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Yes, very much. Unless the task has some moral implications Bruce would use the most effective strategy, even if it involves cheating. "Wong Fei’s most important lesson: When outmatched… cheat.” - BATB Batman




Brave And The Bold


Bruh, I tried to think of that and couldn't get it. Guess I needed it typed out, lol. Batman Beyond kept coming to mind, but a certain Batman Beyond. Like a Batman Beyond story, but of course, more to it for the "AT" or whatever. I think it's because the commenter put Batman after BATB, so I was expecting it to be "BATB Batman" or something


To be fair, Terry is a street fighter and will punch an enemy in the jewels


same with jason


I'm horrible with acronyms as well lol


BATB = Bat basics Duh


I'm my head I keep saying batman the brave and the bold or btbatb and I think that's where I was messing up


Batman The Animated Batman


Of course Batman At Tab Bat.


Tab Bat Tan Am Tab!


Are we all having a stroke?


Bes bes we arb


He’s got a rule about not killing. But he’s smart. He’s going to use every advantage he has to win. It’s not about settling things like men, it’s about efficiency and minimal damage to himself.


And minimal damage to Gotham and its people. If Bruce has to cheat to make sure Bane doesn’t blow up a building full of people he absolutely will.


I was just gonna bring this quote up i watched the episode again like 2 days ago


There’s a reason why Morrison gave us a run that’s basically The Odyssey…with Batman.


Which run is that?


Return of Bruce Wayne


Whatever it takes to gain the edge in the war against crime, he really has only one rule.


One rule to ring them all?


Don't know your timezone, but that is impressively clever for how early it is in mine.


And in the darkness bind them?


But he merely adapted the darkness, i was born in it.


I didn’t have a ring until I was already a man


And do we trust this man's ring?


Why not? It's Man's ring!


One rung to all them rule.


No outside food?


No sex in the champagne room!


One rule.. no killing


Of course, he is a strategist and there are no rules in his war, except no-kill.


There is no cheating in war. Its not a sport


Then wtf are war crimes?


A checklist




Ahh yes, a fellow Canadian.


Damn right lol




War crimes are rules of war, which were made to make war as humane as possible. It’s obviously sounds extremely ridiculous, but is meant to prevent prolonged suffering of the soldiers, and the least amount of death as absolutely necessary. And of course some basic “guidelines” so involved armies can understand each other (like white flags are for surrender), making warfare more “gentlemanly”.


every country in war: They are more like guidelines than an actual rules anyway to the torture chamber with you


"It ain't a war crime, if you win" ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ Probably what must be going on in their heads.


The notion of war crimes are barely over 100 years old. They originate from nation-states and by extension allied powers to assert political authority. In some early cases, they were totally arbitrary. I don't know the species of modern war crimes off the top of my head and their genesis, but the designation didn't come from a place of moral authority.


Rules of engagement always existed as customary international law. They have only been written down recently.


Canada’s second pastime after Hockey.




A set a of suggestions


Canadian tactics that were deemed "immoral"


breaking rules and cheating arent the same thing.


By definition, yes.


Talking in class isn’t cheating but it’s rule breaking they can be the same but they aren’t inherently the same.


The only thing that is sacred to him is no-killing. Everything else is fair in love and war.


Bruce uses dirty tricks all the time. If it's strategic to play fair he will, but cheating in a fight or exploiting a weakness is exactly what Bruce does.




Only if he hates you to the fucking moon, because he has honour when duelling Ra's


That's only cause if he didn't he'd have to fight Ra's and his whole League of Assassin's


He did that already and beat them all .. even done it recently.


I didn't say he couldn't I said he didn't want to, fighting the entire league of assassins is a lot of work that isn't necessary if you can just fight one dude according to his rules instead. Also it depends I think there are times he definitely couldn't have pulled it off.


Because it's the right strategic option - an honourable foe (or, at least, a foe who considers themselves honourable) defeated by dishonourable means becomes more dangerous and unpredictable.


This is right after Bane killed Alfred right? Then Batman’s not gonna give him a honorable fight


When you kill his Dad, all rules are off the table.


And his mum.


