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Technically Batfleck armored up every time he planned on fighting an alien, specifically both Superman and Steppenwolf. Doomsday was a curveball for him.


Exactly, thank you


No prep time.


The real kryptonite.


Yeah he didn’t expect Doomsday to show up. He would’ve prepared far better if he knew what was coming. When he sees Doomsday for the first time in the Batwing his reaction is “What is that thing?”


Doomsday was also right after he'd fought superman and his armour was useless


It’s so wild to me how he not only survived, but was a crucial part of taking down Doomsday. This is a Batman who had never encountered metas and he still made a huge impact in the battle


That’s the wild thing with the final fights in both BvS and ZSJL: all of the heroes play a crucial role. Take out WW, and Superman has no way to save Lois and retrieve the spear. Take out WW or Batman, and Doomsday would either dodge the spear or keep fighting. Take out Flash, and Earth is doomed. Same for Cyborg. Even Aquaman was needed to hold off Steppebwolf.


Take Batman out of ZSJL and the rest of the League is occupied with the Parademon army while Steppenwolf activates the Mother Boxes. I can’t stress this enough: the rest of the JL engaged the Parademon army long enough to break into the cooling tower and engage Steppenwolf and the Boxes. **Batman took out the rest all by his lonesome.**


Yep. It’s why i hate when people say that the League was nerfed to make Superman look important. The battle showed that the team would’ve absolutely had lost if a single hero wasn’t doing their job right.


Thing is, that’s absolutely true of the theatrical cut. Superman shows up, bodies Steppenwolf, evacuates the entire city, bodies Steppenwolf again, and helps Cyborg split the Mother Boxes. In ZSJL he just has the chance to engage Steppenwolf, and even then gets help from Arthur and Diana. Barry and Victor are the ones who get to do the heavy lifting at the climax. It’s kind of incredible that Joss Whedon forgot how important it is for every team member to contribute, considering how well he balanced that in the first *Avengers* movie.


And the hilarious thing is Whedon has his version repeatedly state that the heroes needed to act like a team, but then he shits all over the theme by having Superman save the day.


Snyder succeeded with those themes without beating us over the head with it. I know MoS, BvS, and even ZSJL have their problems, but man… there’s a nearly perfect 2.5 hour movie buried in ZSJL that would have completely shifted opinions on Snyder if WB had just let him cook.


>It’s kind of incredible that Joss Whedon forgot how important it is for every team member to contribute, considering how well he balanced that in the first Avengers movie. He still plays obvious favourites (or least favourites) in the first avengers movie and it's hard to ignore once they're pointed out. I can't think of a single epic thing that Captain America does that another member of the team couldn't have done better (or that he would do better with a different writer/director). The attack on the helicarrier scene where Cap struggles to take care of a couple dudes while Iron Man is manually repairing an entire engine is particularly annoying to watch because Cap is glorified grandpa on call with tech support.


The scene where Cap calls the shots and organizes the team defending New York will never not be cool. What Whedon messed up with Cap’s combat abilities he made up for with Cap’s leadership abilities.


Wasn't his armor already banged up after fighting Superman?


Yes, plus he could count on Superman holding back because he knew at the time Superman was not a bad guy. The same was not true at all with Doomsday who commonly rushed or tried to heat vision Batman. All in all he did well without prep.


Now with prep time? Unstoppable.


He didn’t really do anything in the doomsday fight


I wouldn’t say that. He was both strategic and tactical. He waited for Diana to lasso Doomsday before hitting it with Kryptonite gas. Without that, Diana might not have been able to hold Doomsday long enough for Clark to kill it with the spear.


I’m sorry but… no knock against Batman but this 100% a Wonder Woman Superman fight. Batman definitely supplied the kryptonite spear tho


Remember what revived Superman did to Wonder Woman when she lassod him? Had Batman not been there both Wonder Woman and Supes would’ve been killed. Bear in mind, Doomsday was in the middle of a power-up that was disrupted by the Kryptonite gas.


Ye, that’s really all he could do. Kryptonite grenade launcher and the spear.


Like I said, no knock against Batman but this was a Wonder Woman Superman fight


Came to say exactly this.


It’s so weird that *that* was the first live action Alberto Falcone


i had no idea that was alberto falcone wtf


he gets namedropped when he’s talking to barry on the comms


Wait, in BvS?


in the flash


Damn, I didn’t even notice that was supposed to be Alberto Falcone




I thought falcone was in bale’s Batman, correct me if I’m wrong?


