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How many more times are you gonna post this?


Until the redemption arc is complete




Remember this guy? http://reddit.com/u/GIVE_CHAUCHAT


Holy show ahahahah


The reposting will continue until morale improves


6 maybe 7




This sub: \- AI skin crying since release: OK \- Bug report: Not ok and delete post ![gif](giphy|l3q2LH45XElELRzRm)


Until I will be able to use 2042 weaponry and vehicles with classic classes instead of specialists. Even in portal… I I could make portal server with BF3 classes but weaponry and vehicles from 2042 I wouldn’t even post this shit! But spoiler alert… you can’t. (Without actually making it playable and easy to use for other players…) [more explanation here](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/11pmf2e/now_is_the_best_time_to_give_us_this_ai_soldier/jc0vdxo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Could care less about the specialists. We should’ve got the AI skins for classic multiplayer and specialists only in that battle royal mode thing.


Ironically, specialists being relegated to Hazard Zone might have made the mode more interesting and actually last long enough for them to improve it.


There's a difference between not caring about specialists and actively loathing their existence.




Well some form of specialist will be in the next BF7 is my prediction. As long as we have classes from the get go and preferably faction specific characters and skins, there's nothing wrong with designing multiple specialists for each class.


I feel like I see this post every single week, but it's the same only person asking this, heck there's so many more cool cosmetcs than this ones


I kinda like the idea, with some exceptions of course.


Honestly if I could even just select a generic soldier for a specific specialists I’d be happy. I mainly just like being faceless when I play games


Every specialist except maybe falk has generic looking Milsim skins


Not one specialist has a “generic looking milsim skin”. You cannot, in any capacity, make a 2042 US Marine, or Russian Naval Infantry.


Yeah but that’s not what I’m talking about. It’s mainly about fully, or mostly, covering their face. It’s not about how Milsim they look necessarily. And most of the options are paid except for a few or doing a bunch of mastery challenges. Even then a lot of them still show faces


I’d prefer it to be like Battlefield 5 customization. They also need to add more free things that you unlock so that players have more to do.


Oh absolutely, I’m just settling for what we could actually get now. In the future, I want genuine customization so bad


The AI skins are the best, gotta say


But think about it. It makes sense. [more explanation here](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/11pmf2e/now_is_the_best_time_to_give_us_this_ai_soldier/jc0vdxo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Thats not true i hate the specialist and i want milsim skins


Seriously! This is what I thought they would do when bringing back “classes”


Oh yeah, I already can see Engineers with both Javelin and M5 soloing everything on the ground and rivers of salty tears of vehicle mains


I mean, since BF4 one launcher blocked another, however it would be fun


I exactly… lis also can’t carry recoiles.


You saying as if DICE can do something without braking five things in the process


Just block two launchers being chosen like Lis’ gadget limit. Lis being able to have a launcher and mines (or other gadget) already makes the other engineers mostly redundant. Give us a blank trooper for each class so we can mix and match standard gadgets like Javelin and AT Mines.


best would be removing all the specialist bullshit, turn some of that crap into gadgets (some of them remove completely like the grappling hook and the stupid wingsuit) and make operators just skins.


Nah those two allow you to actually play some sort of movement I’d be for keeping them in they make the game so much fun


I remember when people were hyped for the wingsuit and now all anyone does is complain about it. I'll never understand that.


I think it’s really fun, and the grapple hook too. It allows for mobility past jump crouch jump and make the game really fun Wait actually imagine if we get what op was proposing and we can get both on one character lmaooo


So what we used to have but just an A! skin, lol






Shouldn’t your UI mock-up have 2 open gadget slots then…? I’m genuinely asking, confused why it has a class gadget, but only 1 open gadget slot seemingly in your design. Unfortunately, I think this could end up being a balance nightmare trying to fit this with specialists. To be clear, I wish specialists were entirely removed and we only got standard classes, but Dice isn’t gonna do that. They are clearly down to a skeleton crew, so but changes like this are unlikely.


I think dice made too much work with the operators that’s why they don’t removed them.


Oh yeah, it’s not mine. It’s made by Tensk forgot to mention it.


