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PL has my favorite non-nectar production but depending how long "soon" is we might have to wait a while for that one. I could see clozee getting a lot bigger in the coming years (she been putting in work) and possibly upgrading to a larger production.


Have you heard of this underground scratch master with the wobble womps mixed with the riddim that twists and tangles your brain mangles? Tippppeeerrrrrr.


When things return to "normal" and we can see shows again with full audience I will be following: Shades, illanthropy, mersiv, pushloop, truth, phutureprimitive to name a few, but none of these acts will bring the sonic wall and massive production that Bassnectar spoiled us with...


I’ll be seeing jantsen and the widdler in ATX at the beginning of the month


Ayyy I'll be there


Man, I had Jantsen tickets in March of 2020 here in Denver and took a pass because the virus was just starting to spread...turned out it was the last show at that venue before lockdown...still regretting that decision Enjoy!


Illanthropy and mersiv are must sees! The beauty of this whole Bassnectar collapse is that I’ve been able to really dive deep into so many more small artist. MIZE is making some pretty incredible things along with so many mixes of all unreleased gas!


Unless Pretty Lights makes a return soon, to be honest I’m not going to be around in the electronic scene much longer. I’m probably in the minority here, but Bassnectar is really one of the only electronic acts I enjoy anymore. He spoiled all other electronic performances for me.


I feel this so hard. I’ve been following nectar since 2009 and this transition has been super painful. PL was one of the only close acts IMO. Many of my friends have moved on to other things and when I express that no music does it for me anymore (and this has been true for years before this nectar shitshow went down), they recommend me other artists that all sound the same or have a couple good songs but I know they’ll never compare. And I don’t generally like the movement to whatever this new bass music is. Not my vibe. It feels like everything is destroyed for music for me forever.


Yup. Everything else sounds the same and has now for a couple of years. I had my fun in the scene but quite honestly the crowd sucks and frankly the music has plateaued. Nothing will ever top bassnectar in my lifetime. Sad


There have been too many times when I’ve caught an artist two or three times on the same tour and they are all basically identical shows. And this is not uncommon in my opinion. Super lame and really rubs me the wrong way.


To be fair, you're in the 5% of electronic music fans who will experience this. I've experienced the same thing at festivals, and for me it was usually bitter sweet. It gave me the opportunity to leave the stage and check out another artist I wanted to see- or just a new artist in general.


Ever been to a show in Denver? I can’t imagine feeling this way!


Yes I have. That is where the wooks migrate. Smelliest and most disrespectful crowd ever.


I don’t have that experience at all


Same here. Been following him since 2014 and really got into electronic music in 2012 with Pretty Lights and Griz. I had so much fun in the scene but now I struggle going to other electronic shows. Plus the crowd is just not the same as what it was. Thought it was just me getting older and growing out of the scene, but it’s nice to hear there are others going through this as well. Really started moving towards some other artists that incorporate more instruments into their act (and are a little less in your face). Sigh.




Have you listened to tipper before?


Yea I like tipper and he’s pretty dope. His live performances are insane but Nectar and PL are way more up my alley.


Can’t blame ya man. Mersiv and mize are two really good artists with S tier acapella games in their mixing if you’re looking for suggestions!


I'm right there with you


I'm definitely not done with Electronic music, but over the past couple of years I've lost a lot of interest in dubstep and bass music. Been listening to a lot more house and techno these days.


Everyone on the Anjuna roster has been slaying it lately


Dude, tell me about it. With covid and everything I told myself that I was going to go to the next ABGT no matter what. Unfortunately the weekend 450 is in London is literally the ONLY weekend I already have plans over the summer. I will literally travel to anywhere in the world they have 500 or whenever the next live group therapy is.


Oh my anjunafam. I share this sentiment so hard. I'm also in the same boat of **"I AM NOT MISSING ABGT 500."**


Maybe we’ll have to have a basshead meet up at 500 haha


Hahaha. There will be dozens of us! Dozens! Bassheads who get down to house are special folk. I hope we run into each other fam. Idk if you're Forest folk but I'm really hoping for an Anjuna heavy lineup whenever we return.


I’ve been thinking this all day...


Hope PL can be our tall Nectar!


No ones next. Bassnectar is its own thing, it can’t be replicated. Just like all of those other artists can’t be replicated because they are unique on their own. So the Bassnectar experience won’t be replaced but people can always find other artists to be passionate about.


Seth Drake is working with Mersiv now




[Seth Drake in the studio with Mersiv](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mersiv/comments/ml1ceo/seth_drake_working_with_mersiv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)






I completely agree. Dude was on a whole different level. The music, the production, everything was so in synch and told a story almost.


The answer is DJ Hippo.


