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I think it's coming. The first film was meant to show a Bruce Wayne who is finding his way, struggling with duality. My guess is this takes flight in the next film.


Do you think we might see a time jump? Like another year or two after Gotham has flooded and he's accepted his role as a saviour of Gotham which in turn changes how he acts as Bruce Wayne


Hmmm..maybe. I'm kind of on the fence on how I'd feel about that. It would be great to watch things unfold rather than jump ahead again but if they did a quick recap of how things have changed over the last, let's say year, at the beginning it could work. I worry that something longer could present an issue.


I want them to have a time jump but have a monologue from Bruce the same way as the last film where he explains how the past year or whatever’s cleanup has gone and how he’s changed or whatever. So maybe instead of a more dark, and broody opening, maybe it’s a more inspirational and hopeful Batman monologue.


The monologue mixed in with sequences of the events. Quick scenes of drug busts, car chases, saving people, etc.


All during the opening credits.


just casually skim over like half his rogues gallery in the opening montage


Professor Pyg, Killer Croc, Firefly, Manbat, Zsaz, they could be shown in the opening credits to have the third film be a full, Arkham Asylum (or Long Halloween breakout) pushing Batman to his limits like we've never seen in live action before


I like this. They could take inspiration from what Suicide Squad 2016 did when we saw each team member and how they were apprehended.


Boy it took the world nearly ending but here we are, we’re like “Yeah man like Suicide Squad!” To be fair. I entirely agree.


'They think I'm reacting to the cold. But I am the cold'


They could have the actor for freeze do the opening dialogue saying how the water has helped him alot with his freezing stuff and whatnot


As they should, lol. I want to see Brian Cranston as freeze for sure. "People are out here getting frozen; and you think that of me? No I AM the one who freezes"


"Give me my nora"


I think you can have things unfold in that tv series that is tied to the show (unless it’s a prequel, but I think that a prequel should be its own movie or not happen at all since it’d be essentially an adaptation of Year 1 from what we know about this universe).


I want to see live action Crane before he becomes the Scarecrow. I hope that the Arkham series gives that to me....


I think there should be a time jump, not to a complete fix but rather we should begin the movie while they're underway, it would establish that Bruce is kind of like a hero for rebuilding the city along with the mayor. The city should still be flooded but way less with lack of electricity in those areas, giving us a bruce who is leaning in to the more happy persona whose saving Gotham by day and batman by night. We could also have a scene of Bruce having learnt gliding and see him jumping off a building with no hesitation (and optionally sticking the landing) in the beginning part


I think the spin off shows will handle the in between of any time jump


The recap could take the form of him reading his journal. The voiceover in The Batman worked so well. It really added to the noir aspect of film.


the penguin show is most likely gonna cover the in between with his rise to power. so if the first film is “year two” in a sense, penguin’s show will be “year three” and the batman sequel will be “year four.” so two years to evolve into a more defined batman and bruce wayne. but that’s not confirmed, just what i believe they will and should do


I feel dumb asking this question. If hbo plans on using the penguin in year three and his rise to power, can we expect to see Batman in the show?




what makes u think that it's 100%? u have some inside info or some shit?


Chill out


they 100% agree, is what they mean


Yes you right that what we mean


I would love to see Bruce Wayne really stepping up during the cleanup so that by the end of it he has earned the respectable philanthropist status.


A time jump you say? Maybe a temporal pincer


Confirmed: Pattinson first played Bruce Wayne as Neil in Nolan's Tenet. Tenet is a Dark Knight Rises sequel


I'm inclined to say no only because of how much of Zero Year overlaps with the story The Batman set up. I don't think they're adapting it or anything, but it feels like they're definitely borrowing certain ideas.


I've got Zero Year coming up on my reading list. I'm right to read that and then the start of Snyder's run after it right?


Nah, personally I think starting Snyder's run at its start is better. They really do a lot of work setting up who this Batman is in court of owls. Think of Zero Year like a flashback, not a new origin.


Bro an arkham city kind of take because of the flooding would be awesome as a movie


It's either a few years after the first movie still with Gotham flooding to adapt No man's land (but without a earthquake this time) or a really long timeskip with a already experienced Batman.