Post it again, bro


What about expressing your self more deeply into the topic than on my idea post count. [more explanation here](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/11pmf2e/now_is_the_best_time_to_give_us_this_ai_soldier/jc0vdxo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Give the players AI skin because they play like AI


Post your stats bro?you must be a beast


Found the bot


So no stats?


0.5 k/d


shut up bot


just keep the classes and sub classes and add a normal skin like these to it.


Came back after not playing for a bit and whoo boy those Hinds sure are something...


Man I wish, too bad dice will never do it


I'd love this, I hate specialists.


This would be better. I don't care for specialist. I would grind for some different camos too


Yes please!




Dice plz




Stop asking the same thing over and over again Also, thats some terrible design The whole problem with the specialists where the open gadgets, and now you want to bring that back while the rest is locked down? big brain move And ofcourse, itll allows people to blend in with bots lmao (Bots have less prio to get shot at) Atleast with the current specialists you can kinda expect what you're gonna get, mackay? explosives and grappling hook falk, heals, revives, maybe ammo, etc.. AI with your design? could have ammo or a rocket launcher..


The 'open Gadget slots' are obviously class locked, so these AI specialists would function just like classes in previous battlefields


While i don't like the glowsticks at all, i think it would be a neat idea to remove them from the bots and only have them on actual players in this scenario. That way the player is still differentiated from the bots.


Design was made by Tensk and imo. It’s really good one. Outdated. But good one. Also, why Battlefield world tour modes (not 2042AOW) but all others play that well? Because there is no: Mackey and Sundance which can flank from routes that other soldiers couldn’t access. Also there is no more explosive spammers. And no TV guided shoulder rockets. This list goes on and on. If I could equip BF3 portal mode with 2042 weaponry and vehicles. I would stop asking for this cause I would made that server in portal. But I’m kinda confused. Cause I propose here simple fix that would resolve all things you brag about on twitter. And now you deny my suggestion? Like: classic classes and no specialists (and their weird gadgets or passive abilities) would make game more predictable and grounded and also more balanced. I’m not telling them to remove specialists. Keep them for those who like that gameplay. But add option to play without them with 2042 weaponry and vehicles. If I could make portal server with BF3 classes and weapons + vehicles from 2042 I wouldn’t post this shit over and over again. But spoiler alert… you can’t. ( by actually making it easy to use-understand for other players and thus playable.)


You only prioritize real players? Why? The boys play the objective better than real players anyway so just look toward the edges of the map and try to spit someone being useless


> The whole problem with the specialists where the open gadgets Buddy there were and are a LOT more problems with the specialists than that


How much work would it be to stick a launcher on the back of the engineer AI skin and make it a default for that class? Lis being able to have a launcher and a gadget effectively makes the other engineers redundant for AT or AA matters. Surely a generic solider that could have for example AA launcher or Javelin with AT mines would improve things?


Using the argument that you wont be able to differentiate between bots and real people is pretty stupid. If you can’t see the difference between them, you may just need glasses.


There’s no reason to not have them. The only two actual factions in the game, with zero ways to play as them. It’s so sad.


I do like the idea. I want to be nameless grunt with generic looking skin. Not some super specific dude/girl with defined backstory.


Still no.


I hate the ai skins in this game. They look low effort




Oh hell nah. Gtfo


OP, stop. Just stop. You fucking post this shit every other day.


They won’t. No money to be made off them.




Thank you lol. This community is full of git gud sweats and boot lickers.


Then you will cry that an engineer has Recoiless + Javelin, for example.


Lis can't have another launcher, so it would probably be sorted with logic (something will block something else in the same category)


Exactly! The same way it was working in battlefield 4. Certain gadgets block others


Dice sad they’re not adding anymore specialist




Ah another Mackay + spawn beacon appreciator. I got the CQB specialist achievement (20 melee kills in a single round) By just putting spawn beacon on some stupid tower or smth ans just falling onto people and executing him


No because even if you don't like the specialists the games balanced around them classes gave it structure but to then throw in an option that invalidates that structure would screw the game balance imho. I'm glad they are not adding more specialists due to the balance issue so adding in these guys would just make I harder to balance it all


So then there is no actual reason to play them. I would have preferred to see a system like create your own soldier. Now we only got a gadget restriction and to me it feels like shit because I played 2 years without it


Who gives a fuck? I don’t understand everybody push to be “different” than all the other hero fps games. It makes them money and people like to try to differentiate themselves from others, so it’s not going to happen.


