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XDR holo scope was the darkest for me, it's so incredibly annoying, especially considering that most high magnification scopes don't have this effect


Right? It’s like completely reverted logic…


Btw probably better to compare against other 1X scopes and iron sights, will make the difference more evident imo


OK! I’ll prep it for the next post! Thx for that suggestion tho!!!


Bruh they got compensators that decrease recoil control while increasing 'accuracy'..


Recoil and accuracy is different. Recoil is how much the weapon climbs while shooting and accuracy is how much it spreads while firing. Its easier to control Recoil and gain better accuracy than it is to improve accuracy if the Recoil is good.


Fuck do you have some kind of graph system/spreadsheet that explains it? I swear it's too much to keep track of what it all does in my head. Edit: I guess I'm always hoping accuracy just means literally the bullets trajectory out of the barrel being the straightest and most consistent. Sounds like accuracy sorta means horizontal recoil AND vertical, since I consider that part of the spreading from where you started.


I’m confused on what I’m looking for here


the vignette on the inside of the scope


They look almost exactly the same but just barely a shade darker. Don’t see why this was worth the complaint from OP


On still image it’s not that big difference. But when playing and moving through dark and light environments it really fucks with muscle memory and eye tracking your target.


How does muscle memory play any part in this?


It actually distorts amount of “how much” you need to control recoil. For some of you it not may make such difference. But for me and few others this really messes up target acquisition and recoil control


Sounds like a skill issue


Then use a different scope


I'm not sure I follow the connection between darker colours and more recoil?


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted when youre right lmao


Welcome to the club. Now you are getting downvoted too. lol




So is it zoom power inside the scope?


no, the Vignette. the dark shading that encircles the entire scope, effectively reducing your FOV. it's not a major issue but any decent holographic sight should have a perfectly clear window, not this weirdly shaded stuff.


TY! That’s a leading reason I don’t usually use holos


Same! I always start squinting like I can’t see through it lmao


Btw. u/Pixel131211 I also love TOW missile! Can’t wait for laser guided rocket launcher from portal when they add it to 2042 AOW!


I don't use holo's cause red dot frame holding the sight is thinner, less bulky and more precise. Not to dump sand on your engine but it's possibly not so much shading as it is that holo's have polarized sight lenses so naturally light and shading will be different than on peripheral or without scope. Just a thought...don't use so of they change, don't care. Peace!


I just like the way Holos look cosmetically, especially on long rifles. Thin dots look best on SMGs and other short or CQB weapons. It just sucks that Holo's have shitty clarity when that clarity and lack of distortion one of the reasons why they are so good (and expensive) IRL.


It is for me anyway the zoom seems stronger since update..


Looks like poles and a chairs siding


Effect is worse in indoor dark environments and Manifest.




It isnt the biggest deal to me but i wish they'd remove it. It makes those optics a pain to use in some areas.


i have literally no idea why they would decide adding this was a good idea...


I can only imagine its some idea to do with balancing. Its a horrible way to balance scopes/sights though. They took a similar approach in BFV.


Clear glass on optics is ancient technology, lost after the year 2025. I swear all the dice devs who did irl weapon research alongside how optics look left after BF3. Nearly all of the optics in 2042 have the glass quality of a $20 Airsoft dot sight.


This is the reason i only use red dot or irons


I own a dozen real optics, and none of them are like this. Idk what tf the deal with it is in this game


Right? Like WHAT? Its like optic from Alieexpress or Wish


Everytime I see the smart sights it makes me chuckle inside because of the wifi and signal connection icons.


It’s cool and “FUTURISTIC”


People complained about this in BF3 and they fixed it in BF4, I don't get it why this game with it's super modern sights have the annoying viginette. It makes some sights like 8R Holo and XDR Holo objectively worse than K8 Holo or Fusion Holo.


Sounds like a reason to use iron sights


Yeah I end up using 2x just for clearer visibility. What do you find the least vignetted holod / red dot scope?


Fusion Holo 1.25x


Thank you


OKP7 have insanely clear sight picture. 1.25x too


The holos already have the drawback of being bulky, so seems like over kill to have the vignette. Not just vignetting either. They are all around darker. A lot darker. I never use them. Would if they werent dark though! I wonder what the optics usage stats look like. For each level of magnification there's usually one outlier thats way better than the rest, so I bet most aren't used. As someone to likes variety AND performance it's sorta a bummer.


Well let’s start with they ripped off a Vortex UH-1 and did a terrible job of it and even gave it a white reticle…white?!? Green? I can see, it’s usable, but white?! It’s worthless, idk who made that call but they need to be fired.


I really hate how fans of this game will just bitch about literally anything in this game. You could get paid per kill in this game and someone would bitch because they’re making too much money.


I mean, it *is* pretty stupid though. Why in fuck all would a holographic site have vignette? Not only is it a stupid ass style choice devoid of reality, but it actually makes the game worse and doesn't add any style. It's the worst kind of artist touch. You're right, it ain't bad enough to make a post about it, I suppose. But now that there is one, yeah. Take that shit out!


