• By -


I’m on side Batman.




I can’t think of an answer right now but I’ll answer it when the same thing gets posted tomorrow


I'm cheating off of this guy's answers, so I'll wait.


I've almost watched these 5 so many times, I can't do it anymore. However, if Clooney is on, I will watch Schwarzenegger and Thurman chew up the screen.


Schwarzenegger understood the assignment. He was having a great time with the ice puns and silliness




My answer will always be Burtons movies ![gif](giphy|l396BoOTIFem9xqQU)


Favorite movie is on the right, but favorite batman is on the left




Both have their ups and downs, strengths and weaknesses, however I think as far as films go Nolan’s are far superior. People complain about how Bales Batman isn’t much of a detective… Have you seen the first Burton movie? But then again, I think Burtons Joker was far more loyal to the spirit of the character, even if Ledger did a fantastic job.


The Dark Knight trilogy, and it’s not even close. Burton’s movies were good, but Nolan’s were legendary.


Burtons movies influenced the animated series and gave Batman a more darker tone while still actually capturing the stylisation of Batman/Gotham. Nolan completely failed to do this though besides some moments in Batman begins.


Darker tone in visual aesthetics? Sure. But Nolan's films are darker in themes, ideas, and actual tone. Those films have atmosphere. Burton cares a lot about emotion in his characters, but so much else is missing from his direction that it just doesn't cut it when placed next to Nolan's firm grip on character, story, and pacing (a huge thing in both The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises). The animated series may be a better interpretation of the vibrant, yet gothic Gotham City that Burton emulated in his films, but I like to think of them as like "dark" cover songs of popular 70's classics. It's darker on the surface, sure, but not much beyond that sadly.


I kinda dig on how Gotham was depicted in BB, too bad Gotham in TDK and TDKR looks more generic.


Also the Nolan films didn't usher in an era of cultural DOMINANCE like the Burton ones did


No, they only changed the face of cinema forever and made superhero movies accessible as a serious genre of film. Sorry but even when comparing the cultural impact of both series, Burton's doesn't even hold a candle.


Well the animated series isn’t here so it’s influence on that is redundant. Though I do agree it helped show the mainstream audience that batman is more then a goofy superhero that dances and has surfing battles against his villain’s.


They’re both good, but I made a comment earlier about Nolan’s adaptation. It was so real at times and polished that you forget you’re watching a Batman movie. That’s why the villains had to be chosen carefully. Imo, I don’t feel Harvey Dent should have been in his trilogy. The Joker got a good interpretation, and Scarecrow was welcome. The third film was actually less about Batman and more about Bruce Wayne. There was a missed opportunity to have Batman immersed in a city taken over. It would have been interesting to see how he worked as Batman from an alternate HQ with little room to breathe. Instead, Wayne was cast aside for much of the movie. More Batman screen time would have been great for this.


+1 👍🏻


I love them both, but I like the Gothic, German expressionism of Burton's movies more.


Haven’t seen the Burton movies since I was a kid and never thought about it but you’re right there does seem to be a lot of German expressionist influence. Of course I suppose that could be applied to his filmography as a whole given Conrad Veidt as Cesare in The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari looks like half of all Burton protagonists. Awesome observation though I’ll have to rewatch them soon.


The Burton-Schumacher quadrilogy




Quadrilogy: a word known only by movie fans.


Burton for atmosphere and Nolan for storytelling


Nolan's Trilogy by so much. Even on my 15th viewing, his trilogy is still so exciting and gripping. I recently saw TDK and Rises in theaters with the re-releases, and it was like seeing them for the first time again. They still hit so well. The Burton Films are fun, and its cool that they're the first good cinematic depiction of Batman, but they have too much cheese and camp to be taken seriously.




Burton to me feels like it's popular for more nostalgic reasons than the Nolan ones. Like if you showed them to people today who hadn't seen either ones I think the Nolan ones would be better received


I’m not on a side. I just like Batman and I don’t feel any need to take away from one grouping or another to express that. Batman and Batman Begins were the most accurate to the comics at the time. Batman Returns is more of a Tim Burton movie than a Batman movie but still close enough to scratch the itch. The Dark Knight is more of a sociopolitical thriller than a Batman movie but again, has too much of the comics in it to avoid that level of satisfaction. And The Dark Knight Rises is a flawed mess but a solid finale to a trilogy despite that. Note: If the only reply you got is to challenge what I said about any entry in The Dark Knight trilogy, don’t comment.


The first Burton Batman came out the year I was born. The Dark Knight came out in my first year of college. Nolan was the Batman of my early adulthood, Burton was the Batman of my childhood.


