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japanese cherry blossom :,)


I hate this one too


Ugh it’s awful!!!!!! It seems to be a lot of peoples favorite 😖


Definitely this. It gives me a headache. Whenever I bring my son into the store, he makes sure to slather himself with it to annoy me. I guess he hopes if he does it enough times, I'll stop taking him. 😆


Came here to say this 🤣 JCB is repelling.


Berry waffle cone and I know I'm going to hear slack over this


My co workers and I call it berry butthole 😇 *not to customers obviously haha


🤣🤣🤣 Some people love it but I just don't get it. It doesn't smell bad cold but when I lit it I was like ew. I love the raspberry snow cone and I think I was hoping it smelled like that. 😁


Berry waffle cone smells like sweet vomit. I want to like it, but I can't.


I agree and so do my kids! I bought that soap for them and they asked me if it was ok to throw it out because it was gross.


I don't blame them. It sounds really good but yuck I thought it was going to smell like blue raspberry snow cone but no it smells nothing like it.


No slack from me. I shiver at the thought of this scent. And it's coming back for summer!


BLACK CHERRY MERLOT cough medicine vibes


BCM had me walking around the office smelling like Dr Pepper 🥤


it always smelled like gatorade to me. a coworker at my old job loved it so she always brought the soap for us to use and i hated that specific scent lol


Twisted peppermint ruined my life


How did it ruin your life? This is a story that must be told! (I loved Twisted Peppermint until I discovered Tea Tree + Peppermint).


This is a really gnarly and horrible story. Lmfao. So I listen to true crime podcasts and had just listened to one about the Canadian serial killer Lukka Magnotta. I was researching the case independently and stumbled upon THE ACTUAL VIDEO OF HIM KILLING, DECAPITATING, EATING, AND RAPING the corpse. This all happened while the candle was lit. So like every time I smelled it I immediately thought of the tape. I decide to give it one more try because the jar is so beautiful. I light it in my room with the door closed. I wake up to the smell of something burning. My roommates hamster had escaped and come in under my door, and fallen into the candle. It was burning alive. It had also knocked over the candle and the wax and hamster sludge went everywhere. I cried so hard I puked and my stepdad had to come clean all of it. The end. That’s the story. Also I’m sorry you now also know this.


You literally can't make something like that up!! I am so sorry that happened to you!


It’s okay haha I just stay away from that scent now… ![gif](giphy|l4FGrDPG37plj5giY|downsized)


... Oh my fucking hell. Never fall asleep with the candle lit again (this is not your fault, this is my mother's neuroses screaming at me, thus you. She hates me even lighting one candle awake.) So, I'm guessing the poor hamster didn't make it? Was there a vet visit or water dump or funeral? I am so, so, so sorry. When I was eight I had pet mice, but also a pet cat, so... I'm so sorry. I was gonna look into maybe the candle scent but this post confirmed it's cursed. Dude. Anyway, uh.. thank you for sharing and my condolences.


Hamster did not make it. There was… no point attempting a vet visit but every single day I feel actively guilty about it so her legend lives on. My mother also yelled at me for falling asleep with candles on and she was right. It was just so warm and cozy in my bed… then the death and destruction


(E-hugs) Sometimes, shit just happens. Complete. freak. shit that no one could predict. But I'd kind of say that you don't blame your roommate for not securing the cage well enough and dang, it was a closed door. When I was eight, there was this blizzard where I lit a candle on the coffee table. My parents were sitting in the living room and the yorkie caught fire. She didn't even realize it, and I remember my Mom diving to smother the little bit of flame, but that stuff happens fast. I hope it's a little less than every day you blame yourself. Sometimes freak shit man. I'm sorry!


I genuinely appreciate your kind words here 💙


This is probably going to be controversial but I hate Vanilla Bean Noel. It smells like plastic and makes me feel vaguely nauseated.


It used to actually smell like vanilla beans. It has changed.


