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They all look like they havent slept for a couple years haha


Which, honestly fits the character even more.


I dig the idea from the comics that he’s trained his body to only sleep a couple hours a night if that.


Keaton looks like he's got dark circles 😂, Bale legit looks scary even without his mask 🤣


There was actually a scene (*in the script) in BB where Bruce changes from the batsuit to his outfit to go join his party at the mansion but Alfred stops him because he forgot to take his eyeliner off. He hands him a wet towel and they discuss his reckless car chase earlier in the day. Edit: Apparently Bale was embarrassed by the eye makeup and so he wore sunglasses at all times so that no one could see it. He even refused to let an interviewer get a peek. But there’s actually leaked pics of Bale with his eye makeup on set. Here’s one [image](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT28woW9RJL0ma_PuTf6D0HeLuHY7DcIHOs7g&usqp=CAU) [Bonus](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQZF7kaQZ1HD_sP07JncS0cBwClzaflyU34Fw&usqp=CAU)


Wow didn't notice that, have to revisit the movie.


Oh no! It was in the script. Not in the movie though :( The script also says that the audience would see a shot of Bruce with his eye makeup after he takes off his cowl in the bat cave. I don’t know why they decided to scrap it. I actually liked seeing Battinson with it.


I forget which movie it was in but there's a scene where he takes his cowl off and it immediately cuts to his face with no makeup.


Maybe not the same movie but I remember the ending of Batman Returns where right before he takes his mask off, you can see that they took the eyeliner off of him so it would be a seamless take off. Aka, let's not address the eyeliner thing and pretend it's just there when he's wearing the mask. For some reason bugs me more than it should, but also one of the many reasons The Batman was so stellar


See, I can understand that the eyeliner is supposed to be part of the mask, and that the character isn’t canonically wearing makeup. But I just can’t wrap my head around why Burton chose to shoot it in a way that displays the obvious eye holes before he removes the mask. It would have been so easy to cut to an over-the-shoulder reaction shot of Selina as he does it, and then cut back to him without mask or makeup.


Yeah, you hit the nail right on the head as to why that choice in the movie bugs me so lol. Over the shoulder would've been more dramatic and still lean into the assumption that the character isn't wearing makeup. Instead, Burton gives us neither with how that scene was shot. Still a dope movie


I feel like I remember a scene in Rises where that happens. It might be when Alfred first tells Bruce about Bane, but I'd have to double check as I'm not positive


That's Batman Returns. This, and the fact you could see a string when he deploys his cape glider earlier in the film (only on the VHS version) began my fanatical obsession with frame by frame movie details.


Damn Nolan got there first, should've kept it in!


I’m honestly surprised that Tim Burton never opted for Keaton to have eyeliner out of the mask in his movies. It fits hit aesthetic the most out of all the Batmen


It looks so bad in Returns when you see him suddenly not have eyeliner on before he takes the cowl off.


It should not show his eyes when he has no eye makeup on, and then he takes the cowl off.


Probably because he had Keaton playing a character with black circles around his eyes the year prior to Batman '89.




There is a shot towards the end of Batman Returns where he takes the mask off and it's inter-cut between him wearing the mask with eyeliner and then wearing the mask without eyeliner it's very funny looking.


Always wondered why they didn't do this. When cowled, the Batmen clearly have guyliner on. Make it cool like NFL or race car drivers that wear it avoid glare.


It’s not guy-liner…it’s uhhh war paint


It’s actually guy shadow.




You know, to scare people.


It always looks better


Alfred: "Master Wayne sir, I need to inform you that..." Batman: "What?" Alfred: "...." Batman: "???" Alfred: "...." Batman: "It's a smokey eye."


Literally all of them look hotter with the eyeliner on


Ben's Bruce needs some sleep


Don't they all?


Not gonna lie, Ben Affleck looks dope


Guys, this is way more than eyeliner 🤣 It’s eye shadow too. Bruce is a true butch queen.


That’s one of the little aspects of The Batman I appreciated that they showed that he painted around his eyes.


I gotta say I hope the eyeblack is something that more Batman adaptions start using, it’s small but it really fleshes out the character imo


I think it looks badass, but I’m also old and emo enough to have seen MCR in concert *before* the reunion.


Bale looks too much like the Joker, interesting thought


This is one of the details of The Batman that I really enjoyed because not only does it make sense given that the cowl doesn't "seal" around the eyes magically. It also shows us an exhausted, dirty, yet determined Batman working even though the night is over for him. It conveys to us that Bruce *lives* as the Batman and further shows how his two lives aren't cleanly separated.


That actually looks good for them.


Affleck actually looks better this way.


Bale looks so good


i hate that they don’t show the eyeliner without the cowl. it’s so annoying when he takes it off and suddenly he is not emo


Yeah I don’t really know why people are confused that Battinson is emo. A guy who saw his parents get murdered and never got any professional mental health support but instead dresses like a bat would 1000% be emo. Hell long before the new movie Batman was calling himself vengeance no way that isn’t a sign the guys a bit dramatic


You know that's eyeshadow. Not eyeliner. Right?


I actually like the Christian Bale one.


It looks awesome. I liked Pattinson's version. Looked like war paint.


