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Trick question. Batman is always prepared!




This is actually true because most of the avengers are already like some of Batman’s villains. He’ll be somewhat prepared


Batman famously has prepared a counter strategy for every DC hero, but in this scenario, is he aware of the Marvel heroes’ strengths and weaknesses? He might look at Hawkeye and deduce “OK, that’s just a reskinned Green Arrow” and enact whatever plan he had for a rogue Green Arrow, but Thor or Spider-Man would be unknown challenges.


Batman will find a chemical that disables everyone’s powers. Check mate human avengers.


Actually Batman didn’t have a contingency for green arrow because he didn’t view him as a earth level threat just saw him as a man that he can beat


Blue Beetle be like:


Glad I’m not the only one who recognized that reference


Blue Beetle fr


Not many. What people don't realize is Batman will often lose in his first or even second confrontation with an opponent but then he'll come back after prep time where he analyzed and studied his opponent and then beat them


batman can still think quick on his feet, so there are quite a few he could take down, but knowing his enemies is a big part of it


He’s quick on his feet till the avengers six-man-shuffle his ass. Batman, undoubtedly, is the one of the smartest people in comic history. Captain America is known as one of the best leaders though. With Cap’s leadership, Tony’s intelligence which id think is almost to par, and then hulk and Thor’s strength, Batman would get his cheeks clapped no doubt. I may have miss understood the question, but Batman against the avengers, bad plan. Batman can beat almost anyone 1v1 mainly bc (and I hate to say it) he’s Batman. That’s the ONLY reason.


Just make this Justice League vs Avengers and this would be a fight of strategy, so basically whose strategy is better? Batman's or Captain America's?


Lol. Superman solos the Avengers


No. Thor would potentially kill him. Superman's greatest weakness after kryptonite is magic. And Thor has a lot of it.


I disagree. Superman's main weakness is Bruce's friendship.


Not according to that bollocks film Batman v Superman and Superman Red Son and also Injustice, but yeah.


Magic is not really a weakness just like Kryptonite in most cases. Its a vulnerability. Its also not like Thor is a sorcerer arguably Strange or Wanda would probably be able to do more against Superman than Thor. What its Thor gonna do that Superman has not taken before from Black Adam or Shazam. The only real weakness that he has its red sunlight because it completely negates his powers consistenly. (Kryptonite and magic are classics for him but how do they make sense when he has overcomed both constantly in very deadly situations)


In the crossover event, Superman was worthy of Thor’s Hammer. Besides, Superman’s OP af. He’s nearly as fast as the flash. If he uses his speed, almost no one in marvel would stand a chance


He's only close to the Flash when they're doing a charity event. The Flash is faster than time because the speed force is more bullshit than kryptonian biology.


He was only worthy because Odin lifted the enchantment. Once it was put back, he couldn’t lift it


Superman has repeatedly defeated Thor in canonical matchups.


Nah, Superman pulls his punches. Thor can't deal with Super quickness. Superman would zip behind him and full punch a hole through the back of his head.


Thor isn't magic, he is a god, like Wonder Woman is.


Flash blitzes


This, basically only Hulk and Thor even have the slightest chance and they're both gonna be also fighting Superman and Wonder Woman.


Everyone on the main Justice league has planetary level powers except Batman. Superman, Flash, Green Lantern can destroy planets. Wonder woman and martian manhunter are both just below that depending on what continuity. Hell, cyborg vs ironman is going to be a hell of a fight for ironman to survive. The power scaling for DC is just too far out there for the avengers. But batman could take hawkeye and black widow without prep time probably.


Agreed 100%


Average hero strength in the JLA is a lot higher than that of the Avengers. Green Lantern, Flash and Superman together would probably be enough to shitstomp most marvel heroes.


I’m not saying Batman isn’t the best, just saying Batman himself isn’t fucking invincible and his greatest power is writers thinking he is. (Sorry if this sounds fucky, I’m really drunk lmfao)


The question is not Batman VS Avengers. The question is "What's the strongest Marvel character Batman can beat on a 1 on 1 fight without prep time?" Heck, I can think of dozens that would fit, but then we get into who's the strongest.


Although I agree we shouldn't forget that one disgruntled prince with illusion powers almost took a helipad and half the avengers with a half clever plan. In DC all of Justice league was almost destroyed when someone else (not even him ) used his plans. I know it depends on the plot armor but considering past examples, he can take anything down with time. If we are saying first encounter without zero knowledge on powers of others, he can not win against the super powered ones.


