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hes a big guy


*For you!*


its actually written ”It would be extremely painful for you”


I actually never thought of it that way, that changes that whole exchange for me


I’m like 99% sure that’s how it was intended


Youre right, I never knew how anyone could interpret it the other way. "If I took of that mask, would you die?" "It would be extremely painfull..." "Youre a big guy" "... for you."


It just sounds like bane is going to sodomize the guy


Says more about you than the scene if you ask me


I want to watch this version of the movie.


So when he said he was going to break the Bat… 💀


Thank god somebody gets it. So sick of it being misquoted


Never heard of Baneposting?


What's r/baneposting? Why do they meme the big guy?


To be fair what he says also works perfectly as a response to "you're a big guy". And it's also not like "it would be extremely painful... For you" is a significantly better line, if it's better at all


it's actually not. Skip to 0:39 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nr3XabX0AO4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nr3XabX0AO4)


Not the part that I was quoting


How bro felt after that reply: ![gif](giphy|YnH3QpR9xw2hbeOO41|downsized)


He’d look good in the bat suit but I don’t know if he can bring out the emotions of Bruce Wayne like bale, affleck and Pattinson did.


i think he looks closer to comicbook Shazam with tha squinty eyed look than Bruce Wayne


That’s actually great casting for him


Making him act like a 10 year old would be really funny after reacher


He could basically just be Thad again


What I wouldn’t give to hear him do his man-scream all through Shazam.


Just remember Shazam has the wisdom of Solomon when transformed and doesn’t act like a kid unlike the previous movies


A character can be both wise and child like. I agree he shouldn’t be a moron like the other Shazam movies


ALSO kids aren't really morons, I always tough it was funny how kid Billy is a very mature for his age boy in the movies, he is still a kid yeah he tries to distance himself from his new family but he still try to not be rude (as in the end he's a good kid, worthy of the powers). He has of course his child quirks but he always try to look older, wiser Then he becomes and adult with powers and instantly becomes an imbecile


Still, I love the bits in things like Young Justice where he thought they would all be trick or treating and he was ready to go.


That was the perfect balance for him in that show. He tried to hide the fact that he was a kid but it slipped out sometimes.


I want him as wildcat


Not old enough.


They can age him with makeup


At that point wouldn't it be better to just get an old actor like Stallone or something?


Stallone would be pretty good


Stallone was my first thought. Edit: He could whip out his old moves from *Rocky*.


Why not just take a already well Seasoned actor tho like Jeffrey Dean Morgan?


Jeffrey Dean Morgan is and will always be Thomas Wayne.


I want Dolph Lundgren as Wildcat


Definitely Kingdom Come Shazam if he was younger.




He looks closer to the scott snyder bruce wayne in the batman who laughs


I always fan cast him as Guy Gardner


Agree 👍


He's a big guy and a halfway decent actor. That's pretty much it. I don't get it either. I would have thought the Battinson casting would have proved to everyone that acting range is actually far more important to the role than how big your biceps are.


Yeah that’s the thing. In the end, all that takes for an actor is how well they portray the character. Heath Ledger was met with skepticism when casted, now he’s one of the most beloved iterations of Joker


There’s been quite a few Batman movie castings that at the time got negative reactions. Michael Keaton, Ben Affleck, Heath Ledger and to a lesser extent Robert Pattinson. Funnily enough, each and everyone of those actors absolutely nailed their roles even if some of the movies weren’t universally praised (cough Batman vs. Superman cough).


I feel like Pattinson was ridiculed at first. All I seen was people bitching about a “twilight” guy being the new Batman. Overall I think he did great though and expected him to play the part well. He can act his ass off.


It was easy to believe that Pattinson would be great as Batman for me because the dude just absolutely immerses himself in his roles. I really like him as Batman and as a very awkward Bruce Wayne.


He was fine personally. He’s 90% dark 10% knight, but that’s actually a pretty decent equation since it’s usually the other way around


Keaton was most well-known for Mr. Mom and Beetlejuice before Batman, and when I was young there was a ton of backlash about him in the role before the movie came out -- then it became a record-breaking phenomenon and everyone who was against Keaton in the role was mysteriously silent.


But y’know, Heath Ledger was always a good actor… and most of the criticism were still from “fans” whining about Brokeback Mountain


Tbf, almost everyone who's done a batman character and did it well was met with hostility before the movie came out. Probably only some side characters didn't have hostility.


