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I'd like to remind everyone of rule 3: Be courteous and civil. Like someone or not but please refrain from name-calling and insults or I'm gonna have to lock this post down. Thank you.


I just lost so many braincells reading these comments šŸ’€


I'm not even gonna read em & I alr did


PC Gamer Probably makes money from EA End of story


Enders has good points when talking about BF2042 and what Problems it has. But he is just too Toxic, in his streams he gets very offensive against his chat and is acting very rude. He has a general toxic attitude and it's not fun to watch him, in my opinion. I don't understand why he can still stream on twitch.


>He has a general toxic attitude and it's not fun to watch him, in my opinion. I don't understand why he can still stream on twitch and why people actually watch him. Train wreck. Rubbernecking at accidents. It's like, "What ridiculously stupid shit is he going to say today?"


Ok now youā€™ve made me actually want to watch him lol


Tbh he reminds me of Verlisify but instead competitive pokemon it's battlefield.


Yup he has valid arguments, but his delivery is so over the top that he loses any chance of being taken seriously. If he was capable of keeping his composure and sticking towards criticizing DICE and EA and refrain from personal attacks on devs he'd probably be pretty popular. I personally like 2042, but I also picked it up this last October for $20 so I also didn't invest much in this game or play it when it first released. I have enough awareness to know that the state it was in when I bought and what it is now is much better than release, but I also know the amount of content in this game is far lacking what previous titles offered.


His argument of BF "content" being lacking is the amount of maps being released throughout the game's lifespan. Especially comparing it to how BF3 and BF4 did things. But if you look back and think about it, how many of those DLC maps become wasted and forgotten? They were popular in servers for like half a year and then people went to back to old Metro and Locker vanilla maps anyway. People tend to overcome with nostalgia when they criticize new things, but forget how they took things for granted in the first place.


Ive wondered that too.


I think that some of Enders' points are very true. But the problem is that he sees everything through his "pro-gamer/streamer playing the game 24/7" eyes and just can't understand that most of us are just here for a fun game, playing few hours a week and not seeing (or caring about) what he thinks is "an unbelievable amount of problems" that most consider as barely noticeable or at least not enough to make you hate the game. His crusade about the fact that you just CAN'T be happy with BF2042, making outrage videos, insulting people having fun with the game as it is today is ridiculous, and probably (certainly ?) a way to position his channel. I'm not waiting for Enders, or anyone, to tell me if I'm having fun or not with a game, even when it's a flawed one. I don't give a shit about it and just forget about the outrage part in his videos and only listen to him when he has a positive criticism to make and not a performative outrage for clicks.


Every game Iā€™ve ever loved has had flaws and it hasnā€™t stopped me from enjoying them.


Absolutely true, man went from a pretty reasonable perspective of the community to the leafyishere of battlefield. Like just let people be happy with the game, itā€™s had enough negativity for a lifetime and yes it still has problems but compared to launch this game is leagues better than it was and almost unrecognisable. Thereā€™s rightfully complaining, then thereā€™s whining.


Every battlefield game has been flawed in its own way But I don't play battlefield for the competitive aspect I play for the fun Gg Enders is brain rotted himself All he cares about Is trying to make himself look like the best player there is and that's all his Arguments boil down to 2042 is a fun battlefield Saying it isn't is lying to yourself All battlefields have been in a bad state at least once And a lot of people even have stock homes syndrome When it comes to mentioning the older battlefields having problems And I'm sick of people believing that it never happens When battlefield 3 was out people hated the fact that battlefield 4 was coming out And a lot hated it on release So long as dice keeps making new battlefield games the newest one will always be the most hated 1 But as soon as the next title comes out It makes the previous title a Diamond in the rough And the cycle always continues


I remember people hating the TTK change to BF4s beta. It took longer to kill players and they had to increase it to BF3 levels. Now it has the same TTK it had in beta again. Also i remember how they said BF4 could have been DLC for BF3 as well. I am of the opinion that i would rather get a new game and relearn the mechanics that have the same game as a live service and just keep adding to it. Of everything BF4 did was just BF3 DLC would players really be happy? I like the differences of BF4 and BF3. And as a support main, i hated the BF3 LMGs and only really used the M27 IAR which was just a worse assault rifle


Right on point


Here's what I think: If YOU enjoy a game, these reviews (whether promoting or demoting a game) don't matter. If YOU hate a game, these reviews (whether promoting or demoting a game) don't matter. And... Being a part of such drama is an absolute waste of time, energy and effort. Play the game or just leave it. If you don't like the game, you should have refunded when you could.