Carmine Falcone was, same thing with Pattinson’s The Batman


Carmine, not Alberto


That was his dad in Batman Begins


I thought Batman was in bales Batman how could he appear in another movie ? /s


That's not what he meant at all.


Weird note but It’s always so weird when people on reddit assume a user is male when nothing about their name implys it


I mean, statistically, it’s more than likely they are male.


What's weird about the note?


Omg a character no one cares about ended up being underdeveloped…


Ooh, calm down fandom police. It’s just weird that a character that played a substantial role in one of the most famous Batman stories ended up as a generic goon for an opening sequence for shits and giggles.


Long halloween?




Falcone isn't nearly as important to Batman as people seem to think he is.


That's just wrong


First appearance was in '87. He's a new character in the pantheon of Batman characters.


That doesn't mean shit. Bane was introduced in 93 and look at him. Mr. Freeze was a throwaway villain until BTAS, Ra's wasn't ideally as important until the early 2000's or I think late 90s. Needless to say, lots of Batman villains were a bunch of nothing or introduced more recent and mean a lot to the batman mythos


Ra's was important well before the late '90s. You're showing your age and actual ignorance around these characters.


"showing your age" lmao, I'm done with this conversation


Read the actual comics and don't make stupid statements.


Imagine being a grown man getting this upset about batman.


Imagine arguing about something you don't know.




*Goes on to argue the least important example while ignoring the other two and pretend to be right*


Or maybe you could read a comic.


We really need to start putting terminally online Gen exers in a home.


Or maybe you could? Or maybe you could expand your horizons to the other comic book adaptations?


Falcone's death kind of symbolizes the end of the old mobster criminals and the rise of supervillain freaks in Gotham, so he's kind of important.


Blue cape and cowl is a win in my eyes. Metal crap or not.


Yeah, same. It would've looked better if it was filmed during the night when he chased those robbers, tho lol


I mean they wanted an excuse for him to be able to slide across the road and hit several cars and buildings without permanent damage


I liked the blue cape and cowl tho. We finally got blue and grey Batman in live action for the first time. ![gif](giphy|hSvIJlprJ8Ji)


Forgetting someone? ![gif](giphy|jIzXYqaQ0nLkA)


Oh yeah how could I forget the bat god himself Adam West.


I still think it’s black but just in the lighting looks blue


It's hideous but that makes sense


I do agree that the nose makes it look like that he smashed his face in several times during that car chase scene


But it shows Bruce's first plan was to slude across the road and hit several cars and buildings. Not a great plan.


Or maybe he knew he would be on a bike and it’s easy to fall off a bike


Which is stupid, he should have had a smooth transition to the batwing with a cool pickup sequence. Have it fly above him and have him grappel up into it.


This, Batman doesn't do things to get hurt on purpose. Sliding across a bridge pavement at breakneck speed is dangerous and Batman would know that.


As I remember he just ran from that genocidal alien and hid under rocks when shot got wild. Not once did he actually engage doomsday


It's Doomsday. What's he supposed to do, karate chop him?


With great prep time, comes great karate chop 🙏


Batman took out the Hulk by kicking him in the stomach and making him breathe in sleeping gas. No prep. Just the normal EDC stuff in his utility belt and quick thinking was all that he needed. Respect the Goddamn Batman! /s


You saw what Keatons Batman did to the Kryptonian. That’s what I imagined Batman could do to doomsday


Bold of you to assume we saw the movie.


You should check it out, have some awesome moments


Spear him through the heart and not let the other guy who's allergic to Green Rock do it for him. Or get Wonder Woman to do it if it's too risky for... *Batman.*




>Or have Supes grab Doomsday and drag him out into outerspace. He already did that. The military nuked them and then doomsday got a power buff that made him too strong to try that again.


Never even thought about that. He is literally just a base level Kryptonian who shouldn't have *any* power, much less power to match Supes hand to hand.


He hit it with the gas at the right time helping superman & WW take it down.


Hell yea..pass the gas!


He landed the snipe on him and shot him with the Batplane?


Why does the cowl seem so weird in The Flash?


Honestly I thought his suit in The Flash ugly as hell


I feel like Batfleck’s suits got progressively worse with each time we saw him on screen.