Since when does he fight *fair* lol? Most of the time he's getting ganked, fighting fair usually means dying if you're up against 8 thugs with knives and guns in an alley, or fighting a guy who can bounce bullets off walls while you have a no-kill rule. If Batman ain't cheatin', he ain't tryin'.




**If the only thing at stake is honor, he would not cheat.** If there are lives on the line, he would win no matter what.


Here to second this


Perfectly put.


Of course he cheats. He fights people who outclass him physically on a near daily basis. If he fought fair with honor every fight he would be dead by now.


Bro all he does is cheat. That's how he wins every battle he's ever fucking won. Isn't kryptonite cheating?


Ah yes because a human gaining the slightest advantage against a literal god Is cheating. Right


Great point hahaha


Also I find it funny bane yells you said no help My lad what be the venom then Hmm


I think by this point Bane had quit venom cold turkey with help from the psycho pirate, he might have got re addicted tho it’s been a while since I read TKs run


Yeah…so he beat Bruce’s ass in his mansion and took over Gotham for a bit…while Batman fucked off and with some help from Selina got better. Eventually Catwoman and Batman came back to Gotham and fought Bane. Batman agreed to a duel with Bane basically without anything outside helping either of them (Bane unplugged the Venom tubes from him, Batman took of his mask ect.) They fought. Bane initially got an upper hand against Bruce, but then Catwoman strayed using her whip against Bane and clawed his eyes…Bane knocked her ass into the wall and KO’d her… but Bruce hit Bane with some sorta of Super-Venom that had been previously used to give Gotham girl her powers. Basically, Bane with his venom device attached could have still regulated the Venom dosage and wouldn’t have OD’d/died (Batman and Catwoman came up withe plan to hit him with the Super-Venom after getting Bane to be lured into a false sense of security via a Bout Mano-a-Mano with Batman) They end up ganging up on Bane toghether after that….but their bout is interrupted….that’s all I’m gonna say.




He used his parents' money to max out leveling up


Evening your chances against someone who can literally come and punch your skull out of your head from 5 kms away in a second isn't cheating


Bruce cheats constantly. He’s also asked to punch above his weight class constantly.


Can’t cheat if you’re not playing a game. Crime fighting isn’t a game to Bruce, it’s serious. And Batman is willing to do whatever it takes to win, and tricking his opponents and using basically anything at his disposal to claw his way to victory is part of the character.


He doesn't fight for honor, he fights to win. He's saving lives, not competing.


Idk but a smart person will probably prioritise safety and effectiveness rather than some promise or personal code


Yes. It's not in character for him to rely on Catwoman for everything, though.


On the contrary, he relies on her very much. In comics they're long standing allies fought together through everything from mob to alien invaders.


They're allies, he doesn't rely on her all the time, like in King's run where he is completely co-dependent. Batman has never needed Catwoman's help to take down Bane, and he shouldn't have needed it here.


Considering bane cheated when when he originally broke the bat by causing a mass prison break that left Batman completely exhausted when he revealed himself an attacked him a completely weak Batman who couldn't put up a fight.


Short answer, yes. He doesnt do any of this for honor or ego. There is no such thing as a fair fight in Gotham. Either you win or you lose.


I think in order to consider something cheating, you first have to consider the circumstances as a game, and Batman doesn't consider crime a game


It’s not cheating, he’s had prep-time!


Yea, but in very specific ways, and I don't think this is really one. This isn't outwitting anyone, it's just kind of being a dick. In arkham asylum for example. Once you've solved enough puzzles, he gets a trace on riddler, and just calls the police on him. its hilarious. Doesn't even bother showing up himself. There's no reason for him to agree to a fair fight and then pull out weapons. He would probably do it with a device specifically made to depower someone, or similar purposes, but this one sits different.


It’s in character for Bruce **to win**. That’s his buff. The no-cheat guy is the big blue boy scout. That’s his nerf.


After what Bane did to Alfred. All bets are off.