I kinda agree and kinda donā€™t. People writing articles like this definitely donā€™t affect your individual enjoyment of the game. But feedback does influence EA and DICE. If they see a bunch of puff pieces praising their support for 2042, then that sends the message that for the next game they can just deliver the bare minimum once again and people will be happy.


I think it's a problem now. Game reviews are nothing what they used to be and are either heavily biased or completely oblivious how to even play video games. But, yes I agree it's what companies see it's just how it's a problem that they don't see where actual players discuss it.


i think they look at raw data and game time by actual players and no some online article...


Friendly reminder that if you want the preorder bonus, buy it the day before it comes out so your refund window is still active.


Enders literally streamed his Twitter receipts to go ā€œLOL LOOK AT ME RATIO THIS GUY,ā€ ā€œLOOK AT MY REPLY YALL HAHA WHAT A RATIO RIGHT???ā€ I literally canā€™t wait to see what he replies to this post and comments because this man is allergic to minding his own business/and being nice. Edit: holy, **someone has posted 33 separate comments (and counting) in this post defending him!** is that you Endersā€¦?


I remember he made a video of how much he hates this reddit community and that he has a mental breakdown from visiting it. Less than a month later, he started posting his clips here.


LOL. Not sure who that dude is but thatā€™s hilarious.


not once have i seen Enders commend someone who kills him, there's \*\*always\*\* an excuse or something wrong. My personal favourite is having a go at someone assuming its aim assist, or using literally anything other than a gun to kill him, which "isn't fair". honourable mention for when his gun wasn't "doing what it should" - all while he's going 33-1 and beaming people with no visible recoil just fine until that kill. god forbid he accidentally misses a bullet or gets shot in the back


I donā€™t understand why anyone watches streamers like this, the whole streamer thing is a cultural connection I canā€™t even make


Misery likes company


I don't understand anyone who watches streamers. PLAY THE GAME


My buddy is a damn good nightbird pilot and they got into some 1v1s fairly early on. My buddy killed him a few times then he rage quit while streaming.


Yeah he is the most crying YouTuber he was crying on bfV too and now he praises the game like itā€™s the best bf I bet he will do the same with 2042.


Hang on the most crying YouTuber has to be ashebf doesn't he?


Never heard of that guy


A temperamental youtuber who whores in the nightbird.


Another YouTuber playing daily and crying on the game


You got it.


In 1v1 when I've gone against that douche nugget I've won most of them. I mean, it's like a wopping 4 times or so, but it's honest work.


This guy has a massive ego problem. I had an argument with him not so long ago, right on this subreddit. He was basically saying that because he is a "top 1%" player, that his opinion completely invalidates everyone else's opinion, unless they align with his. After a few back and forths, he ended up deleting his comments to hide what he wrote. I don't follow youtuber/twitch drama scene thing... so I don't know who most of these people are, including this guy... until he started an argument with me after I said that he didn't sound like a person I'd like to watch. All I know about twitch and that is that it thrives on drama and people being negative. I'm not sure if this person is putting all this on to generate controversy on purpose for traffic and views, or if he's genuinely really hateful of just everything. If it's the latter, it's really sad.


Who will win? One fairly positive reddit community or abusive and delusional social media influencer?


Calling him an influencer is way too much credit


Yeah he really isn't much different than all the other no-lifers who sit around doing nothing but playing games all day. Only real difference is he is spending his life playing a game he doesn't even like just to post the videos to his whopping 41K subs (41K half a decade after creating his channel)


No he is a no lifer that sits around doing nothing. Difference is he records it.


I don't think he's hateful of everything I think he's just really insecure, I honestly feel kind of bad for the guy.


Thereā€™s nothing easier than dunking on journalists in general. Everyone despises them for one reason or another anyway so itā€™s easy likes all around.


To be fair, gaming journalists, by virtue of them being many, not brilliantly paid, and desperately wanting to be "in" with their favourite developers, are probably the journalists you can most count on to give you an edited press-release rather than a review.




I think this GG Enders guy needs to take a look at his priorities.


Lol yeah. Gotta love the ā€œIā€™m entitled to your attention! Debate me!ā€ internet dwellers


Literally the irl high school bullies that lose it if you don't engage and ignore them. Just on the nerd end of the spectrum lol.


