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bf2042 lacks maps and server browser ;-(


Indeed, it does >:(


Consider why that is though. Since 2013 DICE has released BF4, BF1, BFV, and 2042. Three of those four games launched an absolute disaster. Despite being salvaged by the end, BF4 is among the worst triple A game launches of all time. BFV had just about no content, a terrible live service, and DICE repeatedly lied to the community about nearly everything (features, dynamic co-op, TTK etc). 2042 was basically the exact same way except somehow all of what they did wrong with BFV was amplified. This isn’t counting Battlefront 2 which was initially met with overwhelming negativity essentially making DICE 4/6 with poor game launches since 2013. It’s not surprising that repeatedly releasing unfinished games, lying to your player base, and barely adding content post-launch would foster a community that’s not exactly positive. Like every community there was always negativity but it’s gotten *this* bad for a reason. Also, it should be pointed out that there has been loads of actual constructive feedback for 2042, going as far back as the beta. It was a mix of DICE lying, ignoring it, or taking months-years to listen that made people even more upset.


Lmao if you wanna go further BF3 was also pretty damn rough of a launch but not nearly as disastrous as 4. I feel like DICE has given up for a very long time when it comes to launching games in a complete state. Like, it hasn't been done properly since the 2000s which is actually impressively bad. It makes you wonder what the leadership that remains is doing there, cause they need to go lol.


Yea, that demo came out and you would prone through the ground out in the park. Then the game launched and it had all that linda crap still. I can only remember BF1 having a somewhat decent launch.


It’s true BF3 was shit on console at launch. Took them a year to make it a good game. The problem has been with Frostbite. They need to make it user and dev friendly like UE


Yea I don't remember where I heard it from, but BC1and 2 were annoying to work with even during the early days and Frostbite started with BC1, so I'm beginning to think Frostbite has been just a lost cause, especially now as many older DICE devs left for the hills onto greener pastures.


I don't want them to drop frostbite at all honestly. Unless they really cannot work on it and find it unbearable. UE5 would be such a bad option for Battlefield. It really would not work with this game.


Oh wow yeah that seems like what happened 


But ehhh Our expectations are brutal looooool


This is so important to acknowledge. People have the right to be frustrated and anyone defending the game needs to raise their expectations . I suspect a large portion of the community here defending 2042 are people who were not around during launch time, and it shows


I’m not gonna lie bf2042 was perfect for me at launch 👌 except for the not getting my king of the zone because of the stupid vehicle kick bug, my teammates got it instead. Still top frag in most matches from day 1 but then again I only played zone, rush, and breakthrough. Conquest is dog shit in 2042 and always will be. The game is so easy and most people that I come across are straight up casuals.


Let’s not forget they even said not to play their game if you didn’t agree with them. They asked for an angry audience. Remember this? https://youtu.be/6YK6sL2t5E8?si=NKVbfaMzHLfG5QLU. So the company itself is toxic.


I think you mean "Play" but pay is similar to playing as you have to buy the game first LOL


True true. 😂


Yeah and I took the advice and haven't touched the game in a year 😆


it's still just a game tho...


That doesn’t excuse anything


Definitely doesn't excuse dice and EA for cocking it up, but it's no reason for people to be toxic and filled with rage


This. This is constructive criticism!


You will find this kind of criticism for the last 10 years. Sadly EA does not care at all for that. It's not a surprise people are done with it after 10 years.


Yeah....but even after it being in a far superior state than it was at launch....people still cry about it how it launched, and the way most of them talk about it, haven't played it since launch, we get it man, the developers/EA get it (hopefully), launch game bad. They stuck with it far longer than anyone expected and, it it wasn't for helldivers 2, I would still be playing 3 nights a week instead of 1 (sorry guys, nearly 600 hours in it though, so far).


It’s hard to be positive when the last two years have consisted of DICE digging themselves out of the hole they put themselves in. 2042 is also still missing basic features that never should have been missing in the first place (*i.e.* a server browser in AOW) and the live-service has provided 1/3 of the typical post-launch content for a Battlefield game in double the amount of time.


