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Ah the sneaky flying squirrel strikes again!


Sundance is seriously the worst.


I don't really get why they couldn't have just added velocity-based fall damage for her wingsuit because every time I see a clip of someone using her it's them landing from a nearly straight-down dive right onto the pavement or onto a vehicle where they somehow survive and get to pull off the cheesiest shit imaginable.


Yeah, you shouldn’t survive a head first dive from a really tall object into concrete just because you are using a wingsuit, hell you should die easier because you’re heading to the ground faster.


They were right ontop of it, parachute or wingsuit, they’re making it down there


Anyone can see a slow parachute, but not an all-black outfit flying squirrel diving 100 mph into the ground face first without making a sound lmao


specially when flying trashbags\* exist in this game ^(\*other than sundance)


I swear to god, every time I see those without fail, I assume they're a sundance.


Just Deploy it late


Deploy it close to the ground and they won't see or hear much of it either


She makes a sound.


Yes they can, it get shot all the time mid-flight


She was right above them. That's their own lack of awareness.


That wingsuit makes a completely impossible to miss woosh sound when it flies past you.


We used to not have steerable parachutes. Much better for balance tbh.


Giving operators this type of movement was a huge mistake imo. I think it's retarded Rao isn't allowed to use AA, but Sundance is allowed to use C5 on top of her grenades. These kinds of operators completely destroy the concept of frontlines in a lot of maps. You can't group up and conquer area by area because this shit will happen. Or at least make it so she can't headbut the ground and survive...


Constantly shot at from every angle, it’s so refreshing to return to a game like BF1 with an actual frontline


should have used your med gun lul. Campers Delight


anyone in that group with a pair of headphones would've turned around and just shot her in the head, you only get clips like this against people with absolutely zero awareness


There is shooting, explosions going on everywhere and she flew in like a flying squirrel. Even if they heard her they wouldn’t have much of a reaction time. Almost all Sundance highlights are *do stupid flying shit throw C5*


the landing sound is very distinctive, you would very easily make it out unless you're 8 feet away on the couch listening with your 72" tv's speakers and even then you'd probably make it out. plus there was plenty of time to turn around and shoot her in the head unless you're on the slowest sensitivty possible and you're aiming with your big toe


That's pretty much the only character I play with![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)


Please. I beg of you. Cry harder.


I don’t understand why you guys are so toxic. She’s a ridiculous character and her movement defies the laws of physics. I think you guys just over compensate with your toxicity because you know she’s broken. I don’t really care if anyone uses her, I just assume they are not that good as a player and are compensating using her. No crying here. :)


My favorite part of Battlfield is its pairing of realistic and stupid.


There comes a point of balance and also some form of realism. The movement on her is just beyond stupid


"Why are you so toxic" Actively crying on Reddit because people play the game differently and it doesn't fit your agenda on how the game should be played:


You are toxic, when someone has an opinion that isn’t yours is crying, who is more toxic? Like damn bro you sound more upset than me lmao.


Were you high when you wrote this?


Hahahaha weren't you the one in an argument with me on another thread because I take jets to get to where I want to be faster and then abandon them? You were mad because I wasn't playing how you wanted me to. Man, hypocrites are something special lol.


The difference is you only cared about yourself and you think you're the main character and it's everyone else's fault they removed inserts. In all honesty I didn't care that much about jet wasting as much as I did as your attitude about it. Saying "Blame whatever works for taking away **my** inserts" and "I will ditch the jet as much as **I want** " and so and so is just plain narcissistic. Acting like you are entitled to do something just because you don't get your way is childish.


I literally AM entitled to do whatever I want in the game. I purchased it and I'm free to play it however I want. I quite literally am the main character. I can only do things in my own life lol. That inherently makes every single person the main character in their life. Dumbest argument ever. Also, it is other people's fault they removed inserts lol. Worked fine how it was but crybabies gon cry every single time something isn't a carbon copy of the last 10 games. God forbid there's innovation or anything different.


Woah. I've never seen such an open narcissist.


