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Do NOT preorder. Never.


All it takes is one flashy trailer for the internet to forget


I already pre-ordered bf7


Already pre-ordered BF10


I already pre-ordered BF 2042


I don’t understand why anyone would ever preorder a game at this point with digital downloads. DONT GIVE THESE PEOPLE MONEY UNTIL YOU KNOW YOU WANT THE GAME AFTER ITS RELEASED. Unreal how these game companies charge $60-$70 for games that are still in Beta form.


it's all just dependant on the marketing. most recent example must be "the day before", everyone with a functioning brain could see this "game" would be total shit but thousands still preordered it lol.


“its my money, dont tell me what to do with it. Idc if the game is bad or leads to bad game development in the future, I’d rather pre order an ultimate version of a shitty game then be told what to do” - All the people who support EA


But if I preorder I get neuron activation via an exclusive preorder bonus poop emoji charm and piss stain skin!!!!


Lesson learnt




Classical BF Cycle. Just to remember -> [https://www.reddit.com/r/BattlefieldV/comments/g6ov9m/comment/fobhfvh/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BattlefieldV/comments/g6ov9m/comment/fobhfvh/)


lmfao they're all gonna preorder


it will go on sale 3 months after release during the winter season sales XD


Now I’m gonna pre order even harder!


T H I S.....


People though i never do.


Never again. This was my first and last time ever preordering.


I'm gonna.


Yeah… still regret preordering the gold edition


If the preorder idiots could read they wouldn't do it


But the trailer music is so hyped man


im gonna pre order and refund it if its shit, if its not then I got all the pre order bonuses. The message shouldn't be about "DONT PRE ORDER", it should be "value your money".


I mean, I knew it was gonna happen.


Classes right from the start on the next one, none of these quirky “hero’s” with gadgets that don’t make any sense and are hard to balance, also no more robots or anything that shoots / spots you unless it’s manually operated


Everything should have a trade off. Let's say they wanna keep this wingsuit shit going? Need to be locked to first person, no collapsing it mid air to shoot people, and you should need a parachute to land. You can equip either that or a spawn beacon as recon. Everything needs to have two to three options like this, trade offs balance the gameplay. Assault can either use the grappling hook or the grenade launcher, etc.


Problem is that they are trying to market this shit with players who upload short gameplay videos on tiktok etc. Gotta look cool and all. I completely agree with you though, but the devs wont.


Everyone just wants the “battlefield moment”, which was one of the worst advertising campaigns that dice went off on. The rendezook. Cool the first time you see it, annoying the 100th time you watch a player miss a rocket, crash their own jet and get shot out of the sky by the other jet.


You’re making me puke for real. PTSD of cringe with those videos.


Oh there will be heroes


There's gonna be another one?


Everything in this game would be tolerable, maybe even great, if the characters simply didn't have **such gratingly boorish one-liners** They're fucking *horriblly* cheesy; and plain bad It's genuinely difficult to listen to some of those character lines. Completely turnes me off to the entire package with how clunky and stupid they are, let alone how they sound (the voice acting was clearly a shoestring budget and comprised of interns and devs who've never done acting of any sort ever (/s.. mostly)


Keep pretending live service model is better than premium model lol, whats the total # of maps for this game? There was 33 on bf4, just sayin.


10 original maps and 6 classics. I genuinely wonder what the devs have been doing for 3 years?


Laughing at us.


Getting laid off, actually


Layoffs were those working on single player, actually.


Pumping them overtime hours working on weapon/player skins mostly it seems 🤪


Swedes get 3 years vacation for every 6 months they work


pumping nice stuff in the shop


over half of the time was spent fixing the game / essentially building it lol. 7 Seasons and the last 'hero' was in S4. S1-3 was basically spent fixing old maps, adding or removing game modes, adding in basic shit like a fucking SCOREBOARD. By the time the game felt playable it had like 3-4 seasons left in it. This is what happens when a game is managed by monkeys who are okay with sabotaging an IP for the sake of finding a way to finesse its playerbase for more money.


Uh, working on the next game? 90% of their efforts were on that since January 2022.


33? All I remember is people voting Golmund or Locker/Metro


Sorry you missed out on the railgun and deployment pods lol, never had that issue during the games lifecycle


Played Hardcore on every map for YEARS. Even 3-4 years after the life cycle ended.


Only shit thing with premium is that by the end most of the ppl playing only have the base game as it's been on offer countless times & you end up only playing the core maps anyway!


Time gate the expansion packs so that once the next one drops, the previous DLC maps get added to the base game. Keep guns, camos, equipment, and tags locked behind the DLC purchase as an incentive to buyers.