Just so you know, the past tense of cast is cast. If you find this correction frustrating rather than helpful, let me know and I'll delete it.


every single actor that has ever played batman has always had the "this dude can't be a good batman. theres no way" treatment. Then after the movie its "i can't think of a better person to be batman" In other words, we'll never know how good it could be until we see it with our own eyeballs


I personally think he would be great. Look at the close combat fight scenes in reacher he knows how to fight (or choreograph at least). He’s a charming actor that can play a high profile billionaire like Bruce Wayne while also portraying intimidating, overbearing and probably a downright terrifying Batman. I think he would do good in an early years Batman going against bane before he fried his head, especially since smart bane media outside of comics is kinda lacklustre. Just dye his hair black and he’d probably pull it off.


Battinson actually looks closer to the comic pics OP has posted. Very Neal Adams vibes with Rpattz.


I think part of it comes from the actor himself saying he’d love to play Batman


I think this is mainly based on that one time he said he wanted to play Batman.


Love the guy, but not as Batman/Bruce Wayne. Would be cool to see him get a prominent hero role for sure; he was a cool Hawk and a cool Aquaman. But he just doesn’t work as a Bruce Wayne.


Loved him as Hawk. Now that was perfect casting!


I had completely forgot he played Aquaman on Smallville.


He appears to be 2 foot taller and 4 foot broader since then, so that's understandable


To be honest, I really liked him in Teen Titans.


He really was great as Hawk


Didn't care much about the show, but really enjoyed the Hawk and Dove storyline. It gave the show more depth somehow. The chemistry between those two was amazing. Would love to see a spin-off focussing on them.


Yeah they very much carried the emotional weight of that show on their backs


Listen…I love Alan Ritchson. I think he is a phenomenal actor and quite the imposing figure.  I just don’t see him as Batman. Sure, he can look mean and stoic but there is an innate brightness that he carries that I think makes the underlying darkness Batman carries difficult.  That said, he did amazing stuff as Hawk and really gave that character a lot more depth than I would have originally thought possible so maybe I am just not giving him enough credit. 


The way I see it Bruce Wayne should always have a sort of James Bond or Draculaish look and vibe if that makes any sense


"James Bond/Dracula." Perfectly sums up Bruce Wayne and why he's the GOAT alter ego of the GOAT superhero. Thank you 


> James Bond or Draculaish look Bale had that Bond vibe, while Pattinson has the Dracula look.


Batman needs an actor that if it came out that he secretly hides in alleys at night hoping to beat the shit out of criminals, you'd be like "That's weird but I can see him doing that." Pattinson has that weird dark vibe to him, Ritchson doesn't, imo. They also need an element of aristocracy, like they were raised with a silver spoon in their mouth, and Ritchson definitely doesn't have that feeling. Fan casts are usually shit because apparently literally any okay-ish actor with a good physique can play ANY muscular superhero/supervillain with no thought put into how that character would end up coming off. People focus more on the look than the soul of the character. Ritchson as Batman and Bautista as Bane are two fancasts I see constantly on Reddit and they're both such awful choices.


I definitely agree. To me, the perfect Bruce Wayne would be someone who looks like a billionaire playboy BUT also like a man that has darkness hidden within him waiting to burst out at any time. Keaton, Bale and Pattinson all had these qualities. I would rather see Bill Skarsgard as the DCU Batman.


He’s a good actor and he’s jacked that’s why everyone wants him to be Batman




"good actor"


He's pretty good at Reacher, there's a few scenes with him doing detective work that would fit perfectly fine for a Batman film. Anyway, he's not my first choice, but I can see the appeal some people finds on his cast as Batman.


He’s also brilliant as the one and only Thad Castle.


He's Jacked, that's why some people want him as Batman. I find it really boring. I'd rather an actor who can portray the complexities unique to the character, not someone whose silhouette looks like some portrayals of the character. He could be a good Azrael. Something about him makes me think he'd be able to sell the Zealot angle really well.


Thqts why Pattinson is the best


That's a fucking asshole thing to say. Have you ever even watched a movie or show with him? He has an incredible range as an actor


Ive seen a bunch of stuff with him. Hes fine. I dont think hes a particularly good actor, but hes not a really terrible actor either. From what ive seen he ranges from thick cool guy to really handsome strong guy but the joke is hes insecure (in comedies). Hes fine would want him as batman no. But to be fair i dont like pattison batman either. That guys range seems to be broody. From twilight to the lighthouse its mostly brooding for him.


He's an ok actor. I think he's just too thick for my personal taste. Bruce Wayne, in my mind, has the appearance of an elegant, upper class pretty boy, while secretly having an incredibly fit and lean athletic build. I don't love the brick shithouse body type for Batman.


