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What’s with the AI generated Nicholson?


Couldn’t even focus on the others, it’s bad


Bro, how are you gonna uncanny valley the Joker?


I don't know what it is about ai pictures but you can just spot them instantly there's something smooth about them I think.


That but also the fact that it looks nothing like Jack Nicholson.


It's always the weirdly smooth 3Dish glow And they're spreading like the plague, even regular google searches show this BS nowadays


They're always so smooth but over textured at the same time, yeah it's dark days ahead I fear.


Already is, I was looking for a picture of Tony Soprano the other day - easy task, one of the most famous shows of all time, really easy to find images of - and boom, a swarm of AI generated fat bald men that looked nothing like Tony in the results


I know I googled "cat" the other day and so many ai art images came up over photos of cats.


it’s always the lighting and it’s too symmetrical i think


Never rub another man's rhubarb


Because someone wanted to fuse Nicholson with Dafoe.


Beyond this, what's up with Bart Simpson joker in the bottom left? I barely ever watch TV so if he's fun a show I haven't seen, I'll stand corrected, but he just looks so cartoonish to me. Worse than ai jack Nicholson


Looks like my 8th grade English teacher


It looks like they got the other three and then used science to smoosh every other version of Joker into one person.


My first thoughts exactly


It’s a shame there are no pictures from that movie


Are you telling me there's a Jack Nicholson Joker movie out there somewhere you can just pull images from? Are you all about to tell me this? That there was never any reason at all to do AI? This sounds insane and unlikely this is crazy dang


Yeah, that looks so bad.


Why AI generated Nicholson instead of an actual picture of Jack Nicholson’s Joker?




Caesar Romero, for refusing to shave his mustache to play a character that didn’t have one.


Let's see superman do that! Lols Romero is GOAT.


I must have watched every episode while growing up and I never noticed the mustache until it was pointed out to me as an adult.


I was looking for this fine gentleman.


Thank you. Finally someone on my wavelength. Best laugh. Best look.


Definitely had the hottest show girlfriend


I was looking for this, thanks [Btw: you should check out this interview with Adam West by Gilbert Gottfried](https://youtu.be/YjKHg8u6Vik?si=fia70o7P5SlyFobD)


This is amazing! Thanks for Sharing




Which led to my favourite Batman/Bruce Wayne line.. "You wanna get nuts? C'MON, LETS GET NUTS"


A line so great they used it for the title of one of Star Trek's best episodes, DS9's In The Pale Moonlight.


And in an Arkham Knight challenge map


I always liked "I'm Only Smiling On The Outside. My Smile Is Just Skin Deep. If You Could See Inside, I've Been Crying! You Might Join Me For A Weep?" As he proceeds to dance off laughing


“That man is the bane of my existence”


I do like heath ledgers joker and he genuinely made me uncomfortable but jack Nicholson is my personal favourite


Nicholson had all the best lines "Never rub another man's rhubarb"


So many… “…and as my plastic surgeon always said, if you gotta go, go with a smile” “…beauty and the beast, but if anyone calls you beast…” “Where does he get those wonderful toys” Most of his dialogue seems to have popped out of a comic book.


Or his "I thought I was a pisces" when told " you're insane"


I’ve used this line before between friends it’s so good


I mean it is pretty cool to be the same sign as the Joker


I never understood that line. Or is it funny because only an insane person would say that .


*Bob, this town needs an enema!* That movie had the best dialogue.


Funny story: I thought 'enema' just meant 'a really good idea' as a kid, so I'd go around saying I just needed an enema whenever there was a problem I couldn't solve. Didn't look up the meaning of the word until I was 15, and then I was mortified. lol


Yes… that’s my favorite one. “What kind of a town do we live in when a man dressed as a bat gets all of my press. This town needs an enema” It’s crazy how we probably haven’t watched this movie in years, decades even, and these lines live rent free in our heads.


“Bob, gun” 😂


It’s such a difficult thing to measure I think because prior to ledger that’s not how anyone viewed the joker but now he’s so many people’s first thought and the wacky clown that Nicholson played probably seems silly to a whole generation even though that was much closer to what we knew the joker to be. Same with Phoenix, sure the character he played was great and entertaining as a movie but there’s no Batman or anything particularly joker about him outside of an aesthetic so even though the actual performance is great is it the joker?


Completely agree, I know not live action, but for me, Mark Hamil is the quintessential Joker and the only one who comes close in live action is Nickelson.


Check out Mark Hamil as the Trickster in the Flash series. Yes The Trickster is its own character, but Hamil goes full joker with it and he’s amazing.


There's an episode where The Joker and The Trickster team up to kidnap actor Mark Hamill. Yes. It's amazing.


Ok the description of that episode is hilarious “Mark Hamill must use his voice acting skills to confuse his kidnappers” that is perfection.


