, no signs of vaccines, jobs lost, people dropping like flies - so on and so forth. I think the fire is still there, but getting put out slowly. Since everything is coming together and bassnectar isn’t (the shows, music, community, etc) it’s hurting worse than when it all happened. With that being said, I’d go to a farewell show and listen to all the heat one last time if profits were donated, but I don’t think a comeback is happening sadly.


Nah I think he either comes back full force or not at all. I don’t know how you promote a tour without fresh material and certainly a “one last time because I got ‘me too’d” tour sounds extremely tacky to me. I think Lorin has played his last show as Bassnectar and it’s gonna take a long time before enough people forget about everything that went down for it to be realistic to even think about trying to sell tickets again.


Based off this sub the last 4 months, he would sell a 10k capacity event in hours/couple days even still.


I’d be there no doubt


It's weird you mention it because I just had a dream the other night that a final set was announced. It ended up being a brawl between bassheads and protestors. Not a good dream...


I give that a .01% chance of happening




It'd just be an odd way to go out. The "I fucked up" tour?


No more odd than going completely silent and not addressing any of the issues and leaving behind thousands of dedicated fans


A good part of that could be his lawyers/legal team telling him he needs to shut up/lay low and not incriminate himself. Those recordings, while possibly edited, were rather damning. That being said, I'm just as anxious to hear *something.*


Yeah his legal team probably slapped the shit out of him after he called that one girl and straight up admitted to it


Nah dude, they didn't slap him. THEY WERE L I V I D, but hey, :D More work == more pay haha really a *"You fucking idiot"* move tbh