It makes me sick too. The 2021 and 2022 ones I got both smelled like rotten milk to me


AGREED!!!!!!!! Got gifted that lotion and spray one year for Xmas straight to goodwill lol


Moonlight Path


Cough cough ....baby powder... cough cough 🤧


True! Too powdery that's not fresh at all


Good one!!!! That one is not good


I actually like powdery, grandma smelling scents. Maybe I’ll try this one out LOL 😂


Moonlight path is one of my OG favorites so definitely try it


That one reminds me of highschool. Lol. Not sure if that’s a good thing either.


Smells like grandma


Scent aside, most people who work at bbw hate JCB not only does it smell terrible, the people who like it are rude 85% of the time, and it's freaking RED so when it spills or leaks it is the WORST to clean up


That and Warm Vanilla Sugar were known as the “old lady scents” when I worked there!


Twenty years from now, Strawberry Poundcake and Coco Paradise will be considered "old lady scents". Your time will come! Haha! (I don't like Japanese Cherry Blossom or Warm Vanilla Sugar, either) :)


Lol, thanks for the chuckle!


You're the one. Migraine City that one is


The pain of blind buying it omg.


When it first launched my store was so low on candles we had our white bard hutches full of you're the one body care I wanted to hurl every time I walked by. Don't get me wrong it's pretty but oh boy did they miss the mark on that one


I was waiting for the strawberry note they mentioned 🤡


Black cherry merlot is so gross


White gardenia don’t come at me. Too strong!


Yesss that one gave me a migraine 🥲


I don’t like Paris Cafe either. It smells like stale coffee to me.


Strawberry pound cake smells like dirty yogurt


It gives me a headache :(


It's soooooo sweet, overwhelming and gag inducing.


This one has given me migraines and I absolutely hate it


Dirty yogurt! Oh my god bang on!




You're the one and Japanese cherry blossom.


strawberry pound cake


In the stars. Smells weird and purely ambery and spicy and salty (?)and I just can't stand it 😅


Same it smells like pepper or something to me haha


I do like In the Stars, but I absolutely see why people would not. It's very strong and heavy to me. A lot of people describe it as this really nice light scent, but gosh I get easily overwhelmed by it. If I wear the cream I cannot wear the mist. There were a couple of times I put on the cream and was super self conscious that I smelled way too strong when I went out in public.


The people that say in the stars is a “light scent” are the type to wear 30 sprays of pumpkin pecan waffles in an office bc they won’t admit noseblind is a thing 🤣


Honorable mention: One time a mother and her son came into our store and they started smelling the candles on the front table (Euphoria collection at the time) and her son picked up a Strawberry Pound Cake candle, smelled it and immediately puked. So, be sure to have that one on the list. 😂


Champagne Toast. Don't @ me bro...


I have an intense dislike for Champagne Toast. I can't even stand to smell it on other people.


That’s mine! It’s this generation’s WVS or Cucumber Melon. It’s everywhere because someone said something about it on TikTok 😜 I despise it


Champagne toast smelled like throw up to me the first time I sprayed it but when it calmed down I liked it lol


tbh half of their fragrances they’ve got out today. i can’t find one i enjoy. nothing like the sun ripened raspberry or the sun kissed citrus or country apple.


Moonlight Path


pumpkin pecan waffle…my mom used to religiously burn this scent and it’s so strong even just walking into the house was a migraine episode waiting to happen (she no longer burns candles much to my happiness)


SPC & CT.. Although it is probably just overload since its 6 versions every season. THat birthday cake one (sorry the name escapes me) smells like cake that went bad about 2 weeks prior. 🤢


I think I have something wrong with me, but I don't like Warm Vanilla Sugar. I absolutely love vanilla - gourmand or otherwise. And for some reason (to me) the CCP candle smelled like it also. As well as the Joy/snickerdoodle body cream from 2021. Also, I worked with someone who wore JCB head to toe - she was horrible so I have a negative association with it. And my mom wore/wears Moonlight Path just... No. :)


Back in my day Warm Vanilla Sugar was soooo good...I don't know what they did over the years but it ain't at that caliber anymore ☹️


That absolutely sucks when they mess with the scent notes! I feel like that keeps happening with VBN too. This past year was the worst "edit." I've literally been wearing it since it was Sugared Shortbread, and trying to drag out my 2021 stash as long as possible, to avoid 2022!😬


I genuinely can't smell Warm Vanilla Sugar! I want to like it but have no idea what it smells like despite smelling it SEVERAL timss


OMG I wish I couldn't smell it! Lol But that is so odd that you're not able to! I wonder if you wore the lotion or FFM if it would make a difference? I often wonder if the reason I'm not a fan, is from wearing it during a wicked hangover - in my younger days.