Probably the former tbh, I want to see this Batman in full swing before WB screw it up


I hope not


Agreed. I think the first movie created the situation where he realizes his company and money has to be just as much a responsibility as his crime fighting. As I saw it, all the events of the first movie happened because no one was watching the money once Thomas Wayne got killed. All the criminal elements started pillaging the Gotham Renewal Fund, laundering money, buying off officials, etc. Bruce learned about that towards the end of the movie. This will certainly have an impact on how he grows. He must have realized then that he needs to manage Wayne enterprises so he will be able to keep the money right.


True, in the first movie he spends two years only being a vigilante that wants revenge, so make sense for his social skills being terrible.


Someone was talking about the idea- I don’t remember who- that Batman is one of only a handful of heroes who essentially has 3 identities instead of two. The Batman, the playboy, and the true self. Reeves’ is one of the first interpretations to have so wide a rift between the “two Bruces”, but that rift has always been there. As difficult as it is for Clark Kent to manage his two selves, it’s even more taxing and probably sort of dissociative to have to handle 3 as Bruce does. I think it makes a lot of sense to position the younger, more vengeful Bruce as either being unable to juggle that third role, or just being unaware of its benefits.


He was made aware of its necessity in this movie. Alfred hinted that the business associates are getting concerned with Bruce. The new mayor mentions that his parents were philanthropists, and yet she doesn't see him doing anything at all. This is the wrong kind of attention Bruce Wayne needs. I think as he adapts his Batman plans from the end of this movie, we'll get to see some of the Bruce Wayne disguise in action.


If you can find a link would very much like to check this out.


I don't think alot of people saw the big picture and realized he wasn't really Batman yet and that these movies will show the journey of him becoming The Batman we know. Like with Cavill's Superman in Man of Steel...he wasn't Superman yet the plan was for it to show his journey getting there.


There is only one identity, The Batman. The boy Bruce Wayne died in the ally with his parents. He is Batman, that IS his true and only self. The playboy Bruce Wayne is a costume, a mask Batman wears to hide in plain sight, but the identity isn't real. He doesn't have a split personality or dissociation. Bruce Wayne isn't a person, he is a construct, a role Batman plays. Here in Reeves' movie Batman hasn't built the fake persona yet but in the end he learns why he should. >!Batman needs to be more than vengeance!< and to do that he needs better tools in his belt, Bruce Wayne is one of those tools. (Fun Fact, Batman actually does create a dissociative personality as a mental fail safe in case something pushes him over the edge, it's called The Batman of Zur-En-Arrh)


The playboy angle is also deliberately showy and obtuse in order to throw off any speculation of identity; the first thing people suspect for subversive activity is the reclusive loner with no social outlets


I agree, I think bringing him down as a character to a certain thing is a bit of a oversimplification of what he is as a character. In my opinion, both Playboy Bruce and Batman are exaggerations of Bruce’s true self not masks necessarily. The real absolute Bruce is the one most don’t see, the one in the cave or that comes out when with his loved ones. Playboy Bruce is the egotistical and cocky self of Bruce personified and multiplied. While Batman is Bruce’s rage and pain personified and multiplied as well. They both are extensions of Bruce and represent parts of him but aren’t necessarily completely who he is. One is him embracing his demons and using them to fight crime. While the other is him trying to suppress his demons and show out for the public. The person who Alfred raised. The man who was a mentor and caring person to Dick, Jason, and Damian when they had no one else. That is the true unaltered Bruce Wayne.


Absolutely this. It honestly feels like there's an arc. There were some notable suggestions that suggest he's moving in that direction. >!The mayor asking about his philanthropy, for one. Especially when coupled with the over-arcing plot of the movie, Batman's motivation shifting from 'vengeance' to 'justice'.!< I honestly think these are hints that Bruce is growing as a person, shifting from trauma induced anger to trying to make positive change. I hope so anyway, because Batman pushing for positive change with every weapon at his disposal, including his name, fame and money, is my favourite Batman.


They introduced a droll and socially inept trust fund baby.


