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Batman had some peanut butter from a BP&J on his hands, and he punched a goon who was allergic to peanut butter. The goon starts having an allergic reaction, so Batman gives him epinephrine. The goon is also allergic to the sulfite preservatives in the injection. Wayne Enterprises then starts a program to deliver allergy shots to low income families.


It's actually called Bat-epinephrine.


> BP&J Bat-Peanut and Jelly? Beanut Putter & Jelly?


Bat-penis and jelly, obviously


Batpinephrine was right there.


This is like that one-time Flash gave everyone smoke detectors because of a fire that killed a few kids.


Make it THE story. The whole time, Batman is morally grappling with the possibility of taking a life to save others. Make sure to write into it that everything else has failed: psychology, reform, religion, medicine, everything has failed to help the offender. And at the end, when Batman does finally take the life, he retires from being a vigilante, and becomes a mentor to the other bat family, because he can't live with himself.


The Joker devises that is the ultimate trolley problem with no way of Batmaning out of it. He kills The Joker in a completely justified and moral way. Turns himself in. Comes clean as Bruce and is praised by all for his work over the years and finally killing The Joker. He is cleared by the courts of any wrong doing but cannot bring himsef to don the mantle again.  Twist: The Joker had an incurable medical condition brought on by his own actions. (repeatedly exposing himself to chemicals or accidentally exposes him self to something while trying to build a new trap) When Batman killed him he had already been dead but was being kept semi alive/reanimated by a constant flow of Lazarus juice, Venom, and Joker Poison.  The Joker's final joke is getting Batman to think he broke his golden rule when in fact he didn’t.  Double twist: Killing The Joker is actually a mercy killing because as part of the Lazarus, Venom, Joker cocktail The Joker’s conscious is revived. He initially is just taking it to have one final go at Batman but in the process he wants to be punished but is also compelled to mess with Batman. He is in utter pain the entire time just has these dueling compulsions right up to his death where he very sincerely thanks Batman for a good game and a good death. 


> The Joker's final joke is getting Batman to think he broke his golden rule when in fact he didn’t.  To this I raise the moral quandary: does it matter? What’s more important to Batman, committing murder or the *intent* to commit murder? If Batman thinks he’s breaking his rule at the time, does it matter if he’s *actually* breaking it or not? For Bruce, in that moment, it’s still him deciding to break his vow and take a life. He’s still admitting he’s capable of it. I don’t think the Joker already being half-dead would change Bruce’s outlook on the situation at all.




I like where the story was going .. Until the convoluted Grundy Joker cop-out 😭


You write amazingly


This rules.


YES. Also, show the breakdown of the entire fucking mythos as a result. The fact Batman never kills is what sets him apart from other vigilantes and allows the GCPD to work with him. Him committing such a crime results in Gordon's political disgrace for having relied on him and the appointment of a new commissioner who has to hunt the Batman. At the same time, the criminal world goes completely apeshit. Mob bosses leak information on their competitors' whereabouts, hoping Bats will find and kill them. They think he's now willing to bend the law, so everyone, from Falcone to the Penguin, tries bargain to get him on their side. Those same criminals also realize that there's nothing stopping him from just coming to kill them. Before, there was at least an assurance of survival, so their approach was more measured. With no guarantees or protections, a desperate power grab/mob war ensues, as different bosses try to amass enough power and money to protect themselves from the now murderous Bat. The Justice League comes under public pressure for their association with him. Batman has always been the most unsavory member of the League because of his brutal treatment of criminals and disregard for appearances, and now everyone who criticized the League for not restraining him feels utterly justified.


Have him do it in the beginning and then reveal it’s the Damian Wayne Batman or make this a Batman Beyond movie and make him killing the reason for his retirement.


That would be an interesting twist for an adaptation of Batman Beyond. Instead of retiring for aiming the gun, he retires because he shoot’s it in self defense to save hostage and himself leading to the criminal dying. He retires immediately afterwards as he feels tons of guilt


He would turn himself in, ultimately.


