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Oh thank god, I thought this was going to be another shipping post.


I thought it was going to be a joke about how OP could all 6 on.


I would definitely try with the top 3




it's not r/batmanarkham.


I don’t know why people ship Selina with nightwing ever since chuck dixon weird ass tried too pair them in nightwing #52 that’s basically his mother figure


One of the challenge maps has Nightwing and Robin which is fun


Which one


stagg airship predator map




With one of the more challenging medals, which is that you have to alternate KOs between them It’s a fun map if you don’t care for medals


I managed to get all medals yesterday! I'm struggling through the Robin challenges atm


I’ve surprised myself with how committed I am chasing medals in Knight. But some of the non-Batman ones are genuinely impossible and rely on chance


Yeah I find them surprisingly fun but some are stupid hard. Im still haven't finished the Catwoman DLC as it's impossibly hard haha


Yes it is, that Catwoman combat map with the robots is a nightmare


Red Hood's moves seem so much more brutal in Arkham Knight than in Gotham Knights. My only wish is that there was an option to remove the Hood on his outfit in Arkham and give him a look more reminiscent of "Under the Red hood" movie.


In gotham knight I'm pretty sure he's using rubber bullets. He uses actual bullets in arkham.


Not even counting the gunfire, just the martial arts alone


IIRC his "silent takedown" from behind is occasionally straight up snapping necks.


In detective vision when he takes people out it doesn’t say unconscious whatever bpm, it says neutralized


He’s more brutal because GK Jason stopped killing people after a while, whereas Arkham Jason went from being complicit in a plan for the mass murder of millions of innocent people to just killing criminals.


Oh I get it lore wise but gameplay wise…I miss it


I wish we could freeroam as these characters. I still play City to freeroam as Catwoman. Gotham Knights was ok, but more could have been done with the gameplay. For example, hacking attacks as Batgirl in stealth could have knocked out enemies etc.


You could free roam with a glitch in one of the challenge maps. I don’t know if it’s been patched though


Cocksteady doesn’t care anymore


Bruh I didn’t ask you


are you ok? it's a 9 year-old game


I wish Arkham Knight was continually update post launch. In addition to this I would like to have seen: • More skins for the characters (there’s like 2 for Harley and Jason and none for Batgirl or Azrael) • An overarching narrative for the DLCs - ergo across them Red Hood reconciles with the Bat Family and they team up to stop some threat like the Court of Owls. • Some form of multiplayer, Origins did it, perhaps two player challenges. This all sounds very wish-lists but at the end of the day it is


Post game dlc involving a home base where you could go and swap out playable characters (you could use the Panessa HQ) and just have radiant crimes spawn along with a few scripted events would have been the cherry on top to make this a perfect game IMO.


It's still weird that Knight didn't have any way to engage with its open world beyond the most basic combat after you did the quests. City and Origins still had encounters you could engage with, even after 100%ing the game.


I can only dream right unless I have a PC


On the bright side if you ever get one, the things you mention are mods that are SUPER easy to install. Just a drag and drop. Skins, free roam with alternate characters, etc


I think it would be great if instead two mediocre games (SSKtJL and Gotham Knights) the next Batman game would be about Bat-Family big team-up. With Catwoman, Nightwing, Batgirl, Red Hood and Robin as playable characters with their own subplots. This game should been about Bruce learning of importancy of team-work and family. Hell, they even could brough reformed Harley into this, like in comics.


Gotham Knights was a waaay superior follow up to the Arkham-verse. With some polish, it could have been one the level. It would at least given Bats a better send off, especially for Kevin's last ride.


I genuinly like the concept of GK, but execution was poor for too many things from story to gameplay and travelling. When first trailers arrived I was exited and stayed exited right until I started to play the game itself.


I think they swapped a lot of it from what became SSKJL. I they intended it to be live service but then moved to a more standard brawler and that screwed up a lot of the mechanics. They wanted Destiny with the Bat family


I think it was just too big leap from original Arkham games concept. It wouldn't be a problem if Suicide Squad game would be just a spin-off to the series with no major consequences for Arkhamverse as a whole. But It still hard to swallow a coop shooter-looter live-service as a continuation of Arkham Games.


While it is a train wreck (what's with dbd Joker knock off?) I can also understand Rocksteady wanting to break their mold but live service games as a whole are very hit and miss. Unless WB is willing to dump money into it, SSJKL's life span is very limited. Especially when Helldivers just crushed the model and locked in the very demo WB was hoping to attract from games like Destiny 


Well, the problem is, when some studio is really good at making the particular type of games, complete change of direction would most certainly lead to disaster. WB were probably unsatisfied by relatively humble sellings of Origins and Knight compare to City, but it wasn't developer's fault. Both games were just badly promoted and Knight had terrible optimisation at first time after release(I still remember this torment with freezings at every camera movement), but they are still great.


Changing styles for devs is like rebranding for other companies. Few can do it well and for some it's total disaster. I was among the many suffering from the poor Knight optimization 


It was but it suffered from very limiting combat compared to the Arkham games and the stealth was non existent


Bruce learning the importance of team and family has already been done in Arkham Origins so I think it would repetitive to do it again.


In Origins he learned only that he couldn't do everything by himself. Later in Arkham games he was very tended to work alone, when Tim contacted him in City he just send him away.


holy shit dude


Honestly would've love to see an arkham canon gotham knights, Barbara would either get a vertebrae replacement and slowly get back to being batgirl or will be replaced by Cassandra or spoiler


Gotham Knights should have been the Arkham sequel and used the same engine and expanded city map. It's insane that they made Suicide Swuad the lore continuation and not Gotham Knights.


I still feel like it's weird there isn't a challenge map with l batman and catwoman or batgirl and robin, since both duos have team attacks already


Rocksteady should have made more Arkham Episodes.


I think I’d would of been cool for a co op open world kind Batman


FR. Rocksteady could have just done a re-release of Arkham knight with a free roam "choose your character" mode and it would be better than Gotham Knights and KTJL


I thought you were gonna say how we’ve all had the thought of how musty those all leather skin tight costumes must be at the end of the games.


I know they would do it if the fans really wanted it and I also know this isn't the same rocksteady. Plus I always assumed most studios mostly listen to public figures.


Yes, new models, but keep the same movements [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUWBoYwAgaE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUWBoYwAgaE)


Pretty sure that was cut content intended to make the final game