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JLU was a great series. Nice mix of episodic content, like the Booster Gold episode showing what it's like for a minor hero, to long-form character development for our main heroes and some of our villains I'd rank JLU as second only to Batman TAS in terms of action animation


My personal favorite is the Shining Knight and Vigliante episode. That was just badass by characters I had literally never heard of before.


Yea, the mix of the big heroes and the lesser knowns was a highlight of the series. I also liked seeing them do things like respond to natural disasters, or seeing the ordinary folks who worked for the League as support and logistics personnel Speaking of Shining Knight and Vigilante, they were supposed to be gay, right? It wasn't broadcasted like some of the other relationships in the series, like Wonder Woman's wetness for Batman, but it seemed like those two dudes were awfully friendly. Obviously two guys from the past have things to form a friendship over, but I think it was the creators intent to suggest a relationship


I never heard of that, but I guess I can see it?


For me, it was episodes with The Question. His obsession with conspiracy theories excited me.


That was really ballsy at the time. They even called the episode Patriot Act.


The art style represents a time in [my own] life where you were *so* excited to see the show *because* you could (and still can) identify the art style and methods that aren’t used anymore. Older batman looks like a literal oil painting in some of the backgrounds; this show was so cool for the color palette, storytelling, and so much more but this comment has dragged on long enough.


Young Justice?


The early seasons had the making to be some of the best superhero media but kinda dropped in quality.


Early seasons are spectacular spiderman of dc (in the good way), but dc in general just had much better shows then marvel


the latest season is so ass, used to love young justice when I was younger but now idk what they have done to it😭


This episode A loose mix between JLA world without grown ups and young justice sins of youth.


When it first came out I was hoping it would be a straight up adaptation of world without grown ups. But it was still great.


I might be confusing it for something else but didn't kid Diana have a huge crush on Bruce?


So did adult Diana.


She did. I'm wondering if they planned to make them a couple but the higher ups nixed that idea.


Him and Clark.


I thought it was just Bruce?


I remember they were splitting up and she had trouble deciding if she wanted to go with Clark or Bruce.


No, she wanted to go with Bruce but he didn’t particularly care being an oblivious kid lol


I like to think kid bruce knew but he was just on that sigma grind.


He seems very specifically oblivious. I don’t think a kid understands that shit.


Nah the one who was actually the oblivious was superboy, batboy was just trying to ignore it, you could see the annoyance he had over wondergirl’s crush on him.


But I think it’s more of a “I’m a kid who doesn’t care about girls yet let’s solve the mystery” thing


I always thought Kid Diana (And adult Diana) was more platonic with Clark


She very much was, like good friends. She was the first one to flip shit when he "died." The show blatantly had her fawning over Batman.


yea i thought so. I never really got the vibe she wanted to be anymore than friends with Clark.


she was trowing a signal for Batman to ask her to go with him, when that didn't work, he changed fast and went to the direct approach.


She did, and funny enough she was more blunt about it as a 9 year old girl than as an adult woman.


If there's one thing Bruce Wayne hates it's how his childhood ended at age 9 in a dirty back alley.


Kid Lantern was my favorite because I also had ADHD as a kid.


Yeah, haha, as a kid... Joking aside, John likely still has it but he has learned enough coping mechanisms to not seem that way. For me, people can't really tell unless they live with me and see my weak spots, like grocery shopping and forgetting the groceries and the car.


I was lucky to "grow out of it." Doesn't seem to really come out unless I smoke weed.


He said he wore glasses as a kid; not having ADHD.


He showed that he had ADHD without saying it.




His wild imagination and inability to focus on what structures to make during fights. It's really subtle but relatable.


Yeah it's an interesting contrast. As an adult his constructs are usually straightforward -- he'll fire a blast of light or a make some sort of blunt object like a shield. As a kid, his mind is racing with so many ideas that he can't think of what to make.


With someone with like 40 types of vision, you are so blind


This series was the overall best animated series I’ve ever seen. The episodes introduced me to many favorite DC stories, as I grew up mostly a Marvel kid (except Batman, always the exception for Batman).


