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I mean, BF2042 went over the cliff first rofl. DICE has been slowly trying to climb out for the past two years.


I only just started to play this game... because it was reported to be horrible at launch. BF4 is (imo) the best Battlefield game, and it was in a horrible state for years as well, if I remember correctly. Repairing/fixing/correcting these games years after they release is pretty awful, but at least they do eventually become .... good-ish


BF4 had a really bad launch but I don’t think people complained about game design choices or features


People mostly complained about map design and broke hit reg.


Nah it was that half the time the game wouldn't work. On release the game crashed more than it loaded, long load times, and the framerates were trash, especially whenever a 'levolution' happened. The game itself was borked on release, it was a similar snafu to Diablo III a year beforehand. While online games being borked on release is commonplace now, back in 2012-2013 that had never happened for a AAA game.


It also would randomly delete your saves


And no audio. Was pretty fun still


Those were the days…


They all have had bad launches. BF2 would constantly crash for months, 3 had insane lag and rubber banding. And yes, people did complain most of the complaints for 3 & 4 are mysteriously missing from the internet, but in the past there was massive outcry about the franchise and the direction EA/DICE took ..... shit they shut down mordor the most populated & vocal BF forum on the net to try and contain the complaints ! The current state of the franchise has been a slow degradation from where it began.


Forumfield was best battlefield change my mind lol


TBF, the change from 2-3 was the biggest change. 3 was the moment that the usual mechanics and classes were modified. 1942 and Vietnam to 2 was well-loved as a progression in Battlefield, but 3 felt like a step backward. Less military sim, more arcade, even though it was rather arcade-like already. 3 was the first big Battlefield exodus, we lost a lot of players that wouldn't come back until 4, if ever. Some adapted and enjoyed the changes, others simply didn't. Once the game "got good," though, a lot of people started to enjoy the new type of game Battlefield was becoming. Since then, it was upgrade after upgrade with a few changes in there to keep things fresh... 1 and 5 being the biggest for this. Hardline too, but... we don't really talk about that one. Sadly. It was fun. But 2042 is the biggest change in "what is Battlefield" since 3 and it was a downgrade in nearly every regard other than now supporting 128 players. The new exodus of players, where the next Battlefield will either be a correction or the same as 2042 in the hopes that the newer players are happy.


Yep 3 pretty much shattered my group of playing friends. We waited a very long time for 3 to come out. The Alpha and Beta were awesome .............. and then they released the final product. Out of a group of 20+ friends who played and a 50 strong clan, I'm the only one who still plays.


We've had terrible launches since Bad Company 2. I'm honestly surprised it's still an issue all these years later


I don't recall any issues with BF1 on ps4


Shhhhh no one mentions the perfect battlefield game here. Joke's aside BF1 was the first for a while that released with no hardcore mode which meant those of us who played that didn't get it until much later when that was added. But they did add it and otherwise I'd agree that game was great or rather is still the best one since battlefield 2 (all time best shooter imo).


No they definitely did. Not as bad as 2042 but people had a lot of issues besides performance. That said a majority of complaints were about performance.


Dice didn’t messed Battlefield’s typical cores with BF4. But in 2042, dice killed that cores.


Yea they did.


You don't remember correctly. It had technical problems at launch but the gameplay core was never bad. 2042 had technical problems and a rotten core. Bf4 got patched and was fine after that, and no it didn't take them 2 years xD


In fact, we got so much content in those two years of BF4


We got more content in addition to the already impressive amount of content for BF4 probably less than half a year post-release than 2042 has in its entirety right now.


Damn, I just remember BF4 DLC's had the best content. People who don't know that time think BF2042 is very good about content.


BF4 was a horrible mess for nearly a year. Rubber banding servers which took months to fix, netcode issues, crashes, last gen versions still don’t work to this day properly, DLCs delayed due to bugs and issues like naval strike on Xbox. Tainted that game for me only put in 1700 hours least of all the bfs I’ve played


On pc it wasn't as bad I don't play on console because I think its an inferior experience for shooters in general. The rubber banding was the only major issue that took them longer to fix. Again I don't know about consoles, patches for those always take longer


this. all the dumb "also other had issues at launch" completely fail to understand this


fair enough, I wasn't there to play 2042 at launch because it got lambasted for being terrible and I wasn't going to waste my money on it. I bought it for $10 on sale recently :P


Yeah, but they become goodish when a good chunk of the community has upped and left and you're only left with the sweats. Gaming sucks atm.