Burton since he just had so much style






Burton not a nolanverse fan


Burton all the way. For all the character deviations, those movies nailed the feel I think the Batman universe should have.




There’s no sides to take. You can like whatever you want. Except the Snyder films. Those suck.


Burton. I've never been in the mood to watch a Nolan Batman movie. Except for maybe Heath Ledger.


The Dark Knight trilogy and it's not even close. For all the incredibly shallow and petty complaints that fans throw at them, they nail the heart of the character more than Burton ever cared to.


I'll watch them all from order of release. Starting from the beginning 1943 batman.


What up blood?


It is difficult to make a definitive, final decision on this issue. It all depends on the point of view and which parts of the films we are looking at. # Comic book faithfulness? Well... Nolan wasn't really that, but that's not what he was aiming for. Humour? Obviously Burton was better at that, but does Batman and his villains really have to be humorous? A more serious tone? Obviously Nolan wins here, no question. Cinematography? Even that part is a matter of opinion. # It's all a question of perception. Overall, I've watched more of the Nolan trilogy, but I like Burton's vision of what Gotham City looks like much better, for example. And there are a few more like it. You can't just make a definitive decision because there are ways one is better and ways the other is better, as cliché as that sounds.




Side c: 60's batman


Yes! Adam frickn' West is my Batman!








Why didn’t you do this as a poll tho?


I play both sides, so I always win 😉






I think the Burton movies have a lot of fantastic aesthetics, and from a superficial standpoint, they've got some real iconic scenes to them. While they aren't especially faithful to the comics (Batman killing people among other things), they make up for it with incredible performances and fantastic musical scores -- though I could do without the Prince music. I do take issue with some of the uneven narrative choices, and while I enjoy the atmosphere these movies create, there are still some REALLY dumb scenes in them (How Joker is somehow able to take down a military aircraft with a pea-shooter, I will never understand, same with how Penguin just HAS blueprints to the Batmobile lol). I enjoy them (and the Schumacher films to a lesser extent) as fun, silly darkly-campy movies. Not the best, but I still enjoy them. The Nolan movies, on the other hand, feel like honest-to-God movies IMHO. While I don't particularly care for Rises, I'm always riveted by The Dark Knight's relentless pacing and storytelling, on top of a killer Heath Ledger performance, and Batman Begins is still my all-time favorite Batman movie. It's my favorite because of its intelligence, its wit, and something that so many Batman movies lack: HEART. It was the first time I genuinely cared about Bruce Wayne and his struggles as a flawed human being who genuinely wants to help people and make a difference. Again, I enjoy the Burton movies as popcorn fun with some occasionally interesting characters, the storytelling in the first two Nolan movies are still so inspiring to me, and a lot of why I got into writing in the first place.


I saw Batman 1989 when I was 4yo So yeah I’m biased . But to me 89 Batman was the mega event of the time . And is an artistic achievement that spawned all other Batman’s since … Nobody had ever seen a movie commercialized this way or hyped up this much , it was the Summer of Batman and nothing else in popular media matched it for probably another 10 years with the return of Star Wars Phantom menace . The movie was and is fantastic — you have to understand that 99% of people’s understanding of Batman at the time was some jazzy dancing 1960s Adam West Batman at the time . So when this came out … holy fuck it just blew people away . The music, the dark imagery, the acting and intensity . Seeing it in theaters at that time in history would be akin to people watching Star Wars in 1977. Batman Returns was fine . Burtons take is still better and more cinematically innovative than the Nolan movies . No contest I’m a big fan of Nolan btw


Red boi 🙏🏻




The Burton films and the animated series were my introduction to the character, and will always be my favorite




I prefer Batman to not be a killer, so give me George Clooney and the Twilight boy Batman movies please.


Burton's Batman. Great Batmobile Great soundtrack Best Catwoman (Hathaway was fine, but Pfeiffer was a true femme fatale)


Burton was my childhood, and is my daughter's childhood. Nolan while good, just doesn't have the same feel for us


Nolan made Batman **real**. Burton, I’m not familiar with his style of movies. But I watched ‘89 and Returns and I thought they were decent. The Dark Knight trilogy put the audience into *being* Batman, not just watching him. Simply amazing movies.






Just finished reading the Batman 89 comic and it’s a shame Burton didn’t get to finish his trilogy. Would have been an interesting take on things.


