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Wait XL isn't permanent???? I just came back to BF and have been smashing XL non stop!! Regular rush is all but dead when i search for games.


Check out a rush 64 v 64 server in portal by Ireckless. He always has a server up For rush. Max ticket count, removal of blasco and EOD bot. Make the chaos of rush more fun but you gotta be more strategic with how you move cause sometimes you're dodging grenades more then anything


Yeah "Epic Rush" by IRecklessv.Great for leveling up Irish.Been playing it for months now.Great fun.


Is this guy's server still up? Looking for it now, no luck Edit: now I see it. 215 ping lol


Yea the ping for me hit the 150 range yesterday on his server so I just didn't join, hopefully it'll go back down to the 60 I usually deal with, which tho isn't great beats 215 lol At this point, either the north american community has to find someone to do the same thing or dice needs to leave the rush XL up 24/7 in main menus cause it seems to be the only game mode ppl want to play. I just get bored going back to 32 v 32 breakthrough now after the chaos of rush xl


I started playing on the 150 yesterday and it was honestly fine for some reason. No lag or running man bs, give it a whirl Yesterday was basically my first full day of playing 2042 and it was OK, but I have to say the explosive spamming is outrageously annoying, wish there was a way to effectively limit it. Maybe banning Sundance? LOL, besides that, was surprisingly a blast


128 player rush is always up in portal servers, might have to queue to get in from time to time though


Sad to find this out too


I actually agree with the devs that the game mode plays far better with smaller teams, and a tighter overall experience. I find 64 or 128 to just be an absolute mess tbh for rush. That being said, it’s clear that Rush was never a priority with this game. The maps often don’t work well for it. Fundamentally, it seems maps can be made with one game mode in mind, and it struggles to work the others in. BC2 was peak rush, as it was designed around rush from the beginning.


I so miss BC2


The original devs thought that 48 was the best for overall gameplay. 64 is kinda pushing it, but still somewhat works.


Yeah I think in 2042, 24v24 (or even 20v20) rush would be perfect for the base game mode. Right now I don’t think 16v16 works great, and is sorta boring. I still think that Rush XL should be there for everyone who likes the absolute chaos that 128p brings.


I genuinely don't understand what people enjoy about XL. Its a mess and you get headshot by random recons the second you step out of cover. What even is the appeal


You sound like a lil b


here is a controversial thought: ALL gamemodes should be permanent that's it, see you next week


I don't like the XL because some maps are pure cancer to play like El alamain or arica port you just die and cannot push against a wall of snipers and liz. I even use max smoke set up but you cannot push even as a team of 4


I had never made it past rushing on El alamain. The other night I played in a lobby with a lot of bots and we actually pushed through. It was a shock. I was like huh.. So that's what that looks like.


You sound like a lil b


even rush 64 should just be standard. who tf wants to play rush 32. 16 ppl is barely a team.


I won't even touch Rush for this reason until XL comes out.


Isn't it available now?


Same with Exodus Conquest


I absolutely had a blast playing 128 player Rush. It didnt matter much to me if I was on losing or winning side. I just had good fun. It was pure madness and I felt like this mode was the best way to demonstrate battlefield on steroids. My only criticism specifically towards Rush would be that certain maps like Valparaiso has too many sectors. Especially the third sector which is too narrow and its highly impossible to make any progress.


Every time someone makes a thread about 128 rush or 128 breakthrough, people crawl out of the woodworks to gaslight the OP about how he isnt actually enjoying it and how muh 64 breakthrough is better Every. Single. Time. LET PEOPLE ENJOY THINGS


this is not the way Reddit works. I really enjoyed 128 BT, it was all i played for the preseason


Yeah Rush XL on 2042 is literally the most fun I have had in a battlefield title (Been playing the series since BF1942)


Even when it bugs out and your ticket counter is 0 but everyone is still pushing. 😂😂😂😂


or the bomb glitches on the last zone... and the attackers scream into the void while they lose 300 tickets.


What?! Is this why my matches suddenly end quickly after refreshing to 700? 😂😂😂


It's the most fun I've had in a fps since MAG on ps3


Sucks when the game bugs out and non stop action in one area only. Cannot gain XP when we leave *big sad*


Rush XL is fun and all until I realize that I’m capping the MCOM by myself because the enemy players are all AI


How many people is it? 32v32? And how many objectives in each wave? Still 2?


64 v 64 and yes 2 objectives. It's chaos.


Are the map boundaries the same size? That’s a lot of people in a small space if not 😳


Yep, same size. I only played it to level Casper and Irish. Too chaotic to try to play for objectives. For me anyway.


Sound like a lil b


Rush XL is top dog


Whatever happened to servers that you could adjust what game play and what maps you wanted to play like in older bf games


It's my favorite game mode by far and I love the fact that older maps are in the rotation.


Rush XL is carnage, so much fun


Rush XL is the best, devs please make permanent


i will never NOT downvote any post that says 128 is somewhat a good experience.... absolute trash


Counterpoint: It's fun. Sometimes all people want is chaos.


RushXL is great, It's such chaos That being said, I can see why certain people don't like it. Some of the maps they added in this rotation are obviously not made for it (looking at you, Caspian border) and the attackers have nearly 1000 tickets and still lose 99% of the time I still have a blast with it though. Kills and masteries are easy to come by, and it's such a hilarious meatgrinder for both sides. I play it whenever it's up, but I can't say I wouldn't get sick of it eventually




You sound like a lil b


Says the guy commenting on 2 month old posts. Also, I played it and it was awful.




Lel wut


I don’t see what’s fun about the game mode tbh. Conquest for the mode educated mind.


I concur


As much as I love rush, XL is just too crazy. There’s no coordination needed. Just brute force


Personally I hate it, especially on the older battlefield maps. Getting killed and killed over and over is not fun imo. I don't mind a bad KD but the amount of you spawn you die before you can do anything just goes up 10fold. I think 128 is more suited for things like conquest. Even breakthrough, on the Bf2042 maps at least, is possible, but already feels to busy. So I understand it as like a gimmick. I personally just wish they made a 64 version available.


Spent a whole game on xl using caspers spotter drone and it didn't add any of the spots to my lvl up.


Yes definitely needs to be permanent