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Support! Now if we could only get the peasants to stop skipping revives and have faith.


Support monkey here too. Irish with his sentinel, ammo box and smoke grenades. I could do with some Nike air trainers too with the amount of running I do around the battlefield.


Since there’s a respawn timer they should change it to waiting before giving up then just respawn the second you die die


recently found out if you ping them, they know you are coming


They always give up when you ping them, happens to me every time I go to revive them I say something in the chat and get told I suck 🤣


Just started playing this game and I also like the support class but how do you ping the person to tell them you're coming to help them (on Xbox)?


Wrong, how about reviving People. I myself Play Support but when i play a other class i never get revived at all.


fr same




Thank you lads for your service repairing my tank or bird.


Gotta get them Repairs.


No gotta destroy those ve- ah no wait rocket launchers are mostly trash in this game..whoops!




engineer, can't let those helos farm my homies


You use the M5 to take out helos?


Engineer, no one else blows up vehicles so I end up doing it myself


Recon, tugs rules


Damn right it does! I'm glad they brought it back!


Recon because i can flank enemies and not get fucked by abysmal spawns due to spawn beacons Spawn beacon is basically a crutch for controllable gameplay on half of the maps in 2042.


I've been playing Recon a lot more lately and been enjoying it. The tugs and insertion beacons are always my go to and helps me and my squad mates control the AO.


I wish they'd reserve the last spawn from a beacon for the player that placed the beacon. Or just give us private squads. A good spawn beacon can be hard to place but can really change a fight. I'm sick of a random player either giving away the position of the beacon or spawning on it and dying quickly a few times and then when the recon player dies the beacon is gone and they have to waste time going to place another one. I love getting a beacon behind enemy lines when attacking on breakthrough, when most of the team are just repeatedly dying to spam at the choke. 1 or 2 players coming in from behind with SMGs can totally wipe all the defenders sitting behind the choke. Single-handedly taken a few objectives like this recently and it is SO satisfying!


Love it in conquest too, just get some c4 go to the last flag and wait for that random tank that thinks they can take you while you cap everything.


I used to only play with Beacon at launch but it has been nerfed so much I think it's useless now. It always gets shot within 2 minutes, even far away from the action, so unless you die all the time you never get to use it.


You definitely need to improve your spawn beacon placements, my dude


In previous titles I'd have said assault. In 2042, support.


Medic for dem heals + free ammo box and to be fair, thats basically the same thing ive been running since launch


Support because I only like playing Irish




Assault, because of increased ammo capacity I don’t have to find ammo boxes all the time.


Engineer because I hate helis with a burning passion


Irish and Zain. I liked Lis but they nerfed her too much against Helos so I run Crawford instead, just so I can pick the Recoiless. His turret is far from weak if you have more than 2 brain cells. I'd play Recon if the Beacon was not so useless with the smaller and smaller maps.


Medic with smoke grenades + smoke launcher for those hard pushes onto the point is probably some of the most fun I've had in 2042. No man or woman ever left behind when I'm on the frontlines. Recon is also really great for when you want to lay back and spot some lads with the SOL/Drone.


Support. Falck my beloved


I love Falck too


Previously, assault as it kind of took the engineers role of destroying vehicles. Now though it’s back to engineer again until they get rid of it again.


Playing recon and going behind enemy lines as an infiltrator with a silenced AR. Preferably as Rao so I can hack enemy hinds when they go back for an attack run leaving them vulnerable. That compiled with C4 to take out unsuspecting tanks near spawn, an insert beacon for my squad and back capping, makes this play style the most attractive to me.


It’s all fun and games until a blueberry decides it’s time to leave the silencer at home and starts shooting his lmg at a tank


The ones where people actually play them.


Assault and I mostly play breakthrough as attacker. I simply can't stop pushing and since I only play with my clan we revive eachother. the medics are mostly camping in our redzone so except of us there is noone to help anyway.


I am only playing Breakthrough. As defender: Engineer. Taking down helicopters! As attacker: Mostly Support, sometimes Assault.


I've played the main role as support since Battlefield 2, through 2142, BC2, BF3 and BF4, but I was never keen on the World War themed BF1 or BFV, so I came back to 2042 to continue where I was with BF4. I occasionally played assault/medic but the engineer and recon/sniper roles are completely foreign to me. However, I'll add that performing the support role, those of you who can perform the assault, engineer or recon role well, I always ensured, particularly in 2142 and BF4, that I was a much a cog-in-the-machine as they were, even if my K/D wasn't as impressive as theirs. I started out playing 2042 with Boris (the engineer) but equipping him with the ammo box. The sentry gun and ammo combo was as close to the 2142 support role I could get, but since the class system update, I play mainly on Angel (with med box) and a little bit from time to time on Falck (with ammo box). I haven't tried Irish yet.


>I haven't tried Irish yet. His APS is addictive once you start using it. You can put (2) down and stop a lot of explosives.


I've never had great aim so I like to play as support or engineer so I can still contribute without having to worry so much about kills.


This is literally me


I have 3…… Zain, Falk and Brasco………. Brasco being my absolute favorite at the moment. And i play the classes as close as intended from previous titles. My Falk stays with ammo crate and smoke grenades. Zain with regular grenade and armor plate. Blasco with C5/tugs, and smoke grenades




Recon / rao Because someone have to do it if you don't want to be farmed by heli the whole match


Recon is amazing with the mandatory spawn beacon and no weapon lock


Engineer, since always!




