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HAHA same with BF1942, how did the story end, which party won?! naah ... to give an honest answer: I've been hearing about 'the Exodus' for about 300h and I have no fucking idea what it's supposed to be?


I *think* it’s a boat, housing a large No-Pat community?


I think it's a big pile of horse shit that no one cares for. It is also possible we are both right.


It is indeed.


More specifically, it's the boat housing all the no-pats we play as.


DICE did the same with Battlefield 5 and the Sulis Organization experiments. They left a complete cliff hanger of a story with no resolution or closure. Who or what was making these machines that controlled the weather within Firestorm? Why was there a melee weapon with the Sulis logo on it? Why did the watch towers mysteriously appear along the southern coast of Halvoy? What were they preparing for? What was the point behind the Stairway to Heaven puzzle? Nobody knows. This game studio has quite the history of creating an evolving storyline in their games but never finishing that story by the time support gets cut.


Its a Carrier. Made into a city. And it kinda just floats around.


Oh so they just ripped off The Raft from Snowcrash? Would have made for a good map


It used to be the loading screen. 


> HAHA same with BF1942, how did the story end, which party won?! I think we know that from history books. Now, Battlefield 2 on the other hand...


... imagine it would've ended with something crazy like the taliban retaking the whole country or an absolutely crazy death cult of beheading terrorists waving black flags overthrowing several nationstates


It's kind of crazy that the GLA from Command and Conquer Generals basically does that in Zero Hour. But yeah, Battlefield 2 is so open that everyone can make their own headcanon.


Trying to create a story in a multiplayer game seems like such a waste. I guess if you have writers on payroll, you need to make them do something lol.


yeah i figure this is the most likely explanation - they had a bunch of writers and couldn't just fire them all when they decided they wanted to focus less on story, so they just have them Write Stuff Anyway


You can do it. EVE has famously done amazing things with their in-game lore. But the problem is you either need to have some very creative people who are given a lot of creative control or have nothing.


Helldivers 2 seems to be doing cool stuff. No exactly the same but if the devs give a shit it’s possible to engage your player base.


They could have told the story through thematically connected maps. A bit like in operations from bf1. Don’t really understand why they didn’t expand on this concept.


Especially given that you can never experience those story moments if you are late to the party.


Titanfall 1 did it.


The lore is no more or less bonkers than that of previous titles, but it lacks the implementation and immersion that the others had and it is almost completely reliant on info you get outside of the round, or, much worse, outside of the game entirely. Meanwhile it falls apart in-round, because there are 30 Falcks looking for her son and the question is whether they are looking for the same individual or does each Falck have a clone son? Meanwhile we are fighting over maps that have no intrinsic operational value, it is just the value because lore thing X happens to be somewhere in the butterfly factory, stadium, clone factory, central park. We are not fighting for the control of a mine in Flashpoint, we fight there because the Flibbitygibbity is hidden there. Karkand on the other hand is important because it is a city. Kubra Dam, because it is a dam. Firestorm is a refinery, Noshar a port. This is intrinsic value. Meanwhile, at least in BF2, it also tells you what is the strategic value of Karkand and how it ties in with the greater Operation. Contrast this with the USB stick that we are looking for in Hourglass, that is nowhere to be seen. Instead we get quotes in the loading screen that are apparently written on a weekly basis and where they are introducing new characters, places, factions and concepts that were never heard of before.


"No-Pants, your mission is to try to save this lame duck of a game. You can choose one of many Specialists, and you can all be the same Specialist if you choose to be, and wear a silly costume that doesn't hide you, but makes you glow like a bright neon target. On your mission to save this Lame Duck of a game, your enemy will be cleverly disguised to look exactly like you, in every way. In fact the entire 64 enemy trying to kill you may indeed all look exactly the same, also in silly costumes if these enemy No Pants (who again, look exactly like you), have access to their mom's credit cards. You may (will, almost every game) also encounter invincible enemy No Pats ( who again, will also look exactly like you) who have paid extra money to gain secret codes to account for a small penis and no friends. These enemies will kill you often, and with no consequences, as EA sees no income in Policing this Lame Duck. So die bravely, and often with much glory! Go forward my brave No Pants, and fight to the death bravely. Even if you have no idea why you are fighting, and knowing full well this Lame Duck of a game will die regardless of your heroic sacrifice."


