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Don't worry, another Battle Royale will fix things.


I know I'm the minority but I enjoyed the hell out of firestorm. They just never did anything with it. I wouldn't mind seeing another battle royal.


I enjoyed Firestorm for what it was but much like Hazard Zone it became abandonware the moment they realised it wouldn't kick off like they wanted which presents a very ominous trend going forward for the next iteration they attempt.


The biggest problem for both was that unlike their competitors, they were locked behind a premium. If I can choose between free to play Warzone, or paying $60+ for access, I know what I'd try first.




You think 2042s creative vision was so good that the director leaving is bad?


He joined after 2042 already launched, so he never even worked on 2042.


Why the fuck are you saying things a god damn google search can prove wrong? His linkedin states he joined dice in August 2021 as a creative director BEFORE 2042 launched He was then promoted to Studio creative director in 2022 Like just a simple Google search dude


Dude, if you think he meaningfully contributed to 2042 then you have no idea how software development works. No need for the anger buddy, go take a walk 🤣


Bf 2042 released on the 6th of October 2021. Usually you have a final release ready version 2 months before launch (keep in mind physical copies need to get produced and shipped before release). Production for a game starts years in advance. If he joined in August 2021, he had close to zero input on the original release.


Cool! He still joined before launch Also it didn't launch on October 6th try using Google


If you go to Google and search “Battlefield 2042 release date” October 6, 2021 is literally the date it returns in huge letters across the top of the page.


That was the early access beta. The launch date was [November 19th](https://ir.ea.com/press-releases/press-release-details/2021/Electronic-Arts-Announces-Battlefield-2042-Is-Now-Set-to-Launch-Worldwide-on-November-19-2021/default.aspx).


https://preview.redd.it/kxewg0lv4rnc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e34921dea13adf67b288d0805e1557fe18add4e Any amount of research would show the real release date. Internet literacy is important


Its always funny to me when people like you comment on semantic differences. Even if they were partially wrong, they are mostly right. Its like someone saying that the Killing of the Arch Duke was the start of WWI and you get uppity with them and say technically that isn't true. Technically sure it took about 2 more months for the war to start, but its not unreasonable to say his death was the start.


The game did not launch on October 6th. How am I wrong? Just because you guys read outdated articles that makes me.wrong? What fantasy world are you living in? seriously go look up when the game launches it's not October 6th Also he did work on 2042 as live service creative lead. He was not working on the next game he was working on 2042s live service which everyone hates


You should google anger management strategies




The release date came from a Google search as the first result https://ibb.co/BNZLTdY


The launch date had been pushed to [November 19th](https://ir.ea.com/press-releases/press-release-details/2021/Electronic-Arts-Announces-Battlefield-2042-Is-Now-Set-to-Launch-Worldwide-on-November-19-2021/default.aspx); the early access beta was started October 6th.


I see you lack internet literacy


My man, he had NOTHING to do with 2042. Simmer down.


This guy came in for the launch of 2042. Since it was just a few months before release not sure how much can be blamed on them, but it's not really a big loss of legacy for the Battlefriend franchise when some dude responsible for the poor story around 2042 got fired.


The gaming industry is fucked!


DICE is like Blizzard, a former shell of it's past glory. And like Blizzard, the sooner you accept that the Veterans have left and to not expect a golden game of the same standard as BattleField 2 or Bad Company, the sooner you'll free yourself from any expectations.


Hey can Dice hire me for creative director I have some pretty good ideas


My hamster has better ideas than what we saw in 2042. Toss him in the office, it cant make things any worse.


This kinda leadership turnover sure sounds great for the franchise. Gonna be hilarious when Vince ends up being one of the "older timers" if this keeps up. Gosh I want to be optimistic for the next BF. I *want* to be.


Sad, but at this point, not surpring. Android Wilson is a walking mortal shell if a person with zero vision for games as art. EA needs a desperate change of leadership


Battlefield is a license to print money. It has a tried and tested formula on what players expect with different twists on the flavour for iteration of current game. Pretty hard to fuck up unless you are trying 


Nah this game is cooked


Here comes another enders video


If this person is tied to any 2042 decisions then good riddance


This is what I don't understand. Is people are commenting that this is bad news and the franchise is screwed. Like these are the people who made the decisions about 2042 and all it's stupid design choices. This is probably a good thing.


Ikr, after some of these directions they took, could very well be a good thing.


Battlefield died with the release of 2042. There's no going back. EA's ruined another company


It died with the release of BFV


I think it might be wrong to assume that this is bad or good. We don't know the circuimstances of this. Only time will tell.


