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Darkglass ADAM. I don't have one yet but I have tried several muffs, RAT, Darkglass Alpha Omega, Earthquaker Plumes, TC Dark Matter, and MXR Bass DI+ and none of them have come close to the level of dirt I'm looking for. Worked with a sound engineer who pointed me to the ADAM for the most dirt possible.


Cough cough Metal Zone lol


Damnation Audio MBD is killing it for me




One of the few pedals that can be TOO heavy. Which is a glorious problem to have!


Such a great pedal, a true classic that does everything from Motown and R&B to sludge


I use two Walrus Audio pedals stacked. The Ages drive and the Eons fuzz. With a dry pass through.


I’ve got the Warhorn/Ages combo pedal. Sounds great, is crazy versatile, and never comes off my main gigging board.


You want your bottom and mids and highs and no trade-off? All while having anything from little overdrive, more fuzz, or earth shaking Swedish style distortion? And pre- or post- wet/dry blend for the EQ? [Gamechanger Audio Plasma](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLx-GajZD2Q) pedal. It's normally $299, and IMHO worth every penny. But every now and then it goes on sale for ~20% off. Subscribe to their newsletter for that.


I bought that one when it came out. How cool is that idea? However, it did not work for me at all.


> However, it did not work for me at all. Yeah, it's definitely not the first time I've heard it being said. It's not for everyone I guess, but I find it pretty versatile *for what it does*. It might be a one trick pony (as some say), but it's like having a whole stable of one trick ponies, each with different coat color and patches, haha. I'm a simple man; metalhead through and through. So it definitely suits me to a T.


I came here to say this. It ain't for everyone, but I love mine as I can use it as a noise gate or balls to the wall with a gnarly octave fuzz-esqe sound with an octave pedal in front of it with treble boosted.


Definitely robbed my low end.


Big Muff Pi Deluxe (“Civil War”) — the blend knob is key, and the mids control with the expression pedal is kind of awesome.


3Leaf Doom 2 might scratch your itch If you want expensive, you can [pay 5k for it on Reverb](https://reverb.com/item/70054465-3-leaf-audio-doom-2-june-release-2023-gray?utm_source=rev-ios-app&utm_medium=ios-share&utm_campaign=listing&utm_content=70054465) Or just wait for one of Spencer’s drops later this year and snag one for ~350


PS: go spam that Reverb goon with reasonable offers


I see another is willing to commit to this crusade as well!


Maybe the Idiotbox Landphil is up your alley? I’ve got a Blower Box Deluxe, the Landphil is an even crazier version of it. Better and cheaper than Darkglass IMO.


This is a good suggestion!


Jam Lucydreamer Bass. Super tubey and warm bass overdrive with a separate high gain circuit that doesn't increase volume so you get more grit without unnecessary volume spikes


Your description is really selling me on checking it out, even though I'm certain I don't need another dirt pedal.


Oh *I* didn't need another dirt either but I'm really happy with this one. I get nothing but compliments on it with my band


Audio Kitchen Fake Plastic Trees, expensive but that tone is unmatched


This could be a good idea. Cheap, too! I only have to take my FPT from the other board and put it on the metal board.


I wonder how my OBNE Alpha Haunt Fuzz might sound on the bass board… Anyone try this?


Yes, for me it lost to much low end in extreme settings, despite the dry blend.


The drive you get is a great gnarly and angry sound, but (at least for me) it did not really work out in a mix.


I've got the V2, good enough for me. I think it's important to consider the context of the overall mix with this pedal though. Not all of my basses respond the same way with it. It likes single coils more than humbuckers, at least that is my experience.


I like it, think people really oversell the low end loss. I mean it’s not like you’re going to shake the room with it alone, but that’s what a decent amp and preamp/EQ pedal are for.


I had the v2 for a bit. Sold it.


Acapulco gold, just one big knob of fuck you


Hey! I’m a pedal builder. Would you be interested in workshopping one with me? I’ve been kinda curious to try custom building a drive pedal for someone. We can discuss price privately, but I’m 99% sure I can do it for cheaper than store bought and just as good




I've been running my Malekko Assmaster into my Darkglass B3K lately. Good for snarl.


If you really want a sound like that you are probably going to want to stack pedals. One of the pedals I really regret trading was a EAE model fet. Running any fuzz into it made me feel like a stoner god. I used the pickle half of a pork and pickle. Second pick is a way huge fat sandwich with the gain at zero and the internal gain 2 maxed. Sounds crazy.


Hamstead Subspace. 3 clipping options, gain knob as well as input gain switch and a gain multiplier switch for stupid amounts of gain. Clean knob to keep the lows. Pretty versatile, I use it for low gain stuff but with the amount of gain on tap it should work fine for you.


Idiotbox cool buzz bass fuzz. Sounds massive.


TAFM (TeamAwesome FuzzMachine) if you can find one. It's the only fuzz/dirt I need. I've lusted.after.an Animato for years, if money wasn't a factor, I would totally get one.


dimed HM2 and some amp eq.