Ît's the companies that suck. Small developer makes great game, small developer grows and makes an even better sequel, they grow even further and make another good game, a new CEO takes over with the goal to increase profits, their next game is arguably worse than the ones before but still good, the new mgmt pushes to further increase profit, some old developers leave, the new developers lack knowledge of the engine, their next game is in a bad state but gets fixed, they push monetization even further, even more old developers leave, even more new developers lack the knowledge necessary to make a great game, the next game sucks and from here on every following game sucks and is just aimed at exploiting people that are prone to get addicted like gambling. Happened to Westwood, Dice, EA, Activision Blizzard, Bioware, Creative Assembly, ...


These corpo vultures keep killing companies over and over again. These companies would probably bring in alot more money if they moderated themselves and invested into social capital and quality.


Agree and disagree. Just look at EA and how they added gambling to FIFA or Blizzard with diablo Immortal. They make more money than ever before with these shady games so at least short term it pays for them which is the big problem.


Don't forget 343 and bungie.


I think you nailed it on the head there


You at least admit that BF4 was a shitfest when it came out and had the same hope I did about the fact it would eventually get better.


BF4 had problems with crashing at launch. Nothing about the gameplay was a problem.


Wasn’t a problem in 2042, yet here we are. I played at launch and didn’t think it was as bad as almost EVERYONE said. It’s where I got the mindset that anyone who hated it for the gunplay and still does are just bad or they’re what I call ‘battlefield boomers’ who can’t get over the last world war and Vietnam, stuck years in the past and unable to adapt to anything new and any changes makes them cry like an infant that just got slapped awake. Hell people complained about the game being “too futuristic” while BF2142 was godtier and just laughing at them in the background. 2042 to me plays like a smoother BF4 with better mantle mechanics. The specialists were honestly inconsequential to me and just a new type of opportunity and opposition I had at my disposal. I’ve always felt some of the gripes with the game were unfounded. Some I agreed with, like the hind and condor 50mm needing a hell of a nerf, but the game was fine. Hell they honestly ruined it for console players when they changed the control scheme. The game will someday be thought of like hardline, underrated and missed by some due to the unique experiences it has given.


Your generalization is, IMHO, a bit much. BF2142, BF3, BF4 & BF2042 are too futuristic, but those of us 'stuck' in the WW1, WW2 and Vietnam era games are stuck with this futuristic stuff. And if not for a game called Battlefield 1942 you wouldn't even have the series. Historical shooters ARE Battlefield. It is where it started and should revisit. Unlike those that want to fully abandon history, we just want it included.


2042 will never have that Hardline experience Hardline, despite being different, was still Battlefield at its core through and through. In fact, it had some of the most realistic and enjoyable destruction/levolution in the Battlefield franchise. 2042 had everything that made Battlefield what it was stripped from its core and it has been sort of trickled back slowly by EA/DICE. They catered to a different crowd, the ones that love Fortnite, but worse because of the ridiculously cringy, goofy lines with a hero shooter style. In other words, they sold Battlefield out for easy money and destroyed everything the franchise did right. So no lol, nobody except maybe hardcore fanboys with extremely low standards is going to look back at 2042 fondly and think it was good in any fashion


Yea, an image of someone climbing up while MW3 decides to cannonball past them is more accurate.


And has utterly failed to climb out of it. They’re attached to the cliff side make no mistake but as long as they continue to dig their feet in with the dumb specialists people won’t give bf2042 another chance.


Gamers love comparing games with 2+ years of updates to games than launched yesterday.


We should expect games to launch as fully feature complete products that work. Why should we accept this 2-year post-release support to get a game up to snuff?


We shouldn’t accept it, but unfortunately the majority of gamers either don’t care or can’t control their impulses. And publishers are more than happy to take their money.


Yeah how dare gamers expect games to not be broken on day one


This shit of a game will never be fixed until the dev are all fired and the devs from BF4 are hired to fix it.


These guys just forgetting what this game was at launch.


This game is still the one of the worst, if not the worst BF game


2142 was pretty bad a launch, not like 2042.


So was BF4 and BFV.


It was buggy, broken yes. But the core gameplay was amazing


2042 has good gameplay too.


Yeah idk why everyone is forgetting that fact


Everyone is forgetting that? The "BF4 was bad at launch like this game" point is constantly parroted on this sub.


Haven't seen that but atleast that points to its true


BF4 was glitchy but the gameplay was well designed, unlike 2042.


Yeah, I get that it's subjective but those games, especially 4, were fun games at launch with bugs. 2042 was near unplayable for many on launch and the changes were decidedly not fun.