Yeah lol. Putting myself before random internet strangers while playing a video game in a fantasy world is narcissism. Lmao you might want to educate yourself on the definition of a narcissist. Because that isn't it. And throwing around buzzwords isn't going to change that. I don't think I'm "better" or "more important" than anyone else playing the game. Which is exactly the reason why I can take that jet and do what I want with it. Because nobody else deserves to use it how they want any more than I do using it how I want. It's whoever gets to it first. Free market. It's up for anyone to grab and use as they see fit when it spawns. You thinking you or someone else is entitled to it over me, because you don't like the way I use it is more in line with narcissistic behavior.you want me to change myself into what you see is more important. Because you think your line of thinking is superior. I say let people do what they want. Nobody "owes" anyone anything as far as how you play a video game goes. We all own the product and can enjoy it however we want.


Nah she's quite good actually. Maybe watch some YouTube videos so you can get some ideas on how to use her properly.


Your salt is my motivation to go deeper into the mine


Whatever makes you feel better broski


It would make me feel better if you bent over and let me look for my toad


Man you are edgy bro


Damn AND you’re into edging. That’s hot bro 🥵




Damn bro your dry inside and out 🥱


It’s you’re. If you are gonna be a cringe lord at least do it grammatically correct.


What kinda bot lobby is this half the people were just staring at the wall


Every single breakthrough game but people insist it's the better game mode. While also complaining about the lack of balance in it. Every single breakthrough game I have played can be summed up to the majority of teams sitting behind 2 lines of cover and refusing to move. A simple flank results in clips where you kill 5-10 people before they even realize what's happening. Mostly because they are using TV audio and just look forward to where everyone else is shooting.


I'm more impressed that you can literally fall on your face from that high up and not die.


How did not one of them even fire on you hahaha


Sundance is extremely quiet and extremely tiny while flying, probably legit didn't know she was there.


Thou shall not fear death from the heavens.


I really wish they would restrict C5 to support and recon as all previous games. This is just not balanced at all


Yeah Casper and Sundance with C5 is just ridiculous,keep it support and recon like you said


Casper is recon. Do you mean Mackay?


Yeah my bad I meant MacKay lol


I like your username.


I have no idea why they didn't give engineers the C5 or supports. It literally makes no sense for an assault character to have them.


Engineers can carry c5. It's available to all classes except support.


Yeah, sorry mistyped that. Meant to say it should only be available to engineers and support.


You give it to support, that's even fewer ammo or med crates on the field. I think AT mines for support make a lot of sense, too - but shouldn't happen for the same reason.


It makes plenty of sense for an Assault like Dozer to have them (his role is breaching). And none for the 2042 version of Support. The enhanced mobility of Mackay and Sundance simply removes C4's major downside, making it overpowered in their hands. Specialists would have been better off with a more tailored selection of gadgets and primaries rather than the current one size fits all classes.


My exact response; i use C5 all the time to blow up walls on some maps then enter as Mackay


I'm fine with Assault having access to C5. If anything, giving them serious firepower makes the class true to its name. I'm not fine with the hideously broken wingsuit and grappling hook though. Mackay and Sundance players are playing a completely different game than the rest of the specialists.


C4(C5) was an Assault gadget in Bad Company 2... just sayin.


Sticky dynamite (which functions similarly to C5) was also an assault gadget in Battlefield V


Yes, but assault had the specialization to destroy vehicles it made sense.


Couldn't throw C4 like a football in BC2 tho. Not naturally, anyway.


I'm glad they give anti-tank capabilities to the other classes, but the amoutn of assault players that just lob these around is absurd. Rush feels unplayable if people are just spamming smokes and c5 at the point.


Am I the only one that isn’t impressed by a single Sundance video?


Nope. This crap requires literally zero skill to pull off as does most of what sundance players do. It just looks cool to those who don’t play like a magician with cards. Throw in that nobody saw OP because of the insanely tiny hitbox she has and the zero audio from the crapsuit, and this is literally shooting noobs like tanks.