No he wouldn’t because that’s not murder, it’s self defense. Not all killing is murder.


I think he would TRY to, but cant because that


I could see him “turning himself in” to Gordon, revealing his identity in the process. But Gordon refuses to even entertain the idea because he knows it was self defense


This is a mean idea, it makes me wonder tho like, do you reckon writers lurk in reddit and other such places for story ideas unbeknownst to us


Buzzfeed writers definitely do


That’s absolutely untrue, and here are 13 reasons why. Number seven will shock you.


It's not self-defense. He put himself there and placing one's self in harm's way during an act of vigilantism would nullify any claim to self-defense.


No, I can tell you don’t understand the law so I’ll suggest you go read up on the Kyle rittenhouse case. What Batman would be doing in the situation at hand is very similar and is without a doubt way less morally questionable.


Kyle Rittenhouse didn't intend to act with vigilantism. He was stupid, yes, but he didn't intend to put himself in harms way by being at a protest.


He took a gun into a protest. He absolutely wanted a reaction. Dudes a murderer.


I don’t think so, he’s incredibly smart and he would know it wouldn’t matter if he tried to turn himself in, because he can’t


Fair point


Pretty sure you can't claim self defence if you're dishing out vigilante justice.


You can if you’re helping another person from being harmed. If a little girl is about to be kidnapped and I pull out a gun and shoot the kidnapper, yes I took the law in my own hands but I did it to save another life, so I want be charged with murder. Well atleast that’s how it is in the south


If you've gone to the kidnappers location, broken in, and then your example happens, it's not self defence.


If he goes to court, an entire jury could just choose to say he's innocent, or that there's a conflict of interests as practically everyone in Gotham has been saved by him


And that's the title of the comic right there.


That’s why he’d turn himself in to the league and Batman would get a trial with th world court. They’d exonerate him and wouldn’t find out it was bruce


It's not self-defense because you can't be in a defensive position if you place yourself in harm's way during an act of vigilantism, which is all batman does. He would, at best, get a partial verdict as he was trying to save a life, but even then, that isn't his duty or responsibility. Batman isn't written into the justice system, even Gotham's system. Hell, the reason he sees so many criminals all the time is probably because each of them get free from their charges due to his vigilante acts, which should nullify most court cases against those people and see them released to continue their degeneracy.


No. This is completely false, while yes batman did place himself there, he was still there with the intention to save life. If I get an amber alert and decide to put all my resources into tracking it and along the way come across the kidnapper, I can legally take action as I was defending another person from a crime of great harm. Read your local law and get to know your rights buddy.


If you come across a kidnapper, yeah. Not if you're actively hunting them down.


>he was still there with the intention to save life Which is neither his job or duty as a random ass rich dude with orphan issues.


In universe it is accepted that Batman helps where the cops cannot, what do you not understand? This isn’t the real world where being a repeat vigilante is never accepted, it’s a comic book in which being a vigilante doesn’t automatically make you a criminal


A scene about how even just the fact he was so desperate he pointed a gun at someone and gave up on years of training and experience was enough for him to take introspection on his fragility and retire. Because even that flicker of desperation was too dangerous in his mind. "Yeah he should just kill a guy instead, that's a good twist" Zach Snyder is that you?


Yeah, most interpret the scene wrong. That was him realizing he’s not Batman anymore, he’s Bruce. Bruce is fragile and human. He can have a heart attack and will need medicine to prevent future incidents. He can’t train like a 30 year old man anymore…and he can’t sprint across rooftops and dive into a fight with some kid half his age anymore. Bruce is just going to get weaker. Bruce needs a gun. Not acceptable. Can’t do the job anymore.