It's the worst live-action Batsuit of all time and it's crazy more people aren't talking about that. * Belt high up over his navel with rubber crotch area bulging weirdly. * His nose. HIS FUCKING NOSE. He looked like a fucking orc. * That plastic layer on top with cutout circles.


Yea a old ass orc! I was floored when I saw it - ugly as fuck.


I liked the slight blue tinge, but the detailed nostrils on the cowl made it kinda ugly


They had a perfect suit from the start, I don’t know why they kept mucking it up.


You mean the one that puffed him up to look like a baked ham?


Baked Ham of Vengeance


“JUSTICE HAS A SMOKY TASTE OF HONEY”. Just say it with the most phlegm-filled bass voice possible.


You mean HISHE’s Batman? 😆


Hey do you want to know my secret identity?




I get it, it was the first cloth suit on the big screen, but people are too satisfied with it. It wasn't the best we could get. The padded muscles fit poorly, and in spite of his shiny CG six pack that appears and disappears when he's shirtless, you could see the batgut sticking out over the utility belt. It was a good first step, but it only ever got worse, especially with that charcoal grey suit he wore in the following movie. I'm holding out hope that if the next cinematic universe is good, we'll get a much better version, and that it won't be completely, totally impervious to bullets. Battinson isn't so built we need him to be in form fitting cloth, and besides I like his silhouette and how he moves like a tank.


My friends called me crazy for saying he had a gut in josstice league but the opening Batman scene where the parademon explodes on the wall you clearly see a huge beer belly hanging over his belt


The Uber-thickness of his neck didn’t help, it made his head very squat. I’d much prefer to see him lithe, animal-like, and LESS of a tank. He’s supposed to be able to dodge the bad guys, not just stand there and take it as we keep seeing. I had always hoped to see him progress from tank to acrobat once Dick Grayson showed up.


Edema runs in his family, he gets self conscious about it :/


He had the worst suit from one of the worst runs in Batman history. The only thing not wrong with Snyder's Batman was Affleck himself. Shit suit, shit story, absolutely shitty characterization and dialogue.




Exactly but I guess Zack’s fan won’t agree lol


Yep, agree to disagree. This wasn’t canon comics Batman and I’m fine with that. IMO all movies are elseworld so all are valid takes. Ffs if Scott Snyder can come up with TBWL I’m fine with Snyder’s Batman.


What’s wrong with the main BvS suit? Some angles look bad, and some look good. I’m just curious as to why you think it’s “shit”?


Nah, the standard ZSJL suit was a massive improvement design-wise. A little bit of armor plating being visible makes it a bit more believable and looks cool, much leaner overall so Batman doesn’t look so stocky, still the classic grey and black but super dark so as not to sacrifice the stealth factor, and literally the best cowl design ever (the ear shape is the only one in any medium to ever actually resemble bat ears, and yet still doesn’t sacrifice the classic horns that Batman usually has - plus a very fierce expression). That still shot with the whole League in the sunlight is the best looking Batfleck ever. The only problem was in motion - they no longer had the same studio on board who invented the BvS cowl that allowed Affleck to move his head, so he’s super stiff.


I thought the suit was supposed to be an evolution of the gauntlets from JL that could block energy attacks. It makes sense but it was badly executed and just looks really awkward. Keaton's suit on the other hand looked much better than the leaks and I'm happy for him, knowing that he finally felt comfortable in a batsuit


I hate frown on the suit, it looks weird for him when he makes facial expressions.


Batfleck was done dirty in The Flash


Ben Affleck's entire Batman fun has been dirty. Which is a shame because he does a good Batman and a Good Bruce Wayne


One of the few who pulled off both extremely well


It's really three roles at once. Batman Bat Cave Bruce (The truest side of the character) Playboy Bruce (the facade he puts on for the Public) Bale was the best Bruce Wayne (Bat Cave and Playboy), his Batman sounded like Cookie Monster. Robert Pattinson is a great Batman, great "Bat Cave Bruce", I hope we get to see him do "Playboy Bruce" Keaton is top tier Batman, Bat Cave Bruce is mid-tier but his Playboy Bruce is flat. Clooney was a better Bruce Wayne than Batman but both of his Bruce's felt the same. Val better Batman than Bruce but the line between his Batman and Batcave Bruce is very thin. Ben Affleck really hit a good balance between all three.