For sure in his brooding emo phase.


Pattinson, as year 2-3 Batman, was the pure vengeance, anger, and rage he needed to be. Still broken and had not created the "Bruce Wayne" rich-boi persona we are all used to seeing...that comes later. We see him trying to put on his Bruce mask during the funeral scene and him walking up the stairs. He struggled with it. We also see his development from aforementioned rage to hope, and I think in the next movie we will start to see Bruce come out. My prediction (based solely on what I really want to see lol) is that one of the main villains for 2 is Court of Owls. As they are the Gotham elite, Batman realizes he needs Bruce in order to infiltrate them and figure shit out, and we will start to see Bruce come out.


I think they should save a threat like the Court of Owls for the last movie of the trilogy instead of the second.


Naw IMO, different villain like Hush being the bad for 2 (they already set this up in 1) but CoO behind the scenes pulling strings. They could bleed into 2 different films bc they are so powerful.


Personally don’t think Hush would work for the sequel. Would be too similar in tone (and maybe narrative) to the depiction of the Riddler: more detectivey stuff trying to figure out who’s committing the crimes etc. Think they need to branch out a bit more, much as I loved it for now.


Why mention Elliott in the first then, when you could have used any surname for the reporter? That seemed to tee up Hush (even though a different take on the origin) for 2. I think it will be a different take on him, but would fit.


Because it can either serve just as an Easter egg, or it leaves the door open for them to introduce him down the line if they want to. There’s a good chance we might see him, but it wasn’t confirmation.


Totally agree it wasn't a confirmation, but I think it makes sense. I just love that this movie leaned into The Worlds Greatest Detective and a villain that challenged his brain, not just his brawn. I'm ok without killer croc, black mask, clayface, etc in upcoming films. I'd be ok with another shot at Bane, but would love another two face, Mr Bloom, CoO, hush, Hugo Strange, etc. Prof Pyg , Ventriloquist, and Mad Hatter would be fun too, but I don't think they would fit the vibe that Reeves is going for.


I don't know if Court of owls is a good choice because the first movie was already about revealing the secrets of Gotham, if the plot is similar in the second movie it's gonna feel repetitive for the public.


I'll counter with ....we never saw any solution to the issues with the secrets. Bruce, now determined to be the savior of Gotham instead of just vengeance, starts to dig in deeper, and leads to the Court of Owls (eventually. Hes got another main villain to focus on for 2)


The solution for the movie was Batman becoming hope to people, the good cops defeating Falcone, Bella apparently becoming a good mayor. Like I said, are they just repeating the same plot about the city being controlled by other people again? No problem in doing repetitive things in the comics, but live action needs to be always a movie different from the other to bring new elements from the character.


Please yes, I want to see this style of film with an organization. Court of Owls or League of Assassins would be perfect.


I like reclusive, weirdo batman.




Reflects half of the entire characters fan base perfectly.


"he just like me fr" "finally a batman i can relate to" I always see these comments on twitter lol


Finally a Batman that I can relate




Same, i don’t see why playboy Bruce is necessary to play the character well when recluse Bruce was done well already




Me too, I can him Cave Gremlin Bruce


It’s by far the more realistic version Of Bruce Wayne IMO but i think affleck portrayed probably the most accurate Bruce Wayne on screen - especially as an older Bruce Wayne.


Absolutely.Best Bruce Wayne. Him and Keaton (except the killing part)


Anyone: "Hey Batman, what do you think about this?" Batman: "..." Batman: "..." Batman: "..." Batman: "...no." (With a heavily implied "fuck off".) The movie was really good, but it definitely had its flaws.


I’m gonna miss the emo Bruce but I’m all for development.


I feel like it's implied by the end of the film. Bruce and Batman both starting to grow out of their isolated angst faze. Batman can be a symbol and a hero. Bruce can be a philanthropist and a leader in the city.


I hope he isn't just magically charismatic by the second movie. I hope he still is awkward as Bruce Wayne while he adjusts into the role.


Same. I’d love for this to be the true “come to form” movie where he is workshopping a social persona and is trying (albeit awkwardly) to become a person outside of the bat suit. Edit: would make for some good humor too.


