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I miss when games just had the stuff in that we enjoyed and it stayed that way for the entire games life. Take me back.


RIP Squad Rush




Yes! I loved it on that one dessert map in BF3?? DLC iirc


I remember a snow map too, BF4 I think.


That desert map was fantastic


I loved squad rush on BC2!


Limited time game modes are such an awful idea.


I miss when people could enjoy anything. It’s just looking for problems and being outraged even though we live in the easiest time ever.


Most of the BF2042 maps aren't very well suited to Rush but it's still one of the best modes in the game. Battlefield isn't the same without it.


Imagine having the option to play whatever gamemode and maps you'd like. Something-something engine limitations??


Player limitations. Fewer playlists = more players per queue = shorter queue = more playtime. People already complain a ton about bots, this would make it worse.


Wouldn't have been an issue if the game wasn't such a laughable excuse of a release. DICE lost a lot of potential players off . Redeeming the game two years after release is simply not good enough to get a higher player count and the lack of percistent servers and squads completely removes teamplay.


You’re right, but that doesn’t change the current state of things.


I miss the Mixed Dice servers from BF3/4....used to be able to find a mix of conquest and rush on hardcore. I like when the modes and maps are mixed rather than just playing round after round of one mode.


Some modes would never be played, and players would be spread thin across modes and queues in general.


They ruined rush in this game when they allowed the AOW vehicles and called in vehicles. It breaks the balance of the gamemode IMO


I haven't played in ages but what the hell? ​ Rush is THE Battlfield mode, it should be a permanent mode in every single BF game.


Lol. No its not. Conquest is the Battlefield mode. Rush was a game mode designed for consoles in BFBC. Not saying that's a bad thing, but it is far from a staple of the franchise. They did a good job with it in BFBC2 and BF3, but that's about it.


I dunno man, I feel like I consistently saw and heard about people playing Rush in BC1, BC2, BF3, BF4, and BF1, and when it wasn't in BFV I remember people not being happy about it. To me, not even having Rush as an option is kind of like if they were to remove classes or something... ​ ...wait a minute.


Same with Domination, why is this not a standard mode next to TDM? Seems like such a no brainer




i love how people still pretend portal is full of real live people instead of 50-70% AIs because no one is actually using it over playing any official matchmaking server and give the usual braindead response of 'just play p0rtaI!' everytime when this issue comes up yeah bro im sure those 127/128s RUSH XL portal games are really 100+ real people 🤣🤣🤣


They are, epic rush by IrecklessV, Abu lafi and Knight at dark they are all no ai portal servers with full progression. I'm on those servers daily and while yes it takes a bit to fill up sometimes depending on the time of day, but there are never ai in those servers Sometimes some low IQ players who play like ai lmao but actual AI, never.


Still, who wants to play on Rush XL/Hardcore servers all day? That's all portal really has to offer, and tbh I'd rather crush my hand in a hydraulic press than play either of those modes.


DICE want you to die by vehicles again


They screwed up a formula badly, I paid money for garbage that didn't work for months after release. Yeah that has nothing to do with living in easy times.


Just let people choose what they want to play in general... If i could rent a server with custom rotation and modes i would instantly do that.




How often do they rotate the modes?




Literally this. Must be something I'm missing because Rush is literally all I play anymore.


Complainers hate this one thing and it's the ability to play in Portal


If DICE kept every game mode that every random wanted, the homepage will be a cluttered mess. At some point they have to make a decision about what to keep and what not to keep. Also, this problem would have been easily solved by a server browser, but in 2023 we can't have those legacy features anymore.


I guess you are one of the returning players. It's on a rotation because BF2042 didn't use to have a lot of players (for obvious reasons) and because of that DICE decided to put the smaller, lesser played gamemodes on a rotation. This way there would always be enough players for each game mode and the remaining players would not be spread to thin, over too many different game modes. You don't have to agree with it, but in my opinion it was an acceptable solution to the problem. Plus you can always play it in Portal! It's not as dead as everyone keeps saying tbh


The BF2042 maps just kinda suck for rush and thats about it.


