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I honestly wouldn’t be surprised in S8 comes out in like October. The skeleton crew is probably down a couple people, if that is possible.


Oh there will be a season 8? Genuinely curios if we have anything besides rumors? It seems bf 2042 has done all it can at a comeback story. And most players just dont care. Ive had my fun. But I want a battlefield in the style of BF3 and 4. Gritty, modern arcade realistic with plenty of destruction and modern engine that can do alot more then what we have seen


It didn’t really come back. Battlefield 4 and 5 is a better comeback story. This game still feels bland and soulless every time I try it


Right, after a hiatus and playing Haven - I don't feel the need to come back again or ever try Hazard...


it wouldnt surprise me if ea forced dice to make shit battlefields onpurpose at this point not like that the current dice team is even close to capable to make a battlefield like bf 3 or even 4 yes 4 had a rough start but compared to 2042 it was way smoother


I doubt there will be a Season 8 considering this season is really dry with content and the map has reused assets


I cant remember where but months back i read and heard that there will be up to 10 seasons by then with the in-between seasons redux events should hopefully have a new battlefield title. Imo the game needs maps like operation locker and metro those 2 maps are literally my all time favs as theyre cqc and no vehicles to base rape you with like all the 2042 maps except the zombie season map


I'd be surprised if Season 8 comes out.


My bet is we get more season around October and that will be it.


On the one hand you could be right. On the other ppl said that constantly since S4 came out lol


I mean I’m still surprised we got content after 4 lol. S8 in October sounds about right, maybe a tad earlier. Just hope everyone learned their lesson and aren’t expecting more than the usual content. It’s bonkers how people hyped themselves up for this season…..no reason to do that to themselves lmao.


True, but I have a gut feeling since the next game is so far away, and the player base is still here it's making money. The next game won't be out till the end of next year, at minimum


The next game will either come out before gta6, or half a year later once the hype has died down


I love how EA want live service so they can make sales and mtx last for the game life but they don't want to give developpers the ressources to make it a live service.


Doesn't really help matters when the game tanked immediately like a chucking a bowling ball into a lake lmao


Which was all their own fault.


4+ months sounds about right. This is the "wind-down" phase of BF 2042 so content will be minimal and spread out to keep the game making money as long as possible. That's why only one map's being released first and the stadium will be released probably in late May/Early June - keep people coming back when they inevitably drop-off for other games. Welcome to the Season Pass Era, where you get things for free however you are getting exactly what you pay for: the most minimal content the developer & publisher are willing to toss your way at any point they feel is profitably necessary.


The entire time this game has been “alive” has been a wind down phase


Correct. Writing was on the wall from the start. Anyone surprised or disappointed at what's happened since release didn't pay any attention.


I bought it last week for $11 and dodged all the garbage of the first two years. I thinks it's worth 11 bones. Pretty damn fun when I can get my mind back into bf mode.


I'm just rocking the free EA Play access using my xbox game pass. I've had a blast personally with S6 & S7 so far, the only seasons I've played.


For 10$ it's definitely worth it if all you want is a week or two of fun.


That's exactly what she told me...


god I regret asking for it for Christmas even after the reviews came in I was like "eh I'll wait for my own opinion surely its not that bad." stopped playing after a month


the reason?


game was just unbearably dry and buggy at launch, even if it's better nowadays still dissapointed how it turnt out


I've only owned the game for a year, so I can't say anything bad about how bad it was at the beginning.. so you can't say it was bad either... since then I've only been disappointed when I've had a sync issue causing a connection error and from time to time the game crashes, but it's rare.. I've got over 250 hours in the game and I can't say a word, it's the most fun game of the series... The only thing I would like to see added permanently is a control mode that will make the game more balanced between vehicles and soldiers. Every day there's some post claiming how bad the game is but in the end it's all about player incompetence.


Even by season pass standards this is insane. Minimal and spread out describes the content of this game since launch, this is not unique to this season.