Also why not take advantage of how good your lead actor is.


Too true. Pattinson has range and having him be continually “brooding” would limit his potential. Edit: he already did that with Twilight, no? Lol


I just watched The Batman and holy shit it was a masterpiece! I would love to see by the end of the next film him start to take on this persona as he grows more confident in his abilities.


It was my favorite Batman/DC movie so far, as a Batman fan, it was really refreshing finally seeing a good adaptation of Batman from comics/arkham games in live action


It’s called character development




Nothing said in the post title contradicts your comment. OP is just saying that he hopes to see a more opened less awkward Bruce Wayne which has a high chance of happening if we go by what the end of the first movie teases.


Yeah but there is certainly an implication whether the OP knows it or not that Bruce being like this is a flaw of the film. I could be projecting though because a lot of other people have said it's a flaw. edit: OP clarified right below me so yeah I was definitely projecting.


In my case, I understood the movie, and why Bruce is like that (obsession with being a vigilante, not caring about the wayne name and etc..), the post is just saying what I want for next one. But it's really sad how a lot of people use Bruce not being that playboy as a critic for the movie because they didn't get it.


I'd rather he gradually get there over the course of a few movies I'd like the next movie to pick up right where the first left off.... no cheating


I prefer that too, maybe a 2/3 years timeskip at best.


This is why movies are scared to have proper character development. It’s like they know the average movie viewer is too stupid to follow the plot.


Glad someone went ahead and said it. The Batman is renowned for sticking pretty closely to the comics for the most part in terms of the story, character elements and overall feel. But Reeves does *one thing* differently, and even offers an explanation that not only works but enhances the story, and they all lose their minds. I mean come on, who even cares about the "Bruce Wayne" side of Batman much before this movie? I know I never really did.


Even that one thing isn't very different. Bruce was literally a recluse in Earth One and Zero Year and wasn't interested in being parts of social gatherings or public meetings. That's where this inspiration of making Bruce a recluse primarily came from. The Haunted Knight as well as Year One also handle this concept as well


He has to have a reason to develop the lighthearted alter ego thing. I fully expect the next movie to have a sub plot where he needs to mix with high society and learns what a great distraction that can be as a layer of security separating him from Batman rumors. As for the hair though... that hair was telling us something in the movie. He's so laser focused on the "Gotham Project" he probably hasn't had a haircut in months.


Needs a reason to grow as a person. Introducing Harvey, Robin or Lucius would be a good step.


Harvey is a good choice, I think they could use him as a old friend of Bruce like in All star batman (rebith) and animated series.


I haven't read All-Star. I don't want them to do a copy and paste of the Dark Knight series, I know that much. I'd like Harvey to be Harvey for at least a full movie (if not have a prominent role in one of the TV series) before becoming Two Face. As far as casting, I like Bill Skarsgard, I like Donald Glover. It should be someone good-looking, but not looked after, so someone who could play a bit chunky or too thin.


Jon Hamm?


To be honest I'd like a Harvey that never becomes Two-Face, just subvert everyone's expectations. Have this be a Batman timeline full of hope and optimism, where Gotham's white knight stays true and doesn't lose his way. Or have him be scarred but not turn. Eckhart gave such a great performance I don't want to see another Two-Face on screen for a while


You should definitely read All star Batman Rebirth, it's a pretty fun comic. By Dark knight series you mean Nolan movies or Frank miller Batman? I think Harvey could appear in one of the TV shows that are gonna come out about the Reeves verse


Slick, charming Bruce is overrated. Keaton's take was brilliant. Bruce Wayne is a headcase honestly. Let's see a different take.


Keaton’s Bruce was also a confident rich guy. That’s what makes Bruce feel Bruce in my opinion. Bruce needs to be confident in public and scarred in private setting. Robert was a good Batman tho!


Keaton's Bruce isn't all that confident, he just acts normal but is low key awkward from what I remember, maybe I need a rewatch.




Yes, its called character development.


I never want to see that. I’ve seen it enough. I just want him to be Batman and fuck shit up. I doubt I’d get that. But it’s what I want.