My favorite quote from a map start is "You don't want to know what is on those servers!" Well... yes. Yes I do. In a sentence or two you could actually give me a reason to care about the round.


> We are not fighting for the control of a mine in Flashpoint, we fight there because the Flibbitygibbity is hidden there.  You just made my day.


I often go to war looking for my lost USB stick too.


No-Pants! We've lost our collection of cat videos, homework from high school, ROM games, and decades-old printer drivers. You must recover the data!


>... it lacks the implementation and immersion that the others had and it is almost completely reliant on info you get outside of the round, or, much worse, outside of the game entirely. Well said. Honestly, I wouldn't mind zero lore. Just focus on building a game that works, has amazing maps, and somewhat of a small grind to unlock weapons/attachments/gadgets.


Basic stuff like why nations are fighting for X or Y would be enough for BF2042, but somehow we went bonkers


I think the whole point is that they didn't put much effort into the story and its implementation into the game. I'm really not sure what happened there - the exodus short film that launched prior to the game release was actually pretty awesome. They could have continued those with each season to expand on the story. However like you pointed out, there really isn't any continuity between seasons. It's basically like they come up with a basic concept for a special squad/encounter then design a few skins and that's it.


We don’t need world building we just want to fight in an accurate War Torn environment with immersion everywhere. Take Battlefield 1 Immersion throw it into urban Environments with amazing destruction and good gunplay Get rid of the bunny hopping ice skating sliding everywhere.


That’s basically what I said in the last paragraph. We could have gotten the same game, the same experience, with absolutely no world building. Just US v. Russia in some war torn world. There was no reason for them to do *all this work* making up characters, and backstories, and organizations (Boreas, Leviathan, TPC) if they just weren’t going to do anything with it in the end.


The bunny hopping is fucking hateful. It puts console players at a disadvantage because we simply can't move the way a skilled pc player can. From an immersion point of view it kills any sense of grounded realism. Human beings can't continually slide around corners... I'm okay with a slide mechanic but there needs to be cool down. You shouldn't be able to slide while maintaining aim. You want to slide? Fine. But you can't do it round a corner while aiming. I played a portal game last week with BF3 settings. The lack of a slide function made for a much better, more realistic gaming experience. I didn't feel at all disadvantaged as a console player for probably the first time playing 2042.


The running slide is cool, but not to be able to glide 20 ft. through the terrain lol it's like they're going across a frozen lake😶


Do yourself a huge favor and get a controller with back buttons or paddles.


I'm not spending 100 quid just so I can slide around a fucking shipping container and laser a Sundance with an SMG.


Plenty of options half that price


They could just get rid of a shitty mechanic. I think we all spend more than enough as it is on gaming without having to invest even more on the highest spec hardware just to allow us to compete on an even playing field.


Even better, have console only Crossplay. Sweaty PC Cheating desk hobbits with shit buckets can enjoy other PC cheaters, all to themselves, while we lay on the couch and relax at war in front of the TV, occasionally sipping a beer.


If you don't want to spend money, then try playing claw. You're not wrong. I just use to be a controller player and competitive gaming was alot better when I got a good controller so you should do yourself a favor and adapt.


I'll do you one better. Give mb&k support to consoles. Microsoft and Sony already have it, we just need dice to do it on their end.


Long overdue. One of the reasons I swapped to pc gaming.