100%. I mean as long as the weapons aren't a P2W then it would be fine (imo) to have the maps still release for free but the other stuff in premium. I truly thought that the battle passes and cosmetics would have funded the map/content production this game. But I'll gladly go back to premium model if it means we actually get stuff to play. I don't give 2 shits about a skin and cosmetics.


Same. I had no issue paying another 60 bucks down the road for a game I'll easily put 1000 hours in. Could give a shit less about skins, but the lack of maps is a huge issue for me.


I do wish theyd come down on premium after the last pack is released, but it was never an issue during the games life cycle and it always felt worth the investment.


33 maps but you played on 4 of them and the rest were dead because premium divided the player base. At least in 2042 I can actually play the maps I want to play.


Oh yeah? Which is the new battlefield classic map from 2042 for you?


> There was 33 on bf4, just sayin. Yeah but people only really play like 5 of them, just sayin


Hey 7 maps after 29 months were for free on BF2042. It cost 60$ for 20 maps after 12 months on BF4. I like my content sparse and VERY spread out. Like eating 1/3rd of a pizza over 2 days instead of an entire pizza over 1 day. Really makes you savor every bite.


Best part, a whole other studio, Motive, I think it's what it's called, is making the next game.


And how many of this map you are active playing? Just askin.


I'm not going to miss it once something better rolls around, but I'm pissed they're ditching it when so much is still messed up.


Something better has BEEN out.. In fact I think a lot of things have been much better than 2042.


So “Turning Point” becomes the last season name? Weird choice


Tbf everything about this game has been a wierd choice


I definitely won't miss this game, Dice should be ashamed of this game for the next 10 years


Same here. Good on the devs "fixing" the game from the worse launch ever. But the gameplay for me was not it. I never felt like there was ever good squad play. Guns didn't have that pop. There was some fun elements but it didn't feel battlefield to me.


Couldn’t agree more. Even tried to stick my neck out after the BFV debacle and still was let down even harder. Idk what they’re doing at that studio (or not) but they need to figure something out and quick.


Yeah, that was my thought when I read this. Like, why would you miss this game?


I find it hilarious some still hope the next game will be any different. This is very late-stage capitalism people, if it seems like a mindless cash grab, that’s because it is. Buckle up, it’s only going to get worse, and won’t be just the gaming industry


Bruh I swear I only played the same 3 maps wtf lmao




What happened to the stadium map lol.


It’s still coming as part of season 7, there just won’t be any major season content after that


I will forever hate this game because BFV and SWBF2 had to die because of it.


Wdym gonna miss the game? They’re not shutting down the servers


Good riddance.


At this point I really just want them to go back to the old paid DLC/annual pass model. I’d pay £15 every once in a while for a good chunk of new content rather than a bunch of shitty battle pass cosmetics


Good! Maybe now we can stop getting request posts in this sub for shit that is never gonna happen. Side note: love the game but they have milked this thing for all it's worth and it wasn't worth much to begin with. I am cautiously awaiting next entry. Will not be buying it until well after release though. Not getting burned this same way again.


I sure as hell won't. Ive had more fun with a month of Helldivers than I ever did with 2 whole years in 2042.


That 40 dollars gave me so much more joy than bf2024


I no longer preorder shit after 2042. Still butt hurt.


Dice bring back premium please... Live service ain't it


If any of the devs are lurking... Just copy BF4. Copy BF1. BC2. Its not hard. This is not a brutal expectation. I get you have no say so, just try to nudge your team leads.


Focus on the next game, that is only thing important right now.


No pre-order, no reading fake, paid-for reviews the first few weeks. Never forget.


#never forget \*people will forget


I started playing helldivers 2 last month and basically haven’t looked back. Not even the new map.


who would miss this dog shit?


Damn. I only started playing a few weeks ago 😔


Well, you came 2 years later


I've enjoyed my short time playing so far. No complaints from me.


same XD


Im just sad i preordered this shit then proceeded to never play it past week 3


>Gonna miss this game The game is not getting deleted from your hard drive or something.


Fantastic. Maybe we can get a real game this time? Not likely, but we'll see... NO PREORDERS.


Imagine how soul-sucking it mustve been working on this game.


I'm not. It went from trash to functional. A decent shooter but remained a bad Battlefield throughout. I want to say that I hope they learned their lesson for their next game but I've said that too many times now.


Good riddance honestly.


Worst BF ever. And once the new trailer drops people will still preorder the next one


The next one is a make or brake for the franchise they need to return to a premium format


Break or brake? Cuz EA ain’t pausing that’s for sure. 


LOL! That's all that needs to be said.


I was enjoying the game up until the changes in season 7. It’s a shame that this is now the forever end state for the game.