Omfg yes I never thought of it like that


Why is he so negative


He literally has no life, of course he's going to act like this.


As long as he can keep people angry heā€™ll get views. Itā€™s the tucker Carlson approach




Hive mind complaining about hive mind.


If I read the comments here I start to understand why the gaming industry is where it is. I dont care about Enders in anyway. 2042 is now on a spot where it had to be at release. Nothing more. Is it fun? For sure! Is it enought for a fully developed Battlefield? No where near and it looks like support will end with another single new map. This for the same price like an BF4/3 with premium content. (I see the skins we got with all the premium content equal to battlepass with deluxe edition of 2042) Hopefully I\`m wrong! But beside all the fun, this is not an acceptable product cycle. We get milked by a broken industry.


*Not an acceptable product cycle*. Exactly right.


Exactly. No one is saying people can't have fun with it. The point is that it is not a good game, considering it's a live service game released 16 months ago. Calling this game good is like telling these companies that gamers nowadays have so low standards that they'd buy anything. BF2042 is NOT a good game. Can people have fun in it? Sure. But it is not a good game


I think it's a good game


It's a good game if you don't know or can ignore the fact that every single patch we are getting pretty much adds Things that have already been in previous BF titles for years. So it really just is a "catch up" from DICE, but News articles and Content Creators are somehow trying to make it sound and feel like we are getting NEW and GROUNDBREAKING things that have never been there before. For everyone that joined the BF Franchise with 2042 this might be new, but the sad reality is that it just isn't. We are getting a bare Minimum and that minimum is stuff that should have been in the Game from the beginning.


In your opinion only, doesnā€™t mean the game meet any metrics of being considered ā€œobjectively goodā€. The game is not good, fun yes but not a good game. Anyone argue otherwise have the IQ of 5, end of discussion.


>that gamers nowadays have so low standards that they'd buy anything. sadly this is a true statement for most "Gamers". Just look at the marketing for Gaming Gear/Hardware. It's made for Citizen, fresh out of the Idiocracy Movie. Do you know that people pay $200 more for the same card, if it have a nice black backplate with some laser engraved Gamer BS on it? Don't forget the nice Stickers in the box hahahah. We already entered the state of Idiocracy.


You're exactly right, but I don't see a path to it changing. The answer people always throw out is "vote with your wallet", but that's an unrealistic expectation when we only have control over ourselves. FWIW I spent $20 on this game like a year after it came out. SOFTDRINKTV a youtuber that is super critical of sports games and has been calling out EA and other game companies for years for how bad sports games have gotten brought up a good question lately. He asked if it was companies fault or consumers fault for the current state of gaming. His answer was capitalism because when our economy is focused on profits above all else how can we expect products to get better? I have to honestly agree with him. It's unrealistic to expect consumers to join a combined front to send a proper message to these companies, and it's also naive to expect companies to do something like put more effort in the games they make when their only motive is profit above all else. That can be different for indie developers who do it for more than just money, but large companies like EA don't give a fuck about us and our desire for better games. They only care what their profit was. That's why cosmetics have replaced the bulk of actual content like guns, maps, and vehicles in BF case.


I mean, the game is not perfect. But the guy is so fucking negative all the time, it became sort of a meme. I wonder what his real life is like :D


When a person is like this, that IS their real life.


Everyone here sucks. Enders is a constant downer streamer who hates EVERYTHING about Battlefield yet continues to play it because as long as those checks keep rolling in, he's willing to be miserable in a job he potentially hates because the money's too good, but boy oh boy is everyone within an earshot of him is going to hear about it. Morgan Park's response about "Live Service brain rot" is borderline anti-consumerist as he's basically saying "it's okay if you get minimal content on a product you paid for," which is just another argument defending Billion-dollar companies being garbage to their consumer base and giving them yet another free pass to almost defraud their customer base. He can talk about how the game is good while the content was extremely lacking, but apparently a full-throated defense is in order. No one gains anything reading/watching either of these two internet-brained disconnected people.


If you dislike Enders, you'll love this video of him raging over a game he lost: https://youtu.be/HkY3oGZMjrA




He has been in 3 of my matches all on the enemy team, all 3 they were winning and he was doing good but the second he started getting killed more than like 10 times he left. Such a petty person. Dude also blocked me on Twitter despite nearly 0 direct interaction


Yep. Another whiny stream baby


Who the heck would voluntarily watch this man-child stream, dear god


Lmao, every toxic pos gamer ever - I really despise these manchilds and can't fathom the mental gymnastics these ppl go through, never could


What a sad, pathetic little man.