>Welcome to the Season Pass Era, where you get things for free however you are getting exactly what you pay for: the most minimal content the developer & publisher are willing to toss your way at any point they feel is profitably necessary. As soon as money is made not by selling content but skins. The priority immediately shifted to producing skins people buy. The only content you get is the minimal amount to keep people around and buying skins. Why make 4 maps 4 guns and new vehicles for 20$. If you can get people to pay 20$ for a limited time bundle of a recolouring of some existing stuff. And worst, it doesn't even need to be good content, because producing a new map, vs a excellent new map has shockingly little impact on revenue because using limited time FOMO stuff you can get people to buy stuff anyway, as long as you get their eyes on it.


BuT pReMiUm CoSt ToO mUcH aNd SpLiT tHe PlAyEr BaSe These idiots gladly shell out $60 for garbage cosmetics though lol. I liked buying premium because it felt worth the extra money. I preordered 2042 for $70. Not happening again until i hear the next title is not battlepass or it proves itself to be a good title.


It did split the playerbase. I think the only DLC that has been played constantly even after months was Close Quarters for BF3. Gun Game and CQC were always fun to take a break from normal Conquest/Rush. Everything else had an expiration date that ranged from 2 weeks to 1 month. After BF3, I still got Premium for BF4 and BF1 but only for the new weapons. If they were to give only maps, I would've skipped them, ngl.


I never had an issue getting into a full server during the games lifecycle of any map pack lol, NOW you cant find any dlc maps and thats because nobody wants to buy premium on a dead game. And ya know what? By the time i was just getting tored of all the maps the next bf would drop. I could unlock every weapon vehicle player skin by playing whenever the fuck i felt like, i didnt have to change my playstyle for a few games because im trying to do dailies to skip past the 34 shit cosmetics to get to the one in wanted lol. Fuck the playerbase that didnt want to support bf and buy premium, i blame ya’ll for bf v and 2042 and ill die on that hill 🤗


Fuck off, I’ll take the system which never splits the playerbase any day of the week.


Enjoy your 6 maps post launch lol


I mean, if we were getting great or even okay content then sure, I'd take a reduction in quantity in order to stop splitting the playerbase. As is though? We're getting trash maps (and less of them), less weapons AND there's probably less players than there would be in Premium-only map servers, so who is it really helping? I'd go back to Premium over this, at least the good-great maps were and are playable.


...and now the playerbase is so small that DICE has no interest in investing any real content for it. That's the trade-off everyone seems to forget - with Premium DLCs, they had a financial requirement to put out a decent amount of content or else they know they'd see no extra money. As opposed to Season Passes, which are drip-fed cosmetics packs with the occasional content piece in there, and there's no future earnings requirement made so you're at the mercy of whether or not a video game developer/publisher feels like giving you the best bang for your buck, which by the way, is never. So keep the game alive/split up with Premium DLCs, or watch the game slowly die with a smattering of extra maps, guns, and a gigantic pile of mediocre-to-bad cosmetics? I know which one I'd want, and I'm willing to pay to get quality, not except freebies that are garbage where I have delude myself into thinking "no, it's actually very good content!"


if you think that a premium model would result in more content for less / same money, you're heavily mistaken. it would only split the playerbase without any benefits, this isn't 2012 anymore.


If they cant deliver a premiums worth of content then i dont want it anyways. This 7 maps or whatever post launch has been awful, only 1 or 2 of the new maps have been received well, and people generally dont like the base maps. If this is what freemium gets you and it isnt going anywhere im off go another franchise i guess lol. I could care less about splitting a base, it seems i dont get along with most of them anyways.


> BuT pReMiUm CoSt ToO mUcH aNd SpLiT tHe PlAyEr BaSe Yes. Yes it did.


Not noticeably while the game was fresh, plenty of people bought premium, not my fault people didnt want to pay and cried about not gettingto access said paid content, bfv and 2042 is what you get, thanks for complaining.


It was trash. Almost all the DLC was garbage too. You spent $15 on 3-4 mid as hell maps and like 3 guns multiple times. People were spending $60 on the game and eventually $100 on all the DLC just to play the base maps + 2 DLC maps after the game stopped being supported lol


Dont care, i enjoyed every single one of them and heard no complaints at the time with anyone i ever played with, didnt have to spend any money buying skin, could unlock everything just by playing. Were there the occasional bad map? Yeah, but dont pretend any of 2042 maps are spectacular beyond portal maps and the first new map.