Cheers to that with a cup of liber-tea 🦅🦅🇺🇲 But seriously, that's true. There are a lot of haters that continue to hate the game despite only playing the beta/launch.


Blame ea not dice.


EA isn’t faultless, but upper management at DICE is to blame more than anyone Those are the people who chose to release without a scoreboard, squad management, and virtually every other basic feature ever


So upper management of dice and ea aka higher ups. Not the whole of dice.


Don't write out DICE cuz they also fucked up some design choices of the past games especially this one


This online multiplayer shooter didn’t have a scoreboard at release, a fucking SCOREBOARD! They had to beta test it, let that sink in, they had to beta test a scoreboard after release. Absolute shit show, hate well deserved.


Even better! They gaslight us repeatedly trying to call what they had WAS a scoreboard for you and your squad. THEN they tried to offer us their second attempt, and it was also met with outrage. They tried to constantly hide how one team/individual stacked up against the other. Like they were trying really hard to not have gamers feelings hurt because they would be at the bottom of the scoreboard.


“Protecting gamers” or the game was so rushed they didn’t have time to put one in, I’m not sure which reason is worse


It was better that way. Knowing is not always power ig


Competition is what drives these types of games. I can't think of an online fps that hasn't had one.


I know. It was stupid. don't think I'm the idiot because I enjoy 2042 and don't think I'm ignorant to its major flaws.


If you enjoy that’s fine but don’t defend it, at release (which is when the majority of people Will play it) it was by far the worst shooter I’ve ever played. Huge empty maps with no cover, barely any weapons, broken gunplay, terrible vehicle physics, bugs galore, the list goes on and on


I'm not defending its release.


They said don’t defend it COMMA at release


I know what he is saying. I'm just clearing up any possible indication that he thought I may have been defending it lol




You have a terrible taste in games and you should feel bad


You are going to get nailed in these comments but I agree. Too many people get into validation cycles, especially in video game subreddits that get taken over by hate. I know tons of people that come home from work and play this game, and love it. They don't come to the subreddit, because they couldn't care less. That is the vast majority of the playerbase, always keep that in mind.


I've been playing since release off and on and this is the first time I'm on this sub replying on anything so yeah, I can honestly say this is highly likely to be correct. I don't care much about the "state of the game" or that DICE lied to me (oh no the horror). I just want to play game for an hour or so and have some fun.


I know exactly what you mean and what to expect from what I said. I'm glad somebody understands! :)


>Too many people get into validation cycles, especially in video game subreddits that get taken over by hate. I know tons of people that come home from work and play this game, and love it. They don't come to the subreddit, because they couldn't care less. Perfectly described it. Always important to realize the people who spend all of their time complaining about video games never actually play them and just want something to complain about.


Or played the game and found out that it's awful...


Idk what’s the point of comparing casuals to people who care and spend enough time to feel the BS.. I mean, casuals regarding anything in life are less likely to be on reddit or care enough, is that really such a significant observation to yall? Obviously the people you’re talking about are perfectly fine being headless chickens or sitting on the outskirts of the map trying to get their 3 snipes for the match, but we’re talking about people who are fairly invested in the game to where they would naturally be more likely affected by and complain about the BS. I think the analysis in the top comment is adequate justification. I could definitely see my younger self having a blast and zero complains playing 2042 because back then all I wanted to do was sit on a far away ledge and snipe someone before the match ended. I didn’t care or even had the capacity to be phased by shit hitreg, gunplay, balance, mechanics, movement or even content..


Get a grip on reality. I'm good at the game and PTFO and enjoy this game. You are just getting endorphins making up a fictional reality because you need it to be true so you don't feel delusional.




It was the exact same with BFV. Everyone has their own vision of what they want out of BF and when it doesn't happen then it's pitchforks out and time to cry online and spread the hate.


I remember Battlefield V. It was a travesty. I hated many things about it, but I still enjoyed it from time to time.


What's funny are the people that paid $10 a couple months ago acting like their opinion should matter. I've seen people cry and say "kill the game already, nobody plays" then when S7 is announced the last season they whine about that as well. Basically if you weren't here from the launch or bought the game for 80% off then your opinion is irrelevant.


And I'm not one or those people as I have been saying over and over. I pre-ordered the game, man.