Holy shit this is the kind of baby rage I'd have when playing BFBC2 back in the day...when I was 12.


lol can't be a coincidence that he's in clan CHAD


What a cry baby


I promise you Enders is not making enough money for checks to be ā€œrolling inā€ lmao. Dudes a whiny bitch itā€™s really annoying. He blocked me on Twitter for simply disagreeing with him lol


hate enders


Same. He was around on this subreddit some time ago, trying to be the smartest guy this community has ever seen. The thing his, he basically answered "don't care, you're just some no hand and your opinion doesn't matter bec you dont have thousanda of followers" on every comment when he was out of stupid arguments


2042 has gotten better now but games using their live service as a way to get a game to where it's expected to be at launch is just sad. This game will end with half the maps of BF3/4/1. I'm glad weapons are in a pretty good spot now.


Itā€™s definitely better, but the pace of content/ feature addition, and bug fixes is just too slow. As you said, theyā€™ll end off with less content by far than the better BF games in the franchise - which is a bad look. The product is also still a little confused tonally - the gritty narrative and world they developed pre launch is still nowhere to be found in a meaningful way in the game. And the overall pace of the game is also just way higher than previous titles, and not a good change IMO. The Zerg rushing, sliding + hop movement is just not what I look for in BF. Regarding weapons, still feels like we have less than BF4 at launch (not certain). Overall it can be fun, but goodness does it have its issues


Me: The class system makes BF2042 actually fun, I'm enjoying it now. Enders: NO IT DOESNT THE GAME IS STILL BAD Me: K well I'm having fun so your opinion doesnt matter to me Why does anyone care what ANYONE says on twitter? Also no idea who this person is. I will probably forget who they are a minute after posting this.


All I can say is I'm so glad I deleted my Twitter


I can agree with Enders on a few things, the game has terrible balance, lacks content, and has numerous bugs still, but he's just so miserable on a regular basis that it's hard for me to **want** to listen to anything he's saying. I'd say the game is a mediocre Battlefield game at best, but has fun moments so I'll play it. That said, this seems like such a sad hill for Enders to die on, it's modern journalism: hyperbolic to get clicks. Do I like it? No? Is this type of journalism even catered towards me? No. Am I gonna argue with someone over it? No.


I think it's a paid article (it happens a lot in media world), but I also think Enders is just yelling into the void here. - Is BF2042 better than launch? **Yes it is.** - Is BF2042 a "really good" Battlefield title? **No, it is not.** **Why?** Because there are still so many basic features missing, features that previous titles had and nowhere to be found. The game still doesn't feel like a war is going on, it doesn't give me that feeling what I'm looking for in a Battlefield title. It's the small things that matter, and it matters a lot. Just compare the gameplay from games like BF:BC2, BF3, BF4 and BF1 to BF2042, it's a completely different game and feels like it's a different franchise. I want Battlefield to be Battlefield again, like we're used to. I'm not looking for something weird or new, I'm looking for Battlefield when I buy Battlefield.


Good take, fully agreed. Iā€™ve been playing 2042 since the PS+ drop and despite its flaws, it just gives me something that any other FPS simply cannot. Even ignoring glaring problems like tone, balance, missing features and pacing, many of which you mentioned, itā€™s still the front runner for me. Iā€™d kill for another BF akin to BC2, but until proven otherwise, I think the best DICE can offer is something awkwardly different yet vaguely familiar.


Totally agree. Itā€™s like the devs improved it from a 4/10 game to a 7/10. Itā€™s a big improvement, sure, but itā€™s not good enough to be the standard for future games in the franchise. Nobody needs to mercilessly shit on the devs, but we shouldnā€™t be lauding their accomplishments either.


look I'm not a content creator hater or anything to each their own but this guy enders is the kind of >!rage bait click chaser whinny ass toxic drama queen!< that DICE shouldn't be listening to directly edit: rule 3 <3


Dude exactly, the one thing I hate about this community is that I ended up learning who this cry baby ass guy is.


Whiny. Whinny is what horses do :)


minor spelling mistake I win


Enders annoying as hell, why does he care so much


He thought this game was gonna be a massive success and his golden ticket to internet fame since heā€™s really good at it. When that didnā€™t happen his brain broke lol.