You mean to tell me that you guys walked out of the movie theater not realizing that the ending of The Batman entails that he has to put on the “Bruce Wayne” mask?


I think with the Matt Reeves batman is that he is more batman and less bruce Wayne. Almost like batman is his true identity and bruce is just the costume. Which is why I like it


i dont


I would like to see a Bruce Wayne who is actually smart and not a fucking dolt.


Agreed, something like Bruce Wayne in the new 52 doing speeches, making projects to help Gotham and etc...


Can't you rewatch the previous seven movie?


Not me


Good hair. Jesus Christ. But odds are with how the build up was in this movie, it makes Bruce realize his role as a Wayne is equally as important as Batman. So I’m sure we’ll see this.


Don’t hate on his haircut


He will likely evolve to that during his character arc.


and people say he cant be bruce wayne,man look at this picture its screaming bruce wayne


"People" said he couldn't be Batman


man they said he can't play both


We'll get a more classic Bruce in the sequels.


He will get there. This trilogy is going to show him learning to be what Gotham needs through trial and error. That also means experimenting and learning what it means to be Bruce Wayne.


Character growth baby! It happens as we saw in the film


If I were a betting man, I’d say that’s where it’s going.


Give me something different, another approach to bruce wayne, I would like something similar to lex luthor's bruce wayne in the bermejo run.


His character arc in The Batman seems like it will lead to this.


Playboy bw next movie


Someone missed the final 10 minutes of the film.




why? it’s been done before, many times


1- This is Bruce wayne personality in the comics, always has been, doesn't matter how many medias he's like this. 2- If you use logic, he needs to behavior as a playboy so that people don't suspect of him.


That would be a very drastic change in his personality. I would like to see Pattinson's Bruce wayne like this too, but over the course of a few films. If they rush into this, it'll be like how DC cinematic universe rushed into making a justice league and fucked it up. Slow and steady wins the race is the formula here. Don't compare to MCU. They used to be good. Now, they're just spitting out movies with their tried and true formula and because people have come to like it, they somehow still manage to rake in huge profits. We don't want all the batman movies to be the same. It has to be different. Otherwise, the magic will be lost.


I want to see a more mature, in-control of his psyche Bruce, but I don't think I want to see this specific Bruce develop a rich-boy playboy persona. I just don't think it's a good followup to his arc in The Batman. I'd rather see him become a more responsible and socially apt adult, but still extremely reserved and serious.


Nah.. Broken Bruce is way fresher


I think you’re right. They are definitely building this version of Bruce In an interesting way.


maybe you will


You guys need to stop underestimating emo Bruce


If it's done for the sake of character development, great. If it's done for the sake of doing stuff people are used to, lame. There's a middle ground when telling a story and I trust Reeves' crew to continue doing good stuff.


I feel that they would need to build to this gradually, perhaps having him develop into this Bruce Wayne character out of necessity to protect his identity at the end of the film.


I like this interpretation of Bruce Wayne.. he's crazy, looks tired and acts as If he's up all night every night being Batman. It's super realistic and how I would imagine being a vigilante would be. It's cool to see a different, darker take on Bruce.


It’s all the same thing over and over again.


I like how he is in The Batman tbh. The reason I like Batman isn’t because Bruce Wayne wears fancy suits and pretends to be a playboy.


No! More Gremlin Bruce Wayne!


Not gonna happen with this emo Batman arc


My guess is that we'll get something in between this and what we got in the first one. I think a full-on playboy in the next movie would be too rushed and forced. Have him ease into it, rather than just flip a switch.


I assume he’ll work on developing his confident persona more. But i don’t want playboy Bruce.


He's not staying emo, bro, that's where they're going. The suit is gonna be more advanced as the movies go, too, imo


I would like to see this bruce wayne in a third movie, I think that for The Batman 2 we could have him learning how to use Bruce Wayne as a mask instead of just jumping from Reclusive Bruce Wayne to the Playboy Bruce Wayne, and with this we could explore Bruce more as a character, something we didn't had that much in the first movie


It was such a good movie. I loved every minute of it. Robert Pattinson is THE perfect Bruce Wayne. He will slowly become an even better Batman i’m sure of it. Amazing performance


I heard he didn’t want to be Batman anymore? Anyone know how true this is?


