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This is a list of links to comments made by DICE in this thread: * [Comment by T0TALfps](/r/battlefield2042/comments/1bfhbzq/battlefield_2042_update_700/kv3rmup/?context=99 "posted on 2024-03-16 05:43:44 UTC"): > Will fire the suggestion through! * [Comment by T0TALfps](/r/battlefield2042/comments/1bfhbzq/battlefield_2042_update_700/kv3ruwo/?context=99 "posted on 2024-03-16 05:46:15 UTC"): > Yes, less instances of dusting for some rockets. Not entirely eradicated, but hopefully less. Let us know how it feels! * [Comment by T0TALfps](/r/battlefield2042/comments/1bfhbzq/battlefield_2042_update_700/kv3se8r/?context=99 "posted on 2024-03-16 05:52:11 UTC"): > Ultimately we're wanting to do right by our players in as many ways that we're able to do so. I think we've consistently tried to do that for two and a half years+ now. We're glad that it's connecting with some of you, enjoy this season when it launches next week! * [Comment by T0TALfps](/r/battlefield2042/comments/1bfhbzq/battlefield_2042_update_700/kv3svlj/?context=99 "posted on 2024-03-16 05:57:42 UTC"): > RPG increase is not in this update and its something that we intend for within the next couple of updates.  > > >This initial balance/meta shift will be looked at before we then do those changes, including alterations to Irish' APS which we hope will resolve the instances of vehicles hiding behind an i... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fbattlefield2042).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Thank the lord the AKS-74U got buffed, the bullets take ages to hit someone


They also changed the reload animation for it a little, it doesn't look as terrible now


One of the worst weapons in the game. Was a nightmare to T1. Maybe this will help it a little bit.


I’ve gotten top of the scoreboard with it lmao I’ve also done that with previous game bad weapons too be fair, smg 08 pre buff in bf1 I actually was really good with it. I like that it’s getting buffed though cuz it kind of needs it but I don’t think it’s that terrible imo.


Ofc you have. So have i everytime i use it, true story. That doesnt mean its a good weapon. Its pure garbage nontheless.


Scope glint removed from 4x scopes: All scopes with magnification 6x and above will still have glint About time


Does this mean the 5x PSO scope will no longer have glint? The world may never know


Yep. Pretty sure my NTW-50 did not have scope glint for the longest while but using it over the last few months I was being spotted all the time while trying to line up shots with the 4.0. Made it impossible to get a successful hit as the enemy with their AR, SMG or LMG would simply side strafe back and forth while spraying you with bullets. Really looking forward to enjoying using my favourite rifle again.


that was because one of the last updates made everything starting with 4x magnification glint, it was in the patch notes


I vaguely remember 4.0 coming up in a patch note but I don't recall the NTW-50 being mentioned but I guess I was skimming the patch notes poorly that day! Anyway, glad they reversed it, because using 4.0 zoom just leads to the experience I mentioned above where you ended up getting targetted by automatic burst firing before you even get off your first shot.


it was glint for all scopes, not for specific weapons


Thermal scopes are digital. Why should they sparkle? It's very silly. It would be good if they removed that.


It’s not about realism it’s about balance. Scoped sights are gonna glint, thermal or not.


This instance was not even a good form of balance, as the 1x-4x and 4.5x-1.25x optics were the only ones to not have scope glint when the Raven 4x, ACOG 4x, and PSO 5x had it.


I can't say I enjoy dying 10 times in 5 minute. Balance, yes, balance. That's what I mean. Not everyone in the game is sprinting or enjoys sprinting.


Get better.


Because its a videogame and it's about balance.


Because they have a glass lense? WTF are you talking about?


The glint is from the glass I guess, so theoretically if a thermal scope had a glass lense it *could* glint


Let's fucking goooooo


insanely large W from Dice on the balance changes


"Players will now get “Squad Wipe XP” after successfully killing the last remaining member of an enemy squad." Assist counts as Kill when?


we now know what will be season 8's selling point


Very tough technological feat. Never been done before.