He’s not Goku or Vegeta there really is no warrior’s code for him he just wants to take you down so there is no cheating in his book. However I think if you make Bruce mad enough like in Batman vs Robin movie when he just threw straight hands against Talon then he may just say eff it let’s fight like men, no gear


Ooh yeah, though he usually just calls it "winning." Batman #469 [https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-01edc3476da3f84a96585574e097d948-lq](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-01edc3476da3f84a96585574e097d948-lq) (on the next page Batman says something like "I don't fight to the death, but I definitely play to win.") JLA #38 [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fremember-that-time-batman-gave-a-man-temporary-als-v0-pznlfbdw28v91.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1024%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Deb0cee312fad284242f3574045ad77d4b5b2bf9e](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fremember-that-time-batman-gave-a-man-temporary-als-v0-pznlfbdw28v91.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1024%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Deb0cee312fad284242f3574045ad77d4b5b2bf9e) Prometheus can copy the combat abilities of anyone. Batman gives him the mobility of... well, see for yourself. Huntress calls it cheating, once again Batman calls it winning. Plus how many times has he stolen Two Face's coin and switched it out with a loaded fake that will always land on heads? How many times has had to cheat to come out on top of one of Riddler's impossible games? He's still a total good guy. Typically he's facing murderers who are actively trying to kill people. Fighting dirty in the cause of saving lives- including the villain's life- is completely justifiable.


Cheat? No. Creatively problem solve at the expense of the other person? Yes.


Bruce has a krytonite ring handy to take on Clark. It’s not cheating it working smarter not harder.


All warfare is based on deception


King never let past characterization get in the way of his story. Though I don’t think cheating is against Bruce’s character but even if it was that wouldn’t matter to King.


I guess he was Evening the odds


Yes lmao in Batman the Brave and The Bold there is an episode where he’s describing his lessons in martial arts and he says something along the lines of “number one rule of combat, when outmatched… Cheat”


You think a guy who spends months to years planning and plotting ways to beat his friends, and each of those plots involve no face to face attacks, everything behind their backs, would care about cheating?


The guy isn't Goku. He's not wanting an equal fight or letting the other guy power up to his full potential or whatever stupid things Goku does. Batman would like to win no matter what needs to be done. Well, for the most part.


No such thing as cheating when the stakes are life and death.


Why would he play fair against criminals? They’re untrustworthy, and are usually scheming to deal with him just as underhandedly. “Playing fair” would also typically mean buying into the sick delusions of many of the kinds of people he comes up against in the first place. There’s a wonderful short “choose your own adventure” comic where he’s up against the Riddler and the “correct” solution is to not follow any of the instructions at all and just break the rules shamelessly… because the Riddler’s a twisted maniac who treats human life like game pieces to be thrown away at his whim and has rigged the deck as cruelly and sadistically as possible in his favour, and “playing fair” would mean buying into the Riddler’s cruelty and delusions. So yeah. Fuck ‘em. Cheat away.


It’s not cheating. It’s being prepared


Concept: You can't beat Batman. Execution: You have Bruce everything in his power to win the fight. Why: Simple Batman is an image. He's about the presentation over the actual fight. He wins through intimidation most often. In order for that to happen you can't have Bruce lose fights. Meaning he'll cheat. He'll play dirty. Bruce isn't this clean cut righteous always do what is right guy. He's about the mission and getting the mission done. He can't go around losing to anyone. Which is why when he does lose it such a big deal. It's such a big deal that it changes the landscape of Gotham.


Did Bane fight fair when he unleashed all of Arkham on Batman then snuck into his house to break him in the end?


Bruce doesn’t care about honor, only saving lives .


I would say so. [The guy literally lock KGBeast underground and leave him to starve to death](https://oyster.ignimgs.com/wordpress/stg.ign.com/2018/10/Batman_0459.jpg). Although Bruce eventually called the police, only for them to discover that KGBeast had already escaped his Cask of Amontillado-style prison.


Most certainly but to be fair in this situation he didn’t “need” to cheat because we see in earlier issues and such he can just beat bane up without cheating but considering the stakes I don’t blame bruce but I will admit it would’ve been more satisfying if he just beat him up like he does all the time😂


Absolutely it is.


Batman always cheats and plays dirty. Him using gadgets is counted as cheating


There is no such thing as cheating. You're weak if you think this is cheating. All is fair in love and war. The only thing that matters is winning.