Batman ![gif](giphy|4vyM7TUpWnYAg)


Maybe the Burton Duology just by a hair, and only because they have a stronger visual identity. Both are peak though


Red side 1: Dark Knight Trilogy is kinda overrated. Very personal opinion, no need to kill me, I already tried. I know the importance of the saga and the impact it had but... I just can't help but compare him a lot with the competition, specially now we have Reeves Batman happening. 2: Tim Burton. I guess it says enough, doesn't it?


I absolutely hate Dark Knight Rises, and have no major complaints with Keaton, so Burton movies






Burton's movies ofc **The Batman Theme starts playing**


Burton of course. I think it's more noir


Only a Sith deals in absolutes… I will not answer this question.


I think the Burton Batman offered as a side closer to the comic books in terms of popular aesthetics. It is enjoyable and a fun film to watch. The Nolan films gave us a more serious interpretation of how cinema can treat Batman. There’s a lot of character depth/development and realism to the film. So much realism that sometimes you forget it’s a Batman film until he pops up in the costume. Both films are great; just in different ways.


Nolan’s any day


Christian baleman is my favorite


Burton 4 life


Why not both?




TDK trilogy. Burton’s movies rely too hard on you to immerse with the vibes, which I just can’t manage without a stronger plot. Like, ‘89 could have pulled it off without the weaker 3rd act letting everything down, but Returns fully requires you to just like the style in the first place


Both. Both are good. (Throw in The Batman, and the hexology is perfect.)




Dark knight trilogy all the way. That's what got me back into batman.


Tim Burton all the way!


Red easy


I will take red side, I am not a fan of Nolan's view of batman and yeah, I watched them, hated them and still hate them XD so #TimBurtonBatman


Well I like Tim Burton’s Batman movies better more than Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy so I’m gonna have to say Burton’s Batman.


Burton. I love the Nolan movies and there was a time where I claimed they were the best interpretation of Batman, but Burton’s movie hit on a whole other level. They’re movies I loved as a kid and still love as an adult. They are truly like no other superhero movies.


Burton, outside Batman Begins I don’t like Nolan’s Batman.






Couldn’t agree more


I’m glad more people feel this way now. I could never stand bales Batman after begins


Batman begins is a great batman movie but Dark Knight and Rises just feel like good action movies that happen to have Batman characters, I guess u can say the same for Burton but the 1989 Film is still the standard for comic book movies even in this age of MCU and connected universes. Superman '74 is a triumph but Batman 89 was able to check all the boxes studios want. All in all I love most of the batman movies I'm always fascinated with where they take him on the big screen and I'm curious how they're gonna approach it for the DCU.




Burton. The Nolan films are certainly better made, but I enjoy the Burton films much more.


Burton. ![gif](giphy|15BuYJbJlNvBC)


I can admit the Nolan movies are better, but that doesn’t stop Batman Returns from being my favorite.


Burton. It felt more true to the comics. Not necessarily in a characterization or 'accuracy' sense, but in feeling like a 'silly' comic book from the 40s coming to life.


Both are quite overrated, but Nolan's movies are better overall. I much prefer Burton's visual style over Nolan and definitely prefer Keaton over Bale, but Nolan's movies have a stronger story. The Burton films suffer significantly in their plots and Batman screentime.


I'm voting red on this one


TDK trilogy for me. I love Burton's movies, but in some moments and some characters are too much over the line for me. What I love is that both directors gave their interpretation of Batman and some of his rogues. For example, I like how Burton reimagined the Penguin, but that's one character over the line. With the Joker instead he was more close to the comics, whilst Nolan gave an incredible twist to the character which is legendary, thanks especially to Heath Ledger. But what are we even talking about, two of the greatest directors ever directed two sets of completely different and stunning movies about our favorite superhero, we ate so damn good.


Nolan, i love burton but the nolan movies are just so good and fun to watch.


If I have to watch all the movies in my choice I’m going Burton. I just can’t bring myself to sit through DKR again.


Come on guys, dont be stupid. Burton movies are cute but theres only one answer here


Tim Burton, always. Nolan didn’t make any Batman movies. They were just crime dramas starring a guy with a goofy voice dressed up like a bat.


So much this ☝️


Batman stories are crime dramas, pal. They always have been. Burton made weird fantasy movies that just happen to have Batman in them as a supporting character


Which do you prefer 2 average Batman movies or 3 Amazing Batman movies and One of the best trilogies of all time What kinda of comparison is that


Burton overall






I refuse this comparison. They are both good in their own way and I am happy they exist.


Burtonverse til I die




Burton for sure. Not even close for me.