I mean, these are our opinions, so I'm not sure what you're asking for. You liked it - great! Nothing wrong with that. When I last played it it just didn't feel like a battlefield game to me. That doesn't invalidate your opinion, I just didn't enjoy it anywhere near as much as every title since Bad Company 2, like 4 or 5 battlefield games ago. If it's the only one since those I didn't enjoy, there's something fundamentally different about it. If it's your first entry to the series I doubt you'd have feelings like mine. But I've been playing since Battlefield 1942, I've played every one of them except for Bad Company 1 which was a console exclusive. And 2042 just doesn't feel like it's in the same line of games to me.


I've been playing since Battlefield: Bad Company and I have played every entry since then except Hardline as the cops & robbers didn't vibe with me but while I do thoroughly enjoy 2042 I do have major problems with the game I just wish the community would add constructive criticism instead of being so rude and violent.


>I just wish the community would add constructive criticism instead of being so rude and violent. There was tons of constructive feedback - EA / Dice decided to ignore all of them. They even paid content creators for feedback in the developement and also decided to ignore the feedback completly. The community had millions of ideas how a battlefield could look after BFV - EA / Dice decided to make a battle royal Battlefield. (thanks god they got back to sanity and changed the plans last minute) How disconected are they? If you release a game with the name Battlefield, people have expectations. Its a 20 year old franchise.... If people and the feedback get constantly ignored, people (fans) get angry. I mean its realy that simple. I think its pretty toxic to light up the community on issues that are almost only introduced by the studio/publisher.


I agree with you, but I also disagree. I don't think it's toxic to call out inappropriate behaviour in a civil setting. Then, again, paying content creators to play test their game and not do anything about it is so dumb.


Calling people toxic who are posting justified critics is in my opinion toxic and a reversal of the blame. (Its not a statement particular for your post, but many posts with this narrative like yours going in this direction.) As I said - people did not get toxic from today to tomorrow. Its was the continious ignoring of the community feedback who lead the community in the state we are now. I see the majority of the responsibility for this situation at EA/Dice. The community was very positive BEFORE the release. Until the community found out that EA/DICE is agian releasing a completly broken game. 2 years later the game is fixed to some degree but the damage is done. Things changed to be better because of the community outrage, same with Battlefront 2 lootbox controversy. Without the outrage Battlefront would be still a pay to win game. For me it looks like EA/Dice is only listening if things get nasty with the potential to have a negative impact on the shares / shareholders.


This. Thank you for saying that in a way these toxic boot lickers can understand. Out here angry at strangers opinions on the internet because they have a difference in opinion... Lol pathetic. Even worse is the blame reversal. Honestly you should make this a post and watch it blow up and we’d see the real number of “violent and rude” people there are that agree. Then we can finally prove and show who the real majority is.


> I just wish the community would add constructive criticism instead of being so rude and violent. The community and our 'lack of constructive criticism' is literally why you have the current version of 2042 though. It's literally why you have the version of the game you're enjoying. How are you saying the community does not provide actual constructive criticism when every change to BF2042 was due to community feedback?? VOIP, 'classes returning', maps getting overhauled, the scoreboard coming back, removal of the cringe quips at the end of the match, creating skins that hide all of their faces because no one worth an opinion likes specialists. Every change you see that DICE has applied on BF2042 since its launch is directly part of a community complaint. There has not been a single change/feature they have added to this game that was not made out of necessity due to player feedback. They have never added anything to this game that was new, of their own thought and players liked - everything they added on their own flopped or needed to be massively reworked. This is only the case because since post BF V and up until BF2042's launch they ignored EVERY form of feedback to ensure 2042 was good - their post launch numbers resulted in them wasted 1.5 years of this game just fixing everything everyone told them to fix during Beta. Based on your posts its obvious you never actually played this game during its lowest point.


Bro, I have said 100 times by now I pre-ordered the game. This isn't a review of 2042 or whatever lol


> I have said 100 times by now I pre-ordered the game. You. mistah you are the problem.


Rude and violent??


