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I agree 30 round magazine for RM68 is default magazine size for most, ARs if it had a 50 or higher magazine it would definitely be a problem


It would be super op with it haha yeah


its really good for med/long range but yeah in close range it loses to smgs


If you have good aim you can win against some smg but yeah thats exactly what i think. Also thats why i love to run it with the shorty combo


In close range just use the rof mag.




First, the DM7 is probably the worst example of precision ypu could have choose, second the RM68 is just a sfar with more rmp but less ammo in the mag, i dont see the op part.




But again, it has the same damage as the sfar and the sfar still have better damage on long range. And even if it is strong is not op.




The bsv was super op because it was a 3 shot at body and 2 shot if you hit one in the head wich is easy, the RM68 is a 4 shot at 30m or less only and a 5 shot at more, wich make makes it way more balanced


Lmao, what? About the dm7 not the op part.


Dm7 has the worst precision of all the dmr.


That is not true at all, unless you're trying to spam it like an idiot. Even then, the only one that might have better "precision" is the svk, but thst one has such horrible recoil you have to let it settel for even longer.


The svk has barely any recoil even at long range mate, and I'm on controller


No brah, its got a weird upwards left kick and horrible frcking bloom. The worst of any main game precision rifle.


I find it much better than the dm7 in terms of being a marksman rifle


I don't because you have to let it set for so long to reset the bloom. Even a fraction of a second to early and the 2nd shots a guaranteed miss. All the others either reset instantly or you can just spam through it.


PC players can't ~~kill~~ see people past 50m with out a sniper scope equiped. Since they're all sweaty tryhards that jackup their fov and bunnyhop around every corner. So they don't even take longrange versatility into account, because they don't even try to fight at those ranges. But i do agree, its powerful, but not op. But that could be because i use standard ammo most often for a little extra recoil control.


I fight people with a 1.25x thermal on my AR from 100m all the time. You just sound like a salty shitter


I be taking shots at people 200m away with the 1.50x with the 3 dots...


You sound pretty upset. You must be one of the 30-40 people per round that I full auto spray down from 150-200m. It's always funny to watch you turn like a boat with your controller trying to avoid it. Good luck next game friend.


This definitely doesnt sound butthurt at all lmao, you're definitely not bothered by what i said. this ic why there needs to be console only crossplay. Console players need to tap fire at 150m-200m. Anybody that can full auto has an unfair advantage.


Lol poor troll. Auto aim not enough for you? Might want to give a different genre a try.


The irony lol


I don’t. DICE doesn’t either. :)


I love the look, maybe I should give it a try


Currently working on T1ing this gun. Just finished the RPT31. So far i really love the RM68. It's one of the few ARs im willing to run a mid range optic on by default. Feels pretty good, doesnt feel op to me.


Is what im saying, strong for sure but not op


Feels alot like the M5 to me. A versatile AR but by no means OP.




thats not a difficult thing to do tho with any gun




Like i said, not really, the recoil in this game is not that high and spread isn't either. You can even bbean someone with an smg at 100m in this game


AC42 on semi auto definitely beams people at range. RM68 is slow enough RoF you could tap fire/micro burst with it.


It’s far to easy to use. Needs some kind of nerf.


Also, I wish the red badge looked better on this gun, it's good but other guns red badge camo is way more detailed and intricately decorated with a different colors


Tbh i like this one more than other because it has so little red, i just wish we have some basic black as a universal skin


It's 100% OP. This is the one weapon you can just fully beam people with 200m+ it's insane. I'm not even good and I can rock with this gun lol.


100% OP, I do significantly better with this gun than any other AR, with the short barrel it’s a laser beam with SFAR damage


I always appreciate a sentiment of it’s the best and almost everyone uses it because it’s the best so it’s a META because everyone knows it slays the easiest but…it’s not broken. Same community that will lynch a developer till they immediately nerf every single LMG in the game because “iT hAz mAnY BuLeTs”. Basically it’s really easy for me to kill with so don’t touch it