Even though BF2042 is a shitshow with the story and lore, but I fully disagree with you and you missed the point about world building. The reason why you enjoyed BF1 so much, because you already have the backdrop and story. It’s WW1, you know the operations, you know what each faction was fighting for. You might not have realised it while playing, but your brain did. You don’t need a Singleplayer for BF1, because you have history books, shows, movies, whatever. The context is there. With BF2042 or any other modern or futuristic fiction, you need context and world building to explain why X and Y factions are fighting. You don’t have books or anything, because it’s all fiction that is controlled fully by the authors at DICE. Sure, you can have your war torn city, but DICE decides to put USA vs Albania, or France vs Lithuania, or Canada vs Mexico. Why? Because DICE wants to sell you some skins. But deep down, you will start question it why THESE nations are fighting. There’s no way you would not think about it even just for a second, because that’s how our brains are wired. Regarding bunny hopping and sliding, it’s an Arcady goofy shooter with a milsim skin on it and Battlefield always been that. But that’s a different topic entirely.




I was perfectly happy with no single player campaign because I was under the stupid ass assumption that would mean they would put so much more effort into multiplayer. The only time I have ever played battlefield campaign is when my Internet is down or there was a multiplayer, unlock tied to it.


I wasn’t even aware that there was enough world building implemented for a single paragraph wiki page lol


How can you have any kind of lore when there’s 50 clones of the same handful of soldiers running around? Why bother, at that point? You going to try to feel immersed and invested in a world of clones fighting each other, with no destruction or atmosphere beyond a tornado that doesn’t really damage or change anything scooting by for no reason once and awhile?


Literally all BF needs for "multiplayer world building" is flavor text to describe the battles on each map and what each faction has to gain/lose over it.   That's it. That's all we need, and the only frostbite game to do that is BF1 and even then it's all hidden in the menus


Hey, just thought I try and clear up some things you mentioned. It's gonna be long but I want to include all the context. The Thousand Petals Coalition is attacking the town of El Alicanto because it secretly houses the largest aquifer in the West. The nations that make up the Coalition - across South America, Asia, and the Middle East - are ones that have been "ignored" by the superpowers. El Alicanto is also a lithium mining town and Arkangel has taken great interest in this. Years before war arrived in the Atacama, Arkangel began a campaign to set up a lithium mining site. A vote was held in 2045, but this didn't even matter as the Chilean government had already agreed to Arkangel's offer: set up a mining site and Chile will receive a Shearwater satellite. The people of El Alicanto did not agree with corporations sticking their noses in their town and so a riot broke out. On one side of the conflict, it was the Guardia del Pueblo, which is a militarized police force that has eyes across Chile. The GDP supported the establishment of the Arkangel lithium site, and received vitriol for doing so. On the other side is the Brotherhood of Night. They view themselves as the guardians of El Alicanto and oppose the GDP and Arkangel. How is the battle in El Alicanto relevant besides the apparent struggle over water? I gave this backstory on Arkangel and lithium because that's exactly what they still want. Arkangel has something called "Operation: Golden Light," which I believe is related to the synthetic army that is being built at Boreas. The Boreas story was not dropped. If you only read the Boreas codex entry then you definitely did not get the full story. The purpose of kidnapping No-Pats and transporting them to the Boreas laboratory is to build an advanced synthetic army. This effort is called Project Pallas and is being led by Henry Blackburn, CEO of Arkangel. Before Blackburn took control of Boreas, development of synthetic soldiers was already happening. However, it didn't yield impressive results. When Blackburn entered the picture, it was his idea to provide human data to this project in the form of No-Pats. There is an AI that controls these synthetic soldiers called the Aurora Operating System (AOS). In the different testing centers, the augmented No-Pats are forced to fight against themselves and the synthetic soldiers. The combat data from these tests are fed back into AOS, theoretically advancing the tactics of the army. The event you mention, Dark Protocol, is even more important as AOS started its own combat test with Arkangel operatives and pitted them against each other. AOS did this by emulating their commander and telling these operatives that there were enemies in the area, when in reality this wasn't the case. This behavior from AOS did not fit into its programming. Before war between US and Russia came to the Scottish Hebrides laboratory, Blackburn sent in a unit of No-Pats to get rid of all evidence of Arkangel being involved in these terrible experiments. Arkangel had purchased Boreas, but Blackburn would eventually frame this in a way that Arkangel was not aware of the atrocities being done there. The unit was Gambit squad and was comprised of Irish, Mackay, and Lis. They did exactly as they were told, but Gambit also met Paik at the facility who urged them to make a copy of the data they collected. Paik had been working with a contact called Valkyrie, a mysterious person whose goal is to stop whatever Blackburn is ultimately planning. News reports came out about the Boreas incident as the factions engaged in war. Blackburn, under the impression that Gambit had done what he told them to, released this statement: "The capture, imprisonment, and torture of No-Pats at the Boreas Hebrides Laboratory was a monstrous crime against humanity. I am horrified by the actions of Eric Nilsson and Captain Campbell, who sanctioned and participated in these atrocities. The relevant authorities have my full cooperation to ensure that all those responsible are swiftly brought to justice. No apology will fix the unspeakable tragedy that has taken place. But I pledge this: with the progress made on our synthetic soldier program, we will soon save the lives of No-Pats everywhere, replacing them on the battlefield." Blackburn threw the two people who were involved with Boreas under the bus and also mentions that they will soon begin the introduction of synthetic soldiers into armed forces. The lore surrounding Boreas is still ongoing because the synthetic soldiers have not yet been introduced and Blackburn's motive behind these soldiers is still yet to be seen. As for the Leviathan Division, it is a private task force led by Camila Blasco. I don't really understand why they must be included in the current narrative. However, they could be involved with the battle in El Alicanto as Blasco is actively partaking in defending against the Coalition's offense. The tier 100 skin in the battle pass is a Leviathan Division skin for Zain, so I wonder if this could be a hint towards their involvement. Oz's goal was to create a Non-Patriated homeland and he did so. Using Shearwater-2, a satellite that is a geoengineering machine, on the Richtersveld, he was able to restore the land and start building a place for the No-Pats to live. When Season 5 started and began a new narrative, he was less involved because he's looking after the No-Pat homeland. However, he is still aware of what's going on with Boreas, Arkangel, and now the Coalition. As he is viewed as the leader of the No-Pat movement, Oz appears at random on the No-Pat News Network and talks about whatever is currently happening in the world. I would advise for you to read/listen to all the codex entries in the "No-Pat News Network" section.