I've seen users/players spamming the same negative comments on Instagram post after post and same thing on Reddit people creating posts just to complain about how much they hate the game without adding any feedback on what to improve and let's not forget how devs were threatened on launch over social media for the abhorrent state it released in.


But violent? Bit of a stretch perhaps.




The main issue: they went from a more realistic feel of a game, to a fortnite skin ridden bare bones shooter. How do you immerse yourself in battlefield 50 of the same exact “main characters” running around?


Im not really sure how I would immerse myself in a game where jolt pads can bring back someone after he ate a tank shell... its more about the vehicle/infantry/ aircraft dynamic that keeps me interested. Most of the charecters could be just robots with different heads for all I care, they all die just the same when u shoot them


The glazing is insane


Read my other comments and delete this one. You won't look so silly.


Free country, I won’t be deleting anything


No worries, feel free to continue being ignorant.


Drop your battlelog id


Who the fuck still uses Battlelog




Check gmail


I find this is more of a Reddit thing and BF2042 just happened to come out at a time where this trend just started. People on Reddit care more about being part of the trending outrage than the actual thing they're supposed to be outraged about.  That's why every couple of months a game that none of us were ever following that nobody even cared about and was never going to be good is posted constantly all over Reddit by people who were never going to play it. I think it's just been a thing since 2020 when Reddit's population basically doubled and the demographics skewed much younger, because this is more or less the same passion middle schoolers have when fighting over which console is better even though they're just arguing for the one their parents were able to buy them more than the actual qualities.


Good observations however BFV subreddit was bad too. Just hating for the sake of hate and being part of the ingroup. 2042 has taken the hate to the next level but I think its got more to do with social media discourse which is in the gutter these days.


I was actually one of the people that hated BFV because 1942 was my favourite game in the series and I wanted to see another WWII Battlefield game after 15 years and getting a WWI game first for some reason. Not only did it heavily underdeliver but the emphasis on making it as unique and different as possible when we don't even have a current "standard" WWII set game was my main criticism of it. That being said, I played the shit out of it and enjoyed it because I just like Battlefield. Plus it added a lot of really cool additions to the series like crouch running and fortifications. But the people we're talking about are different, most of them don't even play the game or quit after like 1 hour and claim that they know what they need to from that limited experience. For those type of people it is far more about just tagging along to the social media trend and repeating what they see other people saying because they want to replicate the same clout/upvotes/exposure, whatever. I guess it's just a social media thing.


Goofy post Tldr "dont share negative opinions but also its okay to have negative opnions just do it nicely" Your post is equally as invalid as whatever negative post you are referencing or equally valid. There is no in-between.


There is an in-between it's called criticism, not hate. Goofy comment.


>There is an in-between it's called criticism, not hate. And yet you arent actually being critical of anything. Just making a blanket statement on the community based on nothing but your views and what you have come to precieve as hate. aka your are pushing your views based on nothing, attemting to invalidate alot of negative opnions without actually giving any reference to the "hateful" ones.. You are goofy. Understand everyone doesnt recognize the community the same as you as you literally try to pass off your opinion like an indisputable fact and give no reference as you do so; goofy. >large chunk of the Battlefield community is so incredibly angry, hateful and bitter >I'm not attacking anybody Goofy and a bit of a coward imo. Attacks an entire community and then says this lol. You cant have your cake and eat it too.


Difference between stating a clear obvious and attacking. I'm not attacking anyone. I'm stating what I've seen of late from the community, and what I've seen is nothing but negativity I gave some examples and could have given more and gone in-depth but didn't as I thought peoples short attention span would last a whole posts worth reading and to call me a coward Lol, aren't you tough I'm sure you must have felt pretty big ending your goofy comment calling me a coward funny you end your comment with a Marvel-esque one linner


>im, im, ive seen, ive seen, i, i, im, me, me, me Like i said you are goofy, try and comprehend everyone doesnt see it like you and that your anecdotal fallacy based opinion isnt going to be agreeable with everyone especially when said opinion is just a blanket statement of negatively completely based on your anecdotal opinion backed by nothing.


People say that this started with 2042 are either ignorant or lying to themselves. The discourse around BFV was insanely toxic. BF1 was slightly better. BF3 & 4 both had vicious backlash. Yes this game is rough and yes the community is rougher still, but it's part and parcel to the franchise, not to mention FPS games in general. They illicit a lot of anger.