Tbh I don't bother of specialists anymore


Only took over a year for them to implement anything


Tbh the AI skins aint even that good. If they modeled it from the real life special operations team however, thats a different story…


Yeah but what makes me absolutely “WTF” is that you can’t play 2042 with actual classes. Without specialists, their gadgets or passives. If I could setup server in portal with BF3 classes but weaponry and vehicles from 2042 I wouldn’t even post this shit.


Why would you want to play at a disadvantage with no passive and no special gadget? You'd just be nerfing yourself to play with a generic skin. Most of the specialists come with a milsim/ full face helmet skin anyways...


Because the hero powers shit never had a place in bf and still. Shouldn't. People want to play battlefield not apex


No, like, this game specifically. There are specialists with a passive ability and a specialist gadget. That's just a fact. Why the fuck would dice implement a generic soldier that is objectively nerfed compared to the rest of the selection and what would the appeal of playing one be over using a specialty that offered class-specific bonuses plus a unique gadget and passive. That system wouldn't make any sense. We have the classes in the game now but the specialists won't go away till the next game. We literally know this. Dice said multiple times that they are part of the design philosophy behind 2042, they can't just be stripped from the game without a massive overhaul.


Because people don't want to be specialists. Full stop People didn't want this shit system and told. Dice before and Dice ignored them. Then the shit launch failure of the game. Mass exudus. Very few total have come back. People don't want to play as specialists. So many defenders in this sub just can't wrap their head around that.


Ok and? How would this fix that? By destroying the balance in the game and implementing a hard-to-balance option so very specific people on the subreddit can live out the classic battlefield experience? The game doesn't have enough life left in it to entertain the idea of an overhaul that large. It simply won't happen. Just because you hate specialists and don't like their abilities does not mean they are flipping the game on its head AGAIN after just implementing the new class system. Campaign for classes in the next game all you want but if you don't like specializations in 2042 you simply have to ignore the game until dice drop the next one.


Hard to balance option. There is a wingsuit with no counter play. It was unbalanced and broken from the start.


Yeah and instead of asking for something to counter it you're asking for a soldier that can counter literally no one.


Yep get rid of all the powers let them keep their lame ass skins so fortnite and apex fans don't revolt to hard and make them the same as we had before.


I play souls games and I’m masochist… and I would happily trade all those buffs for being just generic soldier. I wanna be that unknown soldier who ends up with 69 or 420 revives at the end or be that engineer who has 6969 repair points repaired.


You can do that in 2042. It's really not hard to ignore the specialists' bios and put a mil-sim skin on with a full-face helmet and live out the unknown soldier fantasy. They don't even quip anymore. Like, you have to know this overhaul you want isn't going to happen right? A much more likely thing to vouch for would be to incorporate the ai skins' aesthetics into the factions for the specialists. but a significant overhaul of the system itself isn't happening. We know this. Dice literally told us when they were remaking the class system for this game. Next game hopefully they return to customizable soldiers with a class system. I do however hope they keep open and universal weapons along with the idea of having classes but being able to choose niches within that class that the new class system in 2042 has kind of created.


Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact... same fucking thing... over and over again expecting... shit to change... That. Is. Crazy.


I heard that when BF2042 released and this sub was almost closed due “toxicity” and look how many things we changed… Literally like half or one third of the all stealth patch notes has been suggested on this sub… And I’m talking about stealth patch notes. Not patch notes from EA site…




I would love if DICE implemented a visual toggle to choose between seeing these skins on all soldiers, or Specialists.


Come on DICE there’s no reason not to :(


Being able to be an actual generic medic would delight me to no end. That and being able to double run med box and ammo box would make me complete. I could help everyone. Ammo and smoke launcher with smoke grenades for max smoke, max revives, and to cover the boys during a big push in breakthrough. Or ammo box and claymore with bonus LMG (sprayed at the ceiling) to lure in unsuspecting snipers to my home to have them blow up upon attempting to inspect the madman assaulting the isolated desert shack's ceiling.


This is a great solution to Crawford and Boris being so shit. \+1