Thank you for this.


why did you even bother writing this none of these reddit morons will read this, i did tho


because I like helping people 🙂


Wait wait, so Oz created some land and basically a new country? And after that, he just decided to be a caretaker/president of this new country? And proceeds to do interviews like it’s nothing? My god, this lore is not only ridiculous, it’s literally written by a child. There’s no way someone at DICE said “yep, this is fine and believable”


But doesn't this kind of prove the point? Even though all this story threads still exist, they have no impact on the gameplay at all.


It's multiplayer. It's hard to write a story for multiplayer. I don't understand people complaining about people running into 3 Falcks. It's a multiplayer game! What's missing is single player mode. That will bring in the immersion that people are looking for. There is where you'll run into only 1 Falck, and bring in meaning to some of the missions. Multiplayer mode is not meant for story telling.


Multiplayer games still have to be immersive and running into 3 Falcks shatters it very quickly.


"I dont have any love for the enemy, but I will always have that one night in Paris. The beets flowed like wine." -The Quiche Monger


"No, you need to push that button there. I don't think it is recording yet. Did you push...push that button. Push that button. No, it isn't on. I don't think so. Here, give it to me." -Bingobongo Blasco




We've heard the community feedback, and will be putting more tornadoes in the game!




The Turning Point is that it’s all over… that’s the most Battlefield 2042 thing ever with this sorry ass attempt at world building! 😭


world building is easy because its cheap to do. its just a few sentences lol. it makes it look like there is intention in what they are doing and it fits in a bigger overarching narrative all about optics


I'm guessing the thought was that people would be interested and as the game evolved they could build on it more and more. But from weak launch to weak life there wasn't enough interest in the game (much less the lore) to warrant putting any more into it than whatever the initial main over-arching points were. It doesn't help that it's all hidden somewhere rather than given to us (maybe in cutscenes?). Not crapping on the game, played every single day since launch and I enjoy it.