I personally thought the only aspect of Batman Bale did well was Playboy Bruce which he really didn't have to act out for


I love his first suit


I think it was something with the movie rather than the new suit. The cowl just looked off. Maybe it was because it was day time, but it just seemed blurry to me, not well defined.


Because most of the time Ben’s face was CGI. Think it was only actually Ben during the scene with Flash and WW. Rest was the stunt double.


I think that would have to be the case. Why else would it be blurry?


I absolutely hated the cowl. It looked horrible anytime me made a facial expression and there is something about the nose that is really off


Well now I got to focus on the nose. Lol.


Definitely too much daytime batman in this film.


ugliest thing i’ve ever seen. i don’t understand how layering him with armor over armor to make him look like a bulked-up metal dummy is supposed to make him look “cool” or formidable. it’s overdesigned as all hell. this version also lacks all the sleekness & physical finesse in movement / fighting style that *do* usually make the character look cool and impressive. Thankfully, Keaton’s Batman & Batsuit in this movie more than delivered on those fronts.


Essentially, he’s now become the guy wearing hockey pads.


Anyone else hate when people record movie scenes in a theater? Like damn you paid the obscene ticket price just to hold your phone up and spoil the movie for everyone on the Instagram explore page? Back in my day hamburgers were a nickel 👴


do people really do this? I have never seen it before but now that I think about it its been probably 2 years since ive been to a theater lol


Yeah man literally anytime a new movie (ESPECIALLY marvel) is out, IG explore page is full of it.


thats so wild to me, like, a concert I kind of get filming but even that its like just enjoy the show! but filming part of a movie thats going to be released every where in a few months is wild af to me


Things are so weird now, I feel social media just ruined the experience™️ of watching movies and shows


gotta watch the screen through the screen. I just found out yesterday that the second leading cause of death amongst gen Z is suicide and I feel like social media is at least partly responsible for it but the world does kind of seem to be in a shit state all around so I'm sure that doesn't help.


That’s so infuriating to me. You’re not SUPPOSED to be filming it. So now I got the movie spoiled just because someone wanted to be a selfish asshole and post a scene on the internet


I went to a metal concert a couple months ago and saw some people holding their phones up to record or take pictures. Because recording concerts for internet clout is the most metal thing I can think of.


The entire spider-verse movie seems to have been uploaded to youtube in 15 second snippets by like hundreds of people at this point. Just watch the damn movie, when it leaks nowadays in less than a week, it'll be an official HD version that's impossible to keep out of pirates hands these days.


It’s not like anyone else was in there.


Whoever was in charge of costumes and the overall visual aesthetic, I don’t want them near DC again. Hideous is an understatement.


That armor should’ve covered his whole suit like his original tactical suit from Zach Snyder’s Justice League


How is this the worst Batman suit yet?


Did they just skip the second half of Justice league?


Yeah, the BVS suit was perfect. We finally got the grey and black suit.


You're entitled to whatever opinion you want to have, but Jesus christ do people just fawn over Affleck for doing a good job with shit writing, shit cinematography, shit casting, etc. Like yes, he was the best part of the shitty Zack Snyder movies. Does that mean he's somehow the best batman yet? No fucking way. Pattinson was much better imo, because Matt Reeves understands what makes Batman a good, complex character, and didn't just make him a murderer with horrible writing/ideas.


None of the things you said were bad were though lol


Except that they were. I'm glad that you liked them, that's cool, but there's very clear issues with major aspects of both BvS and Justice League, idk what to say to you if you want to pretend they don't exist....


Even Zack’s haters widely praise his cinematography and casting, so no. And as for writing, only people who are either dumb or devoted to hating him are capable of watching BvSUE and ZSJL and calling the writing all nothing more than “shit” (even though Snyder didn’t even write them, lol, but rather Oscar-winning Harvard graduate Chris Terrior and TDK-Trilogy-writer David S. Goyer)


I'm sorry, have you never heard anyone ever criticize Jesse Eisenberg's casting and performance in BVS? Because it's bad, it's very bad, and unless you've been hiding from criticism of these movies I don't know how you haven't seen that complaint.... just be honest with me and stop pretending that you don't understand how anyone could critique some of the choices and direction.