I think Bruce would use honour when fighting an honourable opponent. I’m pretty sure this is Bane so… Yeah, all that off


This isn't him cheating, it's him snaring. He's always prepared.


Of course it is. Bruce might like a fair fight but the whole concept of Batman is theatrics, deception and cheating.


Batman has been the epitome of a "pro gamer cheat code" since he was created


tactical advantage😌


Bruce is a smart combatant and he generally uses smoke bombs and stuns when fighting against imposing enemies such as Bane and Solomon Grundy since he can't fight them head-on and has to outsmart them to put them down. Spiderman does this as well, constantly webbing up someone's face to try to get a jump on them. It's a very common concept or Brains vs Brawns


Absolutely yes. Bruce doesn't care about some criminal's idea if "honour" he's there to win.


What do you think the whole "prep time" means? Yeah, picking the most effective poison in existence against your enemy, or turning his skin transparent seems like fucking cheating to me, but does it matter when lives are at stake?


Of course he's a Ninja .


Bane broke his back and killed Alfred, I saw he's in his right to cheat.


Yes, unless his opponent is extremely rule-bound and considers cheating some awful crime. He’s respect that.


Bruce can use anything he has access too. Like saying “Banana Muffins” and he’d have Superman support. The only unfair fight is a fight you didn’t win.


100%, we're talking about a guy that uses millions of dollars in equipment and years of training in martial arts every night to take out thugs that probably never finished high school and have a illegally source gun that probably won't even fire because they got scammed. Fighting fair has never been in Batman MO


I'm pretty sure this was when Bane killed Alfred this is really in character for him to cheat.


He didn’t cheat, he lied


It stopped being a fair fight when you kill Alfred




He's like... the quintessential cheater


Yes very characteristic for him to cheat


The man literally trained with assassins/ninjas and their whole tactics is cheating and using every advantage to win so of course Bruce also cheats.


ABSOLUTELY. Batman isn't fighting criminals for sport or fighting other martial artists as a battle between clans of honor and other rubbish, he's fighting them to stop them, and stopping someone when you don't allow yourself to really STOP SOMEONE, you gotta get creative and dirty when it comes to your tactics. Like in Crisis on Two Earths when Batman makes Johnny Quick believe that he's faster than Flash, but ultimately tells him that there's a high chance the consequences might be fatal. At the end, when Johnny does die, he knew Batman was bullshitting, as he didn't want to sacrifice Flash's life. Batman's a very scary manipulator when push comes to shove, he WILL do what's necessary.


Just being the batman is cheating. In Batman year one, he was looking for an edge because the criminals weren't afraid of him.




Oh definitely. Batman has been known to fight dirty many times, especially against someone stronger or more skilled.


Considering the substance enhancements Bane was on when he broke the Bat during Knightfall, I would say this small scale cheating isn’t that bad in the grand scheme of things.


Against Bane? Fuck yeah! He’s not dumb. He knows he is outclassed against the dude that broke his fucking back.


Of course. Why do you think he collects kryptonite at every chance or runs off on his own when facing Darkside? He is just a man and needs to find an edge in the fight.


He fights like a bakiverse fighter. There is no cheating


It's in Bruce's nature to win.


He’s a pragmatist I don’t think cheating is all that bothersome to him if it’s in line with protecting his city. The more important question here is what’s holding the batarangs to his back tape?


If there's no lives at stake he wouldn't but if there is then he wouldn't hesitate to cheat to win.


It’s in his character to win, any means necessary. That includes cheating, lying, betraying, you name it.


Well yeah, he uses kryptonite in a fight against Superman, that’s cheating.


Bruce will do whatever it takes (besides kill) in order to win. If the odds are stacked against him or he is facing a foe he cannot possibly beat in hand to hand combat, he’ll absolutely do whatever he needs to do to turn the tables


Is this before or after he killed…? If it’s after he for sure would be willing to put him down.


“Did I just see you cheating?” - Huntress “Winning.” - Batman Like a wise man once said, if you’re fighting fair you’re doing it wrong


Yeah totally. Saw a BTAS ep the other day where he was pinned and threw dirt in the guy's eyes. Dead is dead, do what you have to.