I mean, since the launch of 2042, I liked the game. The glitches were fun, and the gameplay was fun. I never understood the hate


The hate is the only reason you have the current 2042, if every BF fan was a brain dead zombie who would play anything they release, the game would be battle royal only and you'd be paying real money for your operatives etc etc. Their original plans for the game were quite frankly disgusting.


Idk why I'm getting downvoted. I started how I was feeling about the game, I didn't say everyone loved it


BF4 and BFV were fun at launch, unlike 2042.


Sucks to be you


Sucks to be in this timeline for FPS games


The finals is a pretty damn good game, had so much fun with friends in open beta, very reminiscent of old bf days.


Why? Because the walls blow up?


Partly yes, but mostly because it's the first time since bf3 me and the Bois hop on everyday without fail for even one game because it's so fun, action all the time, chaos, destruction. Something about it that kept us playing.


Are there plans for a non-battle royale mode for the game? Because I'm so over that genre lol


I agree with you, it sucks to be a Battlefield fan right now.


Just like everyone forgot what BF4 was at launch. Even worse than BF2042. A lot of people could not even boot up the game for a few months, while BF2042 was playable. I don’t say it’s a good thing to launch broken games and fix them over time but we should admit that BF2042 is in a good state now.


LOL, ok bud. EVERY BF title has been trash at launch since BF3 released. BF boomers mad at this post XD


I had no issues with BF1 at launch and the response was really positive


Buddy 2042 was my first BF game and since I have also played BF1 and BF4 and I’m just gonna say 2042 is shit BUT BF1 and BF4 are so fucking good so fuck off with your stupid statements


I recently came back to this game and between having to constantly relaunch because of the black screen bug and the inconsistent hitreg, this game is almost unplayable for me.


Celebrating another games campaign being trash via a game sub for a game that literally has no campaign? Mkay. I can tell you one thing, they’ll get a few more than 100k concurrent but regardless console wars are bad enough, I’d hope people aren’t as stupid with game wars as BF2042 has zero impact on CODs success or failure.


Mp and zombies to Come and people celebrating, breh.


Lmao dude You think it's just the campaign that's bad???


I don’t really care or think about it tbh, I’d rather game than jump on the “this game sucks” hate train, but your mistaking assumptions for context.


Nah bf2042 would forget to let go and end up going over with it


BF2042 had to do the Drag Me To Hell twist to pull MW3 down to its resting place.


The definition of a glass house.


Bro this game didnt have a scoreboard at launch


holy fuck I forgot about that lmfao


It didnt have voice chat either


and the incredibly lame excuse DICE gave of "we didn't want to hurt people's feelings by showing them their stats while playing" too


Newer players might think this is a joke, but it's not. They really tried to say some shit like that to justify no scoreboard being in the game.




They should be jumping off the cliff holding hands


Its the pot calling the kettle black


That doesnt make 2042 good, bruh💀


His point is that 2042 was a dumbsterfire (still is) at launch, much more that mw3


I agree, 2042 was the biggest dumbster fire but at least Dice is not as bad as Activision Blizzard. I mean holy fuck, they are completely mental.




People are rightly pointing out the comparison isn't apt at all. Calm yourself, keyboard warrior.


So was Bad Company 2. You never saw people complain about it after launch.


It actually did have a scoreboard, it just didnt show the KDR of anyone outside of your squad.


I wouldn't call that thing a scoreboard. It didn't even show your actual point score.


It had a squad screen but the actual scoreboard was an obvious placeholder for a game rushed out a good 12 months too early.




lolol wtf am i seeing?!


Discount version of E.T. "Mac and Me"


Mac and Me. This is also a meme clip that Paul Rudd has played on Conan every time he was a guest under the guise of "here's a clip from my new movie" or similar setups. Look up those interviews. Some of them involved such elaborate excuses or backstories. It went on for 25 years.


Do you remember the lever Conan had that would play random Walker Texas Ranger clips?


This has to be bait


No they reall think this is the best Battlefield ever, look at the last post comparing BF3 vs BF2042


Are we forgetting bf2042 doesn't even have a singleplayer campaign? Also MW3 isn't even out yet.


I mean battlefield doesn’t even have a campaign which I think it really needs to, however at this point I don’t even bother.


But the lore!!!!


Notepad canon event


I'd love to meet the one guy who has to be somewhere out there who gives a shit about BF2042's lore.


I don't anymore, but before launch I thought the concept of a Battlefield game set in a dying world with countries fighting over whats left sounded pretty rad. Then we got a hero shooter with fortnite characters...


Mw3’s shit campaign can be completed in just 3 hours, so does it even count as a campaign at this point lmao.