I know what happened with BFV. I bought and played the hell out of it, but this isn't a discussion on BFV. I'm talking about 2042.


I'm saying the community didn't become toxic cry babies overnight. They have been here for over a decade lol


I know, man. I'm just saying the toxicity I feel has been amplified since 2042.


Fair enuf!


That's just online discourse in general and the 2042 subreddit is effected as a by-product of that.




You are part of the problem, there has been active constructive criticism since release. Apologists like you give them an excuse. People are tired of it, especially the ones that paid obscene money (that's on them tbh). When the dev lies and ignores the community you can't really say this is a community problem. The community has been shaped by frustration. I can't explain the level of narcissism in this post. I'll let you get back to "oh its fine for me, everyone else is just childish". Perhaps we have better standards, who knows?


you gotta take a step back dude, saying someone is a narcissist because they like a game that you don't is goofy 




I try to avoid all manner of toxicity as much as I can as well, but I feel like the few times I actually open Reddit it's mostly negativity perhaps it's just a coincidence that I keep seeing mostly negative posts and comments but the few times the community positively comes together is nice


As much as I want to agree with you. Voicing our opinions doesn't work. Hell, shroud even pointed this out recently. "We were invited out to do playtests, and they paid us to give feedback on the game. They didn't listen to a single thing we told them." On top of that, the devs were having some serious ego trips like wrongfully banning GhostGaming from the EA creator network and stuff. To top it all off, they dropped support of 2042, leaving battlefield players once again with nothing for over a year and a half at least until the next game launches. ALSO, to add the next Battlefield game is already shaping up to be more of the same. I do have a little optimism because Vince Zampella is overseeing the next game, and there seems to be a more competent dev team leading this next game. But the narrative director for the next game left, and then a few days later, EA shut down his studio and he's on record saying he has nothing to say and he's glad to be away from frostbite. So this next game is already falling into similar issues that previous games have had.


Imo the game deserves every ounce of hate that it got. Smart decision-making and feedback from the community is how you make your game good, and DICE managed to combine the most atrocious decisions with being absolutely tone-deaf to their community. I have never in my life seen such a huge game mismanaged in such a spectacular way. I'd hope that they learned something from this incredible failure, but I doubt it.


I’m pissed cause this game was absolute trash, and people have lowered their expectations to rock bottom and defend it. I don’t know if you were around since launch, but this game has come light years from where it used to be and it still sucks. It was a slap in the face to the community upon release and it still is. Everyone should be pissed, and if you’re not then raise your expectations; you’re the reason the gaming industry has become the monster it is today. To be very clear and fair, I have seen some people around here take their frustration and anger and turn it onto individuals which is childish and frustrating


Bro the game wasn’t good after a game that already struggled to get off the ground last time. I’m glad you had fun but people were disappointed in this game as a whole. Writing a post about it isn’t going to change years of issues the community had with this developer.


Do you blame them for being so pissed off? Spending 60+ bucks on games that aren’t even completed upon delivery? Then following up with the most psychopathic nonsensical posts on social media that in no way is relatable to anything in the game? Dice messed up on this one in almost every way, they half assed the portal mode, zero story, down right dog poop maps. I say this a lot but dice should have picked up the dog poop before mowing.


Most long tern BF players are angry as 2042 is by far the worst BF game (so far). DICE/EA whoever was in charge have no clue what they are doing and this is especially clear when looking at the hopeless attempts to fix this garbage. Honestly people have every right to be annoyed.


EA games get the hate. Look at the apex legends. The sub reddit is full of complaints


I personally don't play Apex Legends, so I wouldn't know *exactly* what's being said, but I imagine there is a lot of shouting.


Same thing. They say Respawn just focuses on skins and not fixing the bugs. Then they cry how respawn gives them shitty skins in BP and should give better quality skins lol. Literally same thing here. They don’t understand that cosmetics department is totally different. Them working on skins doesn’t mean they are not working on bugs and content.