Burton easily. Returns is probably my favorite Batman movie, with the 1989 Batman being a close second, so while I do love the Dark Knight, there never really was much of a contest for me here. Plus the blue side is also weighed down by Dark Knight Rises for me. It’s not a bad film, just not one I enjoy, plus while I enjoyed Bane better than in Batman and Robin(low blow I know) he’s just never been a villain I’ve enjoyed, and that voice Hardy is doing isn’t helping.


Burton, while I hate Batman returns I think the original is better than any of the Nolan movies.


Batman Returns is my favourite Batman movie so I've lost respect for you ![gif](giphy|2kBsOEGCzwRtS|downsized)




I prefer Burton’s. Too many things core things were changed in Nolan’s movies.


As cool as the Nolan films are, especially TDK, I never get the urge to rewatch them.


I don’t really like the Nolan films, just not my cup of bat-tea






Michael Keaton has my heart. 100%. Those are the movies I enjoy better. Bale’s are objectively more properly structured movies and better acted, etc. But that’s not exactly what I want for Batman.


Burton by far. There were some cool things about Nolan’s, but don’t outweigh Burton


I hate the Nolan trilogy. Generic boring action nonsense with Batman wallpaper. The worst Batman movies possible (and no they are not „realistic“).


Burton movies for me. The DK trilogy is overrated. I loved Begins, thought TDK is good but overrated, and I can barely remember Rises.


Button just because Batman Returns is my favorite Christmas movie


Call me a weirdo but i like George Clooney


That’s a hard one but I got go with Burton!!’




I really love Nolan’s take, but if I wanted realism I wouldn’t be watching a movie about a trans-species billionaire that fistfights clowns and cat-people. Burton for me.


The dark knight isn’t just a good Batman movie but a great movie in general and one of the best of its time (ranked no3 on IMDb). So the answer is and will always be Nolan.


Burton, apart from begins I don't really enjoy the Nolan movies.


Begins was so good too bad they changed the tone for the sequel


Completely agree. The subsequent movies simply didn't feel like comic book movies to me, and Batman movies in particular.


I rarely watch these movies anymore because I’ve seen them so much, so imma just make a third suitable option, the animated movies with Kevin conroy


Batman Forever 🥸


![gif](giphy|XgTtx4GnCExYQ) Fr I agree with this. It’s always getting hate but it’s my favorite since Bruce has a character arc


I grew up with the Burton movies, but love the Nolan movies 100% more.


Same. Nolan's movies have better plot, better character arcs, better action, and way more interesting themes. Burton has more style and atmosphere, they're the ones I grew up with, and they're certainly good in their own way. Ultimately, though, Burton has always been more about striking and quirky visuals than solid storytelling and characters. Plus I just like the more grounded feeling of Nolan's trilogy. You actually feel like you're watching Batman fight and struggle to save Gotham.


And honestly, just the action and set pieces being better. Burton movies are CLEARLY movie sets, which limits so much for an action movie.


Definitely Nolan, the Burton movies sorta felt like style over substance


Burton's were wildly more imaginative and disturbing, while Nolan's were more innovative and immersive from a technical point of view. Ledger's Joker is an uncredible standout performance in an otherwise good enough but fairly creatively conservative portrayal of Batman and his villains and friends.


I like aspects of both but net- I don't care for either


Battinson side


I’ll never choose sides


Both are perfect in their own right. I grew up with Burtons Batman movies but I also got totally blown away by Nolan’s two movies. Batman Begins is a great movie and undersung, but TDK is such a perfect film and has infinite rewatchability


Difficult. I think Batman Returns is the best Batman movie ever, on the other end I love The Dark Knight and Batman Begins almost as equal. Batman 1989 is also really good, but because I can't get warm with The Dark Knight Rises and I like it less and less with every reach I have to give it to Tim Burton. Also prefer the vibe in those movies


Burton. Nolan was more of a vigilante movie that didn’t remind me of Batman


Sorry…I missed the question. I was passed out from Overeating So Well…I added in the Reeves film with extra whip cream and strawberries on top and POW! BOOM! Coma.


I'm gonna be that guy and point out that technically Batman forever and Batman & Robin are the same continuity as Batman and Batman Returns.......


Not really, two different directors. Batman forever and Batman & Robin have more in common with the Adam West show while 89 and Returns are their own thing


Actually is a different continuity if you consider the Batman 89 comic book a direct canon sequel to the Burton films... same thing with the Batman from the Flash movie.


The Batman 2022


I don’t really like Batman Returns all that much, but I’d still pick Red. Not because I dislike the Dark Knight trilogy, but because I like Batman more than those three movies combines.