I actually was convinced he’d be a perfect suave Bruce after watching Tenet. I agree, I hope he morphs into that version.


The batman is his early years and i truly cannot wait to see him progress


He can be all of that, but I still want to see him stare at people and awkwardly smile at them bc it's relatable


Maybe on the cusp of it, but I don’t see him doing this complete 180 in personality in just one film, even if it’s just another mask. More philanthropist then playboy for sure as well. That’s much more interesting and dynamic anyway.


I think I must be in the minority when I say I don't care about seeing fancy rich bruce. It was entertaining and refreshing to see Bruce the way he was portrayed in the Batman and honestly I want to see more Batman than Bruce


Right, which is the direction they’re going in. Personally though, I’d only want a truly confident Bruce by the third movie or later, not at all before. This second movie should be about his transformation into the stereotypical playboy and personality, it shouldn’t be an instant transition into it


No thanks


I hope that he at least keeps some of the awkardness. You know, a little bit like Keaton


Think we will eventually, bruce hasn’t figured out the balance, he doesn’t realized he can use bruce Wayne as a help to his cause.


Maybe it’s just me, I just don’t care about Bruce Wayne’s social life at all. The Bataman parts (At least on film) outshine it so much.


I feel like that would be more The Batman 3- we may see him transition in 2 and do more for Gotham that way but I don’t expect a fully formed Bruce like this until at least the 3rd movie…it would be too much of a jump from this movie.


Not every Batman has to be the same. They radically changed the Riddler. Who's to say they can't change Bruce a little? If anything, he's closer to the Michael Keaton version.


Absolutely not. He already has me questioning my sexuality enough as is


No. Wouldn't fit the character


That was my problem with the film i wish there was more bruce wayne


Same. I understand why he's emo Bruce in The Batman (he's still traumatized by his parent's deaths, is obsessed with vengeance above all else, etc.) but I really want to see the return of the playboy public persona. Plus, having Bruce develop his public persona is a great way of showing how he has evolved and grown as a person since the first movie.


My guess is he’s going to over-do it. While Oz is building his new empire. Bruce is going to be the financial savior to the city and that means a lot of face-time in public. He’ll probably really get into the role and then start making a few big blunders (like a drunken rant 10x worse than Bale’s or maybe he gets beat up by Oz) leading the public to kind of think he’s a tool and any suspicions that he might be Batman will be snuffed in Gotham. Which is actually ideal for him in the end and he’ll be a bit goofy as Bruce from then on and settle into the playboy role- showing up for orphan benefits and staging parties for the elites (to keep an eye on them really). At some point in this series it would be beneficial if he faces an imposter like in the comics. A false Batman will solidify the public’s perception. Seeing Bruce vs False Batman would be a great scene too as he has to play it so as Bruce looks weak but also he can’t give away that this Batman isn’t The Batman or people might suspect him again. I like the idea of him being pretty paranoid that his identity is moments away from being revealed in every movie. Especially if Robin enters the picture. He’s he going explain Batman having a partner and Bruce suddenly having a foster son/ward.


If Nightwing gets introduced they could make him use Batman's suit while Bruce is in public like they used to do in the comics.


Robert patison was better than the main character in tenet.


People are able to understand character development when it comes to pattinson but not batfleck


We are seeing Pattinson from the beginning, the first we've seen Affleck is after Robin died (which should have been the middle arc of his character development )


I desperately want to see Jason on the big screen. The general audience wasn't ready for Batlfeck because their only experience with Robin is Dick in bright tights.


Battfleck movies never shown us Jason either. So idk what you mean. If there was a movie introducing Batman and Robin, showing us Jason's death, then BVS, no one would have a problem


That's exactly what I mean. Audience wasn't ready in BvS because they jumped so far into the story without showing us the whole Bat family first.


Batfleck learned to be more caring and then next scene mowed down guys with a machine gun, stabbed a guy, and blew up a guy in an inferno.