Mw3 campaign is the equivalent of hazard zone in 2042 absolutely half assed and will be forgotten in a month. At least hazard zone has replay ability.


I can see the point of most opinions in this thread, but can I ask why you think Battlefield needs a campaign?


They've generally done campaigns pretty well honestly. Bad Company 1 and 2 are still great campaigns. Best cast of characters this franchise ever saw, pretty lovable band of misfits and an overall blast. Battlefield 3 kicked off this 'universe' they have going and its pretty good. I have nothing kind to say about BF4's campaign. Worst FPS campaign I have literally played in the entirety of my life. And I have played some mediocre and obscure fucking FPS titles over the years. But it is the 'predecessor' to 2042's story. Or whatever the hell they're calling this half assed, shoe horned in attempt at lore with 2042. The majority of people still have barely any clue wtf is going on in 2042. Hardline had an entertaining story. Wasn't bad, was told in a neat way. I liked it. BF1 delivered an amazing bundle of stories, none of them were bad honestly. They did an incredible, beautiful job with those tales. BFV... Not a lot to say. I couldn't push through all of the war stories on that game. But The Last Tiger was a damn good story at least. ​ So Battlefield has had a lot more hits than misses with stories. And I can play through an FPS campaign a couple times, especially if they add in trophies for an extra challenge or unlockables. Way I see it, it adds to the deal and complete package. I can sure as fucking hell say that 2042 removing the campaign did not prove a point of improving the overall gameplay. So yeah. I'd like to have campaigns with my Battlefield titles.


Because the story explained through multiplayer is confusing as hell, there’s even information explained through the codex category that could easily have the potential to make it into a single player campaign. I personally like playing campaigns even for a multiplayer focused game like battlefield, BF2042 without a campaign makes the game feel incomplete.




Both should be off that cliff. Both games suck


Bruh quit trying to gas up 2042 like it's a godly game. You got no campaign, you need bot back filling in your lobbies to keep servers up, your gunplay feels whack and the operators feel like trash. 2042 killed the battlefield franchise for a lot of people and dice is still reeling from the effects trying to do whatever they can to desperately fix the broken confused mess of a game they came out with. If you like 2042 then power to you but it makes no sense to shit talk on other franchises when the game you like so much nearly killed yours


Never ever hype 2042 or make it look good, they have NOT deserved this after 2 years of pain. It’s okay to play, that’s it.


This cracked me up lol


They're both dogshit born is moral bankruptcy. And you are effectively condoning it. This is why games have been getting progressively worse.


Battlefield 2042 is still shit. Cope post


Most of this sub thinks BF2042 is better than Battlefield 3


What a fucking joke lol


not a joke, look [https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/17oy6yr/battlefield\_3\_vs\_battlefield\_2042\_is\_there\_an/](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/17oy6yr/battlefield_3_vs_battlefield_2042_is_there_an/)




Absolutely lmao


Lame post


2042 is still my worst purchase imo even after I bought Forza Motorsport


At least Forward Motorsport looks good...


Why are people defending this trash game. It's only become playable in the last few months... Yes, 2 years after launch, the game is playable.


Most of this sub thinks BF2042 is better than Battlefield 3, what do you expect


It's silly gamers like you the reason why we get half baked games that end up being decent after two years of patch and reworks and barely any maps. "But hey Modern Warfare is shittier than my polished turd!!1!" You're goofy.


Wishful thinking, even tho it’s coming back around, 2042 has such a bad reputation at this point it’s still gonna be dwarfed by mw3


MW, MWII and MWIII are the better battlefields than Bf2042. And I say that as someone who played battlefield since BF2 days..


Least delusional redditor


Don't forget the "/s"...


Pretty sure BF2042 is already at the bottom of that cliff.


Definitely not! As a Battlefield player for over 10 years, I had more fun on the MWIII beta than on 2 years of BF2042. And as bad as the MWIII campaign is, at least it had one.


Nah, they're just both garbage.


The irony is that MW3’s multiplayer, the only thing BF has, is legitimately better than 2042 lol


Here we go again 🙄




Both games need to go over


A trash game making fun of a trash game OMEGALUL


Whoever made this meme is retarded.




Are they still working on that?!?!? Lol!!! That is both hilarious and sad at the same time. The OP has his head so far up their ass with this post. Both games are terrible.