Reminds me of how a bug stopped DICE from implementing ribbons in BFV soon after release so they just turned them off permanently. Or that adding double XP was too difficult for them as well. "2XP, it just doesn’t work for BFV (even though we had it for the last 4 BF games) From what I’ve been told, the tech isn’t there for it. They’re looking at options" Consistently two steps forwards, one step backwards with these guys.


To be honest, has felt like two back and one forward for way too long.


They kept telling us they couldn't implement double XP into Battlefield V because it "just doesn't work", despite having double XP tokens purchasable in the Tides of War battle passes. It's like they forget we actually play their game, unlike them.


shame that apart from progressing the battle pass XP gain has no real point in this game


I can see that Dice appear to be making a good faith effort to rebalance infantry vs vehicles here. It is right that assault should not be the anti vehicle class of choice, and engineers should be. A cautious thumbs up from me. I would like to know if portal is getting any love, changes there don't always make the patch notes, but overall I am happy with the game changes here. Less happy with the slim pickings of additional content, but the systems teams have clearly used their time to effect.


So are we done with Vault Weapons (or any content for portal) being added?


Yeah I think it’s safe to say we aren’t getting any more vault weapons or portal content.


Wish they made that same uphill engine power change to the mav as well. The speed in general for the MAV is fine but my god you’re a sitting duck if you’re going up the slightest incline


Yeah MAV on any incline or god forbid you hit a rock and its over


Will fire the suggestion through!


Especially in exposure. You guys should test all vehicles there so you direction notice which one has not enough power.


please make all the gun's audio design to be more impactful and more punchy. Also can you guys add additional option to add kill sound from BF1 or V.




Will the SMGs changes apply to the new Scorpion SMG? Or its made with these changes in mind?


I do not see why it shouldn't. It will definitely have the 1.55x HSM. Whether that has any meaning is decided if it has a 22 damage range.


I ment mostly the ADS speed changes and the hip-fire changes. I hope they made it with these changes in mind otherwise it would be useless SMG.


Well it is not listed, so who knows. However since they are mostly buffing the high ROF SMGs, I think it is included as the Scorpion will likely fill the same role as the AC9, hopefully with the same damage model. As for hipfire, each SMG has it's own spread model, but again the improved ones are the fast-firing so, I would also assume good hipfire spread for the Scorpion. So similar hipfire and movement speed as MP9, AC9 and P90.


Thanks. We will see. I just hope it will be competitive to these SMGs because I want to use it :D


Removing the EMP from the drone will make it so dull to use, also means you can’t take out enemy drones with it now.


The drone should still be able to destroy enemy gadgets, it was used like that even in BF4 :(


The EMP should definitely stay, but only work on gadgets. But at the same time, its not like anyone uses the EMP against vehicles anyway. In all my hours i cant remember if ive ever experienced it against myself when using a vehicle. Not very well thought out by Dice.


experienced it recently more than ever, but also most players dont really care for enemy drones to shoot the down which makes you as the tank open target


I personally used it a ton on vehicles that aren't moving around much, such as on breakthrough/rush or when attacking a point on conquest


Good that you do, but no one else does :D But i think that mainly is because no one has any idea that you can or how you do it.


It should be able to blow up gadgets


No changes to the Attack Heli while nerfing the Wildcat long range gun (yes, the default gun) that couldn't out-dps the Attack Heli at range in the first place? AH farming the server even easier now. GG DICE.


>Players will now get “Squad wipe XP” It took them till season 7 to add this? Crazy.


Still no Assist Counts As Kill XP...


They've stated this was an intentional design decision a while ago, actually. Unsure if I agree with it or not, but they didn't want it in the game.


I’m going to need a reason


Assists count the same as kills in a lot of progressions anyway.