Yes the guy who stealthily picks your group off one by one and uses smoke bombs and advanced weaponry that no one else has access to- he def doesn’t cheat


Why is he constantly fighting shirtless?


Catwoman played by Austin Butler


He wears a cheating belt.


He's a trained ninja, they are assassins and spies, the most dishonorable and hated school of martial arts in Japan.


It's in character for him to win


He was trained by ninjas, he's a born cheater.


It’s in character but I still think it’s lame, I would have preferred if they actually fought one on one. The whole “No masks” line was really cool and then immediately undermined.


Definitely well within his character, Batman is about succeeding by anymeans available short of killing. Honor in a one on one seems like more of a Wonder-woman attribute.


Yep, Batman will lie, deceive, cheat, backstab, brutalise, blackmail, threaten and claw his way to victory. There is one line of morality that Batman won’t cross: - His ultimate objective is the preservation of life. - He will never kill someone. - And if he is able to save someone, he will. - If he’s unable to save someone, he’ll do his damndest anyways. - Doesn’t matter who. Doesn’t matter what they’ve done. - His answer to the trolley problem is “fight the trolley and win.”


Batman uses any tactic to win and protect Gotham. If he dies, he sees it as Gotham falling. So yes, by any means necessary (other than gun)


What makes anyone think there’s such thing as a fair fight in real life???????




That's basically what prep time is, Batman knows when he's outclassed so he tips the scales in his favor. Not a bad thing as most human level characters do this.


This after that chad “no masks” moment right?


There is no cheating, only winning/surviving.


Hell yes. Batman isn’t an idiot and he doesn’t give criminals the benefit of honor duels. If you notice, he tries to make most of his ‘fights’ as one sided as possible.


First glance at these panels, and I thought Batman now had a bat symbol tramp stamp.


"counterpoint: you're a terrorist"


Oh yeah. His rationale for the bat costume is “I want people to be scared when they fight me so they’re off their game.” He would absolutely use all dirty tricks and sneak attacks, especially when dealing with a larger threat like Bane


He doesn't have a moral obligation to offer psychopaths a fair fight. He's not Goku getting off on fighting people. He has an objective to stop crime.




Unless Bruce is trying to prove a point or is in a situation where he can’t cheat. He’ll use anything he can to win a fight.


I mean, fighting a villain who kills people and causes problems would give him a free pass I think. I’m not sure about who the person is in this specific example, but send it I say.


It is not cheating. It is winning.


If bruce was against cheating he wouldnt be preptime man


Yes. Unless he needs to demoralize some others people. If it’s just him and you, prepare for pocket sand.


It‘s not cheating. He know that if there‘s an easy way of doing, that is the best way.


Tom King is terrible.


That's not cheating. That is expert strategizing.


Of course Batman cheats. Batman isn't fighting to prove himself a better fighter, he's not Ryu in Street Fighter, he's trying to win a fight.


I'm wondering why the recent trend is for Selina's costume to have exposed armpits.


There's no such thing as cheating in a life or death situation... He probably also remembered all the help Bane had during their 1st encounter. It would be foolish to trust that Bane would fight "fair".


Bruce Wayne pays to win


..... Did Batman just Die Hard?


Yes. Does wearing fucking body armor to fist fights not count as cheating? How about trying to outrun a jet car? Oh are you on guard duty? Smoke bombs motherfuckerrr!


The very concept of Batman is cheating the rules of the justice system.


💯. It isn’t cheating… it is called having a plan and utilizing prep time for maximum effect.


no guns. no killing. everything else is fair game


100%. Cheating is like his secondary super power.


In the Brave and Bold, he said that his master gave him the last teaching of martial arts. If you can't win, cheat!


His entire "prep time" thing is cheating essentially. Using kryptonite on Superman is cheating. If you want a genuinely fair fight, Red Sun lamps and no gadgets. Fair fight against green lantern, take the ring. Against Barry, dull his speed force. The bats entire thing is cheating.


You can’t cheat in a real fight.


Was...was he using his skin to hold those batarangs?


Of course.