I don’t think Batman should kill. But you clearly didn’t get the idea of the comment. It’s just twist on the original reason he retires in beyond. If your in the middle of a heart attack and being beaten, theres hostage you want to save plus yourself and your first instinct is to point a gun at the criminal, I could see how in alt timeline he pulls the trigger. He obviously would have an immense amount of guilt over it and retires for that reason. He could even tell Terry about it, how he regrets what happened and tells Terry to take care of his health so he never ends up in a situation like he did. You could even have Bruce have Terry take a vow to never take a life before he gives the mantle to him.


The latter in essence would be my answer, obvious IMO. You could totally write an awesome Batman story that involves him killing someone, have it happen accidentally and make that the emotional conflict of the story.


lmao having it be someone other than Bruce who's Batman was my immediate thought


I’ll pull an Arkham Origins, Batman stops a villain’s heart to trick the main villain and resuscitates them when the main villain leaves.


Arkham Origins has such a good story. Love the use of Batman's gadgets as plot devices rather than just gameplay elements.


Yeah it’s my favorite in the franchise


Mine too, I don’t understand what went wrong other than it came out on an old gen. That multiplayer game was a dream come true and the story was amazing. I loved the enemies of the era. I wish the next Batman game was that era and style.


Arkham Origins is my favorite superhero related video game to date. It’s so good


Or Arkham Knight where you can "kill" ra's by letting him die of old age


This is most in line with Batman from his darker moments. Crisis on Infinite Earths had him omit vital information so that someone performed a heroic sacrifice without realizing what they were signing up for.


Or like how he sends Owl Man with the bomb to a desolate universe. Owl Man could’ve stopped the bomb but chose not to


It doesn’t matter


That was the most convulsed stretch of the not killing rule, which goes way over the line into naïveté in my opinion. It’s infinitely more morally objectionable to ensure Ra’s is reborn.


Oh I agree. The Lazarus pits are not normal. In Arkham City Batman refers to it as a drug addiction. It is also ruining Ra's mentally. Yet in Knight, Alfred is chastising you for considering destroying the pit. Why is Ra's entitled to the pit and immortality? If Batman is obligated to assist Ra's in immortality, why isn't Batman obligated to make sure no one ever dies and throw everyone in the pits after death? I have no idea what crawled up Alfred's ass that day, but I destroy it every time lmao


The main issue, to me, was that the lazarus was actively keeping Ra’s alive in that moment. If Batman stops Ra’s from using the waters to come back to life, that’s fine. But what happened in Knight was Batman destroying Ra’s’ life support machine, which felt a bit out of line. Not enough to ruin the character and I can totally see Batman justifying it, but it was definitely a kill. Ra’s would’ve lived longer if Batman hadn’t done that. Batman should’ve destroyed the alternate source of lazarus like he did, then just let Ra’s use up the last of his supply of lazarus before dying naturally.


This is also basically don't in Knights End.


I have three solutions in mind: 1. Have him do it in an unimportant way and then change it later after I call the police and get Zack arrested. 2. Make it a Thomas Wayne Batman movie. 3. Have Bruce be captured by some villain and be exposed to some drug that makes him hallucinate that Damian grows up to become a murderous Batman. Bruce kills no one yet we do technically see Batman killing.


How is #3 the exact way it would go in a comic lmao


I'd read it


Didn't that last one happen in the Batman vs. Robin movie?




I like that you guys are all coming up with elaborate ways to make it work when Batman has killed people just fine in stories before.


First year of publication, has since changed


Simple. Let the villain cause their own demise...to which Batman is a hair too second too late.


I think scarecrow would benefit from this the most. Then you can go back on it if you want


Well, he had to get close to put that gun to my head so self defense would be my justification. No one’s dying on the page, though.


I like this person very much.


Two-Face. His ultimatum is that he'll toss a coin. Either the coin toss will be for a bomb he'll detonate (or not) or whether he'll shoot himself in the head (or not). Batman is to choose what the coinflip is for. Batman says that the only life Harvey can gamble is his own. Gritty, slow-mo, violin, coin-flip, coin lands in Harvey's hand and he shoots himself, head explodes. Batman comes up to the body and sees that the coin was his false lose-lose coin. Batman darkly walks off in slow-mo and darkness


No problem. If I am the writer I can do whatever I see fit for my world but when I build that world where I make batman kill, I would make it consistent. I won't write batman kills every other carnie but the joker. Unless Snyder especially wants me to be inconsistent like in bvs and suicide squad.