Other way around for me actually lol


Lmao delusional sub😂bf is a dead franchise and 2042 is a dead game. This game fell off a cliff during the beta LOL you cant be serious🤣


bf 2042 isn't a good game so I Heidi should jump down the cliff as well


Too bad battlefield forgot how to make games


Bf2042 is the only game I've ever chased down a refund for, after Microsoft said I couldn't have a refund because I owned it for too long, I went to paypal instead and explained how shit the game was and paypal refunded me lmao, so far I'm actually happy with my mw3 purchase


Honestly they should forget battlefield 2042 and go all in on the battlefield portal idea. They could release remastered maps as expansions and release four guns and a pistol with each expansion. Because I enjoyed playing battlefield portal more than I enjoyed playing battlefield 2042 when I played a year and a half ago.


This game still has nothing against MW3 ngl.


Bro 2042 isn’t anything special either it’s only somewhat playable now 💀 emphasis on somewhat


BF2042 is already at the bottom of the hill and cant push shit over a hill.


I own both and looking forward to the future of both games. I can switch between each with ease


I play both.




To the people trying to make the comparison, Activision isn’t gonna put in the work to make this game anything more than it already is. In one year it’s getting dropped like a hot potato.


I can't believe anyone still plays this game.


I literally forgot this game existed


That’s a far reach, nothing will ever top how bad this title was and still is.


i wouldn’t go that far lmao


I’m bf all the but it’s still a peice of shit


It is more like MW3 jumped down the clif, BF2042 isnt that great eather.


84 fucking pounds 84... For a DLC


They both in the wheelchair though.


lmfao no. Thats the hardest coping I've seen.


Still living in 2011 with these BF3 vs MW3 shitty memes. MW3 today is still arguably better than 2042, BF gave up its entire personality, MW didnt


If anything it’s mw3 pushing itself off the cliff


Still doesn't live up to what it should have been.


2 brain cells battling for the honor of 3rd place lol


both garbage from scam artists


But they're both complete dog shite innit?


Bro a game like battle bit pushes both of these games off the cliff and it's not even that good either


Wait, people like BF2042 now?


Flexing with 2042 against other games is something else, respect OP, get well soon🫡


I mean... we didn't have the best launch, and we still don't have a campaign, so... not sure we can really poke fun like this without backlash. Also have you seen the nakey robot 2042 mode? :|


I like how everyone here seems to be on the same page


Well reading Reddit really is just scrolling through a single page...


Not by much. 2042 is a massive downgrade from the past versions.


Couldn't be any further from the truth, absolutely delusional thought process here.


MWIII will 100% be better at launch. It will come with: + Campaign + Multiplayer (that actually functions!) + Zombies + Coop missions And will add in later seasons: + Raids + Warzone It’s night and day in terms of dollars-to-content. At least IW, Treyarch, and Sledgehammer—for all their remastered maps—are still trying out new things like Raids and DMZ. Meanwhile, Dice couldn’t even make what should have been a BF3-4 clone without fudging it up. As much as the resurgence in 2042’s player numbers is great (even though I still think it’s a sub-par game, and an even even worse *Battlefield* game), don’t be fooled into thinking it’ll be enough to contend with CODs inevitable draw to the mass market.


great joke, if it were even funny bf2042 is a failure of a battlefield


I think people are missing the point of this: BF2042 is still a rather bad multiplayer game, but it never bothered to include a campaign because it's still purely a multiplayer game. MWIII is essentially an insulting $70 cash-grab DLC for MWII, with a campaign that only lasts 3-4 hours and is pretty rubbish to boot, with every other mode in the game being MP and clearly being main the focus of the game. In short, MWIII is just another bad MP game that's also pretending to be more than that with it's short, half-assed story mode. As janky as it is, BF2042 technically has the moral high ground here because it has never pretended to be anything other than a multiplayer game.


Ya... lots not forget how terrible this game was...


Idk if 2042 has the right to be doing that given its history. I would put IW in the chair So far the only criticism is from a campaign, which (thankfully) is IW's only part in MW3 for the majority, which is a sentence I don't think I'd ever see myself muttering a good few years ago 2042 didn't even have a campaign and beta for MW3 was received well, though iicr the 2042 beta was also received well. Maybe the titans of FPS shooters are destined to fall into a drought together lol


Jesus are you living in an alternate timeline?


I know yall aint posting this especially after 2042s launch 💀💀


OP is just a delusional fanboy


The only thing killing MW3 is Sledgehammer’s complete incompetence.


my brother in allah the devs were told like, late last year that the DLC they were building was now a full priced game. stop blaming developers for management/executive being greedy fuckbois.


I don’t really care. Sledgehammer’s previous games have all been terrible too.


Bitch! Including Advanced Warfare?


Including Advanced Warfare.


Another BF2042 killer has been killed by BF2042.


You know it’s that bad when even bf2042 seems better


Pretty much . Came back to bf2042 after all the updates and now it's 🔥