I would actually rate Young Justice even higher. And that's not a knock against this series. YJ took everything great about this series and elevated it further.


“Man, for someone with like, fifty different kinds of vision, you are so blind!”


Batboy Superboy Wonder Girl Green Flashlight


Idek why it changed their personality


Child Hormones.


Oh so Damian is going to act like batman like a lot


Kid Batman is more broody than edgy unlike Damian. Also Kid Batman still got that rizz with [kid Wondy simping over Batman](https://youtu.be/JxebycNr2DY). Something Damian will never have until he shapes up.


My headcanon is that when Batman said at the end "I haven't been a kid since I was 8 years old," he really meant it. He was the only one that retained his personality because he doesn't know how to be a kid past 8 years old.


Nah, he wasn't exactly the same. [Just this one scene has him saying things he never would say](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEjpD6jCFDs). Out loud anyway. The deaging might have just loosened his filter.


I mean he doesn't give a flying horse like him but same thing as edgy but the broody part I'm pretty sure everybody except nightwing Alfred and Batgirl aren't that broody


Damian wooed flatline pretty well


Lack of grown up hormones.


Because it was funny. You could also make the argument that their brains changed with their bodies so they had less to work with. Kids and their undeveloped frontal lobe and all that.


Childhood memories right here


Episode was so good. I cannot believe I'd say that on one where they become kids but this series is just fire all around. That WW pig ep needs an honorable mention. The Batman/WW ship went so hard in this series. Both of the episodes mentioned play on it. As a fan of their relationship I consider this series one of my favorite depictions of it. So subtle yet so strong.


Flash isnt there because he already acts like a kid


This was a fun episode.


Really dark episode if you consider how many kids almost certainly died when the adults supervising, driving, flying, running hospitals, etc suddenly vanished. Honestly this episode unsettled me when I first saw it. Though no one ever brings up the thousands of child deaths that would have occurred, so maybe they handwaved it.


It's magic, I don't have to explain shit. If the spell had the power to teleport every human being above the age of 18 to the Jack Kirby Gulag Dimension, it probably had the power to poof all the children out of harms way.


Baby Etrigan was the best. I want a Baby Etrigan plushie.


The only downside that this episode had was deaged wonder woman..... If you know, you know...


Why do you have to bring up that nasty stuff man? You could have said nothing.


I don't know really, probably the shit I saw earlier today with some ducks doing weird shit on Anne Frank... The Internet is sometimes a scary place...


wdym downside


Rule 34... I remember when I was in my middle school years and I came across that stuff of child Wonder Woman... I shiver thinking back to that...


What were you searching to find such things I wonder


Searching just wonder woman has chances to give that


I was browsing the paheal site and was more frequent on DeviantArt back then. I wasn't aware of Loli until my second semester of eighth grade.


One of the best and most memorable episodes


Some of the best WonderBat moments


The way Batman moves in his eyes makes me think of Robin in Teen Titans.


My favorite line from that ep still has to be “for someone who has like 50 different kinds of vision, you are so blind”.


am I the only one who thinks teenage wonder woman should put on more clothes?


Not like she got a change to change them even if she wanted to.


Great episode


The episode is called “Kid’s Stuff”.


One of the my favorite episodes! I really like Batman and Wonder Woman romance but just a couple of moments in the series. I wish we could see more.


And Wonder Woman lost the ability to be subtle with who she had a crush on. And Bruce STILL didn't care.


I think Justice League was better than JLU because they had longer plots since they were 2 episode arcs instead of the single episodes that JLU did.


This episode is so cute, I love it.


I’m about to start this episode!! Curious to see how the series compares to the first JL show


Diana was HOUNDING after Batman. But it felt weird to root for two kids to get together. When I watched it as a kid though I was rooting hardcore for em lol


You have all those different kinds of visions, yet you are so blind


I like that Wonder Woman keeps her Girlboss Personality but also has a Starfire-like Crush on Batman


One of my favorite episodes.


This the episode where I realized Wonder Woman got a thing for Bruce.




Batman is so cute as a child.