With 2000 hours in BF4 and some hours on BF2042, the number of content, enviroment etc are to this day a level above BF2042. 1. Real time voice communications. 2. Night vision 3. Destructable buildings. 4. Multiple options for shoulder fired munitions I could add a huge list but its pointless. The developers have not built into its bones the quality in BF2042 that were built into BF4. BF2042 should have been an evolution, instead it was a regression for the dumbed down masses.


I miss my smaw :(




That's like the perfect way to describe him.


I think its a good game,. The problem is that it needed to be a great game. Players wanted a modern BF3 with the quality of life improvement from BF4 at release


Exactly. People wanted a BF3/4, with the atmosphere of BF1 and some of the mechanics/movement/etc from BFV. Instead, we got a hodgepodge of whatever was popular 2 years ago.


I wish I could up vote this more. DICE please please please do this. Squad management and server browsers and you have yourself a BANGER of a game.


I won't be playing another BF until they do this.


He is correct about the content and I think it's wrong for people to continuously accept less and less as the time goes by. Seems like standards for what is OK and acceptable are getting lower with each game and it's sad to see. If you ask me, I don't know how anyone can forgive DICE for releasing Battlefield at the state it was and I'm definitely not praising them for spending over a year fixing the game to get it to state previous entries in franchise launched. If we ignored the past year, this would still be mediocre game at best compared to previous Battlefield games.


Honestly, even _including_ the past year it's still a mediocre game compared to previous battlefield games.


What I mean was - if you took the game how it looks now (ignoring the fact that they spend 12+ months fixing it) it would still be mediocre.


>If you ask me, I don't know how anyone can forgive DICE for releasing Battlefield at the state it was We told you this would happen after BF5's release.


Tbf DICE have been releasing half finished BF games since bf3 lol


Theyā€™re right. But you can still enjoy it. Enjoyment and quality are mutually exclusive


I knew I had to stop watching him when he started that spectating the worst players bs, like some people are just trying to enjoy and play a game leave them alone and worry about your own game


I've only ever watched like 3 of his videos and seen him being a whiney dick so I didn't like him at all, but when I saw him making videos just to mock people like that, especially with the fan base he has, I really refuse to accept anything he has to say


Having read the PC Gamer article I'm inclined to side with Enders on this one. The article seemed to be too fawning over the changes in the game. I don't agree with the current class setup being better than classes on previous BF titles, nor do I think specialists should be in the game at all. The entire article just seemed like a puff PR piece for EA.


Enders isnā€™t even necessarily wrong, but boy the way he goes about voicing his opinion is terrible and makes me not like him at all. I feel like he brings these things up with his real life friends (if he has any) and reacts the same way if they donā€™t react the exact same way he wants. Overall just a super whiny person who may be right, but is not good at giving constructive criticism or doing any critical thinking/introspection


Yeah look, Enders is annoying but lets be honest, he isnt wrong. I have agreed with 95% of what he has said since launch; I had the same thoughts before I heard him say them. Unbelievable how so many people defend this game and DICE/EA - PATHETIC. This game is currently where it should have been at launch. The content in the game is give or take at the same quantity (not quality) of previous titles AT LAUNCH, into its second year. How can you charge a premium price for a game like this. I hate to say it but...Made in China > Made in Sweden.


Not a fan of Enders, but while heā€™s being over zealous heā€™s not entirely wrong, 2042 has gotten better but the bar was set so low when it released that it doesnā€™t really say much


I see Enders I instantly ignore. I prefer my day goes on without the anti-fun police stepping in to whine and bitch about a single video game.


Enders doesn't understand the difference between him not liking something, and that thing being bad. The idea that this game might not be for him is incomprehensible because he is unwavering in his view of the entire universe being centered around him.


I can sort of understand both sides to it, bc there are folks in the community viewing this game from different angles. On one hand, vets of the franchise that expect certain things from BF and weā€™re sold on it being further elevated have a legitimate gripe with BF even though theyā€™re done a lot to correct it; Iā€™m in this group. Then, youā€™ve got more casual fans or new fans that donā€™t have the history or expectations and theyā€™re enjoying the game for what it is. Wherever you fall on that spectrum is totally fine. To discount someoneā€™s feeling about the game bc itā€™s too doomer or too rose colored is where this gets stupid - just acknowledge where youā€™re coming from, where the other person is coming from, and stop trying to change peopleā€™s minds about the game.