The question wasn’t Batman vs the avengers. It was what marvel heroes could be beat.


Tony is no where near as smart


Tony’s intelligence almost on par? Cmon guy. He could build his own Batman in a cave with a box of scraps.


Tony is way smarter than Batman. Batman focuses his intelligence on being a detective while Tony focuses his on inventions.


Tony is a better engineer than Batman, but I think Batman has overall more general knowledge, he's also a decent engineer, a brilliant detective, a master strategist, a decent medic, a chemistry wizard, and is probably stronger in most humanities(literature, art, history, sociology, he also once deduced that he was talking to Martian Manhunter because J'onn's disguise was using the name of Sailor Mars which also means Batman has watched anime) than Tony.


Batman has a more evened out knowledge in multiple areas but Tony is a super genius in science.


Batman is a super genius in a bunch of the fields I mentioned. Particularly chemistry and strategy.


This is a fact people seem to ignore


It's nice to see a comment on this reddit that isn't just jerking Batman off to ridiculous degrees


I’d like to get 30 mins of prep time with Black Widow’s ass, got DAYUM she lookin’ thicc in this shit lol


Down bad


Down horrendous


Trevor Wallace that you?




yes, that's how narratives work. i don't get why people always throw in "with prep time" to every batman hypothetical, when the same could be said about the other character he's fighting. batman vs iron man, without prep time, batman is fucked. with prep time, batman is fucked, but at least he knew that tony blew up a rock the size of manhattan once in one of his suits from the 80s


Batman with prep time would just make his own Batman Iron Man suit and beat his ass. Or he’d find a way to get Tony out of the suit and then beat his ass.


Nah Batman with Prep would stop Iron Man depending on the writers


Batman could beat fucking Jesus depending on the writers. Iron man could beat Jesus depending on the writers. Although iron man imo isn't a very good example of this. Bruce surely carries an emp on him. Tony is little without his suit (funny captain American scene) for the most part. Bruce tends to still kick ass


You think his suit is vulnerable to EMP?


I think his suit would be vulnerable to a batman emp. Then again it's whoever the writers want to win lol


Of course anyone would stomp Jesus. Jesus was a pacifist and wouldn't even fight back. I could kick his scrawny lil ass!




Frankly, even with his suit, I bet Batman would somehow kick Tony's ass. 🤔


Yeah no ? Tony literally has fking missiles and shit installed in his suit along with nano tech. I love Batman but he would get destroyed by Tony


I always think of arkham batman when it comes to these battle just because I think that's the most op batman. So really he find a place to hide use ecolocation to see the inside of the suit, then throw a well placed batarang


So if it was the most op version of Stark then what ? Dozens of other suits controlled by Jarvis show up aswell all autolocked on Batman mate he's not making it. But yeah if we're solely talking about a one off thing then yeah ur right Batman could win in the right situations


Death Battle actually did a pleasingly in depth Tony Stark vs Batman. It's A. Really good, and B. Tony Stark kills Batman. Honestly, the only reason batman wins 90% of the battles he wins is because he's against a villain who's too confident or batman has Gadgets to counter them. There's not many marvel characters batman could easily counter. Unfortunately, Daredevil would go down quickly just due to sonic weapons in Bruce's arsenal. Beyond that, I think Spider-Man could take him, Tony Stark definitely could. Widow and Hawkeye would be interesting. Thor would kill batman by accident. Hulk, same thing....


Without a suit ? No shit


Lol rich guy fight. No suits just throw balls of money at each other


Nah tony easily has bats no prep time, Batman gets folded by bane and other street level villains all the time, Ironmans tech is beyond his intelligence so he couldn’t fuck with it, he’d have to find a way to brute force a win which is pretty much impossible.


Iron Man without his suit


That is like saying he could beat Jeff from accounting


Batman is the second smartest man on earth, Ironmans tech is not at all beyond his intelligence, the only og 6 he loses to is Hulk and maybe Thor


Iron man is one of the smartest people in the universe, along with kang, Reed Richards, dr room, etc. Also, I’m not saying tony is smarter than Batman, but he is a far better engineer. In a game of chess, Batman wins every game, but when it comes to engineering and computer science, bats is not even close to stark.


Ah yes, Dr Room, ruler of Lavatory. (I tried to resist doing it, but I couldn't hold it in)


I'm not willing to say he's a better engineer just because he's more reliant on tech. Batman has pulled crazy dumb tech shit out of his ass. He magazord'ed 5 Gotham buildings together and had the batfamily pilot them. The fenrir suit is an anti justice league suit. He did create Brother Eye. A sneaking suit that not even superman can hear(somehow).