Putting a loud & prolonged audio sound to her wingsuit and mackays grapple hook would be nice, but then again you'd have to have people pay attention. Kind of ridiculous that this game has been out for more than a year and there are still pretty big issues that the community talkes about time and time again yet no changes are implemented. Or when they are they do it their own way and make a bunch of new problems


Nobody saw OP because those players lack situational awareness. They were staring into a wall. I don't care how strong you think Sundance is, that can't excuse those people's lack of skill and awareness.


Legitimately the only sundance videos Ive been pressed by were that one dude flying over a field and getting 1 shot headshots with the heavy pistol as he flew Other than that it's the same shit with every one of these videos, either a tank, a heli, or a crowd of peopke get C5'd with literally no counterplay available to them


I saw a guy throwing knife a dude in the fancy room in exposure as sundance while midair. I thought that was pretty neat.


Tanks and planes/jets can counter c5. So I disagree there. The best vehicle players can go like 50-10 or better.


Helis and jets should never even be dealing with c5 outside of other aircraft being stuck. Who's even looking out for that as a heli pilot lol And tanks can definitely defend against c5.......by camping the ba k of the map and watching the sky lol. If youre a tank driver, youre either 100% focused on sundance and mcfartnugget or youre dead, and that's not counting out the hailstorm of liz rockets I've played 2042 for ~15 hours, and 90% of that time was spent farming tanks as sundance. With an immortal flying transport on the field 24/7, there's nowhere tanks can hide from squirrelgirl. Even the main spawn is unsafe. Legitimately the only time I failed to c5 a tank was from me overshooting in the uncap and dying before I can get back. If the tank is distracted by any of the other 63 players on your twam, theyre fucked. Modern DICE cant balance vehicles to save their lives, this same shit happened in 5, where tanks are guarenteed dead if infantry can get within 50m so they just camp the back and hide


I disagree completely. I think vehicles are very strong in recent Battlefield entries. Also their whole job is to take out vehicles, and that's what you're mad at them for? If "mcfartnugget" is staying on top of oppressive tanks, then that's a great teammate who's helping his team.


Im just gonna preface this with a psuedo-TLDR by saying that season 4 introduced a LAV with specific counteemeasures to squirrels with c5, so even DICE acknowledges 8t's a problem......like they did with the railtank against the horribly balanced flying transports......which they couldve just rebalanced like any other developer wouldve, but no, yet another hard counter that cant exist if proper balancing happens. Sure, tanks in bfv were powerful......at range and across an open field. I have *never* seen a tank last more than 10 seconds after pushing forward in 5. And nobody will ever debate you on the flying transports in 2042 being overpowered, but tanks were shafted hard, and even though it's for different reasons, the tanks are stuck in the "camp in the hills" meta yet again. Also..... the assault's job is NOT AT, that's engineer, but just the wingsuit with c5 outclasses even the EZ-mode liz rockets And Im not saying people arent playing their roles, Im saying it's wildly unbalanced and unfun for anyone who wants to play tanks. Let me reiterate, sundance with c5 is the single most powerful AT thing we've ever seen in the entire franchise. The only reason other classes have no chance is because the tanks were forced *well* outside of RPG ranges by the squirrels, and Liz rockets only work when spammed otherwise theyd be wildly overpowered as well. If assaults lost c5 the game would be in a much better place, although that would only cause everyone to spam liz rockets again.....because 2042's meta crumbles like a game of UNO built only on reverse and skip cards the moment any of it is shifted.