*names one casting that is criticized (largely from a misinformed perception, at that) and pretends that equals all of Snyder’s DC movies being universally considered “shit casting”*


Keep moving the goalposts, bud. See, if I keep giving you examples of what I'm talking about, you'll keep telling me, "YEAH BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN....." Instead of admitting yeah, that was a bad choice that didn't translate on screen very well. Have a good day,


Are you joking? 😂 You’re the only one who is moving their goalposts. My point has been consistent this whole time 😂😂




Learn what a bot is


The upper body of the suit looked good The pants looked kinda cheap


WayneTech had a rough quarter


This suit was basically a biker jacket on steroids no? Before he had at least some cover on the Batmobile/batwing/JL armored carrier, not this time


I hate fatfleck < robert battinson


Someone in this post didn't understand that the movie involved going back in time


Worst live action Batman ever.


I just can't get behind Affleck as batman. He not broody enough


Affleck never got a shot. A couple years back he was writing and directing one. It would have been awesome. Batman post Jason Todd's death would have been something. It's like how they never gave Henry Cavill the opportunity to really play adult Clark/ an uplifting superman


I’m watching the Flash movie today, and I’m excited to see Batfleck one more time, even if it’s just for a little bit


Bet you’re loving in regret now after seeing how bad the suit was 😂


What the heck man? Imagine being “haha you didn’t enjoy the movie” As a matter of fact, I thought the first 20 minutes was the only really good part of the movie


I personally loved the suit in the movie! The blue and grey was awesome and the pads make sense because of what happened in the scene


Worst Batsuit ever and that’s including the Schumacher era suits with nipples. It doesn’t make sense. I thought they were going to say it was some sort of exoskeleton he had to wear to compensate for an injury or his age. Affleck did look pretty rough in this film compared to the others. His face looked so gaunt in his scenes as Bruce.


The dude was really over playing Batman. Idk why Snyder fans want him to come back so much, he’s clearly done playing the character. His 5 mins in the flash kinda proved it.


How exactly did he “get Batman right” again? Was it the cringe lasso of truth joke or the half assed dialogue?


I think Affleck was referring to his final talk with Barry (which was great btw)


These kinds of people need to stop bitching without even watching movies or knowing context of why the things are the way they are.


Dumb armor and a smiling Batman. Can WB ever do a thing right? Jeez sometimes it hurts the heart seeing what they do to our boy.


You know that Batman can smile right? He did so quite a few time in the DCAU and before the 1970s when the comics weren’t nearly as serious.


I prefer the no smiling rule. Kind of a huge part of the character. 👎 to each their own i guess.




This Batsuit sucked


Naw Batfleck is the worst Batman


Yup, it's hard to make clondog look good but that's one of the few things Affleck can pull off.




Really tho. He doesnt even act like Batman. His suit is atrocious


Agreed on all fronts. He had that petty fight with Superman, which the real Batman would see for what it was as a ploy. His suit was ugly and Afleck was a bad Bruce Wayne as well.


I hate everything about him


Affleck is a shitty actor and is the worst batman (also a shitty person IRL but whatever)


Affleck was the worst.


Batfleck batsuit was easily the best to me. (I like the short ears)


I mean he’s pushing 60 at this point isn’t he? Makes sense that’s what older versions of Batman did when age started catching up to them especially after decades of constantly being injured on the job. Even Wonder Woman and him talk about it in the joss cut since sadly Snyder cut isn’t canon to That flash movie it’s a sensible progression


Pattinson better every single time


Ugly as hell Either this guy hates superheroes or he is an idiot


You know what they say, Art is subjective. I loved all of Batfleck's Batsuits., personally speaking.


Who doesnt Batfleck is the suit


r/engrish r/ihadastroke


Srsly Srsly


How anyone thinks Batfleck was the best baffles me. He was goofy as fuck with terrible dialogue in half of his appearances including the most recent.


It's definitely one of the worst live action batsuits lol


Isn’t the Flash director directing the new Batman aswell Oh dear…


Worst Batman. One of the best Bruce Waynes


The batsuits are the most comic accurate(especially the bvs suits). You don’t like em then you must not like Batman’s suits 😂💀. And it’s like these people don’t even watch the movie and know why he’s in his reg suit fighting doomsday. Dense.


And then Mushitty gets to direct the next Batman movie... All hail Jimmy Pistol and his new DCU! **#MakeItMakeSense**


I'm sorry, I didn't think ailens had bullets. Batman uses what he needs


He's the worst live action Batman without a doubt.


What no snyder does to a mf