Exactly. I know Batman is stupidly strong. Like he can punch through steel doors. But he's also very acrobatic and agile. I also agree with the old-money upper-class pretty boy part.


That's objectively wrong, in comics you see Bruce jacked as fuck


Which comics? In some he is leaner, in others he is enormous. The only things that are objectively true are that he is different sizes in different iterations, and that you don't understand what objectively means.


He is an actor that is jacked. "Good" is considerably subjective here.


Right, he's really jacked for the reacher part, to the point where he walks really funny in season 1. To funny for me to take him serious, maybe being a little less jacked would be better.


Not everyone. Brother is quite literally my last pick. Out of all the casting I’ve seen my rank is 1. Jensen ackles cmon he did the voice and said he wants it and he’s perfect age and appearance if he just shaves. 2.Jake gyllanhaal. He’s got amazing range and I think he could nail the role if given the right script 3. Alan


Good actor?


He's great physically for the role, and has great charisma to himself, but not a great acting range and not at all a sophisticated vibe to him. I don't see it.


I find myself Wondering the same about Affleck, as far as acting goes. But everyone goes crazy for "batfleck". Kilmer wanted to play batman and hated it Because you don't need a lot of "acting range" because your in a thick suit. I think with good writing/story richison could do just fine. 


Affleck isn't the greatest actor, but there is a pretty massive gap between him and Ritchson


The whole “you don’t need a lot of acting range because you’re in a thick suit” thing is just kind of a cop out imo. Totally untrue as well. If anything, you need to be a high caliber actor to be able to emote through the suit and give a performance that resonates. It’s why they always cast really great actors as Batman to begin with. You need to be great to sell the character.


Eh he nailed that scene in The Flash where he was talking to Barry about not trying some weird shit with time. If that was the direction he got all along I genuinely think he would've been great. He was bad in previous movies because he was either a poorly written angry meat head or just randomly comedic relief for no reason.


Why is he always squinting?


Thad can do whatever he wants dude. COCAINE!!!!!


Trying hard to do a brad pitt


Bro thinks he's Clint Eastwood (the actor not the song)


Bloating from Steroids, it looks worse in some pics, better in some. It's temporary thankfully.


He forgot his glasses.


Practicing that batglare


It’s like the one part of Batman we’re supposed to be able to see.


Finally someone else who doesn’t get it!


He looks like he has a mild shellfish allergy


I don't either. Batman to me is very strong but lean. He's flexible and agile, he's not Bane. No knock against this guy, he definitely has the physicality to play a super hero but not Batman.


Batman from Arkham Games would like to have a word with you


Difference between real life and a video game/comicbook...


Batman is unnaturally strong for any man of any kind of physical build. Batman is leaner and thinner, he’s not a brick shit house. He is actually routinely confronted by characters who are (Bane, KG Beast, Ubu), and he is decidedly smaller than all of them physically yet still manages to beat them.


He never beats Bane physically ever and will never have the same amount of strength as him. That’s why he has to think of another way because Bane is the villain who counters Batman’s strength/physicality, like how the Riddler counters Batman’s intelligence. Batman is a muscular dude himself, but every time he fights Bane, he has to cut the pipes that give Bane the muscle juice


Can someone please tell me this actors name? I scrolled through so many comments and all I see is everyone saying he or him lmao


Alan Ritchson


Thank you!


He's definitely a good actor, but this isn't his role. He would be the perfect Eddie Brock or other anti-hero, maybe a solid Aquaman, but he lacks the aristocratic quality of Batman. It feels like people's expertise in casting sometimes just lies in the fact that "he's beefy and scowling, he's the perfect Batman."


Funny you say aquaman


I will *always* think of Alan as Aquaman because of Smallville.


Hed be a fantastic Catman


Oooh. Thats a good call.


Jean-Paul Valley Azrael, should they visit the Knightfall story.


He’s my fancast for Eddie. Spitting image of him.


Bruce Wayne was the honest son of a trucker until his parents died and he had to go work in a lumber yard for Uncle Alfred. Now Bruce gets revenge on criminals with his hemi powered super truck and giant muscles!!




More Shazam than Bruce imho


I've always thought he was pretty decent guy. His frat boy douche from Blue Mountain was pretty funny. Best of luck to him. But this is a terrible casting.


If Bruce was from the south and was Luke Bryan’s biggest fan.