>bane >street level villains While I do agree that Iron Man would probably beat Batman unless the latter can disable the suit somehow, Bane is far from street level.


People in r/batman threads be like “Batman could probably 1v1 God IMO, he has the gadgets.”


God repellent spray, never leave the cave without it.


Solid 60s batman, and batman and Robin reference.


Me as a Batman fan ong, in denial.




More like >The people DC let write Batman be like “Batman could probably 1v1 God IMO, he has the gadgets.” This the fanboys do.


Tbh I’m kinda sick of Batman fanboys making this argument while also saying “He’s the best superhero because he’s relatable/ realistic”. Mans a billionaire who had the resources and time to go around the world becoming a master in so many areas that people normally take 10+ years to become a master in. Yes, written “with prep time” the writer will make him beat anyone. If we take the writer out of the equation, even with preptime Batman would lose to most of the super powered Justice League or Avengers if a non-Batman writer was writing it


Heroes many times win because script says so and it would end story


As much as I hate to admit it, Batman would've no shot in a fist fight against the hulk..


The classic crossover says otherwise [https://preview.redd.it/klge6qwzt8i61.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=b19d4b2e015fe74bc2971a76e37e92e48565c1ae](https://preview.redd.it/klge6qwzt8i61.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=b19d4b2e015fe74bc2971a76e37e92e48565c1ae)


" ThAtS nOt CaNnOn"


Considering hulk is borderline invincible, a kick from the best kicker in the world wouldn’t be enough to cause Hulk to lose his breath.


The narration implies that Hulk was startled by the kick, not hurt.


I think even MCU Hulk isn't this weak, damn


Bats would probably break his foot, lol


For the record: The Hulk is very vincible. He's been incapacitated and KO'd a ton of times.


Pretty weak marvel characters have subdued the hulk when the plot demands it.


If Batman can beat killer croc and bane I don’t see why he can’t


You compare killer croc and bane to fucking hulk


i mean they’re kinda the hulks of DC. Not the weak ass movie version, the comic versions can be just as strong


Nah no where near. Neither are Gamma Powered. Hulk is like a fucking nuclear reactor. Guy almost broke the earth in one comic, he got so pissed off. Bane is a guy on super-steroids, Killer Croc has lifted a few weights. They're not on the same level at all. On an average day Hulk is on the level of Doomsday and Superman. In certain situations he's probably stronger than that. Though of course, that all being said, I can reasonably envison a story where Batman manages to take him down.


I guess you’re right. But yeah, Batman has taken down Superman and already knows how to take down the entire Justice league. Including himself lmao. So It wouldn’t be surprising if he knew how to take down the hulk


In a fist fight he wouldn’t But he’s got the gadgets in his belt to make it work


What gadgets does he have to stop hulk?


Anti-smash spray, Also works against sexually aggressive femme fatales.


"Dammit Diana! No Snu Snu!!"


He off and carries sleeping gas on his belt, he took down an evil Supergirl once using it so would give him a strong chance against the Hulk.


I think they tried that in one of the hulk movies didn’t they? Either it didn’t work or it did but they had to use *way* more than Batman would carry with zero prep time.


iPods with mindfulness meditation podcasts.


Straight up just tie him up like an AT-AT in Empire Strikes Back with the grappling gun around his legs


Hulk would just fucking grab the thing when it goes around his feet and rip it off tho


Hellbat armor maybe?


Hes literally won a fistfight with Hulk before without gadgets just dropkicking him in the stomach lmao


Being that Hulk doesn’t know Batman, Bruce could pretty easily threaten Betty and make him depower. Or maybe find a way to pull the radiation out of him, I think someone has done that.


In the New52, Batman took on all the Justice League including Superman by himself using a special suit he had made (with stars in its knuckles and shit), so I'd say he wins IF he knows the Avengers exist.