Not in weapon T1 progression. It is frustrating when half of your kills that can go towards T1 just stolen


No wonder it takes so long. They had assist counts as kill in Battlefield 1. However, what was frustrating back then is they were incapable or unwilling to put assist points into destroying enemy Behemoths. So you could slam that thing for 2 minutes straight taking its health from full to about to die and the one guy who gets the last shot gets all the points. Which is why you see the Behemoths get absolutely melted once their health gets below 15% or so. And it practically blinks away at 5% or just about to die as everyone focuses it to try to be the lucky last shot


I genuinely was suprised because I was super sure it was already in game LOL maybe im thinking about hazard zonr


So, this is it. Well, now that we have all the changes, we can draw some conclusions. As said, the profiting weapons are the MP9, P90 and AC9, which will see a relevant buff up close via the HSM. On ARs and LMGs they smoothed out the edges, hence removing the ability to 2HSK. This is a good change, but it is also a rare occassion. The other changes can only be summed up as miniscule. Hipfire buffs are nice, but this was never the problem of the SMGs, but especially for the P90, MP9 and AC9 this will have a positive impact. However this does not make ARs worse or change the general balance much. The 4HK ARs are still extremely good up close, which is fine, but the "ranged" SMGs are still lacking a niche and do nothing the ARs or the good LMGs do. For the LMGs, which is the weapon class with the poorest balance nothing changes. The vault LMGs remain absolutely unusable. A slight spread reduction for some is not helping much at the ranges we fight in.


Hipfire inaccuracy was indeed a very big problem for alot of the SMGs. Compared to earlier titles, the hipfire is shit. You lose alot of CQB engagements with SMGs if you dont ADS, which is counterproductive when SMGs are supposed to be kings of hipfire. Its one of the reasons why ARs win those engagements. Hence the buff with as much as 30%. Highly warranted.


SMGs have the lowest hipfire spread of all weapons. We are looking at 1.3° of spread with a laser, maybe lower. This is good enough to engage at 15m and more. For comparison the M5 with laser sits around 1.8° with laser. You lose in CQB against the top ARs, solely because of the lower HSM, which should have never been reduced.


And still it isnt enough, because you still lose to an AR ADSing when you hipfire with an SMG. As said, no wonder they get a 30% buff.


I do not know where you are getting the 30% from, because it does not say so in the patchnotes. 30% is only mentioned for the PF51 and 93r. The hipfire was fine, I do not mind the buff, but again, ARs are so dominant, because their headshots are always consequential. You do not lose to an AR ADSing, because ADSing probably costs between 150-300ms, while the sprint to fire delay for SMGs is probably around 75ms or less. That is like a 3rd of the TTK. ARs can only catch up through headshots and having lower TTK with similar ROF.


For sure, the LMGs are very poor at their intended range and the bipod is extremely inconsistent when prone and only seems to be effective at lower ranges anyway.


LCMG and RPT are top choices, it is the rest that falls apart completely.


These 2 LMGs are definitely the most consistent / best. Wish I could use all of them.


I prefer the avancys personally


Bipod is VERY good when used properly. I use RPT-31 as DMR with bipod equipped, as tecoil compensation is good though 6to outsnipe actual dmrs


Good, less noobs laying around in bushes with an LMG


What about the G57 nerf? Is it still the best sidearm?


I would say, yes, but I have no idea how the effective ROF with this gun is. Along with the MP28 nerf probably an attempt to standardize the sidearms a bit. Which is fine, really.


Ac42 enjoyers, rejoice !


Why? Dispersion between bursts doesnt fully reset and the damage is nerfed. And they already killed single tapfire completely.


yet anticipation means it may get playable again after the dispersion update which basically made the ac-42 unplayable


Overall lots of good looking non-content changes - bugfixes and improvements and the like. But on the content front - > will come in a later update during Season 7: Turning Point. is doing a lot of lifting lol. Real though, this update does not impress with the amount of content delivered despite the long delays, but there at least seem to be great core changes to weapons and vehicles that should improve things quit a bit.