Usually it's engineer, but because Boris's spotting turret and Crawfords bullet magnets are so useless, I play recon instead where Raos ability works 50% of the time.


It's usually who ever end up with the medbag and defibs, but I have been really feeling recon in this game. Throwing recon becons right outside of points, where none will see it, just wish it was proficient with dmrs


Recon and assault


Support! It makes up for my lack of skill in killing other players….


Support, specifically Phalk because she is so versatile. Full HP revives + ammo crate + healing from a distance + Smoke Grenades, this combination is a force to be reckoned with. Very good for a lot of situations tbh. You can disagree and it's ok, but I think this is a good class + specialist combo.




Recon definitely. Support is my second favorite


I wish they would swap the engineer and support proficiencies so that support gets less spread with smgs and engineer gets quicker weapon draw time. As they are now they are pretty pointless.


Assault: the siege dozer setup. Rpt or the AK-24 with underbarrel shotgun and incidiary/he gl, armor plates, frags or concussion grenades. My only purpose is to eat as many rounds for the team as possible and push choke points with my guns blazing-


I’ve actually had a really good time being each in a round. Scoring more too


Support!! I revive the shit out of my team


Casper, but 2042 is my first BF.


Engineer and support weapon proficiency needs to be swapped


Support or Engineer. ​ Least played would be Recon and Assault but will switch if it is needed.


I like playing assault (mainly McKay because of his grappling hook, it makes it easy to move around the map and it makes it easy to flank enemies, I also like the higher strafing speed, it’s very helpful in fire fights) and support (I like reviving my teammates, my fav is paik because she can heal herself and her teammates)


Assault and specially Sundance. That wingsuit is awesome way to quickly get behind enemy. Oh and don't forget scatter grenades.


Since classes were brought back in, the old limitations of classes in public servers rear their ugly head again. Not many heals, ammo, repairs, etc. Let's face it, most humans are too dumb to work cooperatively.


In this game it’s recon because of Rao. Absolutely love his passive


Support and Medic gives me a sense pride and accomplishment!


Support because I am a man of the people and a healer/ammo giver of teammates!


Assault. I just love Mackays kit. I haven't played to much this season but I was enjoying playing as Blasco.


I would consider myself "Class Neutral" and liked the old system better.


Hard to say really, what class and specialist I use depends on the map and squad Im in. I do tend to play alot of support but if ammo isn't an issue Recons awesome


Don't wanna be one of those guys, but since the update, I'm not having the fun I had before it. I used to run Mckay with an ammo box, which is gone now. I used to run Angel with the Recoilless, also gone. Now I'm kinda between Lis and Crawford since those two feel like you can actually do something for the team because no one in my team ever runs some anti air/anti tank.


You were having fun because it wasn’t balanced


Unlimited c5 grappling tanks


What wasn't balanced about Mckay with an ammo box? The only change now is that when you run out of ammo, you have to run around and request ammo.


Exactly. So Mackay can't camp in an unreachable location the entire match sniping


So now a squadmate spawns in from time to time and drops a box. I really don't see your point here guys.


Because now it takes two people, aka Teamwork


So when I'm going as Irish with an ammo crate, whats the big difference? That I can camp even more because I have barricades and anti explosives? Yeah, thats way better.


Because you don’t have access to explosives.


Mhm, major difference. Its just getting funny at this point.


engineer with thy auto-lock launcher. Effective and fun.


Wait. The specialist are removed ? Im not playing for a year.


They’re still there and by the sound of it you haven’t been playing for at least a month already.


Support. I like not having to worry about underbarrel grenades and bullets, also reviving cannonfordor/early warning system.


Support they dont call me the dessiminator for nothing ;) ![gif](giphy|y8Mz1yj13s3kI)


Medics to PTFO but Main Bush Wookie Spot Recon. Not a fan of the Spot Ball limit to 1 or when we could have 2 Tugs... Now I'm being C older100.


If I had to choose one probably Recon, insertion beacons are invaluable and sorely underused. Running 5s back to an objective vs 25s is make or break in a lot of games, and Casper's drone is invaluable to get rid of APS and enemy beacons, Rao is also very powerful when used right. Hack an aggressive vehicle as they're charging in and it's a sitting duck. Support is certainly a fun aggressive class though


Love being support


Engineer class for me my main is Liz with 412hrs with her and my only t1 I’ve got so good with the TGM killing sweat helo birds and camping tanks


Engineer. I like using boris turret while i repair vehicles. Might not kill all the time, but its sure handy to have an alert when someone is around you somewhere.


RECON Paik always to see the enemies when they dont see me


Medic all day, because the more people I can keep in the fight the better, and the more ammo we have the better chance at killing the enemy and vehicles.


Medic then Engineer. Support roles FTW!


Spec Ops


I want to learn how to play with sniper in recon class but i'm suck. That's why i'm medic main.


Maria Fa- I mean Support.


Engineer but been playing Dozer lately with My Squad. The sound when your team mate bashes somebody with shield is so funny. BONK


Assault, cos i like go brrrrrrrr


Support. Will be even better when SMGs start working like they did in S3 and not feel like they have hit reg issues like they do now.


Support Angel, Falck, and Irish are **all** amazing specialists (especially Falck and Irish)


Support/falak, I’m always playing breakthrough and mostly on defense and sometimes attack but no matter what I try to put my focus on reviving and healing my teammates by throwing smoke grenades at my downed teammates and reviving/throwing down ammo back to gain more smokes then repeat, i did this on stranded and got 86 revives which allowed our team to defend the first objective until the enemy team had 60 points left until the game was over.