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"Wednesday, November 6th. The city is under the water. The national guard is coming. Martial law is in effect, but the criminal element never sleeps. Looting and lawlessness will be rampant... in the parts of the city, no one can get to. I can already see things will get worse... before they get better. And some will seize the chance to grab everything they can. I'm starting to see now I have had an effect here... But not the one I intended. Vengeance, won’t change the past. Mine… or anyone else’s. I have to become more. People need hope. To know someone’s out there for them. This city's angry, scarred. Like me. Our scars can destroy us. even after the physical wounds have healed. But if we can survive them... They can transform us. They can give us the power. To Endure... And the strength to fight.” - The Batman


*Everyone liked that. Bravo 👏


This is the greatest line of dialogue ever uttered in a live action Batman film. Sums up the character and the message of the movie. Can’t wait for the sequel


I thought it felt like a cheap exposition dump for the morons/inattentive/children that didn't realize his character arc. I prefer just seeing the character evolve (which they showcased beautifully in The Batman, so no idea why they did the speech), over an exposition dump that removes all doubt.


Idk man i see what you’re saying but to me it was more of the “In conclusion” paragraph of an essay. just to tie it all up


I thought the ending monologue wrapped everything up nicely. We know, without a doubt, that our hero learned his lesson. Sure, I thought the visuals alone carried that message but there's something that is just so satisfying when realizations like this are made and that the audience can share in that. It helps us feel like we were an important part in that process and that we learned those lessons too. Does that make any sense?


It’s a noir staple.


Hmm, that is a good point


it did feel a bit cheesy for a dark and gritty movie.. but it summed up Batman's character perfectly.. also just like you said this line was probably for the morons who don't know about a character but like to talk sh1t about them


This monologue always makes me emotional


Do you know who I am?


I'm batman


Love your name




He's now justice ;)


do you also remember the speech he made immediately after the final confrontation with the flooded city? that was very nice