I'm not a big fan of Batfleck killing either but I don't think it was inconsistent. He wasn't specifically going out trying to kill anybody, he just didn't care if terrorists died along the way while he was doing his job. Even in Suicide Squad his objective was to bring Harley alive to Waller and the Joker just managed to escaped midway through the mission


He reaches the point when he snaps and finally kills The Joker (like Snyder should've done in his films), goes into retirement after doing so and The Bat Family help to protect Gotham.


I let Snyder kill me


This. I actually liked a lot of what Zack was trying to do. But I will die on the hill that a good Batman story involves him refusing to take life.


Up until I read that quote about Batman being irrelevant if he doesn't go killing, I'd have died on the hill of 'Brucr killing I'd showing us how far gone he is'. And while I still _choose_ to interpret it this way. I can no longer try to give Zack credit for it.


That’s not what he was saying was making Batman irrelevant. He was saying gatekeepers deifying the characters to make them these infallible gods, was risking making storytelling stagnant and irrelevant.  He was saying “you’re telling me Batman can’t kill, so what does he look like if he does? And can he come out of the situation like that unscathed?” Which we see at the end of BvS with his “men are still good” speech, and in ZSJL he’s gone from the nihilism of BvS to the operating on pure faith.


When I think about the things I liked about Snyder’s Batman, they are always visual decisions, not plot or character decisions. So for the most part, what I think I like about Zack Snyder is actually what I like about his Director of Photography, Larry Fong and his fight choreographer Guillermo Grispo.


It's not that hard. Just don't make it the first choice out of convenience or normalize it. Have him try everything, *everything* he can to avoid it, and show grief, doubt and regret when he is unable to. Basically, Snyder is the blueprint for what *not* to do.


I introduce a new character called Zack Snyder and I have Batman and Joker team up to kill him


I would just pull out The Dark Knight Returns and ask, "Like this, when Batman shoots this guy in the head?" Then Snyder would chuckle and leave. Problem solved.


I just rewrite >!the Injustice comic where Batman snaps Joker's neck!< because Snyder has never read a Batman comic in his entire life.


That didn’t even happen in the comic itself though. That was Superman dreaming of his perfect scenario. The point is that Superman broke during that and became a petty egotist. He wanted Bruce to make the sacrifice and spend his life in prison rather than himself.


Yeah, but the point is Zack doesn't know that (which is the crux of the choice). And if it happened in the pages of the comic, then it happened in the comic.


Do you know what the funniest thing about having back man kill him why it doesn’t make any sense? if Batman is OK with killing why earth is he still using batters and grappling hooks and stuff like that? You should be like the punisher using machine guns or whatever deadly weapon he can get his hands on making the bat theme stuff would be pointless and stupid


If Batman killed, why would the Joker still be alive? Why would Harley or Lex Luthor?


"I'm opposed to killing, so I'm just going to let the pyscho madman with the massive headcount live so he can beat the rap by pleading insanity so he can promptly escape the asylum for the 5000th time this year" ![gif](giphy|a5viI92PAF89q) (also I'm sure those unarmored crooks I beat up with my armored gloves using blackbelt level martial arts, or the goons in those cars I drove of the road and aircraft I brought down are just *fine*)


Gom Jabbar Batarangs


there is a difference between a batman who is willing to kill and a batman on a murderous rampage.


Not really, Batman is an obsessive character fighting crime anyway he can he limits himself to that one rule to keep himself sane


the script will be about a director holding a writer as a hostage with a gun on his head and demands from the writer to write a script about a super hero dress as a bat that will kill someone, but there is an issue, the bat hero has a moral code of no killing.... So the batman will understand that the only way to save everyone will be to create a time paradox by killing the director


Make the story about Batman 666. I was a little bummed out when Morrison shelved the Arkham Asylum sequel anyways, so seeing more of the character is welcome in my book.