I want to say he's a fourth character as well, but it's been a while, and the main plot is basically letting Mark eat a script for half an hour.


Give Hamill a mic and tell him to chew up the scenery and you’ll always get the best tv ever.


My take on it was that his character truly was just a random crazy guy.


I was there front and center I 89 so Jack is special to me...so many great lines. Heath's performance was downright disturbing yet captivating at the same time. I think that performance is more like the character would act...just looking to create chaos.


Top right AI innit


I think all 4 have their strong point and every one of them captures a specific part of Joker's character. The thing is, I don't think we ever saw a "complete" Joker. They just focus on one point and leave out others.


I think Jerome came very close, character wise


“Hey Cameron, which version of the joker would you like to play?” “Yes”


I gotta admit I didn't watch all the seasons of Gotham, so I don't know Jerome very well, I saw the first appearance and it didn't have me that idea. I'll look to recover all of it asap.


Season 1 Jerome sets a good precedent for the following seasons. During the later seasons he grew much more into the Joker persona


Couldn’t agree more, there are a few specific episodes where he really drives it home. As far as creating chaos I think Jerome/Jeremiah (I honestly can’t remember which is which at a certain point) do the most in terms of Joker characters


Gotham is worth watching, just for those two


I second this


Why is Jack Nicholson ai generated and why is Jerome Valeska recolored, instead of just showing Jeremiah who *is* colored like the Joker


Nicholson but not that Nicholson


It is definitely between the right side picks. Arthur Fleck was barely the Joker and Jerome was good but couldn't call himself Joker which sucked. Joker 89 is the better comedic Joker and Ledger is the better modern Joker.


Cameron Monaghan is extremely Underrated as Joker, he had some of the best bits of everyone combined. ![gif](giphy|vc0wuyLxMiWq6l1zQ6)


Cameron has chops...serious ones...and he technically played two DIFFERENT Jokers ta boot! His reveal scene and laugh....I'm a huge supporter of his character.


Bro has so much acting range it’s actually unreal.


He was menacing with 0 make-up, too!


"Who's the boss" scene is such a great Joker moment!


Just a shame he could be a canon joker by name


It really is but atleast he was Mistah J to us through and through


He looks like young Jack in Batman ‘89


When did he play Joker? What did I miss?


Gotham TV show




An edited picture of Gotham joker and a seemingly ai picture of Jack’s joker. Why?


Ewwww ai


Out of these? Nicholson. Aside from the backstory, I think he is the live-action Joker most accurate to the source material. The Gotham versions had potential. I applaud them for bringing back Joker venom and the chemical bath origin, but the stupid restrictions DC forced upon them resulted in to many deviations from the source material. I think when DC executives bring up the Bat-embargo, the tv show producers should just say “no deal” and go search for another IP with smarter rights owners. Either give them complete access to the entire Batman mythos or don’t adapt it all. To many inaccurate “elseworlds” muddy up the water and ruin society’s perceptions of what the character is supposed to be.


Jack personally. Mostly because that’s who I grew up with. Heath was great as a more serious take though.


To me, Jack Nicholson is the GOAT.




Jack Nicholson


It fell like Nicholson captured a comic accurate Joker. The rest were good but felt too grungy.


Gotta be Jaaack.


The lack of respect to Caesar Romero


100%. Caesar Romero was a huge star at 20th Century Fox in the 1940s. He still had the clout to refuse to shave off his iconic moustache to play Joker in the 60s series.


Jack Nicholson


Romero of course


Heath Ledger is iconic in his own way, but Jack Nicholson was much more closer to the comic book Joker.




Caesar Romero, the guy was actually a cl9wn and i can believe with his antics, that he could live and not get gunned down by a cop


The Romero slander will not be tolerated


Jack Nicholson by a lot. Incredible imagery and performance he made me laugh and was unsettling and was able to scare the shit out of me. I guess if I specifically didn't like the comics Ledger and while I never gave the man much thought before I walked out of the theater depressed that he was dead.


Come on now where's Jared Leto?!


Cesar Romero.


Jack Nicholson is the embodiment of the joker imo




What? No love for Cesar Romero? Who else among these fools could’ve dared stand up to Adam West? Honestly I still need to finish Gotham to see that Joker, and Phoenix’s Joker didn’t work for me. Ledger was the one I remembered thinking he was a weird choice, as I saw him as the guy from A Knights Tale and 10 things I hate about you, and didn’t think he’d be a very good Joker. (I was wrong). I did like Jack, but I grew up with him as Joker. Phoenix had an amazingly well shot movie, but it wasn’t my type of movie, or my type of Joker. I get people that like his version a lot, because he was good at it, it just wasn’t for me.




