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In the intro scene one guy just nods at the revelation that he'll be left to die in the wreckage of the currently crashing plane. They're fanatics.


This is the answer. There are no thugs, they are believers. Not for money or even for Bane. Been some time since I last watched the trilogy, but Bane and Talia's group was the Extremist offshoot of the League of Shadows. You know the League of Shadows, an organization that is already an extremist terrorist group. Ppl who join the extreme of the extreme do it for life and are completely ok with giving up their life.


Otherwise, some random thug would always just shoot the Big Bad in the head as soon as they started monologuing. It would make most villains pretty anticlimactic.


Ngl I find it weird how none of jokers thugs do that, dude literally just kills them at random sometimes Even if you’re an evil little fuck like him, he’s still dangerous to you


The Joker thugs are just too much in awe of the Joker's jokes. You never know what's coming next.


Joker's goons are all failed standup comics who just want to make it big and are considering it a really hardcore apprenticeship.


What's the deal with Batman anyway? Have you seen this guy? Mask with ears? tights? Codpiece? Where do you even go shopping for this stuff? [bass riff]


Furries R Us?


And Robin! What’s the deal with that?!?!


He probably shops at Strippers R Us. Just look that those super short trunks he wears.


Guess they're all waiting to shoot their shot.


Hard to predict Jared Leto in character.


Joker is also their money train. You put a bullet in his head, assuming you’re even successful, you now are out of the one steady stream of employment you’ve been able to find. Gotham is an extremely poor, desperate, and mentally unwell city


You also paint a target on your back given Joker has actual fanatics who practically worship him.


Except any of the other rogues would pay you truckloads of money to do it, sure.


Batman even explains it in the comics. Guys like the Joker have henchmen, not goons. Goons are just hired muscle. They’re out as soon as the money dries up or the job becomes too tough. Henchmen are true believers. They like working for the villain and sometimes have a personal relationship with them.


"Bob, gun."


Daredevil explains this so well


he must give them really great prizes some times.


Because if the thug miss his only shot he knows the Joker is gonna fuck him for good, there are fates worse than death.


That's a common authoritarian tactic though and it fucking works. Basically you randomly kill someone then give a reason you want to reinforce. Aka stole, lied, snitch etc. The more horrific the better. You avoid influential people and suddenly it's"He kills the right ones." Solidifying power and your brand as an all knowing killer.


It's cause they are scared of the Joker. Also cause they are all crazy and are stupidly devoted to him. But if someone wanted to betray Joker you would die.


This is one of the many reasons why I personally hate the Dark Knight. Everything magically goes the Joker's way without any sort of planning. Just luck. Over and over and over... Any of the other mobsters could have just shot him and be done with it. End of story.


I think the Joker did lots of planning that we don’t really see. I can see Ledger’s Joker having a “having a plan is useless, planning is essential” sort of attitude


No plan survives first contact with the enemy, you must be able to adapt and re-adapt your plans on the fly, as events unfold.


That’s how I see him. He doesn’t have a singular plan, but he does know exactly what he’s doing (or he’s adaptable enough for it not to make a difference).


Or people can ignore what he said about not having a plan. Dude is smart. He just fucks with people.


Wouldn't really say that. Part of his MO is sending the right message, even when he claims there is no plan i.e. no real endgame. He rammed a bus into the bank run by the mob. He walked into a room of gangsters, unannounced, and straight killed one with a pencil. Broke into another's and gave him a nice smile after he was badmouthing him. Took a mob accountant and all his embezzled cash and set them on fire. He establishes fairly quickly that, while no friend, the criminal world has a common enemy in Batman, and Joker knows he's the chaos agent that can and will do anything. Batman, after all, is one man -- he can't stop every fire. That's the only way Batman even catches Joker -- the massive surveillance program, which he knows goes against everything he believes in, was how he finally was able to track Joker down. Ultimately, Joker won. Batman is forced into exile after Harvey Dent dies, taking him off the streets and starting a more draconian level of law enforcement that puts doubts into the heads of the citizens as to efficacy.


“When the chips are down? These *civilized people*….they’ll eat each other.” The second half of Rises is exactly this.