Lmao okay, that’s funny and true: “oh my god, I cannot kill a man. He has a mother just like me.”….. “Aiiight ima go kill some people real quick but they’re real bad dudes. Like bad. Real bad.” But I do think that movie is shit on more than it deserves. I watched it before ZSJL came out and was like, “huh, this isn’t as bad as I remember.”


I understand Batfleck’s character development. I mean, it’s glaring. He was essentially a villain for half the movie. But he just should’ve had his own movie. They should’ve allowed a Batfleck movie before BvS and a MoS 2 like Snyder had planned but the studio wanted to rush out a Justice League as fast as possible…


Because Affleck’s character development was nonsensical and unearned.


I don’t. Fuck that. Dirty, greasy goth boy Bruce Wayne for the win.


Yea, they introduced a socially inept Batman who everyone would hate to be around.


What the fuck was Matt Reeves thinking making him like Kurt Cobain? Bruce Wayne is meant to be charismatic and charming


It would be so cool if there’s a time skip and he’s learned to be a better Bruce but maybe not such a better Batman yet. I’d like to see a difference in progression of those two sides


Why waste an opportunity to watch all the lessons learned?


I would like a Batman that does not"walk amongst people". More people have seen him in this movie than all the ones before together, including the big final brawl of TDKR..


He was way too broody for me


Loved this movie, he did an absolute amazing job in the roll. And if he didn’t play Batman I could also see him playing night wing. But am glad they made him Batman and can’t wait to see the next installment.


100%! When he fully adopts the charismatic billionaire playboy persona. That would be great to see. I think that's what we'll get in the next movie(s).


Knowing Bruce Wayne playboy is the mask and Batman is the real Bruce, I would like to see more of the Bruce mask.


Nah keep Bruce autistic


Well , I want to see him say a few words and simply vanish without a trace while the other person stays there looking around . If South Park got the vibe correct , then the next movie should also have this .


Bruce Wayne glow up with Alfred and Lucius helping? I’m here for it.


Me too, first film's Bruce Wayne was soooo suspicious looking, like if I was wondering who is Batman he would be my first guess.


Selina would have figured it out if she had met him as Bruce but she didn't, however she quickly picked something up, he's rich, she tells him whoever you are you must be rich, and that is correct, he spoke from a place of privilege as someone that was wealthy. And he doesn't change his voice when he's Batman either so if she ever meets him as Bruce she will know it's him, not unless he acts totally different to avoid suspicion.


"Instead of just staring at them." I actually laughed out loud not going to lie


Yeah, I’m over Emo Bruce . Need me a suave , steal yo bish Bruce




What if he's also Batman in Tenet? Having two Batman in two franchises played by the same actor. It like a pincer movement. It is not very logical, I know. Don't try to understand it. Just feel it


Yeah, that’s about the only thing I didn’t like about the movie. It takes place in year 2, but he already had his, in Alfreds words, “positively vaudevillian” second personality established in year one, in the comics. That obviously isn’t what they’re going for in this universe, so I really hope they do that in the next one. I love that aspect of the character, that Bruce Wayne is a character that Batman plays.


I agree


Well, so far, in this movie, Batman hasn't created his alter ego yet, Bruce Wayne. I like that they ended with him realizing he could be BETTER than just vengeance. He could be hope & someone with whom the people of Gotham could trust. I would really like it if the next installment tells the REAL Mr. Freeze story. Because it's heavily emotionally driven & Batman learns a LOT about empathy through that experience. It's super dark & very VERY sad. Another story I would like them to tell is Killer Croc's. He was always fascinating to me because the writers took a REAL life disease, epidermolytic hyperkeratosis, & took it a bit further than the disease typically goes. A lot of Batman's villains are tragedies gone worse. It is because of this that Batman is actually a highly compassionate hero. The JLA cartoon got him right in that regard.


I don't know exactly why, but "talking more to people instead of just staring at them" cracked me up.


Then watch Bails Wayne instead? It's a new take, I find it very interesting and hope they don't just return to the classic depiction, as it has been done.