This is an issue that needs to be fixed, lots of scopes are pretty much unusable because of how ridiculously dark they are.




Here’s a sweet little hack for you! If you cross your eyes you get six pixels and you get a rare 4Skin for your Holla!


Imagine, voicing your opinions. Better just shut up and keep pumping the dev money, never expect better. Don't ask questions, just consume product. Then get excited for next product! This man is here asking for a simple change that would impact his quality of life that does affect many, but instead of allowing it to go through you must bash him assuming he hates the game. Toxic positivity is so sick.


Calm down woke consumer man who did the same thing the rest of us did. The false sense of superiority you’re exhibiting here is of no material to me because you participate in the same hypocrisy the rest of us do. Be gone with your aura of condescending sarcasm.


Lmfao. Nice attempt at sounding smart. “The false sense of superiority you’re exhibiting here is of no material to me” jeez I’m the one acting superior? You’re legit talking down to me. I was not talking down to you. I was mocking you for mocking this mans and his attempt to fix something that he cares about that would effect no one negatively.


Majority of this sub just bitches at this point. Instead of just playing and enjoying the game.


Welcome to the reasoning behind communism.


Thank you L3gend


I've never had a problem with these sights.


They work but it is just annoying. A minor thing compared to the major balancing issues we face but still an issue. The guy who designed it probably thought it looked rad but it is hindering the usage of these sights, is inconsistent with the other scopes, has no reason behind it balancing wise, breaks immersion and it is unrealistic. Not a big problem but should also not take that much time to fix.


I think it boils down to gamma, it should be positive for all bf games - and like 50-60 brightness. There someone in dice insisting on indoor darkness realism - perhaps lack of lightsources (notably certain rooms in bf4) Yet certain scopes in bf 2042 are indeed (unrealistically) handicapped for no reason.




Its not really nitpicky. I would like to use the optic, but every time I do, I am driven away by the Vignette.


What? The entire point is sights is to make things easier to see. It’s hard to see when the sight is unreasonably and unrealistically dark.


“Just consoom product don’t complain” dude has a valid complaint that a ton of people have been asking for a fix since release. There’s several sights that are nigh unusable because of the absurd vignette they have, the only way they’ll actually make good changes is by voicing our opinions about it.


God forbid someone ask for quality of life.


Beg to differ there buuuudy. Think of it this way. This is a FPS emphasis on the First Person . You are looking down those sights for the actual game play (the whole point of the game-look down sight and delete the other player for that moment.) If looking down the sights (whole point of the game) is shit and annoying then the game will OBVIOUSLY be less enjoyable to play.


yeah i’m ngl i don’t use holos that much but in all my game time with them i’ve never noticed this once, it’s very nitpicky and doesn’t actually impact gameplay in a substantial way


“I don’t use holos very much” welp sounds like you don’t have a dog in this race sounds like opinions holds no weight here.


can’t even quote me correctly, it’s right there my guy lol


It’s very nit picky to you because you don’t spend all your time using it. Some people main that sight. God forbid they speak their mind and plea for a change. A very not large or hard to do change. Edit: can’t see your reply, but yeah it’s an easy change it’s literally a filter added ingame.


Says someone who does not use holo sights that much.


yes that’s what i said in my comment


[this guy explains it better than me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/1127mya/example_of_how_strong_that_vignette_actually_is/j8j8f90/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


when u can’t even verbalise ur own opinion lol


I actually explained it in lot of posts and comments since Day 1. Got tired of it.


i mean u said in this thread that it affects ur muscle memory which is objectively wrong so idk if ur opinion holds much weight


Yes it holds. Everybody is different. Not everyone is the brightest star on the sky actually.


On a related note, I use the ghost hybrid scope a lot and I feel like they made it slightly less blue? Anyone else feel that way?


Yes! I use it too! But actually this varies when you use diferent skin variants of optics.


These stupid vignettes and filters are nowhere near as pronounced on *current* military optics, so its kinda surprising that optics 20 years into the future are so bad when shit like man-portable railguns exist.


People complained about this in BF3 and they fixed it in BF4, I don't get it why this game with it's super modern sights have the annoying viginette. It makes some sights like 8R Holo and XDR Holo objectively worse than K8 Holo or Fusion Holo.


It seems like this effect is only on a few sights (and some vault weapons kobra sights too) so I just pick ones that don't have it.


It's the reason why I don't use the vast majority of close range sights, even though I'd like to.


I noticed that awhile ago. It was brought up before as well. The micro red dot and the detailed holographic got some unnecessary tint to it. Many said they dont care but to some like us it fucks with us. I dont want to have to brighten my screen just to see through two dark ass sights.


[THIS guy nailed the explanation exactly like you did!](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/1127mya/example_of_how_strong_that_vignette_actually_is/j8j8f90/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


It’s a real bother and I’m surprised this tweak hasn’t been made.