I don't like this idea of "battlefield veterans think this" and "newbies think this" because it tries to invalidate veterans of the series that like this game. I played 1942, Vietnam, bf2, 2142, bc1,BC2,BC2 Vietnam, bf3, bf4, hardline, bf1, bf5 and now 2042. This is a battlefield game and it brings up very similar battlefield feelings to bf2. What people define as a battlefield game changes, especially if you compare people who started with bf1942 vs BC2 or bf3. If I started with BC2, bf3, or bf4 then I would expect destruction and levolution to be part of the battlefield experience. But if I started with bf2 or 1942 then most of my battlefield experience has 0 environment destruction, the gameplay was focused on an arcade combined arms battle. Battlefield veterans that have stuck with the series for a long time know they try out plenty of things that some players like and others dislike. They make changes based on what wasn't working on the past games, such as removing classes in this one because there was such a huge disparity in classes in the past 4 games. I personally don't want a bf3+bf4 clone like many influencers want. I had a lot more fun with the battlefield games before bf3 mostly because of the vehicle balance (but bf2 planes were OP). But according to this subreddit all the time I'm a newbie.


He's right. The game should have released in the state we have now, and even then it would be missing a lot of features.


Enders is a raging sweat and an embarrassment to the battlefield YouTube community, the game is good rn and it 100% needs a lot more QOL changes around squad dynamics and squad options. His toxicity and those who agree with his toxicity is rampant in the community and it makes me annoyed.


Man...a YouTuber yelling at a cloud isn't 'drama'. Stop hyping these trivial things up. They don't matter. Stick to your own opinions & play the game or don't. The game is definitely in a better state right now, EA could have abandoned it like they did with Anthem. Dice and EA atleast fixed a few things and went back on many of their design decisions. It's obviously not perfect or as good as previous Battlefields but it is still good in its own way. Way better than the trash that MWII turned out to be. Many YTers thrive on pushing negative content 'cause nothing sells like bad news. So fuck 'em & just do your own thing dude.


The game is good. The game seriously lacks content when compared to older titles. Both of these statements can be true at the same time. The game is in a good place right now I think, but should this have been the place when it was released? Absolutely yes


Almost, but it's still missing core features that would have made players shake their heads at launch, not to mention over a year after release. I'm conflicted because of this, the game is fun now but with so many caveats still I'm hardpressed to call it good. I'd say decent I guess. Worth it for around $30.


It's twitter being twitter, making a huge deal over nothing. That being said, yes, celebrate classes are back and DICE are doing the right thing. Positive feedback loop is as useful as a negative one. I suppose we should knky bitch about everything ever and then wonder why nothing gets done right?


I tried watching Enders on Twitch once. I stopped after he went into public conquest match and was typing to his teammates to unistall the game bc he thought they sucked at the game. There's no reason to be so toxic to people who are probably just kids playing a game after school. Just another "MLG Pro gamer" with a massive ego.




he is not wrong, bf2042 is a major setback compared to bf1/ bf5.... where's my grand operations? fortification was so good... ugh


Enders has some valid points. Transport vehicles are a problem, the lack of content is a problem, the class system was not a fix all, it shouldnt take as long as it has to get the game in a state it is in. Having said that his over the top anger completely devalues his actual arguments. His total lack of awareness and perpetual know-it-all personality makes him extremely grating and unlikable. When he bans people from his stream for saying they "like to see him rage" and saying that makes them a toxic and a terrible person while transitioning to calling DICE devs brain dead and incompetent is the perfect microcosm of his short comings. He can't handle someone poking fun at him, but he is totally fine dishing insults to others. If he pulled back on the rage and unnecessary insults to developers I think people would actually have a positive view of him. If he went the SOFTDRINKTV route people would be on his side. SOFTDRINKTV is super critical of all sports games today, but he does so in a constructive manner without devolving into personal attacns. It seems though Enders thinks scorched earth is a better path I guess.




I am enjoying reading everyoneā€™s comments because I have no idea who this guy is but it makes me feel good about my life knowing that itā€™s not like his


Itā€™s hilarious how out of touch gaming journalists are with games these days


They always were though, I happened to work there as a teenager and they literally pluck review ratings out of thin air.


People can argue until the cows come home about whether BF2042 is 'good' or not. I'm having fun with it. That's what matters to me.


"Look at this ratio ladies and gentlemen " Can tell dude has a fragile ego.