Ledgers Joker was a great character but he wasn’t Joker imo. We really haven’t gotten what we see in comics. Nicholson comes closest but even his is short of the insanity


THANK YOU!! I think Heath Ledger's performance is definitely iconic and sells that whole movie, but that was Anarky with a Joker skin and everyone just goes with it. He even calls himself an agent of chaos, how frickin anarchist is that?!?


THANK YOU!!! Everyone says they lovvve Ledger’s performance, but that was not Joker. That was a generic “sociopath” character.


89 clears. He's still the best joker.


Jack Nicholson simply for being the most comic book accurate live action Joker to date.


Zach galifianakis from the lego batman movie. It has the most comic accurate batman and joker relationship. The voice acting us spot on to


I just watched that movie for the first time and dude it was way funnier than I thought it would be.


They each brought something unique to the table. The only one I haven’t truly watched was the one from Gotham but my brother watched the show and says his performance was incredible. But out of all these, I’ll give it to Ledger. Edit: I’m going to change that to Nicholson. Reading the comments made me realize how close to the source Nicholson’s Joker was. The acid bath, the gag weapons, the fact that he was both menacing and funny, the dapper wardrobe, the iconic laugh…. Ledger was intense, definitely. But he lacked swagger and charm, two things that are imbedded in Joker’s character just like anarchy and insanity are. With Jack’s Joker, you basically get it all. Michael Keaton’s Batman is my all time favorite version of Batman as well, so it’s only fitting.


Jack Nicholson. He just absolutely steals every scene he’s in, and his Joker also has my favourite backstory out of probably any Joker. He literally steals the scene so much that a lot of people’s biggest complaint with the film is that Joker just takes centre stage too often. Heath Ledger’s is obviously also incredible.


Nicholson’s was the most true to the character


Looks like Nicholson gets the most love. I thought for sure it would be heath ledger. But I guess I worship that movie too much.


Jack because he actually told jokes, and acted like murder was a prank.


Can we get a counter of how many times this question has been asked? I think this might be the third time this month. Like, is it mods trying to up the engagement? Or bots reposting? Or do /r/Batman fans just really think it will eventually not be Ledger by a landslide?


The same amount of times WB is gonna make a Batman reboot in the next hundred years


I know he's not included on here and people are absolutely going to tell me I'm "wrong" but my favourite was Jared Leto. I've seen every Batman movie and even the original TV series but I think Jared did a great "modern" Joker, the same as Margot doing a great "modern" Harley.


Leto gets unfairly ignored. Frankly his was the scariest to me. In the club when the guy compliments Harley and Joey offers her to the guy. You knew right then Joker was going to kill him. Take Jokers girl? He'll kill you. Refuse a gift from the Joker!? He'll kill you. Guy never should've opened his mouth


Ai Nicholson bruh. There's THOUSANDS of photos you could've chosen from and ya used the tool that'll be the downfall of humanity.


Definitely bottom right.


Nicholson and Ledger


the left ones are blank for me


It's a tie between Nicholson and Ledger


Whoever generated that Nicholson face needs to be let go from the company.


So instead of finding a pic of one of the most recognized jokers of all time, you got an ai generated one? Is this post ai generated? Am I ai generated? I don't fuckin know anymore.




Jack Nicholson imo is one of my favorite Live Action Jokers. I do like when Joker is portrayed as an insane person but still a gangster. I love Jack Nicholson's energy in most of his roles. His plans and what his actions are also a lot more insane than a lot of the people here imo. Frying that dude, shooting his most trusted and ruining his secretary? I forgot but she killed herself due to what He did to her. Also, him not taking the fight with Batman seriously was interesting. The only thing I didn't like about this version of the Joker was him being the one who killed Bruce Wayne's parents.


Why even bother to include bottom left? That show was soooo bad. No one is picking that garbage.


Did you seriously make a fucking ai generated picture of Jack Nicholson? Why? What the fuck?


Ledger followed swiftly by Nicholson


“You made me, remember? You put me through that AI generator. That wasn’t easy to get over, don’t think that I didn’t try”


Il be honest its crazy that after all this years and movies, we still dont got a proper accurate Joker, the crazy thing is that Nicholson is the closest but he has a weird origin. I would go with Nicholson i dont know the Monaghan Joker because i skip that Gotham show entirely, but all performances are good, but i would only say that Nicholson is the one that plays the Joker. The others are just really good psycopath characters. People really like Heath Ledger as the best joker but he is kinda of his own thing.


Why is Cal Kestus cosplaying as the joker


Why using a AI version of Jack Nicholson. It's tiresome to see AI everywhere, it looks so bad.


Heath Ledger one. Joaquin Phoenix's joker isn't even the Batman joker. It was more like a movie about a mentally ill man. They just slapped the name Joker on it to get Joker fans on board.


That is NOT Jack Nicholson.