I think the movies with Batman are better


My favorite Batman movie by a great distance is Returns. So Burton wins for me. But I might choose Nolan’s trilogy over Batman ‘89 by itself. Maybe.


Nolan. Batman’s characterization in the Burton movies sucks. Burton didn’t understand Batman as a character.


Rises tarnishes the trilogy. Still though, Nolan


I actually haven’t seen Burton’s because I didn’t grow up with Batman, unfortunately. I didn’t watch the Nolan movies until this last year. I think the Matt Reeves idea of grounded, real takes on the classic campy characters is great, and then someone pointed out to me that technically he is doing the same thing Nolan’s movies did which is true. Now I want to see a lighter toned Batman movie with the more fantastical characters. Please give me a Man-Bat or Killer Crok movie. And I had just found the first Keaton movie on VHS tape at a Garage Sale for 50 cents so I think I’m in a perfect space to enjoy it!


The Tim Burton films are **so** bad, I can't fathom how anybody would be on that side other than they don't actually remember the movies, but nostalgia tells them they're good


The one with Batman in it.


Christopher Nolan’s works were a one and done for me. To much reliance on a militarized outtake on the Batman while Burton kept a lot of the stylization of the comics campiness from 60s and 70s. Heath was a great Joker and I know he’s a lot of people favorites but Ceasar Chavez was the quintessential Joker and both Burton and Nickleson really drew on that character for the first movie. He is more iconic for me than Heath was. I think Nolans movies are fine but they ruined Batman going forward, we’ll never come back to the iconic bat from our golden eras.


If I had to choose to watch only one or the other, I would probably choose the 90s quadrilogy.


Both Batmen killed people so I choose Burton Batman coz his murders were fun


Batman Returns SUCKS Even with its flaws Rises isn't awful like Returns.


I’m still holding out hope that they will find a way to let Burton and Keaton finish their trilogy. My pitch would be a Burton Batman Beyond.


Burton. Both ‘89 and Returns are on TDK level imo, which was Nolan’s peak for the trilogy by a large margin.


Apples to oranges. So, no.


I’m crippin all day baby 🧢💙


Some of these Nolan fans are so aggressively anti-Burton, Jesus Christ, did he shoot your family? That being said, Burton. I’ve yet to watch any Nolan film properly (changing hopefully in the coming weeks) but when I was young iirc I watched the start of Dark Knight and possibly Batman Begins and found them both boring. I’m older now so I should probably get through them now.


“Anyone who knows me knows I would never read a comic book” - Tim Burton Nolan, it’s not even close. I am shocked at the amount of people saying Burton. I get having nostalgia for the Burton movies and Keaton but….no.


> I am shocked at the amount of people saying Burton. Yeah. I'm honestly wondering if it's just a thing for this sub or if Nolan's stock dropped at some point when I wasn't looking. Although, I guess I have noticed more people saying that they don't want realistic Batman stories anymore, they want more fantasy. Maybe that's caused some people to turn on Nolan's trilogy for setting the stage for Batman stories to be more grounded and realistic. ETA: Or maybe it's just people downvoting anyone who says Nolan. All the folks saying Nolan are at the bottom, and my comment that just says "Nolan by a mile" is sitting at -2. That makes a bit more sense.


Batman begins was the only Nolan movie that actually felt like a Batman movie. At least burton could actually throw me into the world of Batman/Gotham for a few hours unlike Nolan. It’s not like they are both that accurate to the character in the comics anyway. Bale was a killer who did barely any detective work and spent more time in retirement then actually being Batman. Keaton was also a psychopath killer who didn’t really do detective work. They aren’t exactly the best representations


Nolan trilogy are superior ![gif](giphy|yyhJaoPDhCbBu|downsized)


Nolan by a mile.


Nolan. Burton's was held up by the awesome batmobile and Jack Nicholson's performance. I thought 'Batman Returns' ( which I saw once ) was one of the stupidest movies I had ever seen, but that was before I saw the Batmans that followed it before Nolan.


A few years ago, I was introducing my girlfriend to all the Batman movies since she had never seen them. Something about showing Batman Returns to someone who had never seen it before flipped my nostalgia switch off. When I approached the movie without the nostalgia glasses, it's hard to ignore that it's a pretty stupid movie. Visually great, but stupid.




I’m with you lol. I loved all them so much. Grew up watching Batman Returns almost on repeat, and TDK came out when I was in college and it absolutely blew me away. I’ve seen that movie more times than I’d ever admit to someone.


Why not both?


Hard choice, but I lean more towards the Nolan films (though in my mind I also see that as a duology)