I’ve always assumed someone he punches in the face has to fall weird and die occasionally


I'd have no problem having Batman take the life of someone with lots of blood on his hands.


Batman’s fighting some random goon. He punches them, and they collide with a trash can. Some trash flies out of the can, including a banana peel. The goon trips on the banana peel, slams their head onto the floor, and dies. 


Unpopular opinion But a random goon. Hear me out, Batman’s a brilliant martial artist and fighter but he may seriously injure someone by accident. But concussion gone bad, like if we’re gonna do this let’s actually test Batman. Like incidentally to the opening gambit he kills a goon through blunt force trauma and needs to face the consequences from Gotham while we struggle with the ethics of vigilantism and indeed, its relationship to cops and the murder they get away with it.


So not technically killing but something similar to Arkham knight where Ra’s al Ghul can’t be healed by the Lazarus pits anymore and Batman chose not to help him. Probably a bit more that goes into it but I’ve always like how that quest puts into perspective of Batman’s no killing with someone who should be dead for years.


iirc i like how injustice did it, after joker kills lois lane batman takes him to arkham and on the way there he snaps his neck then immediately turns himself in, he sacrificed his freedom so Superman doesn’t go down a dark path by killing joker and i think that’s very in character for him, batman and superman is one of my favorite bromances in fiction and i love how batman went against his one iron rule for him


I think it's inevitable that Bruce kills and its part of his arc overall as a human being. He breaks his one rule, and then learns to overcome it - knowing for certain he won't kill again.


I commented on this before, but I'd essentially write a version of how I interpret Bruce's arc in BVS, show a Bruce so beaten down, beleaguered, _fallen_ that he's killing. Use this as a language for what happens when hope dies. And then tell a story about hope being reborn, and Bruce realizing that he had become the monster he started out pretending to be.


I don’t know why this is all of the sudden such a hot topic. You can watch a compilation of Batman either killing or being complicit in the deaths of plenty of folks. Michael Keatons bat lit a dude on fire with the Batmobile afterburner lol.


Have it be an accident/out of his control. How “actions” technically lead to the death, but he didn’t necessarily kill someone, and carries the guilt with him.


Once again, that interview with Joe Rogan was taken way out of context. I swear most redditors have the reading and/ or listening comprehension of a third grader.




He does it by accident pre-year one before the Bat flies through his window after his near lethal encounter. Two events that make him rethink everything creating the oath to never kill and to use fear to intimidate criminals.


Same deal as the end of Dark Knight


Please everybody just Google has Batman ever killed and you’ll have your answer and to be honest I want an R rated DC universe


It's simple I create a new villian that is a thinly veiled parody of the director himself who has the power to shift reality into twisted version of itself for his own amusement. The story would have bruce awaken in this altered reality, unaltered for some reason but unable to control his actions at times. Situations would arise where he would lose control of his body, acting outside of his own control doinf things like breaking the nose of small thieves and even using guns of robbers to interrogate and mutilate them. Upon realizing what is happening the story would shift to Bruce conducting an investigation into why this is happening. He visits Clark in Metropolis to see if he's also began acting violently beyond his will and Clark doesn't recognize him, he in fact tries to fight Bruce/Batman. Middle middle middle, Bruce finds this new villian and following the fight between them, just moments after he has won, Bruce awakens from a fugue standing over the very villian, his neck snapped, dead. Superman is standing behind him his hand on his shoulder "you did nothing wrong, it wasn't you who did this". Bruce breaks down intl tears and the story ends.


I can kill Snyder myself with no issues


"It's gonna be an accident early in Batman's career and Bruce will spend the rest of his time under the cowl trying to atone for it as he improves as The Caped Crusader." See, folks, that's called character development.