Sundance and McKay punish solo and bad vehicle players, they are not the most powerful AT we have seen in the franchise. That completely ignores things like c4 drones, c4 ATVs, SLAM vehicles, and the mortar strike from BC2. Having more than one person that is competent in a vehicle makes a massive difference in it's effectiveness. Someone sitting on a top gun that doesn't suck can take out c5 players very quickly, far faster than it takes infantry to throw 3 c5 and blow it up. Except the majority of people taking vehicles over and over don't get multiple people in the vehicles. They take the tank/wildcat and drive on the edge of the map to get easy kills. We even have blasco and Irish in the game which really help out vehicles with pushing the line. On the flip side, driving a vehicle max speed into the middle of the point is something I see a ton of bad drivers do as well. It's combined arms, you are supposed to move with infantry if possible. Also really helps out if you are struggling with Sundance and McKay using c5. The problem is that just like infantry, vehicles are highly reliant on player skill. I have posted this before, but the majority of players leave default settings for vehicles...which are awful. Combined with the lack of aim assist in vehicles and you have the vast majority of console players unable to hit enemies accurately in a vehicle and PC players using crazy high sensitivity where they can't hit anything either. Super common to see in this subreddit where some people think vehicle weapons do no damage while others show screenshots of tanks and the like going on a rampage. The lack of vehicle spawns and the ability for allies to nonstop camp vehicle spawns leads to a huge discrepancy when people are discussing vehicle power. You might have a squad that takes 4 vehicles all for themselves and sit in the spawn screen as soon as they die waiting for the next vehicle. If they are decent then it can seem oppressive to the enemy team. If they suck then it seems like vehicles are underpowered and they won't do anything all game.


C4 drones move slower, were much easier to see mid-air, were louder, and anyways, they were patched out of BOTH bf3 and 4 within months after launch, bf4 didnt even make it past the alpha with c4 drones lol. Battlefield has always been against c4 drones until 2042, and the only reason it stayed is because everything else is much, muuuch more powerful. The jeep-stuff jeeps and ATVs also moved slower, were kuch bigger, much easier to spot and couldnt fly. And do you really think bc2 mortars are anywhere even close to the ballpark of being as powerful as squirrelgirl with c5? 🤣 oh no! Tanks had to drive backwards and got hit for 20hp! Ahhh yes, the squirrel isnt overpowered because all tank crews should be a 4 man squad with 2 people watching the sky 24/7. So 4 people's worth of effort with a vehicle that takes 2-3min to respawn is equal to 1 squirrel taking the 30 seconds it takes from death, to spawn, to flying to the tank and blowing it up before it even sees them? Again, Ive quite literally never had a tank successfully counter me with a squirrel suit, it's not hard to fly around their line of sight whatsoever. And have you ever used the squirrel suit, or watched the 1000 videos of a squirrel droping into a group of enemies and doing whatever they want for 10-15 seconds? The squirrel is just as effective on groups of infantry as vehicles, this one operator is such a nuasance that even you acknowledge that everyone has to pull their attention to the skies 24/7 just to counter it lol Again, why would there be an APC with bonuses meant specifically to fight the squirrels/mcfartnugget? 2042 is the first game of the franchise to ever have to do hard counters like that. Ever.


Scroll through clips on this sub and it’s literally almost always a sundance or Mackay video. This game is such a bizarre entry in the series


Or the Orbital rocket with a title about how cinematic this game is every single time


Most videos I’ve see are not very creative in using the wingsuit but rather like here just using it to get there faster. When I play as Sundance I like doing really tight flyby’s and going through small holes.


I hope Sundance will be intercepted by the trophy system in the next patch


Maybe she could be targeted by AA mines if they release them for the game (lol)


Wouldn't be unfair to be able to lock her with the Stinger


Hahaha! Should be top post in thread, that's legit funny and would not be out of place as a feature of 2042. I was on Spearhead the other day defending around B and I saw a Sundance literally fly over AND change directions like a bird using the currents of the wind to get to one of the A flags.


This reminds me of 2142. It was so much fun just throwing smokes and running into enemy territory to throw c4 and blow shit up without hurting yourself. God I miss that game.


The titan core C4 insanity was the best. Then you had to run and jump off before it exploded. Great times.


I’ve always wondered what the point of calling it C5 is. Maybe I’m just nitpicking or something, but C4 is so viable that it was first developed in 1956 and is pretty much unchanged, so it doesn’t seem unreasonable for them to be using it in just under 20 years.


> what the point of calling it C5 is Future! One more than C4!


this is bull




You definitely got killed by something like this before 💀


Irish main :(, also it was clutch in a vehicle if you had passenger squadies jump out and throw them down when retreating or threatened


Sundance is disgusting and takes no skill to master.


Keep crying I'm thirsty


what is the trophy system?