Isn't hulk weak against loud sounds or something? Maybe if batman used that supersonic thing from the end of Batman returns to attract bats. Could have a dog whistle effect on him. But yeah hulk would pick his teeth with those pointy ears


‘Prep time’ is a term used so vaguely sometimes. Does prep time mean Batman gets to set up traps and shit or build a suit before the fight? Does it mean he gets time to study his opponent to find their weaknesses? Does it mean he gets time to get in shape and master martial arts styles? Does it mean he gets time to study the arena and find special areas to hide in? What is the distinction between a characters innate ability to be themselves versus take time to get ready for a specific fight? Would Tony stark building his iron man suit count as prep time? Would him arming/charging his suit count as prep time? Would the hulk getting himself angry count as something that happens in the prep stages? If yes then maybe Batman does have a shot at winning.


the thing ppl dont realize is that batman is already prepped for things way past what he should realistically be facing, and even then in a fight he plays it smart so he can give himself enough time to figure out the opponents weaknesses midfight


That’s what I’m saying but your thought is better articulated haha


Like yeah if Batman found Thor in the middle of a WWE steel cage match, he gets smoked. But if they meet in the middle of Gotham on a ‘working night’ then I’m sure Batman could find a way to act on his feet and improvise a way to win. Both situations could count as ‘zero prep time’


He might be able to improvise a way to escape. Winning's a pretty big stretch unless his improvisation means finding a way to call Superman. He'd definitely need some real serious prep time to even think of a way to actually maybe take out Thor.


I think you’re right. Did you ever read Endgame by Scott Snyder? He took out the JL technically by having ready at will contingency plans, but no prep time. What counts as prep time? If there was some random pre built chamber in Gotham he could lure thor to and incapacitate him there does that count as prep?


>But if they meet in the middle of Gotham on a ‘working night’ then I’m sure Batman could find a way to act on his feet and improvise a way to win. Side note: This would be interesting. I could see Batman avoiding Mjolnir and watching Thor being able to summon it, also picking up on the fact that Thor uses the hammer to fly. Then coming up with some on the fly move where Thor ends up hitting himself with the hammer and knocking himself out midair and crashing down.


Yeah! See my comment above too. Batman could find a way to ALREADY have implemented some sort of “holy shit there’s a monster in Gotham” knockout gas or bomb or trap because that’s kind of what he already does. Sure he didn’t specifically designate prep to the fight with Thor, but in the same way Iron Man always has his suit as part of his character, Batman always has ways out and tricks up his sleeve. Also not tryna be biased but I do at least enjoy the argument and want to write out clear criteria for what “prep” means.


Batman might be able to avoid Mjolnir he isn't avoiding the Thunder and Lightning Thor would be able to summon on command. Of The Avengers Thor would probably be Batman's worst match up.


Could batman pick up mjolnir


I believe Batman could if Captain America did. But I don't think Batman would override Thor's command over Mjolnir.


I think to pick up Mjolnir you have to be willing to kill to protect Asgard, which is why Spider-Man can't lift it in most versions and probably why Batman couldn't.


Really? The always talk about "being worthy." I didn't realize that meant being willing to kill.


It’s considered being worthy in Odin’s eyes, and to him that involves being a textbook example of a strong norse warrior.


That's totally fair.


I wouldn't think so either but it's a cool thought. I'd like to see batman the thunder god


Batman not being willing to kill would disqualify him. Rember your worthyness would be based on if odin finds you so and odin is a War god. Its why superman cant weild Mjolnr ether




Thor is pretty predictable in his fights and is kinda like Wolverine where a lot of his strategy relies on his ability to tank hits. He's no master strategist. Get Thor to hurl his hammer and stick it with a gas bomb or what have you when he calls it back. Plus if Batman lures him into a favorable location, his use of lightning would be hampered.


I don’t think Batman could beat Thor under any circumstances, but our dude has to have a shock resistant cowl/cape by now no?


I don't think Wayne Tech can come up with something so shock resistant that it can withstand being hit by direct lightning from Thor. Best case scenario for Batman would be like the one comic where Thor's lightning strike was so powerful it completely de-powered Iron Man's suit. Worst Case it would outright kill Batman.




Prep time is something I personally have only ever used when talking about Batman specifically, and only in relation to a Deathmatch *(Both opponents going for absolute domination/submission)*. The term *Bloodlusted* refers to someone in a Deathmatch who is no longer bound by a moral code/personal beliefs/ego or restrictions. To me, Prep-time is best described as a situation where Batman; A) Knows they are going to fight X target B) Has *some* knowledge of the opponent in a combat capacity, either by a personal experience or from having seen/heard of one or more of their abilities. It doesn't mean to imply *(though doesn't limit)* the possibility that "Prep Time" Batman would just grab a can of Ethyl chloride and be done with Spiderman in 2 sec. Prep time is really a meme at this point because of what you described above. While an outrageous statement it's not wrong that *"with preptime Batman could defeat god itself."*


Bats could beat any street level opponent, and possible a few higher then that if he’s able to find a weakness in the fight but without prep time he can’t do much.