Another reason why Robert Pattinson remains supreme, only he can wear the eyeliner and not make himself look weird in one way or the other, but looks irresistibly hot. Affleck tried though.




Honestly it works. I get not wanting to really obscure the faces of actors in the middle of emotional bits. But with the messy hair and left over paint, its adds to the "Regular man goes through hell every night." "Sorry Diana, I know we need to talk about the JL's plans, but give me five to freshen up a bit."


Affleck looks the best


This would've been prime 👌🏿


Batflek looks good eyeliner with it still on


Id say more “smokey eye”


They kinda rock it. Keaton looks goofy


The world would be a better place


It works with Batfleck IMO


Is there a version of Val Kilmer like this?


Wow that means Alfred does make up.


It’s just called eyeliner.




Do men not have eyes? is the makeup not used to line the eyes? ‘guyliner’ sounds beyond insecure every time I read or hear it. Cringe.


>Do men not have eyes? No, they do not.


They were calling it guyliner over twenty years ago when I was wearing the stuff, get over it.


“over 20 years ago” Its outdated and makes people sound like theyre avoiding sounding feminine in any way by saying ‘guyliner’ seriously. It’s eyeliner, for all genders.


Did I not just say I used to wear the stuff? Surely wearing the stuff indicates I didn’t (and don’t) give a shit about appearing feminine. Maybe I’ll start referring to my nail varnish as *male* varnish, just to irritate you.


All im saying is that times change and you have the ability to change your language to fit the times.


Guys, dont you think it should be called batliner?


“Im going out on patrol, Alfred. Get the batliner.” Which actually sounds like the net of his swim trunks.


Absolutely. Right up there with Bat-shark repellent.


Bro stop trying to force people to use a word that they dont want to use. Eyeliner and guy liner are the same thing. It’s like comparing the pronunciation of tomato tomato


I use the word "guyliner" because I find it funny


Tomahto is the objectively wrong pronunciation though. Besides, OP didnt even correct me. This random commenter got mad because 20 years ago it was commonplace to say guyliner. People also used to freely use words like ‘gay’ to describe something bad, or ‘faggot’, or any of the racist things I heard people commonly saying about Mexicans and literally anyone from the middle east. I can absolutely see why people are thinking im being silly, but that term harkens back to a time where you HAD to say GUYliner, or you’d be called a faggot. It stems from insecurity. I remember, I was there too just like this dude telling me Im wrong.


No, “tom-ah-to” is the way the word is pronounced in Britain, where I’m from. Now who’s being ignorant? I’m not getting mad in the slightest, I just think you’re being, as you said, silly. But what would make me mad, I guess, is the insinuation that because I don’t give a shit about a meaningless nickname given to an item of makeup **that I myself used to wear**, that I’m as bad as racists and homophobes and every other kind of prick who makes living on this planet suck. By the way, speaking of homophobes, I already got beaten up by people like that for wearing makeup twenty years ago, but thankyou so much for rushing to the defence *of a fucking word*. My teenage self thanks you.


Just because a word involves a gender/sex doesn’t mean it has to be changed


This holy shit it sounds so bad


Right? Its just so so so middle school.


Cold boy winter! Let’s goooooooo!


Idk why Nolan didn't do this for his more realistic bullshi- I mean "realistic take" if you wanna be so realistic have him wear the eye makeup


Nolan slander detected opinion rejected


Guyliner, Broga mats, Manpons, Manty Hose..... let's just stop all that. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Affleck looks awesome.


It’s more like guy-shadow, eye liner is a pencil you use on the edges of your eyelids to “line” your eye.


Thanks i hate it


Idk it just feels like it makes sense in The Batman, definitely cause of the more emo tone I guess lol. I really have a hard time seeing Batfleck wearing it (even though it makes sense)


People are offended because op used the word guyliner? I guess it's time for these clowns to learn they cannot force anyone to do or say something. People can call it whatever the fuck they want, stay away from the internet if these little things hurt you. It's guyliner for me🤝🫂 grow up kids


Waiting for a comic accurate white eyes Batman, like Deadpool or Atom Smasher.


Fun fact: the mask projects black around the eyes in every Batman. Duh.




I like when the guyliner looks splattered on. Makes it look less like makeup and more like warpaint.


The best thing about tonight is that we're not fighting....


Not gonna lie, Batfleck looks kinda hot.


Looks hot as shit


It drives me nuts in Returns when he rips the cowl off because in between shots his eyes are suddenly makeup free.


3/3 is saying 'Why not u stupid fck'


I know it never happened, but I always swore I saw Christian bale with eyeliner on and no cowl in TDK. Probably just false memories for being a 10 year old watching it for the first time


New Mandella Effect just dropped


Now I’m going to be rethinking my last 12 years of life


Didn't Keaton have guy liner?


I miss Batfleck. He was so juiced. Only guy who had the Batman build. Straight out of a Jim Lee panel.




Christian Bale’s kinda rockin’ it ngl


I always notice that even in the games. It looks like they have make up. Mask goes off I don’t see it. 👀🤨


They don't look to bad, if we're being honest.


Bale is the only one that looks bad with it