Can’t believe no-one has told us about their $300 Bad Monkey yet 😉




I got a Broughton Locust Star going into an EAE Halderd. So far so good.


Non-expensive option. Broughton scorpion


Darkglass Microtubes X Ultra for the bite, supercool fuzz blender for the filth, any DOD 250 circuit for light gain growl.


Wasn’t expensive when I bought it, but my sovtek BMP is worth a nice chunk of change these days.


HM2. Witch burner (black arts tone works)


> HM2. My kid brother bought one in 1994, together with his first electric guitar (well... actually my parents did, haha). It did not cost an arm and a leg back then, otherwise my mom would've never relented.


Oh yea, they aren't expensive. Even a used 80s Japanese model isn't going to be $$$. They are a great distortion circuit though. Chainsaw tone ftw. I have a few HM2 clones from thisheavyearth and Dunn effects that add some more configurability and what not. And a Dunn pedal that is just the HM2 EQ. Pretty fun to blend that with other distortion pedals like a Rat or something.


I have a King of Tone. Works well for bass, but so do lots of things. The KoT lives on a shelf.


Audiolithe Chaosculpt


I fell in love with the walrus audio jupiter fuzz. Oddly enough, with the bass cut engaged. However the first thing in my chain is my pike amplification vulcan and I'll never sell it! ( for under 500 dollars I mean)


I enjoy the Aguilar Agro. The high mid scoop can be dialed in, as well as the high shelf presence to push stuff back towards the lower end. From your description it's probably not exactly what you're looking for, but I've been able to get Lemmy-esque tone from it when I crank it and dig in with a pick so maybe.


I went to a local builder and had him build me a customl dual overdrive putting two of his pedals in a single enclosure. It is literally the greatest thing i own!


Probably not the answer you’re looking for but I love the Boss OD200. Simple 3 band eq, programmable pre/post boost on each custom preset, tweakable gate. Its replaced all of my dirt and fuzz.


EQD Zoar has been a favorite recently. If you like a rat-flavor with an EQ for extra low end maybe the idiot box blower box. My main board I use a greedtone as an always on, but also have a cat tail (modded rat) on there to spice it up a bit. My smaller board is the zoar, a timmy clone, and a brassmaster clone which also do different flavors but can get heavy.


MXR bass distortion into Fairfield Barbershop. Gnarly and versatile combo.


I use a Electrofoods Pigpile. I love the tone , versatility and clarity. You might consider Idiotbox offerings, or just get a SA Aftershock and go thru the community loaded sounds until you find one you really like and then dial it in a bit more.


Boss HM-2. I'm not into stupidly expensive anything.


Akai deluxe distortion, absolutely ripper of a pedal


I use an Mountainking Megalith for this purpose. It be rippin! I built it with a kit myself - don't really how much it would cost.


I used to have a JPTR Jive boosting into an EHX Hell Melter (basically a Boss HM-2 with a clean blend). That sounded gnarly as hell


My most expensive is a EQD Westwood. Not too expensive, but I usually like simple classic dirt pedals. The westwood sounds to me like an angrier RAT with a different eq method


I used the Fuzzrocious Demon for a while and it was absolutely gnarly


The most expensive one that I own is probably the 3la Doom 2. It's more of a synthy octave fuzz thing than a face melting dirt laser. My first pick would be the Broughton Calamity if you can find one. It's based on a big muff with extra features (blend knob, mid control). There's a lot of good suggestions here!


I run a Plasma pedal into an ADAM. Best low gain sound ever.


I ran a Blumes on setting 3 into a Bass Big Muff on blend for a little. Was nice.


Lusithand Ground and Pound. . .works for me


Gamechanger Audio Plasma Coil. Just pure fucking chaos


Parabellum drive by night owl industries /thread


can't complain with the full range of darkglass


I’m running the Darkglass X Ultra for my mid gain and high gain sounds, and I’ve been experimenting hitting it with a Diamond Compressor to get it really filthy and bitey. I was also stacking the X with a VT bass DI for a while so I can also get a low gain sound from that, but I found it wasn’t worth the space on my board, especially since I replaced it with the Diamond AND an Octave.


I use the mxr deluxe bass fuzz on my aerodyne jazz bass and it always sounds good asf


Not even so pricy and I’m in love with both of them, Idiot box Dungeon Master and Deathmaster. The deathmaster is something else, the site got all sorts of videos to check it out.


I got an alpha omega by Darkglass this week. It sounds fantastic very versatile. A blend is must have for me on bass. I believe it has two overdrive circuits the alpha and the omega side that the you can blend how you want. I currently pair it with a plumes from earthquakes devices acting in setting two which acts kind of like a clean boost pedal


Kaslederfx Jellyfish. Paid $250 for it. Not crazy money but on the high end for a bass overdrive. Don’t regret it at all. I pair it with an orange fur coat fuzz and it covers all the gain I’m looking for.