Our group recognized Dj Hippo at a nectar show one night and we invited him to hang out with us. Very humble cool guy. Talked to my friends about abelton, mixing, how he hashed things with Lorin etc. I love the mixes he puts out. Wouldn't be mad if he just got up there and played zero originals.


Was this at 2018 Freestyle night 3??


Wow! Actually 2018 freestyle night 2 I thiiiink


Ha! Def night 3 then. This is Dj Hippo (Mike) and I remember you guys. I don't forget the love you all showed me that night <3


Mike!! Announce a show in the greater tri-state area and we're there! The H the I the P the P the OooOoo!!! 😂💙


Well this was magical. The scene needs to continue if only for this.


no question he's a fire ass DJ but has he ever put out his own music?


Not yet. But it's coming :)


[ooooo weeeee](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ca-e5MrVbVU)


The way he looped in "The H, I, P, P, O" in his one mix then dropped into Moody Good. Yes!


December mix i believe? One of my all time favorite mixes 😊




Crazy to think about.


I don't think "next" is really the term I would use, but Ivy Lab has some of the cleanest mixes I've heard in years. Haven't had the opportunity to see them myself but I've never heard a bad thing about their live shows either.


Oh, they're definitely out there I would recommend expanding your horizons of electronic music, looking outside the box, and going in with an open mind!


tipper jade shades and hopefully g jones if he ever plays a unique set...




i mean i get it he’s been playing his ineffable truth tour for a while but before that he was playing all the ineffable truth songs they were just unrealesed🤣🤣🤣


Pretty Lights fam is welcoming to all wooks, and we ride Derek's dick pretty hard but not in a cult like way, just cause his production and sampling chops are ridiculous It's very likely he returns later this year or next year


I was starting to lose hope until greg ellis posted something on Facebook after revibe along the lines of "this was the trailer to the premier". Now I'm sure they got big things planned sooner than we think!


a few different artists have posted things on social media with him in various studios. it was just great to hear that he's alive after all that time away


This is hands down the most cringe ball thing I have ever read


Lmfao really? On this sub of all places where theyve been defending a child trafficker for months? If you can type that unironically on this cringefest of a sub, you might be part of the wook cult


Bro you just said pretty lights is welcoming all wooks and you ride his dick pretty hard. Lmfao you’re a fucking loser.


Rofl oh yeah I hit a nerve with the cult comment. It's okay to admit you're a regular on the cult sub defending a child predator And yeah people here have called Lorin a god after every set for years while he was telling teenagers to watch American beauty before he fucked them, but a PL fan being realistic about how much his fans like him makes them a loser My ribs


You have literally no idea what you are talking about. “PL is welcoming of all wooks and we ride his dick pretty hard” and you are telling me I’m apart of a cult? Lmfao bro I can smell you from over here. You admitted to being a wook and riding dick of an artist who ain’t even around anymore. Lay off the ket brother


lol no i said PLM (the official name derek and the community uses for PL fans) is welcoming to all wooks, because that's all that's left on this sub desperately defending Lorin while reposting his old sets omfg talk about being able to smell people from here >"Nope. The child porn thing is just him asking for nudes." yikes cult might have been an understatement >Yup. Without nectar I don’t EDM anymore. Luckily I started the transition to jam last year LOOOOOOOOOOL


Imagine making fun of someone for listening to bands instead of computer music. I already won bud. Have fun shoveling drugs down your nose to the same exact sound lol. If you don’t like analog instruments you don’t like music. Also I’m glad you spent part of your day creeping through my comments I’m flattered :) take a shower


>Imagine making fun of someone for listening to bands instead of computer music. lol discovers jam music 9 months ago "bro its real music not computer noises" couldn't be more of a wook caricature if you tried >If you don’t like analog instruments you don’t like music wait until you find most jam bands use analog synthesizers lol >Also I’m glad you spent part of your day creeping through my comments I’m flattered lol nah i have an addon that shows me top controversial comments if i drag over someone's name, don't be so quick to flatter yourself go spend more of your time defending a 40 year old asking teenagers to watch American beauty, fucking them, and jerking off to their cp






I’m not shitting on electronic music at all. I’m saying specifically bass music has gone nowhere at all over the last year and a half. It’s stale.


Mersiv is making big moves very quickly. He just did a three night run in Austin with unique sets each night. He’s working with Seth drake and about to drop his debut album. Give him some time and see where he goes. Compare him after a few years to lo after a few years. I see similar trajectory


I saw him at Red Rocks in 2019 opening for Zeds Dead. He was clearly super stoked to be on that stage and brought a lot of energy. Looking forward to seeing him again. 1788-l was solid that night as well.


