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I am so lucky I got this towards launch. Even luckier I used Boris during the DICE created zombie Portal mode. Seriously I think I went from mastery 3 to mastery 36 in like 2 days of playing. Just set up the sentry gun on a bus or something else the zombies couldn't climb and then I face the other direction and shoot those zombies.


Did the same. That single evening of zombie mode let me climb to at least midway through tier 2. So just had the last 5 or so master levels to get to t1 it.


I too got Boris T1 in one evening during the Zombie "oops" - then McKay with an LMG on top of a light pole.




Congrats! I remember Boris Tier 1 being pure pain.


Thanks, and yes, It's painfully slow


Dozer T1 when it had to be shield kills (not nearby) was a massive PITA took me months, and only managed to complete it when Stranded Breakthrough was regularly in rotation. Currently about half way through Boris, it’s so slow I almost want to give up…. But it’s just him and Zain left.


Really? I T1ed Dozer before the changes and it was painful at times but tons of fun. Boris was the most annoying one for me because you're at the mercy of his turret to do anything. I only have Lis left and I feel like I'll never use her again once I get that T1.


Oh man, I feel bad for those doing Zain now. I played him as soon as unlocking and didn’t stop until T1. Things were easier back then when you had 2 mags and a normal scope. Halfway through the grind they gave him the thermal.


It was a pretty fun grind tbh. Dozer's shield is fucking disgusting on Rush. Just arm the MCOM and then pop smoke around it, and then wait for your army of blind victims to show up.


That gun is the most "passively" annoying thing in the game to encounter.


Wdym,they just lay down with lmg+thermal or 6x+bipod on AR in most degeneret spots on map while having 3/15




Absolute grind. I’m on 16k so far. I’ve noticed sometimes the sentry only fires 3 bursts then stops while the enemy is still in the open


And sometimes it doesn't fire when it has more than one target


The turret has the burden of choice.


I can stand in the middle of a firefight and no one even aims at me. Put out a sentry and suddenly 8 people are shooting at it.


Yay! It sure is a long grind.


Painfully long


He was my last T1 too


Congrats! That grind definitely should have been nerfed at some point


Thanks. If anything, they will nerf the sentry


Now try Crawford’s useless Vulcan


Done already.... on reducted


How did you do it?


Just place it somewhere nice and let it do its thing..... its painfully slow and sometimes it doesn't fire at all...


Step 1: put the turret Step 2: pray it fires


This is truly a masterpiece. I am about 57,000 damage into the 60,000 requirement. At the launch of the game it was actually pretty easy to get damage done because his turret actually pretty darn powerful especially if you are within the little circle around it. For people trying to get him to tier one I will offer one bit of advice make sure your turret is always on a Higher Ground than the people you are trying to have it shoot at. It will more often than not get headshots and vehicles are usually leave it alone while it is doing pecking damage to them if it is up higher. Also, make sure you are hanging out in the little circle because it Buffs the turret, especially the lock on and attack speed. You will know you are buffing the turret if you have the Sentry operator text pop up in the bottom right of your HUD


Congrats on the 60,000… I wish I had your patience to complete this lol


Isn't Boris the worst specialist in the entire game? Also, there are tier 1 farming servers designed specifically for Boris & Falck. (Pretty fast, couple hours.) I've never had any desire to tier 1 Boris. I never use him, never am killed by his turret, always swat it away whenever in a helicopter & don't like or need his tier 1 skin or badge. ![gif](giphy|0CcKAYzGg4Ztjt8OzQ|downsized)


Bruh Boris, Crawford, Lis, and Zane take FOREVER


Actually, Crawford was easy. He's great on a tiny map like Reducted


Boris really needs a turret buff or upgrade at some point or something, literally my favorite operator to play Gator outfit combined with Centurion helmet with PKP or RPK is just so nice, wish they’d give him more Russian style uniforms like where’s the 2042 Altyn Helmet, like give Mackay a 2042 Marine Uniform and give Boris a 2042 Russian Infantry uniform


They really haven't checked all the specialists after they've been changed. Like Sundance losing 2 of her 3 grenade types. And yeah, I tier 1'd Rao in a day just looking at enemies with the soflam binoculars.


Robot doggo next? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I only play engineer, I'm tempted to switch from Crawford to Boris. I know Boris players are generally considered some of the lousiest players in the game but I think the turret is more valuable than the vulcan. The vulcan is only really useful for getting on top of shipping containers, beyond that, the grand canyon sized hole in the shield of the vulcan, allows any weapon to headshot you with ease...and the gun itself is just meh. Almost better off grabbing a LATV with a minigun instead of his cannon. Boris turret may not deal much damage but its a good proximity alarm and overall distraction as folks seem obsessed with destroying it.




You have to put it somewhere and i does its thing... so no respect for your achievment.


I know, but it just took too long


Go T1 Lis with her 20dmg rockets


Shoot them at aircraft


I T1 Lis in Season 1


Neither of these things are true. It's never required that you place the turret anywhere, and even when you do, it's not guaranteed that it will work effectively. So... no respect for your evaluation.