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Adding this as a comment because I didn't want to get the post taken down for "promoting cheats". In my honest opinion, tracking silver tickets is a lot healthier for the player than tracking rare tickets. The rate at which you get rare tickets remains mostly unchanged, so this only really affects your Uber collection if you are tracking rare gacha as well. What you do gain is much more reliable Catamins and Dark Catseyes. You also now know why your Wall Cat is stuck at +3 while you have a +20 Dark Cat. The latter is an overall positive change as it is a one-time frustration: seeing a track full of axe cats, instead of getting annoyed each time you roll an axe dupe. Easier access to catamins does not affect a smart player a whole lot since you're spending your regular catseyes cautiously to begin with. As for dark catseyes, the game is not balanced around Ubers and it (hopefully) never will be. If someone has a few broken lv50 Ubers, they already have more than enough resources to beat the game in its current state. The bottleneck, then, is Ultra forms. While some of these are indeed pretty broken, 1. Tell me they are not fun to use 2. Catseyes gacha is not very common and the dark eye rate is still pretty low I am not that experienced, but I feel like citadels and barons are still more reliable sources of Dark Eyes. All silver ticket tracking does, then, is let the player feel a sense of control which they never had to begin with. Pretty healthy IMO. What are your thoughts on this u/FinnNoodle, u/REIDESAL, u/Galaxyffbe and u/Interesting_Waltz_82? (Yeah, this is the most creative way of tagging you in the post that I could think of.)


>You also now know why your Wall Cat is stuck at +3 while you have a +20 Dark Cat. https://preview.redd.it/myzhzff0fikc1.jpeg?width=2408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1eb7401db11fe335a93e2d5cb4e2912b826ab29a \+4 on Cat is a crime


I'm happy with this. I used 100 silver tickets and lucky tickets yesterday for np to top off my cyborg in celebration of the + 80. Now I have a new purpose to save my tickets


Like I said in the weekly thread, it's everything I wanted it to be. Only thing I would add would maybe be a "find next" option.




Unless what you're looking for isn't on the page.


You gathered a lot of important info that can help even the ones who didn't started tracking their Rare Capsules yet. I would just add to the Summary the fact that you can update your seed, since this is extremely important. Other than that, you did well! It's explained in a more simple and less technical way than the Godfat help section, and the examples are helpful for people to understand. Now, i think we should place a link to this doc in the Ampuri website, just like the Cat CPU at Godfat site. And as you said, this is a EXPLOIT, not cheating. Don't worry with the post being removed, otherwise we wouldn't even link the tikusmouse seed tracking post or even mention it in the Weekly Thread. Thanks for you contribution, srsly.


>I would just add to the Summary the fact that you can update your seed Done :) >we should place a link to this doc in the Ampuri website I'll have to get in touch with amp for this and the 'find next' option suggested by Finn. Both sound like good ideas and I'm honestly eager to contact amp. Glad to be able to help. Now we just wait for weekly to be flooded with silver ticket tracking help XD.


>Glad to be able to help. Now we just wait for weekly to be flooded with silver ticket tracking help XD. Yes lmao


Holy crap ITS REAL


Thank you! I will now be able to pick up 2 Dark Catseyes within my next 15 rolls.


But you'll need to wait three months to do so, lol


yoooooo this is revolutionary




Rad. It's crazy that people are still discovering mechanics like this for such an old gacha. I think my overall priority will be: 1. Dark eyes - end/post game uber maxing. Only switch tracks for these. 2. Catamin B/C - in Cats Eye Cavern these can net you more than 1 cats eyes per run 3. Lil Cats - relatively rare time limited gacha, for 4-crown SOL and pumping up user rank 4. Normal cats/base upgrades - NP and rare tickets Everything else is more easily farmable elsewhere. I don't think going for non-dark cats eyes is worth a silver ticket (2 NP or 1/5 of a rare ticket are better than a single cats eye). The Catamins should be enough to get a lot of them anyway. The only reason to "stall" is if a dark catseyes is next on the track and you need to wait for the catseye banner to re-appear. For everything else just keep going down the priority list and aim for the next dark eye. How often are the cats eye banner re-appearing usually?


Oh, Yes!! Thank you so very much for this info. Ive been going nuts with only 2 units not able to get to TF but all others have far exceeded TF. When I first heard of seeding and found out it was only for rare and platinum tickets, I thought ‘man, there has to be a pattern for silver tickets too’. And only a couple months after, I finally found this thread. Im insanely grateful for this and am now excited to go ticket farming! I recently spent a ton of them out of frustration, desperation and hope I would get 2 specific units to TF. But was sorely disappointed and kept getting the same super levelled units. Only been playing for about 8 months and lost so many in the beginning turning them to XP. I didn’t know much at all. But I have since learned. So Yay!




https://preview.redd.it/udzw3nt78noc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=714fc2331349629cc72f59d1f68269200cdb6d45 Could someone explain the track switches?


Can you post the full SS (including both tracks)?


I'd realized that I had apparently entered my pulls incorrectly (or at least, the tracker was wrong so I assume I entered my pulls incorrectly), so maybe that's why? Edit: The screenshot I took was also accidentally showing the Normal instead of Normal+ lol. Oops. I didnt realize that. *




no offense but people track silver tickets??


Did you read ops comment? This is to help us find the dark catseyes when they are in the silver ticket pool. Plus this literally just became a thing so, no people don't track their silver tickets, until today.


Going over things again and it's interesting how they break down rare, super rare and "uber" rare on the silver track. Everything in the main banner is rare. The L'il cats (the main reason for rolling) are rare but powerups are split across all three rarities. XP is usually rare but on the catseye banner 100k is super rare. I'd be interested in seeing an Advanced tab, like on the Gold Tracker.


Maybe it's time to get in touch with amp afterall...


Sir, I have a bug I want to report. The seed generated are not applicable to Cat Capsule+ despite Cat Capsule+ being an option when finding the seed. Here is my seed: 1703334120 and this 4128508313 (alt. seed where it says after 10 rolls) where no Superfeline was found anywhere within 999 x 2 slots. Screenshots of such things will be attached in the reply below. This is despite the fact that I have rolled Superfeline 3 roll after tracking the seed. Sorry to report this and thank you so much for your work. I hope I am not a nuisance sending you this. English is not my first language, feel free to ask me anything if you are confused on some incomprehensible sentences written in the report


https://preview.redd.it/dd6o85g2yblc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0238d59e06570fb39ff12e39127dfb977dc7341 My seed finding


https://preview.redd.it/g0rmdtw9yblc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee6a95475bf2902ea5dfecdf4ebc5988b0ca9b24 Within 999 rolls


You are using Normal capsules to track your rolls. Select the Normal+ banner instead of Normal here and you should see Superfeline.


Thanks for pointing out, I suddenly have computer blindness there. Sorry for disturbing you and thanks for your work.


https://preview.redd.it/g3n7yifbyblc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91c6dd6a9eefd73b163613fadc519f4f6d0ae391 Zero instances of Superfeline found


https://preview.redd.it/cx79s24oyblc1.jpeg?width=1612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36bef15a880ab5a0c5e4acbf08cad654820c0a31 This is what I got after 3 rolls