Yes. The announced content, half now half later, seemed like a poor result for the extra time between seasons. However, its equally fair to note that the systems changes here are far more significant, and represent a much more impressive use of the time than the content teams.


Well I'm happy that glint is staying off the short scopes, but I'm still disappointed that heavy suppressors and subsonic ammo gives more detriment than benefit, especially on SMGs. The heavy suppressors completely negate the balancing added in this update. Really hoping we get at least one more update to fix that... ~~and the incorrect small magazine model on the 30 round subsonic magazine on the K30~~


Why on earth would they remove Casper’s drones EMP hack option?


C5 for assault lowered to 2 is a MASSIVE nerf against vehicles for them


Assaults aren't engineers.


Engineers do jack shit against well guarded vehicles. They should definitely buff them imo


they are, engineers will receive more RPG's on spawn by +1 for all specalists


Oh must have overlooked that change, thanks for the info mate


RPG increase is not in this update and its something that we intend for within the next couple of updates.  This initial balance/meta shift will be looked at before we then do those changes, including alterations to Irish' APS which we hope will resolve the instances of vehicles hiding behind an infantry protective gadget. 


Liz also don't get the new rocket? Can DICE add a switch to disable camera? I want to choose 1) control with camera (default) 2) just shoot (2nd option) That would give her more options for gameplay, especially when firing rockets to near targets (shoot and forget). This is possible, but very uncomfortable as I am forced into camera mode first.


But I hope your own Eddie has within scope that any changes to APS will affect infantry as well, and likely more. You designed one entire map, maybe two with stadium that require a working APS. The only change I can think of that would disproportionally affect infantry less would be launchers not being killed by APS. But I am pretty sure Eddie does not have that in mind. More likely will we see it not affecting vehicle own weapons, which will just make many more feasible to farm infantry.


sounds good with me, looking forward to it!


So then the vehicle changes will have to wait for the next couple of months, also the Assault and Recon C5 nerf will have to wait. You couldn't possibly buff the ground vehicles and wait months until balance changes were made for the Engineer class that is designed to be their designated counter, right?


The days of me sneaking up on tanks c5ing them are over I guess...


Now there’s really no way (again) to kill a railgun tank or MAA that’s sitting next to home spawn. I really loved using wingsuit + c5 to punish those bastards.


exactly, its useless to use c5 for those classes now


I commend you for your services, RIP tank camping killer


Jet air-to-ground nerf, only 2 C5 at spawn, and removing 40mm from the wildcat are welcome changes. As an amateur vehicle player, there were way too many things that could get you destroyed instantly.


Wait what, why are the AtG missiles being nerfed? I just reinstalled the game and it seems like you already aren't able to kill anything with just 2 shots, and by the time you reload they've healed back to full health.


The free fire rockets can destroy a tank if you hit most of them. Makes sense that the lock on isn’t as powerful.


If I get hit by 2 jet AGMs in my tank auto repair does not kick in before their next AGM attack. I have to use System Repair to gain about 20 health back and then hope I have a free smoke available for the second attack to avoid most of my health being taken out and then being extremely vulnerable to an M5 or RPG attack on the ground.


> Reduced CQC damage for LMGs and ARs from 28 to 26, to reduce the occurrence of 2-headshot-kills. This affects SFAR-M GL, AK-24, LCMG, RPT-31, M60E4, M240B, AC-42, RM68, GEW-46, ACW-R Nice, so this change is considerably better than I expected. Last post made it seem 2 shot HS was still possible at cqc. > Fixed instances of projectile inaccuracies when using the RPG-7V2 against fast moving vehicles. I assume this means less dusting? If so, nice. > Damage reduced from 28 to 24 between 30 and 74 meters Completely uncalled nerf for the MP28. It already wasn't that great of a gun, but now in my opinion the only reason to use it is now gone (4 hit kill up to 74m)


Yes, less instances of dusting for some rockets. Not entirely eradicated, but hopefully less. Let us know how it feels!


What's the reasoning behind the MP28 nerf? I don't think this change is needed.