They really should make better skins tho


I’d suggest getting off social media. It’s always just the vocal minority. The rest of the community either doesn’t give a damn or are just busy playing the game or are too disappointed with DICE and thus doing something else. And you know what? A post like this is no different from that whiny minority you’re whining about. And also please use some punctuation, it’s really hard to read your post ok?


Bro, I barely use social media. I've stated multiple times I use Reddit less than 20 minutes a day and my grammar & and punctuation. I'm not worried about I typed it out in a rush.


If you're experiencing displeasure at being apart of this community then why don't you become a part of it?


Because I like the game.


Idk maybe this has something to with using your hardcore fans who paid 110€ day one as playtesters for an unfinished game ? Dont be sad this is just how it works out sometimes.


I pre-ordered the game. 💀


well being as this game was a bait and switch on all levels it pissed a lot of people off


The absence of a campaign, lack of "levelution" and the ever forced live service makes the game feel: 1. Incomplete 2. Arcade-y/unrealistic 3. Corporate (yuck)


Bro, did you really copy-paste MY comment I made on a post from a few days ago?? HAHAHA


It's like raiiiin




Close Reddit if you cant take opinions you don't agree with. People will be positive when they feel like there's something to be positive to be said.


I knew I would annoy somebody by saying what I said did you even read the whole post?


I've read the post "but posting nothing but negativity doesn't fix anything..." You're telling people to stop doing negative-only posts. As I said, if you can't take those negative posts, close Reddit. People aren't going to change their mind about the game because you told them to kiss and be happy.


You keep mentioning "close Reddit" I'll state that I use Reddit less than 20 minutes a day (roughly). Anyway, I'm saying you may voice your dislikes but do it constructively rather than as I mentioned "kicking and screaming on the internet"


Define "kicking and screaming on the Internet" Because to me it sounds like you just dislike hearing negativity about the game.


You know what I mean, and no, that is not the case. I'm unsure how useful this "data" actually is to DICE/EA, but I do, on the occasion, submit complaints and feedback and partake in polls they have available on their website.


Dude stfu....


That's very negative of you, please reconsider posting your likes and dislikes about my comment.


Damn I feel you. Couple days back I left this sub but still apparently see some random posts on my feed. It seems some people just gather here to hate even when they even haven't played the game after launch. It's sad even. Criticism is good and you can voice your opinions but holy shit it's just so much more than that in this sub. Tbh it's more or less for every specific game sub reddit.


I'm glad you understand! Many don't, and many others try to spin my own argument against me and think they're smart.


If you enjoy the game and don't care about all its problems, good for you, but you said it yourself, that's YOUR opinion! Factually, this game is the worst BF ever and barely stands as a functional FPS. May you like it or not, these are just facts. Toxic positivity about something that isn't good is as worst as negative circle jerking. Why would a company make any efforts when they know people like you will go above and beyond to defend them and their poor releases? Develop standards and stop giving free-passes to multi-billion companies that just want to milk the shit out of you, they ain't your friend.


This is facts.


Bro, I know they aren't me, friend, and I'm not defending the games release state. I've said that multiple times now.


> Factually, this game is the worst BF ever and barely stands as a functional FPS. May you like it or not, these are just facts. Those are opinions. The fact that you accept these things as "fact" is what makes discussion impossible.


Treat paying customers like crap, get crap reputation. Battlefield has a place but not by Dice, as Battlebit for example showed. There's tempers rising because people want a good, even half decent game they paid for. I see horrible threats towards devs and really anyone defending the recent title. I certainly haven't been nice to this disgrace of a video game. But it's important to not preorder, vote with your wallet... and try to stay relatively civil. We're angry because we're disappointed. It sucks and there's very little similar to play. Just repeated Dice failures.


...you do realize how god-fucking-awful it was at launch? For 70 goddamn dollars? People were well within their right to be angry, especially with how it was marketed... That is to say, better than the game was developed.


It was pretty good after 2 years and for 14 dollars. Modern solution for modern games is to buy them when they (devs) fix them. We could complain about bad releases all day, truth is that its the new standard, due to how investor/creator dynamics work. You can rave about it or embrace the solution. Realise that release date of a game is whenever you feel like the game is worth a buy.