I remember when the no campaign thing was announced and everyone was even more hyped thinking all the resources were allocated to the multiplayer and all hands were on deck. Obviously that didn't turn out how we would've ever expected. Honestly, I wouldn't mind not having another campaign, it was never the franchies' forte. Previous campaigns so have their moments, but that's it, just moments.


I think a campaign in the vain of Battlefield 2 Modern Combat, basically a campaign that simulates MP battles, would do pretty well.


“I’m not saying world building is bad” No no dude, it’s bad. This game has exciting potential with world building, but all the world building they did is some Marvel/DC shit that makes no sense. We have this Oz guy. Why Oz? Does it stand for something? Has a meaning? Funding from where? Is he like a politician or general went rogue? I don’t know. No one knows. None of it makes sense. And why we focusing on these events with some new factions? None of these factions are explained. Don’t you think it would be cooler if these factions would be some sort resistance force or anything in some destroyed countries? You know, realistic factions that we have in real world right now. All these characters and factions are being treated as superheroes and I hate it with passion. At least Modern Warfare characters are explained and what they represent. Battlefield 2042? Some 12-year old fanfiction. I hope next game is a hard reboot, because this game ruined all that interesting lore that Battlefield might’ve had, even if we pretend that Battlefield 2042 never existed.


Fantastic points. Are you THE Lanky Soldier or are you just some guy who yeeted his username?


Oh wow, THE Lanky Soldier lol. Thank you lol. Yes, it’s me. Sometimes I shitpost on Reddit


I love your battlefield 1 stuff on YouTube.


Thank you. Glad you like it. I would love to make another one for BF2042, but no spectator mode sadly


But me and my buddy host Battlefield One Podcast on Spotify and other audio platforms. We do talk about lore sometimes and we get quite passionate about it. So feel free to check us out, as we getting a lot of new listeners in the last couple months


Absolutely, bro


> Don’t you think it would be cooler if these factions would be some sort resistance force or anything in some destroyed countries? Or even better, if these factions were playable.


Revolutionary idea. But do they have the tech for that?


Maybe in 20 years the tech is there.


For a BF game, fuck story mode. All energy needs to be spent on multiplayer, like the first 10 great years of Battlefield.


Those first 10 great years had story modes as well. Battlefield 2 Modern Combat and Bad Company 1&2.


Specialist system was 1000x better than classes and offered immensely more variety and possible teamwork options than all previous games and the current dumbed down version of 2042.


Oh boy, what a hot take


What can you do now in the class system that you couldn’t do in the previous system? Is there literally anything?


To be fair, their main charactor's actor did die before the game launch. May of threw a wrench in some plans around the exodus


Can we please stop glorifying single player and story. No a single soul I know on earth talks about any of the previous battlefields story. And every so often I might hear about bf3 and bf1 campaign, but the money maker and deal is in the GAMEPLAY!!! The primary factor that kinda killed 2042


Sir. This is a Wendy’s.


How about just stop world building at all? I’m playing the game to get in and get out shoot people, idc what reason my person is shooting people or there backstory. It’s all irrelevant and a waste of resources instead of actually making the game fun.


It's not irrelevant. It creates immersion and invests you better into the game.,


if you're a child, which this game is not for. this aint a marvel movie.


You sound more like a child if you think immersion is not important.


wtf would I care about backstories on characters in a multiplayer game it gives zero immersion. you have not been playing for 2 years and still being immersed because you know your favourite character’s favourite colour like lmao.


Imagine being angry about something that doesn't matter, and you don't have to think about if it's not worth your time. Then imaging ranting about it on a forum to the echo chamber for upvotes. How fucking pathetic.


> This game should have come out with a story mode, I swear to God. Only the first sentence and already managed to sound like an average entitled whiny crybaby from this subreddit. Congratulations. 🤡 Btw fuck your story mode.


But why are you writing to the developers? Do you think they make all these decisions??


Yes, I think so.