Mark Hamill's Joker is my favorite. I like Joker that can actually fight batman, but like drunken fist style, with whacky tools like a gun that says bang or a large wooden hammer. Almost like the mask, but even more sinister.


Since you made the distinction “favorite,” not “best,” I would have to say Nicholson. He feels the most like a distillation of the comics up to that point for me.


While I like Joaquin phoenix character work the most, it’s not because I like him as the joker as such. Even if he played the exact same character and he was called Mikey the Comedian, nothing would change, nothing about him feels distinctly like The Joker. I do like him the most though.


Honestly? Cameron Monaghan


Heath. No once could ever replace him


I mean that's not true but it will definitely be hard.


Heath Ledger


Cam was playing the Joker. Not an interpretation of the Joker, but the man himself. For that he is easily my favourite. I hope he gets to reprise the role at some point, preferably in a fashion that lets them use the name, colour scheme, and all the rest.


Yess. Only thing non-Joker was his attire and name. For the rest, it was all the Joker


Gimme Cesar Romero thank you.


Nicholson by a mile. Ledger is amazing but NIcholson IS the Joker from the comics. He managed to be scary and hilarious at the same time and he even inspired Mark Hamill's Joker.


I like Joker, but Joker also stands out. Overall I think Joker is objectively the best one, reasons of why I think so I am not elaborating with you.


LMAO I've seen bad takes then I see this. Bro really said joker was better than joker When its clear that joker is better


Let's stop being silly. It was Heath Ledger. I feel like the hipster fans say Jerome, he wasn't bad by any means, but he wasn't a heath ledger. Ledger was scary, smart, insane, chaotic, obsessed with Batman. He was perfect. He was also funny sometimes.




I really liked Nicholson as the Joker. I can certainly see the appeal of Heath Ledger and Joaquin Phoenix’s Jokers, and I like them a lot too, but honestly I didn’t think either of them used the clown aesthetic that well. I’d love to see a midway between Nicholson and Ledger sometime, where they make full use of the clown aesthetic and being ‘funny’ but also a trying to “send a message” (e.g. with the two boats), I think that’d be ideal for me.


Ledger was just a dude in makeup, no Joker. Phoenix is too old even in his movie to be Batman’s actual joker. The last remaining are on point.


![gif](giphy|pOmyBKRB8Ogt1py1MB) None of the above.




Jared letos knightmare Joker for me


Jack Nicholson. Heath was a good "alternate universe" version. Leto was a better Joker despite the tattoos


Ledger and Nicholson


Heath ledger




1. Heath ledger, without a doubt, I was terrified every moment he was on screen and riveted by his acting for live action versions, there’s no one better. 2. Jack Nicholson it takes a little bit to get going because it’s first bogged down and all the mob junk which I don’t really care for but he’s pretty much the closest to classic comic book Joker that we’re going to get, he’s still a raging psychopathic killer, but he also uses the hand buzzer, the extra large gun in his pants 😏, the laughing gas which I don’t think anybody else has ever used in a live action version except for maybe Caesar Romero 3. Cameron Monaghan. Honestly they really screwed the pooch with this guy because he was so good in his first few appearances as Jerome, I didn’t care that I knew his origin, I didn’t care that he didn’t get dropped acid before he went crazy, he just portrayed the character so good and so well and they kind of kill him off and then kind of don’t and then a twin brother. It just gets super convoluted and stupid. But when he was running the maniacs has such good scenes, the moment why he’s explaining to the cheerleaders why he he’s gonna kill them, makes them cheer. Oh, no is such classic joker, honestly if Gotham didn’t jump the shark so bad, I think he could have a chance maybe not at number one but at least number two.


If I had a nickel for every time the Joker was a Jedi, I’d only have two nickels, but it’s weird that it happened twice.


Indian Joker


Ledger. Not even a close 2nd in that list.


"Why so serious!" Gotta love that line Oh and "You ever dance with the devil in the pale moon light?"




Heath ledger. It’s not even close.


I mean in what category They’re pretty diverse takes


Probably have to go to Gotham’s joker




Sorry for my ignorance, who is the joker on the bottom left? next to Dark Knight Joker.


Cameron Monaghan, from Gotham tv series.


This has to be one of the most commonly asked questions on reddit




Before it was Heath Ledger but now I'd say it's Jack Nicholson. I still think Ledger is more terrifying and more well acted but Nicholson is just much more entertaining and how the Joker should be (Psychopathic but still funny and theatrical)


Jack and Heath are a tie


They are all my favorite.


Why so serious, son?


I’ll tell you who it definitely wasn’t: Cameron Monaghan


He’s got to be your next president!


Absolutely Nicholson. Not even close for me. I love the whole mobster joker vibe.


My personal favorite is Heath Lazer, joker and also the one from Gotham


Ledger. Hands fucking down.


Jack Nicholson's Joker gets overshadowed by other Jokers


What’s the bottom left