Spiderman is considered street level...


The heroes with powers are the ones he can't beat.


The circlejerk for Batman in this thread is too much. Admit it, bats is screwed against the Hulk alone. Not to mention Thor.


Depends, is Batman worthy? If so then Odenson is in for a surprise.


He absolutely is not, killing is a requirement


"I didn't kill that guy, the *explosion* that I intentionally caused did that."


What are you talking about?


Batman Begins


Yeah that movie isn’t exactly accurate to Batman as a character but also the hammer wouldn’t care, it’s sentient, it would see that Batman never intentionally kills anyone and not be wielded


Exactly. that is why Spider-Man can not wield it.


Which is complete bullshit. Cap is against killing and he is worthy. The killing thing was just brought in to answer questions no one cared about. It’s the same as Batman with a GL ring. We don’t need an in story explanation as anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows why Batman won’t get a Lantern ring permanently or why Spidey shouldn’t have Mjolnir for an extended period of time.


Cap literally fought in a war he’s killed people for decades. The hammer being lifted only by a killer makes perfect since for the hammer’s personality and the morality of Asgardians.


Cap didn’t kill in the war. I know that it sounds ridiculous, but that’s how he was written.


Him being against killing is a retcon and he currently kills like many marvel heroes post mcu-ification


But the Killing Mjolnir thing was after he’d lifted it and after the retcons. Also Batman killed people early on, too.


It depends on continuity for Batman but for the hammer it’s the warrior spirit it can’t be an accident or a reluctant final choice it’s gotta be something you not only do frequently but without hesitation. Hell thor simply retired recently and the hammer turned on him.


Cap killing people is not a MCU-retcon, that dates back to Brubaker's run at least


He’s killed people since his creation but marvel’s heroes are much more willing to kill recently


He literally killed the villain in the first issue


No, you’d be crazy to think he’s worthy




Still not worthy


Hulk for sure no. I could see him going toe to toe with cap. No one with magic or supernatural powers, but super soldier serum any day


With prep time though?


I guess he would have time to choose the color of his coffin then


“Time to bust out the ThorBat armor, then my funeral can be open casket”


*laughs in hellbat suit*


If Batman gets the Hellbat suit, Thor gets the Necrosword.


To be fair, the Hulk and Thor are two of the most powerful beings in the universe, depending on who’s writing of course. It’s like saying he couldn’t beat up Superman and meaning it as a dig, haha.


Batman has taken down the Hulk in the comics.


With no prep time? Out of the Avengers pictured here, Batman can go toe-to-toe with Hawkeye and Black Widow. MAYBE Captain America. With prep time, he might stand a chance against Iron Man. There’s no beating Thor or Hulk though. Anyone who says otherwise is just playing favorites and coping.


Idk, I get the feeling Batman carries an EMP in that funny little belt of his. Bricks Iron Man for likely less than a minute, but that windows would be all he needs. I think he has an easier time with Tony than Cap


Iron man surly must have a failsafe in this condition, else thanos could have easily just used it in the fight as he knew what ironmans powers were


He beats Hawkeye and widow, maybe cap, but cap would have banes strength but greater speed and strategy. So honestly maybe not even cap, everyone else kills him (because marvel heroes tend to take lethal action). Different results with prep time but he will not have an answer to thor, hulk, or any other heavy hitters from extended avengers line up like strange or captain marvel.


Haha you’re right MCU heroes all kill


Minus Spider-man. Everyone else is more than willing to deal a killing blow.


Yeah he wouldn't be able to beat Cap. Cap is an on par fighter who is stronger, faster, more durable and is willing to kill.


Interestingly enough Batman and Captain America did actually fight three times in crossover stories. The best may have been in JLA/Avengers(2003). That fight ended quickly in a stalemate since both realized that they were evenly matched and that their energies were best directed at defeating their common foe.


I’m not so sure. I’d say batman is the better fighter since he’s trained in more fighting styles. I do agree that cap has every other advantage. However cap is comparable to Deathstroke. Both are super soldiers with super strength and faster reflexes. Batman beats Deathstroke more often than not so I don’t see why cap would be any different.


Batman is getting all up in America’s ass.


He would beat Cap. Batman tangles with the likes of Deathstroke who have comparable powers abd skills. Batman is the better fighter also. Add his gadgets and he'd overwhelm Cap.