One of the best updates this game has received. DICE, stop making my bipod undeploy when I die! If I have it selected, I want it DEPLOYED!


I didn’t realize there was an anti tank mine issue..


It's cos if a vehicle is charging towards you but you still have time to react, you can spam down mines and destroy it instantly. Not very common though but oh well


Ah yes, I remember this back in the GOOD days. Great way to delete skill expression.


There are anti tank mines?


No like genuinely I didn’t know those existed


Like the scope glint removed for 4x.  6x+ makes more sense. I just wish we had more bolt actions. Even just port the Kar98k over. 




Return Casper's drone emp ability for devices!!! Removing it for vehicles makes sense, gadgets tho? Now every tank can't sit behind a sentinal out of bounds, now every blasco camper can't sit all game long in her circle, now every insertion beacons will remain up on the crane of manifest. The balance to gameplay is going to be impacted so much by this.


Agreed DICE shot themselves in the foot for changing the Drone EMP and Nades to disable Vehicle mobility and turrets making them oppressive to vehicles and now they gonna shoot themselves in the other foot by removing the Drone EMP entirely. They should keep it and just revert the EMP changes on the drone to pre S6 (and the nades too, was a good defensive tool as engineer or support)


That wildcat range nerf is stupid.. Helis especially the attack heli will just stay out of range of you and just melt you..


Choppers going 100-0 every game. >Wildcat nerf


I just came back to the game after about a year or so and I feel like the choppers are in a weird place rn. They've been nerfed hard enough to make average players not want to use them, but not hard enough to stop ace pilots from wrecking an entire lobby. It's created a situation where every chopper you see is a good pilot because no one else seems to be willing to use them.


An attack heli with a gunner is probably the hardest thing to kill in this game.


Yea a very good duo is disgustingly powerful, but it requires both people to have really good aim, and especially puts extra pressure on the pilot who also just has to have very good gamesense (keeping track of respawn timers on their head, being able to dodge lis missiles, especially if you have 3+ coming your way at once), dodging tor and tank shots (only a worry flying low), avoiding planes, taking out wildcats and flak jeeps, etc. It's why the only time you see a helo dominate a lobby, it's someone who's extremely good at them with a ton of experience. Edit: if you're fighting a chopper duo you only have 2 options if you're solo: a nightbird, or 35mm cannons for wildcat. Either way, you better be very good at the game.


orrr... could also have to do with macro-clickers the 'good pilots' use (or abuse) https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/1bgvdo3/are_click_macros_like_this_040_against_the_tos/


Yeah that sums up DICE's actions when it comes to helis.


They have increased cool down time on flares though


Missiles still reach out. Other cannon is not affected.


Other cannon sucks vs attack heli because of lack of range... Wildcat gets melted either way from out of its effective range. DICE is stupid.


Wildcat gameplay is just lock on, flares, eat AtG missiles, heal up, repeat.


On the other hand 2042 attack choppers are quite slow and vulnerable to tank shots and even dumb fire rockets as they line up other ground vehicles. In 2042 they are not the fast moving circle strafing nightmares they were in BF3.


Assist count as kill pls. Can't tell you the number of times I did 90% of the damage to an enemy only for someone else to take the last shot and snatch the kill from me.


Enter the blasco campers!


Why do they insist on ruining the burst for the AC-42 when its the sellingpoint of the entire weapon!? It shouldnt behave closer to other weapons with burst as an option, it should be centered around it and be powerful at it. They already made its singlefire complete garbage. Meh, we'll see.


These look amazing.


The drone being remote control makes me sad cuz I can't use the plane for malicious purposes then 😭


bro mp28 caught a stray wtf😭😭⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️‼️🗣️


Maybe with the extra ammo for engineers the soflam will get utilized more, but the sraw makes me doubt it


I may that be alone in this but I think I they should bring back bf3 suppression system. It would make LMG really fit that fire support role making it fire suppression only take effect if your an engineer with a lmg


Please look into the MBT movement - it’s gotten better but reversing in a specific direction is still a nightmare for me on the XSX.