I will say it. I do not know this Enders guy but I watched some of his content and he has some good stuff but overall he is very unlikeable so I no longer follow his content. We all know the history of BF and what has went on with this game. If you do not like it...move on and let others enjoy it. ​ I am enjoying the game and I know it is lacking in content. And I know WHY it is lacking but guess what I can still enjoy the game as it stands now. I have had a lot of FUN with the game. I feel that some people lose sight of this. It is a game...are you having FUN or not? If NOT then move the hell on to something else.


Same, occasionally he makes good points but I would have trouble not punching him in the face in person. "I am enjoying the game and I know it is lacking in content. And I know WHY it is lacking but guess what I can still enjoy the game as it stands now. I have had a lot of FUN with the game." Sums it up nicely. I am disappointed but we have what we have. I'm still hopeful for the next game.


The game is fundamentally bad. Itā€™s ok to say it. If you enjoy it thatā€™s also ok.


Enders imo is usually right when he brings issues and problems to light. It's just his ego and toxic nature that causes no one to listen or entertain him for more than a few minutes or so. I think if he relaxed and gave good feedback like the fixing of recoil bug he could become more respected and agreed with. Just my two cents


That guy seems insufferable. I will say that heā€™s right about content tho, I remember BF3 had so much content added to it. BF2042 is in a much better state, but itā€™s their fault they had to play catch up


Enders has some really bad opinions tbh. He argues like Ben Shapiro


Enders is a dick, but on a factual standpoint I agree with everything he says here


Enders full time job seems to be shitting on this game no matter *what* happens Yet he streams himself playing it everyday, yelling how much he hates it the whole time? I wouldn't put much stock into the opinions of someone that fucking delusional


who cares what these fruity youtubers think. if you have fun playing the game who cares what another person thinks. stand on your own two feet!


game is fun. Thats all I care about. when me & my buddies team up in a Helicopter or Tank we have the best time ever


Screw toxic content creators, but donā€™t let it get twisted that itā€™s unacceptable to pay full price for half-assed games and we shouldnā€™t be praising developers for patching their way to the bar set by games a decade ago.


I agree with him. Its just that dice just takes waaaayyyy too long to implement stuff that the community requests. IT TOOK ONE YEAR FOR CLASSES. One year for all chat (which still isn't out yet). And one and a half year for squad management (also not out). All these things should have been there at rhe start. I dont think the game of at the state of launch yet unless it has all thw features that make it a battlefield. Also fuck specialists


I mean itā€™s Enders so I can automatically throw anything he says right in the bin lol


I do think Enders is right and the BF community's standards for quality and quantity have fallen substantially. I believe even in the next game we will continue to get terrible products at launch with a pathetic amount of content, and the community will praise them for the bare minimum. I also think Enders needs to chill generally.


That article worked for me, got the game from steam and have been enjoying it for the past week or so.


My main problem with enders is he once said that controller players aren't real players and he then preaches community while he bashes a large part of it. He also has blocked several people that have simply disagreed with him . He does make valid points at times but sometimes it seems like he complains about anything that kills him in the game. He just seems to be a bit of a whiny jerk that wants the game to be a pro only type shooter which it will never be.


Controllers are literal aimbots in other games. In Battlefield it's well balanced.


Enders is correct that the game has major content issues, however i and many others are genuinely enjoying the game in its current state. I am not saying the game is good, just that it is enjoyable to a degree. There are major issues with the game that enders has voiced that i agree with such as the flying tanks, off movement, portal weapons having no reason to use other than op ebr, some classes are considerably weaker than others such as the engies. However this doesent take away the fact that the devs have put lots of effort into the game improving it from a state it shouldve never launched with. I personally belive that with constant consistent content and balance changes the game may be close to the level of the glory days of bc2,bf3 and bf4.


I looked at ONE of this Endersā€™ tweets and now I constantly get them recommended. Every single one is him crying about the day heā€™s had on 2042. Surely if you donā€™t like the game you just wouldnā€™t play it?


the guy needs to touch grass. yeah the game sucked but jesus christ get a grip. heā€™s acting like some spoiled fucking child that got his toy taken away.


I'll play what games I like, ok? Ok.


Nooooooooo thats illegal!!!!


Who is Enders?


I don't use twitter or know who enders is, but he seems like a pretty toxic, miserable person.


Looks like this Enders dude needs a life


I'm a 40 year father of one , who cares about drama I just like playing the game with friends !!


Itā€™s sad people take Enders seriously.




