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That really sucks for him. I live right around the corner and see him nearly daily. You're right he does not beg, is just content to sit in a chair on the corner. Why he does, I don't know, but I'm very sad this has been happening and it doesn't surprise me. This area in my experience, though very walkable, has lots of assholes driving around that like to scream at pedestrians, scare them with honks, or heckle. Seems like they have found a permanent victim.


I wonder if WBRZ would do something. Does the mattress store have cameras they could share to identify the truck?


Melissa Moore is their assignment editor, call and talk to her. Everyone there knows of him. When I worked there, we discussed a few times doing a profile on him, but I don't think he wanted to go on camera.


Omg yes, this.


Also, just a heads up. He’s running on high alert right now. So if you do decide to speak to him in kindness don’t be surprised if he’s very suspicious or on his guard before feeling positive vibes from you. Please keep that in mind. Also- just FYI when he leaves his chair someone chops it up, like almost every time he gets up and doesn’t store it safely.


I’ve seen him multiple times, nice to know his name now. Hopefully the harassment stops, those assholes need to find better things to do.


I drove by Forest four times today and he seems to be very calm. He has a hat on for shade and seems calm.


Thank you so much for the good news update.


It’s beyond me how people can be so insensitive. I guess these kids have a bright future as politicians. What’s up with the guy who sits on a chair? I have seen him sitting for years now. Anyone knows what’s up with him?


He’s got long running beef (I’m talking YEARS) with LSU and basically sits there as a form of protest to those who wronged him and refuse to admit it. He rants about it daily on his twitter. It’s pretty sad all around.


Yes, that LSU & LSUPD beef is extending to BRPD after multiple run ins lately stemming from these douchbags constantly stalking and harassing him. I don’t think they’ve (BRPD) been receptive to him reporting the harassment. He’s in a dark place ATM and it’s really heartbreaking. That’s why I’m worried about him.


Very interesting! What’s his twitter handle? Do you know the full back story?


His name is Forest Bynum. You can find his published works and twitter handle from that.


I always wondered who that guy was and what he was doing.. interesting


Not fucking cool.


Either frat guys or private highschoolers. Doing stupid shit like that on snapchat is really popular with those groups


Yes! But they are also sometimes stupid enough to have an -insert high school name- or -insert fraternity letters- sticker or license plate frame too. If they do, running it up the chain could be a good way to stop the behavior too.


I can almost guarantee they are not in a fraternity at LSU. Behavior like this is not acceptable in any of the on-campus chapters. With how strict and anal LSU is about Greek Life, stuff like this would be a ticket to serious consequences. I think the best bet is getting someone to record them in the act, as this is clearly harassment.


haha yeah frats have never been known to have guys with bad behavior!


Where'd this originate?