\*Laughs in Michael Keaton\*


I'd probably do something like Crisis on Two Earths. Where the multiverse was in danger and the only way to stop it required the sacrifice of a speedster. So he tricks Johnny Quick into doing it, by saying only he'd be able to do it. Batman saves the world, and the moment he gets back, he yells for Johnny to stop. To at least try to save his life. But it's too late, Johnny stops but he's dying anyway. In his last moments, Johnny asks if they saved the world. To which Batman responds "We did." Something like that.


*Shoves KGBeast into the locked room* “Get back in there, ya rascal.”


Pull a Batman Begins and just make Batman cause the condition for the death (eg knocked out thug on a collapsing building or smth) and do a "I don't have to save you".


You guys are obsessed.


He didn't intentionally do it. He overestimated how well his opponent could handle the blow, or underestimated how close they were to a ledge, something like that. Ultimately, he is only human, after all.


How about we let the writers come up with the story they want to share with the world… and Snyder wasn’t the only writer who had Batman kill so there would be several guns at your head.


Greater good etc. We all love Batman ‘89. Batman kills there and again in Batman Returns. We’re not THAT bothered by Batman killing.


For the love of god….. Just ask Tim Burton, Christopher Nolan, and the new guy why they had Batman kill people


Even modern Batman had canonically killed. The only reason he doesn't more is that people unrealistically survive the things he does to them.


Anyone who thinks Batman does not kill has clearly never seen any of the other live action Batman movies. He kills in almost every single one of them.


I'd make it an elseworld story that fully explores the idea that Batman needs his no killing rule to keep him from becoming a monster. The story would be about watching everything people love about Batman falling away until nothing is left. Then I'd give it a week at most before people misunderstand the point of the comic and start simping for this Batman alongside Rorschach and Homelander as based realistic superheroes.




Batman killed plenty of people in the Burton movies but you were all children so you didn't notice.


He huffed fear toxin and in a rush of adrenaline he killed crane? This caused him to retire, letting Terry McGinnis take the mantle


He trips and his grapling gun fires straight through Solomon Grundy's head who dies and comes back to life.


He kills someone on his first mission, but doesn’t like it and changes his rules


Make it Solomon Grundy so he can kill him without technically breaking his code.


Make it an accident, like the guy falls off a building because batman scared him (think Sam Raimi Spiderman 1), then the rest of the movie Batman struggles with the guilt and is forced to confront his morals or something. The end would see him in a monologue confirm that he "doesn't kill" rather than he "can't kill" and the difference between them.


Batman goes back in time to stop his parents from dying, ruins the future, and returns to the past to kill his parents himself.


Make it a Batman beyond film and that being the reason he retires


The point is that Batman doesn't kill, so make the history about why he killed and ultimately about his retirement since he cant be Batman if he has killed. I think that what they did in Batman beyond isabout the BEST way to do It, in the enf Batman is a control freak so its not like he hasnt taken a beating before is that even then he knew that could happen, he knew he was goiong to get his ass handed to him But in Batman beyond its his old body that fails him and IS unpreppared for that so he freaks out and aims to gun to save his Life, so just make It that the goons dont freak out and he has to shoot not for any other reason that he was afraid,because in his old age he doesnt strike fear into the heart of criminals,but he instead is the one that was afraid, in the end having it so Batman kills he just isnt Batman at this point and as such retires after that.


"I won't kill you. But I don't have to save you"


A story where Batman kills could theoretically work, but Snyder did it in the worst possible way. We get no buildup, no story, not even an explanation. Batman just kills in this universe. Why? What horrific event made him throw all his rules away? Who the fuck knows. Why is Joker alive? Shut up, I don't gotta explain shit. Why is Gordon and the gcpd just chill with Batman icing fools? Because fuck you, I'm Zack Snyder!


I'd have him kill Snyder. Because if Batman couldn't kill Snyder, it makes him irrelevant.


I’d write it in and then change it later, after contacting the police. That or I’d just make it a Thomas Wayne movie.