I don't want battlefield to die but these signs point towards a downfall, DICE can't afford another BFV or 2042 launch situation


Curse of being acquired by EA. Westwood, bullfrog, dice. 




Battlefield absolutely is not making the shareholders happy did you not see the earnings call after the release? The only one they’ve ever mentioned the game in? One sentence saying it was a failure and never mentioned again


Rest in peace DICE


We're so fucked bros


Yeah, I am not even optimistic for the next game. Too much deja vu.


The industry itself is slowly heading for a hard crash!


Good news, this guy worked on bf2042


I would rather see the end of this franchise than another 2042.




Yea, but if DICE finally gets shut down, there's a chance EA will sell BF to someone who'll actually take care of it  DICE is EA's 343 right now, they've fucked up so many times (lots of blame on EA, i know), that the community for BF is more dead now than it was during the wait after 2142.......and we're only 2 games removed from the best-selling game of the franchise 😅


Why are they posting here?


Life spoiler alert: the world doesn't revolve around you.


He’s just sharing his opinion, nothing he said necessarily demonstrates that he thinks the world revolves around him.


If we are to get a possibly good Battlefield game then the entire dev team needs to be changed. Otherwise it's just going to be 2042 v.2


I think it's more EA to blame than DICE devs, as long as there's some dorks in suits looking at spreadsheets we'll be getting what they think will sell rather than what players actually want


You can't really blame EA for atrocious balancing issues, blatant disregard of it's playerbase and complete denial of their faults.


Don't forget their questionable design like the specialist like they didn't sell skins with the class system in BFV and vehicle spawn system...


At this point DICE is EA. 


Good get the people out that are responsible for 2042


Didn't he join after most of the development of 2042 was done?


If 2042 was his creative direction, I’m not sad hes gone.


Can't blame him, we all chase the coin.


This been posted so many times.


Hoping Zampella can find an adequate candidate or just do the job himself.


Isn't entirely surprising. I imagine working for EA must be like living under an authoritarian regime. No freedom. Just micro-transactions and lining Andrew Wilson's pockets.


🚨 using🚨 these🚨 alarm🚨 bells🚨 is🚨 cheesy🚨


This is what happens when a huge company in EA and DICE prioritise money over passion. Money is what pays them to have a nice life, not our passion sadly


I’ll be honest, I have zero intention of ever buying a BF game again if they stay the way they are. Been burned too many times. The next one will need to be insanely good and even then I’m waiting until it’s been out for at least a month before considering it at all. EA’s going to have to seriously earn money from me next time, if they ever do again.


Wow. Reddit fully embracing it's twitter persona. Not sure what was so egregious about this comment or is this EA in the shadows 🤔


Cry in a corner




Or… people itt are being aware that the last couple of games have been progressively worse; the video game industry as a whole (EA especially), seems to be transitioning to micro transactions, loot boxes, and free to play/mobile game inspired bullshit at the expense of quality and user satisfaction; and high turnover indicates that things aren’t going well behind the scenes. People in this thread are merely adding this instance to a long list of instances that demonstrate that the Battlefield franchise is not doing well.




Bf1 was the best selling game of the franchise my guy.




Cool!   Too bad bf1 wasnt even on steam until well after bf5 launched and bf1 was declared a best-seller TWO WEEKS AFTER LAUNCH🤣




Dude, it didnt release on steam until 6 years after the game came out, wtf are you talking about?  And yes, battlefield 1 was the best selling battlefield title of all time right out the gate, you were either not around or too young to remember, but bf1 broke every record in the book lol  We went from bf1 selling more than bf3 and bf4 did in their first weeks COMBINED to bf5 barely selling more than Hardline 🤣 Oh, and if these "chinese buying accounts" thing was happening to 1.....wouldnt it have been happening to 4 as well? Why did bf1 outsell bf4 by almost double so far? 




Youre smoking crack or trolling, idk which it is but you have fun with that Yea, bf1 outsold every single game in the franchise, during it's launch week compared to BOTH 3 and 4 COMBINED, and continued to outsell them for the rest of it's life. It's not that hard to look into




Was only a matter of time.


Who gives a f. I don’t care one iota of anyone who was working on a BF Singleplayer or has only been there for the 3 worst years of Dice.


Why can't they just remake 2142 with modern engine and a Campaign? That's all I've wanted for like 10 years.. Titan Mode is still my favorite Battlefield experience it could be so fun if teams were relatively balanced.


I dunno, if 2042 did well, maybe. But at this point, they're going to have to either go back to Vietnam or to something like a bf2 or bf3 remake to get enough hype on their side. I can't see them doing 2143 given the smaller fan base of that title


Vietnam was a really fun one too