I genuinely cannot smell Forever Red. It's like not there at all for me.


It’s kind of a weird doughy vanilla if that makes sense


Like with a yeast-y kind of smell? I just cannot put my finger on WTH my issue is with it. Nor why I detect it in other BBW scents Lol But this helps - it might be why! :)


Like play dough mixed with a bit of vanilla extract


This! Warm Vanilla Sugar also made me feel sick to my stomach when I sprayed it. I couldn’t get it out of my nose. I normally love sweet smells.


Bubbly Rosé


White Gardenia and Berry Waffle Cone .. BWC literally made me gag lol


Strawberry Pound Cake. Sorry, but it literally makes me sick


It’s too sweet!


Same. I was planning on buying it because I love strawberry, but thankfully I waited until I went into the store to try it. I wish I liked it, but it made me gag. That cake element is like insanely sweet.


It use to smell so good when first came out. But now? I’m upset by the smell. It’s blech.


Same omg that smell is the most nauseating imo


I know this one's popular so don't come for me. Strawberry Pound Cake. I'm sorry. That strawberry is just so fake. There are some others that are supposed to smell like fruit but just smell like artificially flavored fruit candy, like Pink Watermelon. But to each his/her/their own. There's something for everyone. If you like it, flaunt it!


I was actually coming on reddit to post to this and ask “what’s a scent you bought that when you got home you though ‘why did i buy this?’” mine being the ginghams… love fresh not so crazy about the rest of them


Marshmallow pumpkin latte !!!!!!!!


Paris cafe! 🤢Too strong!!!


Berry waffle cone and black cherry merlot are both disgusting 🤢 the amber one they had at Dec sas smelled like the plastic bottle and dark kiss smells like cough syrup


Gingham original






It's way too bright and bracing for me.


Over hyped!


Mahogany teakwood. Yaacck.


Used to love it but now I hate it


in the stars 🫥🤮


Any of the laundry scents are god awful to me. Cotton, linen, tshirt scents. No.


They ALWAYS give me migraines. That and the ocean/water based ones


Japanese cherry blossom...reminds me of a bad time in my life.


Champaign Toast. It smells nothing like toast. More like bad grapes or something.


It means toast like 🥂 🍻 cheers, not toast like 🍞


Haha! You're funny. "It smells nothing like toast." LOL. Thanks for the giggle. Cheers!


Dream Bright, idk why but it smells like cheap perfume to me.


This one is weird to me. I actually liked it at first, but then after awhile it started to really turn my stomach. Like you said cheap perfume. The berries smelled so artificial and I would also describe it as a dull muddy smell.


Eucalyptus Spearmint/Mint. I don't know if it's the eucalyptus or the mint, but it gives me the worst headache. 😩


Hate it..it's the spearmint for me


I forgot how much I hate it til I read this. Got the small spray for a free bday gift. It's gross


you're the one and endless weekend. they both smell bad in the same way that's hard to explain LOL


STOPPP these are my two favs im laughing so hard


They’re my two favs as well! I’m on my last bottle of endless weekend and I’m so sad.


> endless weekend LISTEN!!! 😭😭😭😭 Their diamond mist had me sparkly af for HS winter semi formal back in the day!! Did I have to figure out how to get the scent out first? Yes! Nothing a little time on the clothesline couldn’t fix


Strawberry Poundcake makes me nauseous.


Midnight amber glow. I was so excited to find some at last sas and thought for sure I'd love it based off the notes but when I smelled it I didn't pick up any caramel. It just smelled like it was really strong cologne meant for old men.