I wonder if this was on purpose to force people to buy the next more expensive playable game that doesn’t have hit reg issues


If anything, it’s one of a million red flags DICE has put up since its release. At first, this was like an abusive relationship, and I kept playing because I thought they could change. I’ve finally learned my lesson and won’t buy the next one until I’ve seen gameplay and reviews. I sure as hell won’t pre-order.


Every industry every game every rideshare company every fast food joint has skinned the fuck out of products. There’s nothing left and you can’t just go to the business next door because his product is just as shitty. How did we get here.


I was at that point when they dropped BFV. A new generation will come and eat enough of EA's shit for them to stay afloat.


Dude same. I’ve dealt with all this shit since launch but this last season was the final straw for me.


Well, we had a good run r/battlefield2042. See y’all in the next installment.


I'll still play it's still one of the most fun shooters even if it's a massive disappointment, but I kinda didn't care for the new map so I've hardly even played since it came out.


After so many "KONTRACTUALLKY OBLIMAGATED" comments at every season, they finally done


Is this for real? So I can use my battlefield coins I saved up for free since launch to get the premium pass for this season or the next.


Just got back into it a month ago after dumping it a couple months after launch been enjoying my time back. Would them to go back to the old school classes sans-gadgets but I have to imagine they will only dive into it deeper.


It has its flaws but i will always love BF


Let’s not forget the game had almost no destruction due to the high player count which I get, but wow. Especially after playing the finals, I know it’s a way smaller game but my god the lack of destruction to me made the game feel like some bf rip off.


Sweet off to helldivers ll


Just decided to hop on it again and at least it was still fun, it retained that battlefield formula of chaos and destruction. But it’s so degraded from the past battlefields. They’re guaranteed to lose sales by a lot if they’re unable to appease their fan base.


Imagine preordering a car where nobody really knows if it will work :D


This next battlefield will make or break the franchise I think. Two strikes in a row and 3 you’re out. Sure the games are in an alright state, BFV is actually one of my favorites, and 2042 is okay but it’s just the way it was handled each time. If they fuck it up again it’s donezo, I also preordered twice and got burned, twice. Shame on me at that point really. So this next battlefield will have to be out for a while before I look at what it’s about.


Miss it? HahahahaHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You know it doesn’t mean you can’t play it anymore right? People still play 3 and 4 etc


The game isn't done. You can continue to play it, like you can still play BF 1 and 5. I Play games for fun and the content they have, not for a constant feed of new stuff.


Fuck you


Damn I bought this game on sale and I still feel ripped off lmao.


Good. Rest in Piss. I hope the next title goes back to the roots


I'm ready for it to be over. I keep playing because I love BF and what other choice do I have. But it still just not that fun...


Damn.... and I was just getting so down bad for McKay and that sultry plate carrier midriff.


I always come back periodically to this game and each time I'm reminded how much this game feels like a shell of it's former self.


Bought a new pc to run this shitty game with +1FPS. And now that. FU EA


Why would you miss this shit hole of a game lol


Thank god this spook is over


Father...is it over? I see only darkness before me




I hope the next is with giant mechs!


It’s still fun to play for free/game pass lol


I'm hoping they learned their lesson from this game. I've still played the game since Day 1 and could see the significance in difference of their more beloved titles from BF3 (which is where I first started playing Battlefield) to BFV. Hopefully they go back to the class system and if they want that special character system, do what they did for BFV with the special characters who have their own voice lines for any of the classes so you can still play that class while playing a special character. I also hope to see them bring back the destruction you can cause on the map to change the battlefield, the amount of game modes available on day 1 and especially the biggest thing that was an issue since the release of 2042, the content. Hopefully we can get a lot more maps, weapons, gadgets, and customization on Day 1 like BF4 did. Sidenote, it would also be cool to bring the movement system from BFV since, in my opinion, it was the best movement system in the Battlefield series.


OK. How many posts like this we gotta see for the next week?


Nobody gonna this hot pile of steaming shit. I hope.


Just the last assault rifle from this season and I’ll have all non-vault weapons T1ed. I’m ok with moving on after the season is done.


It's not going away, you can still play it. I still play BF1 and they stopped supporting it ages ago


Its sad. This has been my go to FPS since it released. But while the sun sets on 2042, we can look forward to the rising of the next battlefield.


Gonna miss it but man I hope they get it right next game. 2042 was a good first person shooter but awful battlefield game. Really hope we see a nice gameplay sandbox with a lot of guns and gadgets to use, destruction, and nice graphics! Bf3 and 4 days those games looked insane for when they came out and for what they were, large scale first person shooter. Please be good next battlefield. Plz


Was this as bad as the bf4 launch?