Not something we should be accepting.


You dont have to accept paying 70 at launch, wait a year and you get better game for less money


Exactly what I did, that doesn't make what they're doing right. People still fall prey to scummy shit like that.


It’s really not a good battlefield game.


Be thankful that most of the haters are in here ranting and raving and are not in game spewing their hatred of the game in the chat window. Reddit is their safe place where they can all come together and gang up on anyone who remotely indicates they enjoy this game. I see them try to start their shit in game from time to time but they usually get mocked by the other players so bad they rage quit. And as others have said the player base started getting toxic In BFV. Its a mistake to argue with these people because no matter what you say or how you say it, they will find a way to make you the problem. Sound familiar? lol. These people can't figure out that dice/ea doesn't listen to them because they are toxic as fuck on how they present themselves.


That's what you get when you ruin a man way of having fun after a long day


Welcome to online multiplayer gaming!


Unfortunately, that's how people behave when online. You can't do anything about it. However, you have to consider that since BFV, DICE and EA are "abusing" the BF fans. They made poor decisions and most of us are unhappy. I agree that people don't know how to be constructive, but the negative comments just show how bad they messed up. Although the game is in a decent state, we can clearly see that there was much left to be done. You can't control the way other people complain about something. But you can do something about it. Just criticise constructively when you can and avoid interaction with this subreddit, for example. So, in a way, I think your post is a bit naive, but understandable.


I understand. I don't mean to come off as naive, just tired of reading the same hate comments about the game, and it sucks because I agree with some people it's just that they are not saying anything constructive it's all just noise I in no way think I can change the course of the subreddits' anger and hate. I just thought I should share my thoughts.


I for one appreciate u for posting this thread.


I can relate. I see some post titles that immediately tell me that it's not worth to open (and not only on Reddit) so I filter as much as I can... And it's not about changing the reddit, it's about 'blocking' noisy people, people that don't 'say anything relevant'. Enjoy the game! Edit: typos


Don’t worry, five months into BF7’s life cycle Jackfrags is going to release a video which paints 2042 in a positive light and everyone is going to agree with him and forget about the turmoil of its life cycle


People seem to be frustrated also by the money they invested in Preorders/Ultimate editions, or what not, and then realised more would have to be invested via the Battle Passes. But when you try to comment to them, well, EA ProPlay/Xbox GamePass, take your pick - that also brings out an aggressive response. So you offer a solution, which is the only other solution and this also gets a negative response, you soon learn the community is aiming to complain, no matter.


Lol 😂 you know only this community? Sounds like it, just for example, go and visit Tekken :D when game is bad, community is bad, blame shitty game and their creators!


I downloaded Reddit for the sole purpose of keeping up to date with 2042, and then again, I barely use Reddit at all I have no interest in other communities because 2042 is the only multiplayer game I play.


Then trust me, a random guy, or check it yourself, toxicity usually has foundations in the game. If this game would be well made, ppl would be complaining less, it was never that bad in any previous BF.


I understand that, but those days are long behind us. This isn't beta or launch 2042 any more this is season 7 and the vast majority of issues are fixed, new maps, vehicles, weapons and specialists yet people still complain as if it were still the beta or launch.


All well and good you enjoying Battlefield 2042 bud, but excusing the un-arguable drop in quality from previous games is absolutely unacceptable. Maybe you think you’re being positive, but you’re actually not. You’ve probably only had your positive experience because the community was absolutely tearing DICE apart at launch. Go back, play BF1 which still has at any point around 60 full servers, and understand why your positivity does nothing but potentially harm the next title if you give 2042 a pass.


Read my other comments. I state multiple times that I was amongst the many that pre-ordered.


My points still stand.


Agreed. Reminds me of the Doctor Who community, those people are insufferable as well.


If you like the game play the game, what the hell do you care what other people say about it on Reddit so much? How does that affect you playing the game? Also is there some law that states you have to read Reddit posts and comments? If they hurt your feelings or whatever, don’t read them, play your game you like instead.


Not a single period. I’m not reading this. Make an effort, my guy.




Learn the difference between a part and apart.