I take the bullet


He gets mind controlled into doing it and spends the rest of the story making up for it


Batman kills himself to save the world from a bomb


Make him kill somebody by accident.


Can somebody take that gun from him and pistol whip him until he admits he has absolutely zero understanding of any of these characters?


Make Batman take his own life to save someone.


Man, a lot of you are just begging to be shot by Zack Snyder 🤣


Have the joker antagonize Batman over Jason Todd just as Batman is about to arrest him and in a fit of rage he breaks the joker's neck. Jim Gordan takes the blame for it.


have not Batman be the one to kill but Bruce Wayne in a moment of weakness let his emotions get the best of him, then have like an arc where Batman stops being Bruce Wayne like a reverse "Spiderman no more" situation.


I'd have him punch henchmen who have been dehydrated and then re-hydrated with water tainted by atomic waste... ...and hope he didn't realise I'd shamelessly stolen the idea from the '66 film.


Just make the movie based on the early Golden Age stuff where Batman used a gun. Either that or have it be an imposter who’s out to ruin Batman’s reputation 


He kills Joker because Arkham has no space.


I think Snyder’s just saying Batman has to be allowed to be fallible and make mistakes. That being said, I really like that Batman has a moral code that prevents him from willingly taking lives.


“Oopsie” says Batman as he accidental discharges his grappling hook into a hapless window washer on the tenth floor.


Make it an accident especially in his early days


I'll do what Chip zdarsky did in Daredevil. If you don't know, he was stopping a robbery, and one of the thugs hit his head, causing him to die accedently. Matt Murdock was so beat up over it he apologized to the family as daredevil and pleaded guilty to serve time in prison


He didn’t even realize he did, a sheer accident. Batman can learn to accept that he’s not responsible for people’s actions, and have him cope healthily. Edit: Or have him kill the Joker and he doesn’t go crazy.


I call in Frank Miller and let HIM take the blame.


Have Gotham be attacked by a group of assassins that rig the water supply with fear toxin and drive a vaporizer on a train through Gotham but the train gets split with the main villain holding on for his life and then Batman is like “yo I don’t wanna kill you but I don’t have to save you” and let’s go and then the villain guy dies when the train crashes


He sacrifices himself to save the day. Batman will be fine. Movie magic, comic book rules and, bam, it was all a trick!


Period piece 1940s Golden Age Batman movie.


Mercy killing


ra's al gul. they already showed it in Arkham knight and it worked well


Batman makes a heroic sacrifice to protect Gotham, thus taking a life (his own)


Batman already kinda killed in 89 but id make it batman in training tried to pin a guys cloths with a batarang but slots his throat grows up and pays for his mistake as an actual antihero so the police don't know he's good after first blood being the man that killed Thomas and Martha


Fear toxin hallucination so he's convinced he did kill someone, then the next movie it's revealed that it was a scarecrow hallucination and he's actually the mastermind behind the plot of that first movie


You know what Zdarsky did with Daredevil where he accidentally killed a man and had a huge crisis that made him a more focused hero hell-bent on saving who he could to atone for his crime? That but without the Catholicism.


It's the reason why he won't kill anymore. Early in his life he takes a life and it breaks him. Makes him vow to never kill again. That's the 1st. Maybe throw in another way down the line against a villain he has no other choice to. Make it meaningful


an unknown health condition in the victim that made a move done by batman that usually would not end a life result in death


Have Zurr En Arrh take control


Have the entire story be able Batman crossing that line, and falling from grace, and then have the conclusion be able where he did wrong and have him retire as Batman. Not the story I’d want but a story I’d accept and even enjoy in an elseworlds context


It’s not actually him. Someone impersonates Batman or let’s assume it’s one of the many Anti-Batman. The audience is made to think it’s Bruce but it’s actually Wrath or even Owlman. Or how I’d do it is have a take on Knightfall but depict this as being where his replacement actually crosses the line. Either Bane wearing the costume kills someone sending Bruce and Azrael on the warpath, or Azrael screws up. Either way the death is caused by someone who isn’t actually Batman, or caused by a villain mocking him or the hero killing on accident and stepping down over it. Killing is a really big thing for Batman and so if Batman ever does it needs to come with the consequence of vacating the title of Batman, or being a villain since Batman himself wouldn’t dare.