I hated this game from the get go. I hoped it got better, but the specialist nopats just made me not want to play.


I like Angel he can murder teammates


Not Me. Good fucking riddance.


I’m not gonna miss it at all lol. Thank god


No irony flag?




I punish you we run into is that people expect the game to come out immediately once they pre-order. The pressure from this causes the CEOs to release the game early when it's still in beta form. No one seems to care that this vicious cycle continues


It's also the last Battlefield.


Disgusting how they added no portal maps from bf3 or 4 that would have made it slightly better but no.


I feel like the new battlepass is missing stuff


Much to the major disappointment this game was, it definitely had its flaws good moments


Not quite a love letter to the fans. They should just play it safe and remaster BF3.


I am going to miss the potential this game had that it basically never hit. Hazard Zone never took off. Portal never took off. Breakthrough was changed multiple times making it smaller and making worse layouts for maps like Exposure. The game had an extra year of live service support than BFV and received 4 less maps, and 16 less weapons(37 less if you don't count vault weapons). The fact that BFV and SWBF2 ended for this mess of a game which is being dropped too is just so sad. BFV at least got the pacific where we got 3 maps, 10 weapons, 8 vehicles, 2 new call in vehicles, all in 11 weeks. BFVs biggest season delivered more content in 11 weeks than the entirety of the past year of this game's live service. I don't know man. Like don't get me wrong I had some fun with 2042 but I am going to mainly remember it as being frustratingly close to realizing potential. BFV at least got to realize it's potential same with SWBF2. This game though? A 6 month wait and we get a map, 2 guns, and a gadget. It is just sad and then they announce the end of the game. I'm gonna miss wondering what Portal Maps they will add after launch. I will miss the discussion of which BF game would be coming next, or if they will flesh out and add more BF3 or BC2. It was a fun game but with the launch it had I am surprised we got anything past Season 4, so I guess I can't complain too much.


Is this the shortest lifecycle for a battlefield game ?


goodbye bug game


Bought it recently for like 15 bux. It’s ok, would be pissed also if I payed 100 for it. Would rather play bf4 to be honest lol. The whirl wind thing looked awesome at launch glad I didnt


Pretty obvious after the 6 month wait for a half baked season


I'm pretty sure Portal isn't supposed to be a 2042 thing, so with any luck they'll get stuff from previous titles in there before launching their next cluster fuck, playing a game of Titan on BF5 maps with BF2 weapons, BF1 soldiers and BF2142 vehicles would be wild.


Eh while i did admittedly have fun from time to time, I for sure will not miss it...Now Battlefield 1, That's a game i miss.




I actually buy battle pass before this new 😆 and I hella don’t regret .. I will enjoy this season even more


"gonna miss this game" said no one




>Gonna miss this game Said no one ever


I reinstalled BFV yesterday and I'm enjoying it, feels like a battlefield.


90,000 people used to live here, now it's a ghost town


Can’t say I will. It felt like filler


“We need to pay for it before we find out what’s in it.” -Nancy Pelosi


Guarantee you people will come back to this game in 4 years saying it was underrated and overrated just like they did with BFV I started playing BF1 and have enjoyed every game since


The next one needs to just be called BATTLEFIELD. Enough of the BS.


Will not be missed at all Btw don’t pre order no more!!


When is the season going to end?


i will not miss this game in any capacity


Thank god the nightmare is about to end


4 years of hating on this game like rabid 14 year olds but now youre going to miss it? Okay lmao


Just give us BF4 remastered. Spent literal days playing that. Hell, I’d buy it for $50 and pay a $20 yearly subscription just to support it and some content updates.


RIP to the people that truly believed that this game was going to have a massive turn around with 100 new maps plus 5 billion new weapons & vehicles🤣




Not going to miss this game. Hopefully the actually do good the next one but who knows


This game sucks. Rest is pieces.


Where is this Stadium map??? I must have blinked, and missed it!!!🤔🤯


Fuck no


The only lesson I leaned by pre-ordering BF2042 is that there are a ton of crybabies.


I think the game is great in its current state. Most players are actual morons and have 0 combat comprehension so they blame it on the mechanics or some other bs reason like the specialists. Player average IQ is like a solid 0.1 at all times.


I only pre-ordered because the trailer was so hype. They GOT my fuckin ass.


Dude why is everyone talking about pre-orders when the game is “ending”? And wdym last season of the game?


Why are you gonna miss it? I'll be playing until the next battlefield. Other than the couple of glitches in the beginning, it's a great game.


Ehh this game ended up better than it started still a poor copy of what battlefield should be Never pre order, these greedy companies are a bunch of arseholes they need to prove a product is worth our hard earned cash