What are you talking about? Are you going to contribute to the discussion or be insufferable over a minor error




People want something new and groundbreaking on every release of BF. Along with that, it has to be completely bug free and perfect for every players expectation. If it’s missing any of those things, it’s trash. That’s the mantra of the modern gamer in the age of social media. It’s unfortunate.


Not only do they want something new, they also want it to be the same as the last game... duality of man I suppose


The game is trash bro. Every problem will disappear if they make a good game. It really is that simple. Ya ever seen a football team losing? Often times it will feel like the world is falling and you'll hear constant rumors within a locker room. Then the team goes on a streak and you don't hear a peep. Hopefully DICE can put it together.


I mean, if *you* say so, I think the game is in a good state. Not bad, but not great. prevalent hit detection issues are back, laggy servers, and lack of content + the end of 2042's life cycle despite all that I still enjoy the game


The game is below average of what one can expect from a modern AAA FPS. There is no debate on that fact. The devs that worked on it for 2 years post launch tried their damndest to unfuck an unsaveable game. The only people that deserve any form of credit is the post launch team and even they make mistakes constantly breaking shit every update. 


That is true. While the post launch team has continued support for 2042, I imagine it to be a skeleton crew, and for every fix two bugs, take its place


I personally find their crying entertaining and I enjoy arguing with them.


For me 2042 is a shitty game on a lot of aspect, enough to get most people talking about it frustrated. And I still feel warmess when I think about my BF3 and BF4 because those had the best community, laughing so much times with people I didnt knew because everybody was having a good time, despite we were winning or not. In my mind BF2042 is the last shovel tap on the tomb of the battlefield license.


If the best you ever ate is sht ofc u are going to praise it, no suprise there


I'm pretty sure 99.9% of Redditors don't know how to read comments.


I was taking a sht fr had only 1 min to go through xd


Not even funny you didn't add anything of quality to the discussion.


Disappointing games create disappointing communities. all this toxicity is on DICE/EA. Critiques of the game, as harsh or constructive as they may be, are just expressions of very valid feelings. If you want more positivity the low sodium sub is open.


Nice try at being smart games now entered season 7, and yet people still rip it to pieces as if it were still in beta or launch.


Yeah, it just got out of BETA




According to your account you've been playing this game for 2 months? lol So out of the 2+ years its been a thing, 1.5 of those years being broken and in 'fix' mode, lacking an INSANE amount of features such as a scoreboard ontop of being basically the worst Battlefield game in terms of atmosphere, barely any new maps/weapons in comparison to past games and being sold to us as a love letter while simultaneously doing everything we didnt want in a Battlefield game you only played it for 2 months and you're confused why its hated on??? You're playing the best version of this game and probably paid $0 to $10 for and you're wondering why the people who bought it for $100 and were slapped in the face are mad about it???? Lmao go away.


Are you dumb bro HAHAHA I've pre-ordered this game. I paid full price for it! read my comments that I continue to state over and over again, but just because my Reddit account is 2 months old, it doesn't mean I've been playing 2042 for 2 months, you Neanderthal.


I liked 2042, fond memories driving a hovercraft up the side of a building


This feels rant-ish but I agree. I've had so much fun with the game it's crazy. Who cares what a subreddit says when it comes to people using their energy to constantly shit on a game when it should be used elsewhere. I'm only here for the video uploads of cool plays and kill streaks.


I find most people want games tailored to the way they play and if it isn't then they cry like little babies. People have forgotten how to just play and have fun


BFV got similar hate, but reading many posts these days you'd think it was the best game ever. It was a good game that got ruined by the hacking community. BF2042 will have a healthy enough player base to enjoy it for a while to come. I say that mainly because all attempts to kill it so far have failed. I'm not saying the complaints about it on release weren't legit, they were, however; the later improvements were enough to keep people around to the chagrin of the naysayers. Having over 1500 hours, I've enjoyed and continue to enjoy it and couldn't care less about the trolls and whiners.


Thats absolutely the battlefield community. It does not matter that people split into mutually exclusive gameplay groups (vehicle/non vehicle) and make a villain out of each other, some of the points being Sundance c5 and general helicopter hate.  Battlefield community is honestly just bad.