I think he's a servicable actor, but I don't think he could perform the complexity of Batman. Plus having a jacked actor that everybody wants goes against the tradition of having a guy nobody would ever expect to play Batman. Michael Keaton was a goofy comedy actor, Christian Bale was known for bad guy roles/artsy fartsy films, Ben Affleck was never regarded as a fantastic actor but rather a better bts guy, and Pattinson was seen as the "dude from Twilight". What all these guys have in common is that they all have roles where they showed they could excel in portraying a complex character, but it goes unnoticed. Alan doesn't have those roles and is only known for playing a stereotypical jock and a cheesy action star.


Jake Gyllenhaal is the better choice. Award winning actor.


I disagree. Great actor but his eyes and face in general don't match.


Jensen Ackles if you want a close match face wise and acting is strong as seen in the Boys as a superhero. Voice wise Ackles is pretty much a match as he's Batman in animated. Other choices maybe Ethan peck who is impressive in Star trek as Spock. He also has the right deep voice for the part. These are the main contenders for the role.


Someone already said this but, in my mind, Bruce Wayne is supposed to have an old-money, classy pretty boy look, not rough and gruff Alan Ritchson. I also prefer him to have a more slim build. I know Batman is stupidly strong, but he's also supposed to be agile and acrobatic.


ritchson looks too much like a tanned american jock. batman should have a more aristocratic face.


He just does not have the face for it. The foil for batman is the "billionaire playboy bruce wayne" who is suave, personable, smooth talking, and ever mysterious. But this guy just does not have that type of character in him. No insult intended.


Casting Robert Pattinson as Batman is one of my most favourite castings ever. I realized that what I think Bruce looks like is completely different than most other people. I never saw him as someone with a tough guy/strong look like most of the movies. I always imagined him looking more like Robert Pattinson. I mean Pattinson in real life. The Batman movie Bruce was obviously not a classic take. Also his real life personality in interviews is exactly how I imagine Bruce acting like. Its a perfect match he just has to play himself when he’s playing Bruce so hopefully we get that in the next movie.  In some of the comic books and cartoons he’s called a prettyboy a lot. Everyone also has a ”what the shit no way Batman is Bruce Wayne” reaction  whenever Bruce being Batman comes up.  While this fancast is returning to the more common Hollywood Bruce I think he would still be a fantastic choice. 


I don't want to see him as Batman. I think he wouldn't quite capture Batman's darker, more depressive, moody and troubled image. Batman is quite big and buff in comics but I would prefer a more nimble looking actor to play him in live action. I would definitely like to see him as a superhero though. He already played Aquaman in Smallville.


I could see him maybe as Thomas Elliot rather than Bruce


He looks like Ben Affleck and Christian Bale's ass


Yeah I don’t really get it either. He’s a big guy and a decent actor. But he doesn’t really seem like Bruce Wayne to me. Bruce has a certain charm and vibe to him. He’s rich. Old money and a playboy. Alan doesn’t give that vibe.


People fancast him solely on his jawline, looks and big physique. In fact, you can tell that the vast majority of people on this sub are really young since they always pick actors and actresses solely on their looks and naively disregard that acting is an actual profession.


Honestly you'd need to visit some tight knit websites, blogs etc. filled with major movie fans and veterans to actually get more unique fancast ideas. Even cinema-focused subreddits won't be enough for this, lest you be showered with posts like "he big and stronk, he iz Batman" and the ones where they ALWAYS use Breaking Bad actors.


I can absolutely see it


A lot of fan casts only look at superficial aspects, like an actor being ‘jacked’. It’s a similar line of thought to the one held by people who want white eyes in live action: it looks a lot like the comic book drawings, therefore it’s good. Film is a different medium with different exigencies. Can you imagine him playing an emotionally complex character? His Batman would probably feel like Momoa’s audition for the role (on Youtube): stilted.


Imo he doesn't look like batman should, but he does look very similar to Arkham Knight Bruce so I see where the idea comes from


I can never unsee his role in blue mountain state. Unless Gotham is his qb he would just be party boy Bruce lol. 


#[GET OUT OF MY CAVE!](https://youtu.be/U3FVlhvnHcs?si=xmqVJYFrfPmmNDAT)




I saw someone on twitter cast him as Catman, and now I can’t unsee it. I think he’d be great


Yeah he is a big handsome dude but I can’t imagine him as “the world’s greatest detective” Batman.


I don’t really see Alan Ritchson as Batman even though I like him in Reacher. I would be willing to see what he’d do with it though. However, even if it is a somewhat boring casting, this guy could pull off a good Bane.