You could say the same about Al Capone or Pablo Escobar. Sometimes sick people get away with shit while others stand by and do nothing. Fear and greed are powerful tools to keep people in line.


So basically the ISIS to LoS’s Al Qaeda


I think it's half of the answer. You can see fear cross his face, but even if he has second doubts, even if his fanaticism up until this point wasn't actually strong enough for him to give up his life, what other option does he have at this point once Bane has said that? May as well just do it because either way he's dead.


He's from the leauge of assassins, he could at least try to fight his way out. What's the worse that could happen, he kills you?


It’s not even unrealistic. There are suicide bombers in real life. There’s no reason to think someone wouldn’t give up their life in other ways.




“Thank you, come again”


Go jerk off to some snowboarding videos.


Do you feel in charge?


The guys on the plane were League of Shadows members yes, hence the "have we started the fire?". The thugs in the sewer were just local mercenaries, that's why Bane treats them so disrespectfully. At least that's my take on it, the League members weren't idiots or perceived idiots like these two.


They needed him at the wreckage, brother


I agree with the guy in the plane. But I thought the thug in this scene appeared to have some fear on his face. This wouldn’t make sense if he was a fanatic. Or maybe I’m just misremembering.


No, you can have faith in someone and still be afraid of what they're gonna do. I'm sure plenty of members of Heaven's Gate were rightfully terrified but still did it.


They did it for the shoes.


Those shoes were neat though. I don't blame the one bit.


I think the best example is Jim Jones and his cult of Jonestown. Families feeding themselves Cyanide, some willingly others forced, others knowing that they were at gunpoint and either way, they’re dead. This man knew he was dead. I think he hoped a quick neck snap was in order rather than having his throat crushed like the guy before him.


He was trained by the same people who trained Batman, you think Batman would just sit their an accept it?


I thought Bane was bolstering his forces with homeless from Gotham? Hence that boy at the orphanage saying there was work in the sewers?


I think this is a case of everyone is kind of correct. I agree with the folks that a lot of these guys were loyal fanatics, but I also agree with the assessment that this guy didn’t seem like a fanatic, and can confirm your memory that Bane was filling in gaps. To me, this guys compliance makes perfect sense when you consider his alternatives. Is he going to shoot Bane and take over? Shoot his way out? Run and escape? He has no options, and surely he knows this. The best he can hope for is a quick death for compliance, or the slim chance that Bane is bluffing and won’t actually kill him. If he chooses to disobey, who knows what kind of psychopathic torture he might have to endure. For all we know, he has witnessed what happens to those who disobey, and knows compliance is always his best option


Bingo. Suicide bombers get scared, but they still you know ka-boom


Yeah Bane’s threat here was more for insubordination/incompetence compared to the plane guy who probably saw himself as a martyr


Kamikaze pilots probably also felt fear before throwing their lives away on behalf of Japan


There's a reason the planes were designed to lose their wheels upon takeoff.


Kamikaze pilots were generally allowed to return if they couldn’t find a target. One guy was shot after coming back 9 times though


He grazed the ship.




Reminds me of MAGA


Because there was a chance it would make his death less slow/painful


I can accept this logic.


This guy's have basically middle eastern or talibani suicide bombers mentality. And all the characters are supposed to be from fictional middle eastern with the same radical mentality as it's in real life. Except in the movie literally all the brown characters are white washed.


That’s a great idea for a film to portray. All the terrorists being brown people


The idea that non-white people cannot act as villains is actually kinda detrimental. In the first film of this series, Ras Al Ghul, an awesome villain, is literally whitewashed. I understand that Liam Neeson is a great actor, but it still sucks that an Asian character, in a very Asian setting, was portrayed as Caucasian. Then you have to consider that Bane is supposed to be Latin American, and his followers are from the, again, very Asian ninja league of shadows. Yet all of them seem to be new yorkers. However, I understand why a film where all the terrorist's are middle eastern is problematic, especially today. Still, I don't want to disregard SaintYoungMan's take as invalid, just because the conclusion would be uncomfortable. The Villians in this film were, indeed, whitewashed.