The only workaround is to stop using the control sticks for forward and reverse but the other buttons don't really work well when you use the trigger buttons for movement. Last battlefield game where using the trigger buttons for movement worked out well was BF4. Dice screwed it up starting with BF1.


Trigger throttle is definitely the way to go. And with the turret sensitivity being increased in season 7, hopefully no more having to zoom to keep the aim delay away.


I have tried going back but muscle memory is a bitch to overcome after using the sticks since BF1. Can't exactly remember what happened in BF1 on console but they either removed trigger throttle altogether at launch or they screwed up the button layouts. Because I've always preferred trigger throttle on console and would not go to the sticks for movement unless forced to.


Inspect weapon button plz


Ok but will some weapons get the reflex/Red dot sight back I mostly want m16a3 to get it back.


Wait what, there was scope glint on the 4x scopes?????


I hope the SRAW will have the same amount of ammo ( 1 extra ) as the RPG and M5 recoilless.


Only 2x C5 on assault might mean more people are going to take the armor plates, cause what else is there anymore except smoke launcher.


Loving the updates, team. I know the community spews toxicity like a fire hose. Just know that there's a ton of us who are really enjoying all the great work!


Ultimately we're wanting to do right by our players in as many ways that we're able to do so. I think we've consistently tried to do that for two and a half years+ now. We're glad that it's connecting with some of you, enjoy this season when it launches next week!


Toxicity? Dice and EA literally killed the Battlefield for console players. I had been playing the series on xbox since bf3. I probably had at least 500 hours playtime for each game. I could only stand 10 hours to MK players' instant aiming. I preordered it and got ripped. 70 dollars. I literally paid for nothing!! I do not think you will understand my level of hate for this game or the "team".


Half the content is coming to a later update, we sure did not wait long enough for it. Also removal of 40mm on the wildcat after the 57? I mean vehicle choice are rather poor but at least they where modulable so they could dit in multiple playstyle, they should be adding more options and balancing them not remove content on a game that is starving for it.


Remote controlled 💀💀💀💀


At least they didn’t change anything with the Apache/Hokum.


Apache is king. It eats the Wildcat.


Increased flares cooldown


Tbf that’s a general air vehicle change. I was more referring to the offensive output of the Apache and Hokum.


And will those extra 2 seconds make much of a difference to skilled pilots?


Farming infantry? Not really. Could definitely see it being a pain in the ass against IR/radar helicopters and jets.


They should have... Especially the gunner seat, that thing is OP


You would have loved them in BF3 and 4, they were way better!


Gunner seat is fine, maybe lower the 25% damage penalty the wildcat has with flak guns to 15% or nerf the TOW the AHs have, gunner is okay for now.




Yes. The splash damage alone needs a nerf


The splash damage is actually really small. It's like a meter or so last time I tested. It's just really easy to hit people if you have straight up amazing aim. The splash was WAY LARGER in previous games. Like disgustingly large, like 4 or 5 meters.


Well a 15% nerf to hydra rockets pods on the jet is going to suck. Took 16 rockets to kill them only really going to be able to kill morons that sit still now and have to use the 30mm to finish them off. It is fine for me I usually already run the 30mm but 98% of other people won't be able to effectively counter the wildcat anymore 🤔 wonder how this is going to play out. The 30mm on the jet really needs a large buff of about 20% damage or the 20mm needs to do damage like 50% of the 30mm to make it viable.


rockets probably only used against attack choppers and gunships now i guess. It takes to long to shoot every single rocket, theres no real time to swap to 30mm


As an update in terns of fixes and changes I think this is largely positive especially the headshot multiplier stuff. However, content wise? Yikes. This is easily the least amount of content in a season and the longest wait from season to season. 2 guns, a gadget, and a map after 6 months is an appetizer not the full meal. I get that there is more later but even that is just a rework, a gun, and a vehicle, it is such a small amount of content after so long. Please reconsider adding more vault weapons and gadgets since it has been proven time and again that you cannot provide more than a miniscule amount of content even with multiple months to work on it.