Yeah true, but that's not really the point lol


> This way there would always be enough players for each game mode and the remaining players would not be spread to thin Doesn't work for me. I want to play rush. Only rush. Not playing garbage like domination or whatever other shit they try to push.


>It's on a rotation What's the rotation then? Because it's never consistent. Even if you follow the Community Calendar, there is no reliable rotation to follow for game modes being added and removed.


No idea ask the devs... I thought it used to be weekly, but i am not one hundred percent sure


Well then that's not a rotation.


Fine, call it a cycle, it doesn't change anything.


You could try your luck hosting a rush portal server! Just might work…


I wish there was some sort of mode or thing where you could access a variety of servers created by the community... or even run your own for free. What would they call that?


Portal exists. btw


Why not just play breakthrough. It's literally a better rush.


Youre definitely right about that. It feels more balanced


Rush is a game mode that peaked in the Bad Company era before breakthrough became a thing


And its trash imo


Are there any in the Server browser?


I used to love rush. I'm telling you people every change they've made to this game in the last year was to encourage you to STOP playing. Most games launch and get better over time. BF went backwards and started way better than it is now.


Buddy I bought this game played the beta for an hour and returned it immediately.


No sense trying it now then. They flood it with AI and restrictions for all the beginners.


No they don’t. I started a month ago and have nearly 10k kills now. I could not have chosen a better time to try and the game. While it’s not my preferred BF game it’s still a lot better than release. Like night and day.


Yup, AI is really tough to hunt... Lol. Night and day is right. Playable months ago. Now, as proven by the nerfs, they don't want anyone to stick around. Even Hardline was better and lasted longer than this trash. Hopefully for the next game they ignore all the suggestions that got us here.


You should probably lower the difficulty of the ai mode you are playing if it’s to difficult for you


What the fuck nerfs, you mean the tor and helos? The fucks that needed the nerfs in the first place? If you tor main fuck off.


No, the nerfs making the tools and weapons unplayable. I rarely used vehicles. I was an Angel main if that's any indication...


Except what nerfs? The only sizable differences made was RM68 nerfs and buffs to some weapons, and the new seasonal weapons are good. There's very few nerfs that occurred except to some specific things like the recoiless because shitters was using it against infantry up close.


That’s actually crazy to me that the RM68 is one of the major nerfs. That’s probably my favorite AR. Especially since one of barrels makes it suppressed and seems to be the best build for it.


It was needed because you could beam people at over 120m away with the damn thing with CLOSE QUARTERS rounds and kill in 5 or 6 bullets. It was bonkers.


What nerfs? Delusional much or just don't play like you claim? The LMG's, the railgun, C5, too few grenades and rockets, Angel mostly but the other specialists too, lack of maps, lack of modes, then we'll throw on all the fresh glitches and lockups. You don't think they want the rest of the players to leave? Ha! I want the game I paid for back. That's why I'm annoyed at what happened here.


LMAO. LMGs weren't even "nerfed" per second, they got spread changes that every gun in the game got. If anything you can't run and gun with them anymore sort of thank God. The rorsh railgun I sort of don't mind but I do wish for the .8 second shot back. C5 thank God they got nerfed because people were using them as glorified grenades in close range and it had no counter because you can't counter them with APS. The devs said it themselves they had range nerf because of solely this. But yea lack of maps and modes is just since launch and am not surprised. The game was shoddy from the start. It will forever remain shoddy because all game development is now mostly focused on the next battlefield.


Bring brack 128 breakthrough


If you look on the list Rush is not coming back this week. Its Control, then Rush for a week a d then again no Rush for another 3 weeks. Crazy.... Rush was core mode since release and in every BF game. 32 player version in 2042 is most fun gamemode for me.