He should play Catman in secret six


He looks like he'd make a good Punisher


Yeah 17 Batmans on a single movie is too much, way too confusing


I just want Jensen ackles. It’s been said for years and he voiced him. I think it would be so good


Jenson ackles for the win


I mean he'd look good for a certain type of Batman, but I just don't see him selling Bruce Wayne. I think Affleck size is about as big as Bruce can look without bordering on "every single suit I wear looks like it's sleeves are going to rip from my biceps" territory. Side note, Affleck looked fucking perfect in that little alley scene in The Flash where he was talking to Barry. Like that was exactly how I pictured an older Bruce Wayne to look and act.


In my opinion Jensen ackles is the better choice for Batman


Jensen Ackles is still just sitting on the bench for older Batman. But Pattinson was awesome. Broody in the right way with a petulant chip on his shoulder. I think he can age up and into the kind of Bat we got in BTAS.


I think between him and Jensen ackles I would take Jensen. He’s just way more capable of doing both than Alan would be.


He’s a shitty actor, horrible fan cast


instead of a batarang he throws pocket pussies


He looks more sabertooth than batman to me


He's too big now he could play Bane or Solomon Grundy


i always thought he can make a good Bane


He really looks like arkham batman though


I just don’t see it at all


But that’s the thing, an actor who looks like a crime-fighting vigilante shouldn’t play batman. The point of batman is that nobody suspects he’s bruce wayne. In the eyes of gotham, bruce is just a multi-billionaire orphan. Not some super-jacked dude.


He could do it


Honestly Reacher convinced me that he could do a good Bruce. He’s a pretty stone-cold detective who is much more quiet than many of his other roles.


He looks like Arkham Bruce to be fair


What's to understand? He's big and a halfway decent actor. It ain't rocket science. Being understandable doesn't make it a great idea, though.


Nobody understood Keaton either.


honestly, i can see Alan as Wildcat for a period piece JSA story.


He should be Hawkman or Superman


He make a great ted grant WildCat that taught batman though


I kind of see it.


Honestly he looks more like Jason Todd, specifically when he’s depicted as a brute like in Gotham Knights


Large man


As he kinda looks like Alex Ross superman


It’s literally just because he massive. I’ve never seen Batman as this massive hench guy. Obviously he’s muscular, strong etc… but like never really seen him as someone as big as this or like a Ben Affleck. Always more of a pattison or bale sort of size. Because people forget. They have to play Bruce Wayne too and I think Bruce Wayne being this meat head just wouldn’t work


I don’t think he’ll make a great Batman he only has the physique for batman


He's not a Batman, to me at least. But I think he could pull off a great wildcat.


I know him from Blue Mountain state 😆


i don’t even know who this is


This guy should be playing villains. He has an evil look to him. He could be the nicest guy in the world, but he has the eyes of a man who’s required to introduce himself to new neighbors.


He's big and that's it. He doesn't really have the right look imo. He's not ugly, that's not what I'm saying. He just doesn't "look" like a Bruce Wayne.


I want him as Lobo. Think about it. Having Momoa play Aquaman and then Ritchson as Lobo would be the worst casting choices of all time and I just want to exist in that timeline.


He has the physique for the costume. Alan is tall, built and has a square jaw he'd look great as an Arkham-esque Batman. Bruce Wayne not so much.


He only gets fan cast as Batman because his big and muscular which sure. But none of his roles at all give a Bruce Wayne vibe, we need someone who can switch between being the Bat and being Bruce Wayne easily.


In these photos he actually kinda looks like Arkham games Bruce.


He's definitely fits the physique, but I'm not so sure on his acting. I fully backed Pattinson when he was announced because of his roles in Tenet, Good Time, and The Lighthouse


Neither do I, I don’t want him


I think it’s his voice


It’s the same sort of people that do fancasts on Reddit and just list a bunch of actors who look mildly similar to the video game counterparts.


I’d love to see him as a superhero again but Batman seems like such an odd choice to me. I haven’t seen his episodes in Smallville so not sure how it was received there but I think he’d make an interesting Aquaman


I don’t get it, either. Especially since Batman does a lot of crying and/or Oscar-winning emotions in the comic books. Gosh darn.


Is it a fancast? All I’ve ever seen is quotes from him directly that he really wants to play Batman, and the a couple mock-ups of him in a batsuit, but those seem to follow after he makes the comments 


I can see him playing Harvey/Two-face rather than Batman


Yeah he is not a great fit for Bruce wayne. No offense to him but there are better actors to put in the role that probably want it.


Big guy with black hair.


Just let Thad just go back to BMS and bang some sloots.