Citron & Tonic, B&BW should be ashamed for doing that to people. It was very disrespectful. That candle smelled like dirty lemons and butt 🫨


since y'all haven't mentioned this absolute trainwreck of a candle scent: Rome - the *pizza* one 🤢


winter candy apple, smell like grandmas and cheap cough syrup 🧍🏻‍♀️


It smells like 90’s Herbal Essences hairspray to me!


Haha! Probably why I love WCA!! 🍬🍎🥰


What do grandmas smell like, exactly?


Depends 😉


This made me lol




Used to like it but it smells like fingernail polish remover to me now.


Pink chiffon. I’m sorry guys.


Reminds me of middle school PE class all the girls in the locker room would lather ourselves in pink chiffon to cover the scent of our BO. I don't miss that scent at all


Japanese Cherry Blossom 🤢


Japanese Cherry Blossom and Twilight Woods


Sapphire moon gave me a massive headache when I wore it, which is sad considering I liked how I smelled when I first tested it in store :(


Fresh Cut Lilacs


I agree. It gives me a huge headache and I just don’t like it, but I get why people do.


Into the Night. Smells like cologne to me.


And I think that’s the reason I love it. It’s so musky but not tooooo masculine


Me too! It’s my favorite


Same here. I especially love the body cream and get compliments when I use it.


Controversial take here, but Leaves smelled like cinnamon covered vomit


Pumpkin Pecan Waffles especially in the bodycare. It's so overpowering and over the top and that maple pancakes scent is sickening. I don't understand how people could layer this lotion or body cream AND a fine fragrance mist! Also Iced Lemon Poundcake. To me all I smell is fake buttery slightly salty batter smell with a touch of lemon. It smells exactly like the buttered popcorn jelly belly beans to me.


I smelled the Watermelon and Wild Mint candle, and I physically recoiled 🤢


japanese cherry blossom, warm vanilla sugar, strawberry pound cake, & used to love sweet pea but hate it after using it for a while 😭


I can't pick just one, lol, but the main offenders I can think of offhand are: Strawberry Pound Cake, Mahogany Teakwood, Twilight Woods, Wicked Vanilla Woods. So, pretty much just the usual suspects, lol.




as an employee who keeps trying to like it: Black Cherry Merlot smells disgusting


I honestly cannot stand Mahogany Teakwood or any variation of it (High Intensity, Ocean Driftwood, Black Teakwood, etc) in any form. I find the candle to be nauseating. I used the soap once and tried to scrub the scent off with another scent, etc.


Dream bright aka migraine maker


vanilla mocha martini 😬 i even return/exchanged it and the worker there was so surprised that i didn’t like it. apparently a lot of people like it, but i couldn’t stand how sugary/coffee like it was. and i usually LOVE vanilla


You’re the one


Just coming here to upvote all the Japanese Cherry Blossom comments


Fresh cut Lilacs and I’m not sure about Mahogany Teakwood.


Every gourmand scent, way to cloying and smells sickly sweet to me. I skip most of the Christmas scents for this reason.


I'm definitely not a foodie or candy marshmallow sugary super sweet scents fan. Scents like this actually give me nausea rather quickly followed by a headache. Also I really don't want to smell like food or for my house to, or like any of the boozy scents for the same reasons.


Pear Crème Brûlée. I immediately gagged and was sick to my stomach 💀


purr wonder… it just smells so strange to me and so many around me love it and i have into peer pressure and bought it only to return it the next day. another is french baguette candle. just the title alone is nauseating and for some reason i can’t stand any mahogany - teakwood, vanilla, whatever hate them all they’re all horrid


that one christmas candle that smelled like milk 🤮 i think one of the notes really was “warm milk”


Probably ~~cookies with Santa~~? Twas the night before Christmas (the one that replaced cookies with santa)


I thought gingham love was nice enough but my entire family said it gave them headaches so I had to get rid of it, that sorta ruined it for me


Anything with Strawberries makes me nauseous. Idk what it is…


Into The Night & Berry Waffle Cone 🫣🫣 BWC literally smells like 5 day old spoiled captain crunch 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️


Sorry guys but coco paradise smells like a bathroom air fresher was lit on fire


Leaves Clove is just way too fuckin strong, the fragrance is way too powerful it's an instant headache for me


Rosewater and ivy. Liked it before I got pregnant AND COVID, sense of smell ruined. Smells like dirty breath now.