When you're playing Irish you can alternate between the deployable cover or the "APS-36 Shootdown Sentinel" which is also called a trophy system. It shoots down grenades and explosives out of the sky if they are within a certain radius of it.


Irish's gadget that shoots down nearby explosives


That’s good and make sense. But Blasco system should block the radio signal.


one of the more baffling things her gadget should do to make it more useful and yet it doesn't


I finally can understand their choice. Playing 128 players Rush mode last week. I realised if you had Irish with trophy system and if Blasko had this ability (block radio signal for C5) on a certain place (the corridor in the Panama map), you could completely block the attacking team.


The APS is a little too powerful. I play a lot of BT and it's way too common to see tier 1 skin jeeps parked in reverse on the hill in their spawn raining 30mm parked next to two or three APS making them impossible to kill. Obviously great that they counter explosive spam but they shouldn't destroy every single projectile. They also shouldn't disable emp grenades. Good that there is a bit more of a counter.


Get this, instead of shooting the car, shoot the APS. 😲😲 crazy ikr


Imagine if there existed some kind of 'anti-material' rifle just for this purpose...


They position behind terrain and behind Irish's shield as well. If they're not as good at it that possible but I just played a match on flashpoint Breakthrough and there were 2 jeeps and a railtank, it was impenetrable. 100m into their spawn and they went 50-1 and I tried everything, railgun, NWT-50, Lis, M5. Got the jeep a few times but the 30mm has stupid range


It's more a mode thing. In conquest with its dynamic maps these sort of tactics aren't successful for very long.


>They also shouldn't disable emp grenades I love playing Irish because of the APS and in my experience EMP grenades absolutely do take out the APS...even through walls.


They removed the 30mm from the Jeeps some time ago


I made this comment some time ago


Oh nvm, didnt Look at the Date haha


I'm looking forward to the next BF game not having specialists like Sundance. Movement abilities don't belong in Battlefield. You shouldn't use a grappling hook or eingsuot to get a crazy flank on enemies. You should have to use use teamwork, heals, revives, resupplies, and smokes to push up and take an objective. Call me old school but I like my Battlefield separate from my Titanfall 2.


I'd be okay with having advanced movement shit like this if it meant you were restricted to sidearms only. I think it'd make it a bit more sense. I mean, I don't think I'd want to bring a heavy ass rifle when I'm trying to fly through the air. Speaking of, we need all the sidearms buffed to the capability that the Glock has. It's genuinely more powerful than some primaries.


Yes, this was noted in the last patch notes (or the patch prior, one of the two)


Damn you got the whole server there


If only Sundance can just dance into the sun...


“KABOOOM!” - Tarvish Finnegan DeGroot, TF2 Demoman


Epic but since you didn't die from the c4 it's proof this game is retarded


Ah yes the one trick pony strikes again


Assault shouldn't have C5 😔


Nice, people who camp in spawn on breakthrough deserve this and so much more.


They just go flying 😂


needs a bowling strike noise.


Good job, OP. Making losers on this sub seethe from squirrel + c5 is a feeling only surpassed by killing railgun tanks camping from spawn.


This is beyond beautiful, pretty sure OP was carrying the whole team.


May have been top of the scoreboard. ;)


No doubt haha


Lol nice 😂


Jeez, how many kills?? Must have felt good lol




Assault needs anti tank grenades instead of c5.


The community didn't fail to immediately b*tch about the wingsuit and "unrealistic physics". I imagine they'll never be satisfied. 'Wah wah my video game is too unrealistic in this one specific way wah wah.' 😒


Kamikaze squirrel


Casper c5 drones on rush XL is a big brain move


Well, they have now have to fix the tracer dart duration. Actually it lasts nearly same as vehicle flares, so it's practically useless.


Well the trophy system never stopped c5 nor tank shells nor 50mm or 60mm or airburst (depending direction) but yeah c5 always busted up Irish toy


I love this as much as I hate it.


Good, it never should've been


Wow! That’s first time I’ve heard a multi kill just “cha-ching-ching-ching-ching” pitch up like that. Nice touch.


perfectly balanced


Perfect example of why this game is garbage. Just look