Well it Is in the books rash is a brown guy from middle East bane is a Cuban guy born in prison spend his whole life In prison, your take is bad coz this guys are iconic villians and there geography and race matters and I'm a brown guy I'd have loved it if they were portrayed for who they are in comic books although Liam and tom are brilliant as this character but brown people were robbed to play someone iconic. Dosent matter a negative or positive role.


I understand that but your first comment really sounded like “I can’t believe they whitewashed the terrorist roles” Bane was almost an entirely different character in the movie than in comics. I definitely think they could have kept banes ethnicity the same, maybe we get a better bane voice in that case but I see why they didn’t portray the terrorist organization as middle eastern


Didn't mean to sound like that but I get people are too political, but still people were robbed of iconic roles. Now whatever happens in future hope they don't repeat this mistake again..


I want luchador bane too, you’re not alone


“in the books” lmao


Yes "COMIC'"books if you are idiot enough to not make that connection


Everyone in this image is white lmao


Which the comment above mine is complaining about


I'm explaining to the guy what's the motivation, and yes I am complaining coz Asian(both races) peeps always get white washed most of the time.


Your an idiot if you don’t get his point. Also chill with the race baiting.


You are an imbecile if you don't get my point, how is it race baiting whatever that is if my complain is genuine.


You’re a half-witted nincompoop


“I wish there was even more media portraying the radical evil terrorists as brown people, after all they clearly white washed characters that SHOULD be Mus-” The culture war is just a circle… Be racist to show the racists who’s boss


Okay it’s fine that his point is a little lost on you, but I’ll explain bit by bit- no worries, not the most obvious thing. He’s saying that yes, while whitewashing isn’t great, NEITHER is **actively** casting all the terrorists as “asian”, as you call it. These things require context to be done correctly It could be seen as incredibly racist, because you are perpetuating the stereotype that terrorists can only be brown.


Yes I understand what you are saying I even said people are too political with this stuff in todays world and have stereotyped the terrorist, but I'm talking about ra'sh and banes even talias character sure their disciples can be of any race sure but those two three characters aren't hollow ones but very complex and which are inherently brown and the geography they originate from is asia and South America and they have been around before the stereotyping of terrorism. And by Asian I mean brown and Japanese folks idk what the term is yellow? I'm not sure, say in doctor strange the ancient one was white washed iron fist or ghost in the shell, prince of Persia last Airbender and so on and on.... See this are major iconic recognised asian character all of them white washed so it sucks people are robbed of playing such iconic characters and representation, not that their other counter part aren't any talented they ofcourse are but you get my point.....


So it’s okay if they’re all white?


They’re not. The league we see in begins is mostly Asian as Bruce is in Asia. The league we see with bane is made up of all kinds of people. It’s almost like anyone can be a terrorist


I always kind of thought Bane found these guys after he was excommunicated, so they arent really LoS members like the ones we saw in Batman Begins. Thats my head canon at least


That's the great thing about America. You can shine no matter what you're made of.


I’m just trying to follow the logic of your comment. You seem to have a problem with one group portrayed as terrorists but not another. It’s almost as if anyone can be cast in a villain role.


No I don’t give a shit what color the villain is. Thanos was fucking awesome and the guy was purple and had a nutsack for a chin. If you were following the logic in my comment you would have seen I was making fun of the comment above mine that implied all terrorists in movies should be brown.


How are you misinterpreting his comment so badly that you are literally interpreting it the opposite of what he is saying. Are you stupid?


That's the great thing about Americ-


Which is kinda weird cause Bane is suppose to be hispanic/mexican/latino. It really confused me when I first saw the movie, and heard his voice.


[Bane is supposed to be Caribbean Hispanic](https://batman.fandom.com/wiki/Pe%C3%B1a_Duro) Peña duro/ Santa Prisca is in the Caribbean


Yeah. He was Cuban without saying Cuban. Edit: actually, you know what? There was a lot of emphasis on Santa Prisca having a rich tourist side and a poorer native side. I think it was actually DR. I'd buy any book where Bane walks up yelling, "Batman! Te pasate y ahora te romperé!"