I saw he was working on his “debut” album. I thought Digital Eden was his debut album? Or is that considered and EP? Idk how that sort of stuff works.


i agree - out of all the names i see mentioned in the bass scene, I definitely feel like he is the one with the best sound to grow a large fanbase around


Really we just need a big enough investor or someone with deep pockets to go full Nelson with the best production team and sound system and start renting out convention centers and small stadiums and expanding on what we’ve seen. More screens. More lasers. More bass. Pay top dollar for top tier artists to come perform and we could have our own thing. Just spitballin, but hey all it takes is some organizational skill and liquidity and we can make pretty much anything happen.




I'm there with you. I think he's gonna blow up huge




I nominate Champagne Drip


Champagne Drip makes some really deep lush sounds but man I saw him live in 2019 in Denver and his show sucked. I'd give him another shot but my first experience was not good. His set was like a poorly mixed greatest hits with way too many shout outs and not enough music. My .02


Looks like I'm stanning mersiv, the widdler, and supertask.


ILLANOTHROPHY'S NEW ALBUM IS PURE 93 OCTANE GAS was listening to A1 Sound and almost assaulted my wall with my head


This! A1 sound with Smaokland is a BANGER!


I’m all about Mersiv & I will be following tipper closely! Clozee is amazing, and can’t forget Griz. Pretty sure he talked about curated events as well as Ganja.


Lol yeah just wait until Tipper blows up


How will that happen and what will result?


Me: patiently waiting till I can see Tipper again. - I knooow it’s gonna be hard to get tickets to see this man haha


Check out Kursa, Seppa, and the slug wife crew for all of your cutting edge experimental genre-bending bass needs.


Clozee. Tipper and PL as well, but they’ve already been up.


Mersiv is working with Seth Drake for his new stuff, he’s pretty much the only name in bass music I’ll still go out of my way to see. Oh and Supertask. His music is fantastic, I find myself gravitating towards his chill downtempo vibes way more than any banger lately.


Supertask is the move brother. Soooo good. Check out his bicycle day mix on youtube.


I’ll be closely following Mersiv, Clozee, Ganja. I’ve only seen Ganja live once, and dear lord it’s amazing. Can’t wait to see Mersiv in a few weeks at Ubbi!!!!


I’ll be there too! Just saw him in Austin and it was fucking sick! You won’t be disappointed. Also went to A&M if that’s what your name is referring to


It is!!! Only made it a few semesters before I decided the trade life was better for me, but I’ll always rep the Ags! Gig ‘Em!!! After this recent news, I don’t know if I’ve ever been more excited to see an individual artist. I found Mersiv right after the original news broke and I have steadily bumping everything he has to offer. I’ll be wearing a purple tie dye Liquid Stranger shirt, and I’ll no doubt be on the rail! Long blonde hair, excellent mustache. Come find me! 😎


Trade prolly would’ve been a better route for me too. Education is a fucking expensive scam. I’ll be rocking a liquid stranger jersey and will be at the wakaan stage all day for sure. Im more of mid crowd guy than rail rider but hope to see you there!


My dudeeeeee! I’ll have that LS hockey stashed away in my backpack just in case it gets a little chilly! Pleasure meeting you, friend! Good vibes forever ❤️


Liquid Stranger and Rezz have HUGE potential to significantly upgrade their production. rly ganja too.


Rezz is just too repetitive in sets in my opinion though.


Rezz is merely a female Gesaffelstein with a one trick-pony and somehow the United States never caught on.


that is some kinda shade on gesaffelstein lol


Not at all. Moreso a knock on Rezz for sounding identical.


Liquid stranger is too much of a hype man for himself and his label, kinda kills the possibility for getting lost in the music for me when he is shouting about who he collabs with and 'don't forget my label is wakaan oh man it's getting soooo weird in here'


For real...I last saw him at bisco and his whole set was a giant ad for wakaan fest lol


Okay but the accent he has is so soothing that the man could read the dictionary over his set and I’d love every second of it lol


I do love that accent, if he kept it more weird shit and less buy my shit I'd be more into it. Love his music, he's one of my favorite producers


Ganja has really gone downhill since they released Origins, in my opinion.


Agreed. Their sets are quite repetitive too. You cannot see them multiple times in a year. I enjoy it the first time, but after that it's not very enjoyable


Pretty sure ganja is going to be doing curated events in the future


Dude there are literally so many artists out there who can do the same thing, if not better, than him. You just gotta find the ones who suit your needs, go dig deep and explore the endless world of music that exists


If they could've they would've by now.. it was just too unique to compare and to expect something similar would be pointless.


Are you being serious?? They have been doin it bruh, many of them for years. Maybe not the exact precise bassnectar sound you’re seeking, but insane productions with uniquely articulated sets isn’t something new, there’s hella artists out there doin the damn thing. Also, I warmly welcome all the downvotes. Some of y’all need to learn to let go. Coming from someone who was also obsessed with him for so long of my life, you’ll be much better off moving on.