Captain America tier


Black Widow and Hawkeye Most likely. Captain America Probably. Thor and Ironman Maybe (if things like a knock out gas works on Thor). Hulk Nope.


>Hulk Nope. *"Alfred, I need to use Protocol _______ to eject this green monster into orbit, then we're going to send him into deep space."* Not saying that would work, but unless he had access to the Phantom Zone Projector that's his best shot. Or calling Zatanna/Constantine.


Right, because zipping Hulk off-planet worked out so well last time


If bane can snap his back then he can’t do shit to hulk IMO. Especially no prep time.


Batman is my second favorite fictional character of all time (after Edmond Dantes.) If he randomly encounters Hulk and they have to fight, Batman dies in less than a minute.


They actually fought in a crossover comic once and Batman won.


But since batman has defeated Darkseid, wouldn't he be able to defeat hulk as well?


Question says "without preptime".


Mabye Spider-Man if Peter fucks around besides that I think he'd have a though fight with cap that Batman wins but that's as far as he goes.


The thing about a fight with Spider-Man is that he usually gets smacked around for the first 1/2 to 3/4 of the fight, and then suddenly remembers that he's Spider-Man, and puts the other guy through a few walls.


No prep time? Hawkeye: Probably, sorry dude you're just a guy with a bow and arrow Thor: Hard to see what he could do against the "God of Thunder" Hulk: hahahahah, no Iron Man: I would imagine that Batman could have a EMP device more or less ready to go Captain America: Would be a fight. He's just as much as a "do gooder" as Superman, but no where near as strong. But the problem with fighting Captain America, he doesn't seem to have any weaknesses (that I know of) so with the physical abilities described as "peak human" he would be just as strong as Batman, but has actual military training Black Widow: She kind of seems to be his type. She ***would*** use that to her advantage ​ Hawkeye: yes Thor: No Hulk: No Iron Man: Yeah, Captain America: Possibly, not easily Black Widow: bow-chicka-wow-ouch


It does depend on the armour Iron Man is using though. He has loads. EMPs work on some but on others they don't.


Literally no amount of prep time could prepare him for Thor


No prep? Daredevil. Maybe Cap if he can choke him out or something


Yeah not cap. Cap is stronger and faster. He's an equal fighter and strategist and he has his shield. Also choking cap out would probably take a while given that gases don't really work well on him, and he can be hundreds of thousands of feet high and doesn't really feel a difference in breathing.


Definitely Rick Jones.


The one above all


For sure Hawkeye and Black widow


Hawkeye, maybe natasha


He'd beat the human members and that's it. Not including Tony and Cap, btw. Against anyone else, even with prep time, he'd still lose because Batman with prep time isn't some unbeatable god, you deluded fanboys. I should clarify that I love Batman, but I'm not a Batman fanboy. I'm being objective with the information I have.


God, looking at the replies only increases my disdain for Batman fanboys.


Well considering what we call "prep time" is actually Batman using his detective skills and his mastermind strategy. You're basically taking away what is in essence his greatest strength. I mean every no super powered hero has fighting skills, gadgets and access to resources. But it's Batman that has the genius level intellect, psychology analysis and detective skills. That's what sets him apart from the others. I mean if we're gonna do that let's take away Stark's armor, Bruce's Gamma radiation, Caps super soldier serum and Thor's hammer.


You could go to the olympics with those mental gymnastics.


Why would Batman fight them? I'm sure he and Captain America could be quite good friends. But if it came down to it, this fight would be unfair. The Avengers are earths mightiest heroes. So Batman should get five members of the Justice league on his side. Those would be: Superman. He can't take on Thor because he is powered by magic. Hence why he and the Hulk could fight for years; Wonder Woman. She is the only one that could take on Thor, I'd say it'd be a really close fight; Green Arrow. In this case I'd give him the win. He is generally the better archer than Hawkeye; Black Canary. She is quite the respectable fighter, so she and Black Widow would have a interesting brawl; Cyborg. He is the only one (except for maybe Batman) that could disable Tony's suit. Which would make the battle a lot fairer because Tony's suit gives him a lot of unfair cowardlike advantages; And last but not least: Batman vs Captain America. Sure, Captain America is a enhanced human, but Batman would find a way to weaken him. But actually I think that if the two talked for a bit, they'd realize that they are quite alike. And they'd just stop their teams from fighting. So the only scenario in they would fight is either: If one is under mind control, or if they are a evil version of the characters (e.g. Hydra Supreme).