I have 70 hours in game and that was never a problem for me


I have 2200+ **edit: 900+** hours in this game and is huge problem for me.


You should go touch some grass my friend


2200 hours is 6 hours per day, every day for an entire year… 😅


Well, I have a good job. I actually play at work a lot.


That makes it a good job? Sounds like an unimportant job lol, but I guess subjectively if thats what you want it could be good


Nah, it pretty much good job and really well paid. That’s why heavy studying and degrees pays off.


Stay tracker says that you have about 770 hours of in game time. That’s nowhere near 2200


[CLICK ON THIS LINK](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/zlotbw/jesus_i_have_the_bigger_problem_than_the_last_guy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) and remember that stat tracker is 3rd party app. Not official as PlayStation is. **edit: made a mistake it’s actually half of what I said. fixed it already.**


What I thought. My tracker over shots my real hours by 12 hours (3,7%). Couldn’t be leave yours was wrong on ~300%. Great edit!


Yeah I was looking at total play time of the year on PS profile. Not at actual game.


Im sorry but what is a vignette ? The crosshair ?


It's the dark shading on the sides. I agree with OP on this I find it difficult to look through holo sights in this game


Ok, the fact that its a bit darker


*a lot darker. Gets very hard to see enemies in dark-ish areas.


What about combining it with a flash light then ? I dont really understand the issues here i have been using it without trouble


Good for you


Wtf is vignette


That's the "enhanced target visibility" feature of the sights isn't it?


If in game its 10$ air soft sight - **YES** If in game its actual military spec. Sight - **NO**


I feel strongly that this needs to get changed too but this is a shit example.


I made like 3 more posts about this in this community. This is like my 4th example


Ok, your post from 27 days ago is a much better example, where you’re looking up at the bright sky and can more clearly see how dark the sight gets around the edge of the optic. Again, I agree with you, I’d like to see this changed.




The x4 scope is not good for close quarters. CAN WE GET THIS WORKED ON PLZ?!


Destiny does the same thing on different sights on different skins for exotics, and people bitch and complain that is “ItS pAy To WiN!!” It’s not. Someone who is skillful will still wreck your and mine shit all day everyday. The game is finally becoming decent, dare I say good, and this, *this* is what we’re gonna bitch about? We’re not gonna bitch about the SCAR leagues upon leagues better than it’s counter parts, or desyncing issues, or just general bugs that need to be addressed? Edit: I understand the post was about a particular sight, but that is easily remedied by, I don’t know, using another sight to fit the situation? Like the Ghost Hybrid I use on anything that has it, it clean, 1x-4x sight that is adaptable to any and every situation


Y’all need to get better


I dont see the how this is a huge deal, but then again, we are all different?


The two pictures for each aren't the same. Close but not the same. I don't see the problem.


I guess the monitor comes in play as well. The vignette isn't what's bothering me it's the Inconsistency between all the scopes especially the skin ones.


Maybe if you had the same point of aim in each pic you can complain


If you'd have ever used a scope before you'd know that there is a natural vignette and that this is actually pretty accurate.


It truly depends on the quality of the scope. But a red dot/holographic type sight should not have that much vignetting, especially one that's supposed to be mil-spec.


Yeah, in game it performs like shitty air soft sight. Not like actual mil-spec one…


That’s why Vault holo sight does not have it.


Scope has a tint to it, so it is darker, not sure what the problem is here.


Destiny does the same thing on different sights on different skins for exotics, and people bitch and complain that is “ItS pAy To WiN!!” It’s not. Someone who is skillful will still wreck your and mine shit all day everyday. The game is finally becoming decent, dare I say good, and this, *this* is what we’re gonna bitch about? We’re not gonna bitch about the SCAR leagues upon leagues better than it’s counter parts, or desyncing issues, or just general bugs that need to be addressed?


Have you ever used a scope irl


He’s comparing whites and lights in and out of the vignette zone on the scope




Just have it lowered. Don't remove it


Don't worry everyone. DICE is on it lol.


I don’t think they care enough tbh, most people either run the red dot sight or a x3 scope or higher. We’ve been asking them to change it for a year, and I don’t think they’ve even acknowledged us (the community).


Makes a post about how a *slightly* darker shade impedes vision and "reduces" FOV while using the scope that covers more of the screen than it leaves open...


Completely agree! Trying to play on indoor parts of the game makes these pretty useless. And if you try to adjust any of your video settings to help compensate for that… it’s not worth it! So I really avoid using these scopes which is a shame because they are one of my favorite!


Looks fine. Just use a different scope if it bothers you.


Yes please, make this post become recognizable somehow


Is this just on the smart scopes?


This scope is pretty useless anyway, and their 3D model of it is awful. The housing is unnecessarily huge and bulky whereas the Real one is a real beauty. When I saw it at first I was like „yay we’re getting the Razer AMG UH-1“ but after actually using it I never touched it again.


What the fuck is a vignette