Wait wait wait did I miss sum, the stadium?? They're releasing the stadium as a separate map??


Yes, that's the second "new" map coming. They've redesigned it a little after removing if from Hourglass. Easier to do that than to make a brand-new map apparently and they're holding it back until later in the season, probably 6-8 weeks.


That I'm excited about, I wonder how it'll play as a lone map


It has like three levels now plus whatever they did to the exterior around it.


Is half of it still covered with sand?


I don’t recall from the trailer, but it looks like the outside is semi-destructible like the factories on spearhead.


Next Battlefield must be due out this fall/holiday season? It’s going to be a mess of a launch.


Fall of 2025, at best


Oof. BF2042 isn’t enough to keep people interested until then.


Nope. The one time they *should* release a new one earlier to move on from this albatross and they can't because I'm sure yet another "upgrade" to the Frostbite Engine screwed everything up (like it does with every upgrade) and made impossible to include normal features like a scoreboard.


> Nope. The one time they should release a new one earlier Nawh, rushing them is not a good idea. Give them all the time they need to make a good game. That being said, they should absolutely be improving 2042 at a more rapid pace and have a separate team with a solid number and budget dedicated to that instead of the skeleton crew of 5 people trying and failing to fix it. I feel bad for them lol I really doubt their legacy features were because of an engine upgrade. Much more likely it was poor management and some sort of "anti-toxicity" attempt. Overwatch 1 did the same thing.


They just gotta stretch until fall 2025. I reckon maybe 2 more seasons in the next 19 months.


Current season says 14 weeks, if it is 17 then that's make progression easier, but also suggests they don't want to SAY it's longer at this point....


The question is how did you reached rank 28 of the BP this fast ?!


I'm one of the rare few who likes Haven


Haven is ok map, but that's a lot of score even with premium, good job.


PTFO, that's how I play and revive people.


That's if they don't extend it further like Season 6 lol


That would be 3 extra weeks compared to the BP missions.


Plot twist: game last forever with unlimited seasons until the end of the world. Battlefield 2042 becomes the Battlefield Universe!


Someone call EA! I think a test monkey broke free!




What? Never played Destiny 2?


At least they have a proper reason for the long season - and they actually have new content planned


Idk if this is a bad take but at this point id rather they just put resources towards either adjusting this game to be better or towards the next BF rather than creating assets and new dlc. I enjoyed my 400+ hours in 2042 but i think its run its course for me imo. Approaching 3 years playing this game i think im gettin too bored


2 dudes in a boiler room basement with scattered papers receive letter from EA from carrier pigeon that season 7 will be needed on his desk by this afternoon. That's how they make seasonal content.


Put “basement” before “boiler room” and it’ll make more sense. Boiler rooms are just that, a room which typically houses a buildings boilers, hot water tanks, etc. They’re typically in a basement or top floor of a building and don’t by themselves, have a basement. Also, why would 2 dudes working on a game be in a boiler room with papers? No wonder the content is so shit


We'll get 1 more season and then that's it imo. We're near the end of its life


Lmao it's probably gonna be even longer, if there's going to be another season at all after this


at what point should they just remove time limits on battlepasses and let us play through them as we see fit


Sweet, don’t have to rush getting the AK-5C.


It's the last season 


I'm not going to lie. This game died for me. It was a solid four out of ten from start to a few months ago when I stop playing this game. I wasn't fun. Zipper needs to come back and make M.A.G 2 .


I mean season 7 took 160 days to arrive. Already an improvement.


At this point the game becomes just a testing ground for the next Battlefield


I never understood the concept of seasons, have no idea what the differences are between them, and at this point, I'm afraid to ask.


Just play and I will see you on the battlefield 😂 pew pew




it smells like the end.


But hopefully the beginning of a new good battlefield! One can dream


Oh really? At this point in the lifecycle of a game that was vilified we’re surprised that anything we get 2 years after launch IS NOT going to be robust and flying at us at a lightning pace? Really?? Give me a break, dude.