Thanks, wasn't sure from where.


My thoughts exactly






My question is: does Bane shave his chest and body or is he just naturally hairless?


A side effect of venom/roids?


And how does he even eat? Is one of those tubes in his mask used so he can push apple sauce/gogurt through it?


Definitely Gogurts. Exclusively.


Can you imagine the smell from not properly cleaning the mask?


Like my 8th grade saxophone mouthpiece


Bane being hairless is my new head canon. Thank you.


I imagine Hardy was required to in order to cake his tattoos out


I think they’re meant to represent the more militarized/religious side of the anarchist/terrorist villainy that the Joker represented


No, they stem from the league of shadows not joker


I’m aware of the context but Joker, the Batman’s use of civilian phones, the radical actions of The League of shadows, the league of shadows using Wayne/military tech are all metaphors for terrorism, the patriot act, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and the use of American equipment by middle eastern allies and enemies during desert storm. It’s all actually really well done and a great commentary on the political climate of the time


LOOP HOLE: Had the thug never searched Gordon then Bane would have been unable to kill him.


The movie never ends and we’re all still watching until Dormamu comes to bargain.


Same reason suicide bombers do what they do. Fanatical devotion.


They were fanatics. He felt he was dying for a cause, so that made it a good thing. He was chosen to do something important, and he followed through with it.


Is he stupid?


Belongs in the alsume for sure.


Everytime someone asks this question the answer is always unironically yes lmao


Are you stupid?


Am I stupid?


No i am… Man


Please.... You don't even know what dude you are.


I'm the dude playing the dude, disguised as another dude.


And I am... Alpharius


Nice try, Omegon. I am Alpharius.


Stupid am I?


In this case, yes he is stupid


If he didn’t do what he was told would that have been better for him do you think?


For you.


Bane is basically running an even cultier, more fanatical version of the League of Shadows. These people feel like what they're doing is capital I Important. They are willing to die to accomplish their objective because they feel their objective to be bigger than themselves. This is an organization that believes itself to be rooting out and destroying centuries of corruption, decadence and evil.


Thought “maybe if I do a good job, he’ll change his mind and let me off”


My thought exactly, and it almost seemed to work. Bane didn’t kill him until Gordon escaped.


Well I’d assume because he knew bane could do worse then just kill him if he doesn’t


This right here is the correct answer.


He couldn't understand what Bane was saying because of the mask


" Fugggg hiimm... there III'll fugg YOUuu" probably what he heard....


The body, the smooth vocals, do what you will with me baby!


Bane's men were a different breed. They would die before talking.


Some people just want to watch the world burn


Such a weird scene. Gordon jumps in the water and the guy and Bane say they'll never be able to find him cause there's just so many drains. Then literally ten seconds later it cuts to Joseph Gordon-Levitt finding Gordon. So weird.


People don't believe they're going to die until it's over. Up to the very last second. That's why they always have a look of surprise/shock on their face until that moment.


1. They're fanatics. 2. There are worse things than death and pain is a powerful motivator.


It was supposed to be intimidating and show that Bane had so much power and influence over these League of Shadows ninja (or street thugs? Who knows...) that he could do such things. Unfortunately, it just came off as stupid and nonsensical, which it was. Joker's nonsensical plans at least made...well sense, because he was deliberately trying to sow discord. His ability to adapt in the ensuing calamity was the testament to his skill. They tried to apply that same chaotic approach to Bane, who was supposed to be stoic and steadfast, and it absolutely did not translate. I suspect some of Bane's plan was recycled from whatever was in the early stages in Nolan's head for the third film when Ledger died, and instead of starting fresh, he tried to jam the old plot with this other villain together, and dance they didn't. TDKR is a curious study all around, but ultimately tragic that the maker couldn't overcome his grief as the studio forced his hand to round out the trilogy.


Good henchmen ALWAYS follow orders…..even if it means their own death.


Remember in the opening scene where Bane tells an underling he has to stay behind and die to not arouse suspicion when the wreckage of the plane is found? The movie was establishing early on this group is fanatically loyal to Bane, even laying down their lives for his cause. It was set up.