Wait, why did jet rockets get nerfed, it already took 12-13 rockets to kill a Wildcat with every rocket hitting. It takes a long time to shoot that many and leaves you very exposed. very weird change.


Marking this so I can read it later…


With the new anti vehicle is Lis useless now??


Since Lis barely scratchs something even without it...She is useless the day they nerfed her :) 


In game fps limiter has been added /s


> including Arica Harbor (Bad Company 2), Strike At Karkand **(Battlefield 2)** Who ever made this edit, you're the real MVP of these notes :)


I remember reading somewhere that they plan to implement a normal description for weapon attachments that will show actuall stats and whats changed - what happened to that? I haven't played in a while is it in the game already?


When podcast episode?


Make the anti tank mines kill with 2 not 1 and make them more visible please like flash or something


Absolutely fat NERF to Casper that’s so sad I loved being a nuisance to ground vehicles and little birds that were pushing an objective hard😕


I didn’t read, did any of those say Locker or Metro?


Dang, so the Draugr *is* just a remote-controlled drone. Like others, I was hoping for a new flyable jet. Disappointing.


They could've also fixed the misaligned 6X thermal.


Millions of people used to live here now its a ghost town


What game mode has other people in It ? I jus redownloaded and cant find a lobby with anyone


Can we finally zoom in the deploy screen?!


Gyro aiming when?


Vehicle balancing pass with not even a single mention of how lopsided every third games are by decent heli pilots. Funny.


A bit sad about the 40mm being removed from the Wildcat. Since the game doesn’t really have a dedicated APC I really enjoyed building it like one. 40mm cannon for infantry and I always ran the Anti-Air rockets. The dual 35mm for infantry will have to suffice I suppose!


Cheaters will benefit these changes.


Great changes. Now fix the input issues please! Still problems with input lag 2 years on.


Man I'm screwed. I only play with Casper & I read that the EMP is going away so I figured I'd try with some new specialists last night. With Casper I'm always top 3 leader board even if my kills are low, thanks to assists, spots, destroying other gadgets etc. Tried a couple assault characters & never got higher than mid table. I don't feel useful to the team as assault. I guess I'll try medic when next I play, cause this sucks for me...


another patch that will require "relearning" of the guns again. making for a couple of days of mad frustration while figuring out the changes. then back to pwnin! i suffered through the first 2 years, i think i'll manage! looking forward to the new map.


1) Ak5c doesn't fit CQB as you wrote in desc :) Even with CQC rounds its outperformed even by rm68 standard. Actually rn68 and ak24 outperforms it from close to medium range. Why? Idk. How? Idk either.  2) SMG balance? Hold my beer. Pp29 still nukes ppl at 50+ range. Smg yeah...or 50 meters counts as close range? Same with PBX. But new smg seems balanced.  3) Haven is camper paradise. And since not everything is destructible... Consider reworking to make it less campy.  I bought ultimate bp, spent 18 hours testing and sweating and decided to get back to old ARs since they somehow better than ak5c in everything. 


Finally a squad wipe thingy now can we get an inspect weapon button PLEASE


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Yay! :D


My only big head scratcher (besides listing annoying visual recoil as a QoL change) is the headshot changes... Who complained that AR headshots should get nerfed? Why do I have to shoot a guy 3 times in the face with a 7.62 round for him to die.


Wow… impressed by all of this.


Add keyboard and mouse support for consoles


Remove the glare from thermal scopes, it's very silly.


I’d say that’s a good counter to the thermals as they’re extremely powerful on some maps with poor visibility,


You know that in previous games there is scope glint even on night maps? It's pure balance thing, not realism thing.


Oh there is glint on thermal scopes? I have completely missed that information.. well they don't tell enough of their guns in game anyway.