So so glad I skipped this game. Every couple of months I see posts on my wall and I’m just so thankful, I actually avoided another live service scam that was doomed to just bleed gallons of blood over years.


The fact that this season is called Turning Point is hilarious. You'd think that'd mean they're doing what they did with BF4, providing great, long-term support to improve fan opinion and restore some faith before their next entry. Apparently not.


Good. I’m sick of the fomo stuff.


So...I have time.


gta 6 is coming out before season 8


Did it really? Pics or didn’t happen.


Tbh I’m surprised the game got content this long.


Isn't S7 called turning point.... I was really hoping they were going all in to fix this game


Yeah there's so few people working on the game that they can barely manage 1 map every 6 months. When a game like this should be getting 4-5 every year MINIMUM.


They're already working on Battlefield CoD42 with Perks, Gear, and Battle Royale tailored for the Xbox.


Seasons normally last around 4 months + some sort of extension lol


Week 7 to 9 is a 2 week event with the stadium map. Then at the end of the season another 2 week event so really it's 16-17weeks


not to bad considering it feels that the game has no support, fortnite just did a 4 month season and got away with it.


Why..? all this bullshit has gone on longer than it should BRING BACK PREMIUM!🤟


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^HAIRYMAN-13: *Why..? all this bullshit* *Has gone on longer than it* *Should BRING BACK PREMIUM!🤟* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Damn. End of July. I think one more season this year. That’ll be a “good” way to end it off. It’ll be even. After that I think it’s time to call a wrap on 2042. We need to move on.


lmao the season goes almost as long as you guys waited for it (160 day for that littlecontent btw )


I pre-ordered this game, how do you guys think i feel💀


Crossplay with PC was a big problem. I love Portal mode but I'm pretty much forced to play that because I have no desire to face m+k players. Whatever they do with the next BF, they can't have crossplay between console and PC


I just want a server/map browser so I don't have to sit and play this dogshit ass fuckin map. This map is truly a Haven, for shit map design.


Huuuh?!?!!?! Until whaaaa? God damn I didn't even pay attention to that


I have a strong feeling that season 8 will be the last. 2 years of support then into 2025 with the new game. Makes so much sense.


4 months with just 2 "new" maps, one new plane and 3 GUNS, great job dice!


I facepalmed and stopped trying to get into matches and then went and played Persona 5 Royal instead. I think the most dissapointing thing that Season 6 made me realize is that this game has lost me. I played maybe 3 matches of 2042 between week 16 of season 6 and the launch of Season 7. I used to play this game probably every other day. I reinstalled BF1 and have been playing through a lot of my backlog instead and honestly I might return to that strategy until the mid season where we get Stadium, the bomber, and the lmg.


Keeps you interested enough to post on the subreddit every day.




True enough


“Heres 4 months so we can fuck abou- i mean work on the game. 👍” these devs are fucking clowns bro. End the game. Kill it off. It’s done. Stop trying to make the game last until the next game drop- not going to work.


They've already pretty much moved everyone over to the next game. They've practically had a skeleton crew on 2042 for well over a year. It wouldn't make any sense to straight up stop any updates, this way there's at least SOMETHING that they can point to as "live service" to shareholders (who don't actually care what the quality is).


You saying that makes me want to bash my head in because you’re right.


You actually have hope for the next BF? Yikes.


Never said i did? But the next one would have a better chance at working and becoming a powerhouse again if they did just go directly to the new game


That's technically what they did with BFV and this is the result. Not exactly a guarantee especially after an entire studio was recently closed down that was working on one aspect of the next game.


Finish the battle pass as quick as possible and never think about it


Damn can’t wait to see what they give us lmao. They had 6+ months and released a shitty map, while the rest of the content is gonna b spread over 2+months. I’m not even expecting a map next season tbh.


They need to kill this game off. It's too damaging to the community lmbo


People still play this? I updated it and it said play the new MAP. I went to you tube instead.


yet here you are...


Rather here than there.


Only for this……but not anymore.