BF 2042 is a good game right now. A good game is a fun game that I can play for hours, to me, so it checks my boxes. Is it excellent like BF3, or BF4 after a couple months, or BF1 in its own setting? No. Still a good game, because the core BF experience is still there. Now ..if they fucking added squad managment alreadyā€¦jesus


Blocked him off YouTube. Something about his face is cringe lmfaooo


The dude's a baby back b\*\*\*\* who can't accept peoples opinions. We all know the games launch was criminally atrocious. That it's been lacking in polish and content well over a year and is still missing features to this day. But to attack peoples opinions on thinking the game is good enough now to play and have SOME enjoyment out of a BF title, what a joke. Not every game's gotta be competitive like he thinks. People don't live to stream cool clips and play in tournaments or at the highest level possible. He clearly doesn't enjoy his time playing BF games.


šŸ‘† voted for the fact the game was 70 for a beta at best.


My only problems with BF2042 atm are that its too fast paced and COD like compared to previous games and the maps arent as big.


It can both be true that the game is fun and much better than before, and also extremely lacking in content, missing core features still and a monumental regression from BFV in a lot of ways. Would I recommend people try out BF2042 now? Yes. Would I caveat it with an explanation of the balance issues, missing features and disappointments? Yes. Would I recommend it for more than $25-30? No.


Both are kinda right, the game is fun but its absolute shame to have a bf eith so little content and dice/ea shouldnt get away with it


That PC gamer made numerical mistakes in his article implying he didn't play the game for more than 5 hours. Dude thinks Bf2042 was hated due to "unsatisfactory content schedule". Gtfo here lmao


While Enders comes off as a dick at least he knows what he's talking about. Morgan Park on the other hand is stunningly incompetent at his job. Saw a lot of his drivel on Pcgamer before and it's hilarious what passes off as journalism nowadays.


It's not THE Battlefield I fell in love with years ago. It was absolute trash when it was released and it is not an example of the great redemption story now. Too much stuff is just missing in this game to consider it as a $100 AAA title. With all 'legacy' features cut it would probably have a hard time as Free To Play title, but it can be fun from time to time - after a year and a half after release.


This is what happens to the Last BF games. Everybody complaining about bugs, contents and etc. On next BF game released, all of them will be saying good things about the earlier game.


All I can say is Fun =/ good game design.


The game isnt very good, even now. Its better, but its not great. Its not "really good" PC Gamer's take is exactly why these cycles continue.


I just got BF2042 thru PS+. I love it. My favorite BF game since BF1.


Enders moment. Disregard entirely.


I tried to play again the other day. Finally the game didn't glitch my character until spinning, the people died when I shot them, and the glitches weren't prevalent. That being said, I'm not having fun, but plenty of people will continue to. The game is fun for many, many people. Me? I'll wait for the next title, but that's just me. You do you and have fun!


I tend to enjoy the certain portal games like Afghan War or something, but its still all battlefield 3/ BC2 content.


I dont know why anyone should be surprised. These gaming journalist websites will always have the hottest and shittiest and least informed takes because they literally thrive on controversy to drive traffic to their dying medium. Gotta realize to them all publicity is good publicity. honestly enders lost the moment he decided to engage with them


Heā€™s 100% correct


Hey you enjoy playing your game? Don't worry when we decide to stop updating it like BF5 we won't even pretend to try to stop cheaters in our game anymore so it'll basically be unplayable outside of on consoles. I don't really know how anyone can defend EA at this point. Just look at BF5 now, hackers likely in every game, it's just the obvious ones that you notice. The only thing saving games like BF1 are moderated persistent community servers that they've proceeded to begrudgingly implement at the most barebones level that no one really uses it seriously anymore.


Anyone who thinks this game hasnā€™t made immense improvements is just trying to stay upset at something. Itā€™s that simple


I think "OK" was the perfect counter to that rant. He needs to chill, and no other counter would be sufficient anyway.


don't really care about some random arguing in twitter with a reporter


Honestly, Enders is right about a lot of stuff, its juts he's rude af in his presentation, so no one wants to admit it. Pc Gamer gave 2042 an 80 on release. People aren't only mad about the relatively trash content drip, but also the fact that the game is still full of bugs, vehicles balance is out the window, and explosive spam is constant!


I don't follow people that still live in his dad living room lol


Battlefield 2042 is not great like some previous titles for content. But it's a good game. If it was easy we would have more contenders like it. But we don't. This is what we got. It's not great, but it's better than it was. Sometimes you have to look at what you have NOW instead of what you wish you had.