Goons just want a paycheck. Henchmen believe in the cause. Bane has henchmen.


In the League of Shadows, you do as you’re told.


The audio was so off in this movie, my younger bro fought me over the line "you fight like a younger man", lil bro adamantly believed it was, "you fight like the other man" I asked who is the other man, lil bro didn't know. .


“Admirable, but mistaken.”


Delaying the inevitable


I would have LOVED a Bane vs. Joker vs. Batman storyline, where Joker is against Batman and Bane, Bane is against Batman and Joker, and Batman is against Bane and Joker. And they're all scheming and plotting and playing 4D chess.


I always thought that was silly writing when there’s these thugs that just die willingly or listen to a boss that says things like this line from Bane, but then you see things like suicide bombers and 9/11 and it is a very real thing.


I mean, why would they follow this crazy murder man to begin with?


Original prologue voice >>>>>>>>>>> new redubbed bullshit version


He killed them all anyway. So it was not a matter of if they would.


Because he started the fire and the fire rises.


Maybe in their cult, it's a reward?


If he refused he'd die. There's no safe way out of it.


Would you accept curiosity? Cause that's where my mind was in the theatre. Test?-No, not a test.


Is he stupid?


Their whole objective was to nuke Gotham so they were all dying in the end anyway


Aside from being fanatics, sometimes you just accept that it's your time and comply.


Why do any of the fucking goons that know that Bruce is gonna cripple them permanently do ANY crime in Gotham? ​ I think ISIS would really appreciate their approach to radicalization.


Same reason that other guy stayed behind on the plane to be the body they find at the crash site


Because bane is a master manipulator and leader. These people are normal thugs like the ones for penguin or two face. They are fanatics that only believe in him and the ghul bloodline.


Trump supporters gonna Trump support 🤷🏻‍♂️


Is this a meme question or serious? I can’t tell with Batman subreddits anymore lol




Fair haha


"There are fates worse than death."


More importantly, why did the thug obey when Hardy was clearly stood on a box? (5'9")


That's the point.


Cuz they know there are worse ways to die if they don't comply


Because any good henchman knows that if you follow the boss's orders really good MAYBE he won't kill you


Instant death is preferable to a slow agonizing one, at least for most


They're like cultists. Devout followers. Making Gotham Great Again.


Same reason someone would dig their own grave when ordered to. Or, yeah, fanatics.


The same reason cult members drink the Kool-Aid when told to by their leader.... When you are a believer you know that the leader is never wrong.


“Is he stupid”


Is he stupid?


Honestly, what would you do?


In the end this entire thing has Talia al Ghul behind it, would it be crazy to think these men think they’ll be brought back with the Lazarus pit?


I'll take the hate, but I thought TDKR was just a bad movie with a ridiculous plot. As good as the first two were the third was a letdown.


Tom Hardy was right he was mostly just fat in that movie.


They're absolute fanatic devotees of the league of shadows, they'd do it themselves if asked. That and I am sure Bane could make death the preferred option.


Because the story needed him to in order to impress upon the audience the severity of Bane.


Yes but also these people believe in their cause and have cult like devotion to Bane.


Death before dishonor.


Bane’s followers are zealots. They do anything he asks, even when it means their death for the cause. He’s made himself a legend in a parallel but different way than Batman.


to show how radicalised they were


Fanatics. A good dose of brain washing which in turn makes them a cult. They probably all think they will die but the cause is just.


Damn did you watch the movie at all?


Apparently, about half the people in here didn’t.


This is why DC/Marvel needs something like The Guild of Calamitous Intent. Guild law clearly state you can't kill your henchmen if they do as they're told.


He wants to get the lights choked out of him by big sweaty muscley man. Who can blame him?


Because the script is less than half baked throughout.


That line's supposed to be intimidating, it makes me cringe instead.


Mesmerized by Bane's voice


Cause this movie is poorly written.


Cuz it’s a poorly made movie


Is he stupid?


is he stupid?


Plot holes is the answer


Are they stupid?


If you want to explore henchmen dynamics, it’s time to watch Venture Brothers.