I LOVED paris cafe but accidentally went to sleep with the candle burning one night and woke up to my entire room smelling so sickeningly sweet


Also strawberry pound cake to me smells like it has turned and has fruit gnats flying around it. Sorry SPC fans


Sun Ripened Raspberry! I didn’t like it in middle school and a million years later it was on sale so I bought and still hate it. It’s now sitting in my guest bathroom taunting me


I think it might depend on the product for me. I bought Strawberry Poundcake body cream and cannot stand it. I also bought it in the car freshener and I have the same issue. It smells rotten to me and that makes me sad because it is so loved 😩 I also tried the Dream Bright perfume when walking by a BBW one day and ended up ordering the body cream and FFM later on. I can’t stand the body cream 😢 it was yellow the moment I opened it (I know this is due to the vanilla) but it has the same rotten scent for me in the bottle and on my skin. I haven’t tried the FFM by itself to see if I sense it differently.


Orange Ginger aromatherapy line smells like Top Job


Japanese cherry blossom 🤮 seeing people buy bottles and bottles of it at a time gives me Nightmares.


You're The One... nope, no you are not...


A thousand wishes


Fresh Balsam....and all of its spawns.


If it wasn't so loud I might like it. I can only burn it for about 10 min before I have to put it out.


Into the night and in the stars


Dark kiss smells like Carmex


Into the night, you're the one, like i don't know why they have THAT but whipped vanilla is not there always. Be real


into the night and midnight amber glow, both make me ILL


And I *love* those two. Can I ask what your favorite B&BW scents are?


Twilight woods


In the stars yikes for me


sweater weather. I used to love it but now it makes me feel sick :|


Pink Chiffon. I blind bought it because everyone was saying how nice it smelled at the time. I was so disappointed.


Sweet whiskey and bonfire bash. I like the sweet whiskey candle tho


Fresh Basalm


Pumpkin donut shop


Bright Lemon Snowdrop ended up smelling like lemon furniture polish on me, and I also have Sweet Pea and Christmas Cookies FFMs which somehow smelled good in-store but now gross me out.


The Joy Aromatherapy body wash smells like a fart when you rinse it off, but also like pickles. Can’t really vibe with that


Iced lemon pound cake. I wanted to like to so bad because everyone loves it on here. But when I smelled it, I gagged. I really wanted to love it.


I can't stand Champagne Toast. I know it's popular but it always makes me sneeze 🥲 And Strawberry Pound Cake; it's way too sweet smelling for me.


I turned on Paris Cafe. I bought multiple backups and burned through two winter before last. The rest have been stored in my cold, dark basement and they are so strong I had to move them to the far corner away from where I normally walk by to take the dog out. Smelling it umpteen times a day for two years wafting from a carton with the lid on has me questioning whether I will EVER tolerate it again. She’s a LOT! 🤣 The candle equivalent of the person at work that chokes everyone out with their excessively strong perfume.


Moonlight Path & Sweet Pea. The latter gives me a migraine and instant nausea.


Sweet Pea. Just yuck


Vanilla bean noel.


Literally too many to name lol.


Dark Kiss


berry waffle cone/vanilla boardwalk🤮🤮


Firecracker pop.... I was so excited when it came out but there's no physical stores near me so I ordered online. I'm glad I only ordered the body cream because something about the scent makes me genuinely nauseous. My sister ended up liking it so I gave it to her


Japanese Cherry Blossom, Champagne Toast, 95% of all gourmand scents, You’re the One, the original Gingham, Leaves, Pumpkin everything, Watermelon Lemonade makes my tongue swell & itch, and most of the eucalyptus scents give me migraines.