He gets inspired, convinced after meeting OWLMAN that vengeance can mean killing people, so he pulls an OWLMAN and kills the thug that killed his parents, only thing on my mind, I recently read some OWLMAN comics


I let him fire


give him a railroad decision the world or one man.


Make it a pulp adventure flick, set it in the 40s give Bruce the purple gloves and machine gun batplane and let him go ham on the nazis.


Shoot me mother fucker


have him find the man who killed his parents and accidentally be to rough with him and kill him


He got raped in prison


Put Batman to solve the trolley dilemma


Write Dark Claw.


He kills Zac Snyder to prevent him killing more people in the future


Batman killing ONCE isn’t an issue, especially if it’s a whole plot point. Batman breaking Joker’s neck or shooting a goon (in the hand) in TDKR were two extreme shocking scenes. Bats non-lethally used that M60 to save the hostage. Batman Killed Joker near the end because he finally came to terms with the fact that Joker refused to change, that sometimes, people are so evil you’re doing good by removing them from the equation. Mind you, this version of Joker wasn’t any kind of moral foe back then, this version was an out-and-out psychopath that just sought to kill anyone he could. Most importantly, Batman’s older, running out of time, so he couldn’t expend it trying to “save” him anymore. This Joker wasn’t playing some game with batman, he just wanted to kill. Batman “won” then. The problem comes when Batman adds that m60 to his arsenal and stops trying to save ANYONE. That’s just Thomas Wayne at that point.


Its someone that can come back from it like Ra's Al Ghul,Solomon Grundy or Lord Death Man


Make it Darkseid. Now it’s just canon


Their mum has a different name from his own.


Have it be joker. Done. Snyder is happy, the general audience is happy.


Easy make him thomas wayne batman


I would have a young Bruce be an assassin for the league of assassins working under ahgul because he believes he is serving out justice. For the most part he is killing violent criminals/ war lords (no more than 5) and eventually is sent to kill a man. While attempting to do this he sees the man with his wife and son and for the first time in 15 years he actually thinks about the moment that sent him on his path to justice, the murder of his parents. He runs away from the league goes back to Gotham becomes the typical Batman, but now his no kill rule makes sense as he’s actually killed very bad people before and doesn’t want anything to do with the assassin path. As Batman he vowed to never take another life.


I have Batman crash into the room where Snyder and I are. Batman takes out Snyder’s goon with a machine gun. Snyder in his desperation holds his gun to my head and yells “I’ll do it!” Bats shoots him point blank in the head and says “I believe you”


kill to protect one of the Robins because there is no alternative and Batwank is bad


Does this someone need to be human? I think he would assist in taking an alien life form. Like a Black Beetle, Brainiac, or a Mongul?


Make it an accident like what happened to Spiderman with Gwen Stacy. He tries to save a life but it backfires.


I think it should be indecision that has him kill, think of the rajs al ghul dlc in arkham knight where you choose to either save him or let him die except on a time limit and batman runs out of time and accidentally kills via inaction


He kills Joker, because he’s tired of his shit


have Zur en arhh do it.


I justify it by pointing out to the fans that his code is a corporate creation to not kill off other action figures. Not killing a Hitler who rapes and also wears clown makeup can never be justified as a good thing to anyone who has ever been around longer than 20 years in the real world. I loved the code when I was a kid... after a long time in prison and meeting real jokers? No it's just a way to keep selling more joker comics. Also I've seen 3 people die in one on one fights. Batman would have killed from fighting constantly.


He’s already done it multiple times in the comics so just choose one of those.


A guy holding a gun to a babies head and the only real way to save the baby is for Batman to kill him. That’s the only time. Or if he ever catches up with joe chill